gmgame 1) As we know Forlink owns 30% of gmgame;jsessionid=CB67E7EED4EE951A8EA13DBC103D801D?cat=400&id=Ak9%2503%2503%250E%2500%250113627%2500%2500416B390313627%2500%2500%2527%2500
2) There are 248 gmgame for-online customer right now. It's easy to find out, just count the domains of the scroll down list at (minus 2, because of gmgame and test123).
3) Gmgames (forlinks) for-online strategy Based on forlinks for-online software and hardware platform, gmgame sells the for-online itself. See They do the first and second level support itself. Third level support by forlink. On the other hand, they use the good reputation and customer relationsships of partners (maybe owned by gmgame/forlink ?). Based on forlinks for-online software and hardware platform, gmgame sells the for-online service and products with the help of these partner. One example is ayuan, see (it's all gmgame content, with the same look and feel !) The first level support and webpage design is done by ayuan, second level support by gmgame and third level support by forlink. Ayuan has some very good government and industry customer. Have a look at their customer list on ayuans hompage. Most of ayuans customers are already running on forlinks for-online platform! Another example seems to be renjiandao . There is a reconstruction of their webpages. They do run the for-online business at: (it's gmgame content, but with different look and feel !) It's still under construction. Have a look to the footer of the webpage, the first two chinese company names are gmgames company names ! Owned by gmgame ? Are there more examples about partnership coming soon ??? They all have the same prices for their for-online service and products. Have a look to their email webpages:
4) Forlink is building an online-shop for gmgame. It's still under construction, you can find it at . It's should come soon. As you see there are a lot of "forlink" as placeholder. They build the shop with the "Dalu online shop portal". It's more or less customising, not that much work to do. They used the same for acsfans, one of the gmgame for-online customer ( .
5) gmgame and qianlong It seems that they cooperate with qianlong. Have a look at , it's still under construction. Compare it with . At , there is a new pop up window with a link to qianlong halloween mms page : Gmgame and Forlink don't have "mms" services and shop right now . At , there is a pop up window "2004 qianlong third quarter degree of satisfaction investigation": The link guides you to: At there is a pop up window (2004-10-13): Seems to be a message between gmgame and qianlong (?) software developer. Translated with Altavista:
"Fellow dear colleagues, hello: Today we together complete two work: 1st, looks from already the computer Chinese dress has not installed ALEXA software, tacitly approves the main page is not supposes thousand Long Lieyou the net. If does not have, certainly must complete. 2nd, noon certainly takes over a thousand dragons games network to play a hour game every day. Our goal tightly suffers the joint audiences. Two 件工 opposes we next step of work vital role, the dear colleagues, let us unite, together diligently. Wishes each life contently, the work is smooth. Salutes!"
How should we understand this: "dear colleagues, let us unite, together diligently" ? New gmgame pages at qianlong under construction: Chatroom at game.qianlong: Chatgame at qianlong:
Qianlong does have a very good traffic rank at alexa: .
Qianlong also owns the wellknown english Beijing Portal : ! Other qianlong owned websides are: and !
Cooperation with qianlong would be great for gmgame.
6) Online Games Online game business is growing fast in China. At the moment South Korea is number 1 in Asia. Gmgame runs online portals for the important popular games like "Counterstrike", "Diablo II" and "Warcraft". Important news about Chinas online game business at: |