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eröffnet am: 22.01.13 07:52 von: Forscher Anzahl Beiträge: 347
neuester Beitrag: 24.04.21 23:37 von: Janinanyaaa Leser gesamt: 44559
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22.01.13 07:52

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherWuhan

Die neue Rakete am Aktienhimmel !?  

22.01.13 07:54

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherWuhan der neue...

Geheimtipp von Awesome Stocks !!  

22.01.13 07:59

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherHier mal eine Unternehmensinfo

Hello Everyone, and Welcome to our new subscribers,

We're excited to continue our recent winning streak with our brand new alert...

WUHN - Wuhan General (China) Group Inc.

Last Price: $0.0395

Shares Outstanding: 32,505,000

Market Cap: $1.28 Million

Website: http://www.wuhangeneral.com/

Wuhan General Group (China), Inc. engages in the design, development, manufacture, and sale of industrial blowers for steam-driven electrical power generation plants in the People’s Republic of China.

WUHN also produces steam and water turbines consisting of regular steam turbines and co-generation steam turbines for use in electrical and hydropower plants. In addition, it manufactures blower silencers, connectors, and other general spare parts for blowers and electrical equipment. Wuhan General primarily markets its products to steel companies, power plants, chemical companies, paper mills, and hydroelectric power plants.


WUHN's blowers are widely used in a variety of applications such as electricity generation, air pollution control, ventilation, aeration and sewage treatment.

Axial fans – Axial fan blowers consist of a bladed impeller in an elongated cylindrical casing and are primarily used to provide high-volume, low-pressure air for larger power stations of 200 to 1,000 megawatts.

Centrifugal blowers – Centrifugal blowers consist of a “squirrel cage” type of impeller (or rotor) in a scroll- or spiral-shape casing. This type of blower provides a lower volume of air, but at higher pressures, and is used in medium-sized power stations of 100 to 300 megawatts for blowing coal dust into furnaces. They are also mainly used for aeration in sewage treatment plants.

Exhaust silencers – We produce silencers or “mufflers” fitted to the exhaust side of our centrifugal blowers. These silencers are very similar in form and function to the muffler on an automobile.

R & D Capabilities

Wuhan General has passed comprehensive quality control checks including ISO 9001:2000, ISO14001:1996 and OHSAS18001:1999.

Currently, Wuhan General is one of the blower and turbine manufacturers in China to have an acoustics lab, which it shares with university partners and China Fan Performance Test Centre.

WUHN has extensive and solid relationships with the Science and Technology University of Central China, Jiaotong University and the Acoustic Institute of China Science Academy. This enables the Company to stay abreast of the latest developments in the fields of fluid dynamics, material sciences and acoustics.

3D Printing Development & Design for Manufacturing Technology

The Company makes extensive use of computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided engineering (CAE) in the power generation equipment manufacturing. While CAE enables the Company to do finite element analysis of rotor designs, CDA allows WUHN to do 3-D modelling and design of the inlet and outlet parameters.

WUHN also has a close relationship with Beijing 3-D, a high tech enterprise co-sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the purpose of developing new designs and manufacturing technology for the power generation equipment manufacturing industry in China. Beijing 3-D has developed world-class 3-dimensional CAD tools for use in the design of steam and water turbines.

Computer aided design (CAD) & computer aided engineering (CAE) are more commonly referred to as 3D printing, a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital model. 3D printing is achieved using additive processes, where an object is created by laying down successive layers of material. 3D printing is considered distinct from traditional machining techniques (subtractive processes) which mostly rely on the removal of material by methods such as cutting and drilling. 3D printing is usually performed by a materials printer using digital technology. Since the start of the twenty-first century there has been a large growth in the sales of these machines, and their price has dropped substantially.

WUHN's Mission & Strategy

WUHN aims to be one of the leading players in the production of industrial blowers and turbines in China. With their strong capability in design, R&D and stringent quality control, WUHN feels well positioned to take advantage of China's rapid infrastructure growth. In executing their growth strategy, WUHN intends to focus on the following points:

Continue to grow its market share in existing businesses: Demand for WUHN products is driven by the expansion of three critical and sustainable economic growth areas in the Chinese economy: electricity generation, environmental protection, and infrastructure. For the future, while the Company will identify opportunity to enter new markets, Wuhan General aims to continue to grow its market share in both industrial blowers and turbines businesses.

Focus on fastest growing sectors: In the past years, rapid economic growth has also led to very high levels of air pollution. To tackle this problem, the Chinese government launched regulations to require large power and industrial facilities to install advanced air pollution control systems, providing tremendous opportunities for Wuhan General. In addition, China's small to medium size turbine sector, driven largely by the cogeneration market, is projected to grow at many times the rate of the large turbine sector.

Leverage strong brand equity and precision technology: As a state-owned enterprise founded in 1958, Wuhan General was already a well-known name and leading player in China's industrial blower market prior to privatization. As a private company and now as a publicly listed company, Wuhan General continues to be widely recognized in China for its attention to quality and unique design features. The Company will leverage its brand equity as it continues to grow.

Continue to cooperate with leading academic agencies and institutions in R&D: WUHN believes their R&D facilities are among the most advanced in the industry. As one of their most important growth strategies, their management team will continue to focus on investment in R&D and work closely with various leading academic and universities such as Beijing 3-D.

Unlike most penny stocks WUHN is NOT a start up. WUHN was founded in 1958 as a Chinese State-Owned Enterprise which has since gone public & now employs over 800 people full time. The company has assets worth nearly 300x it's current market cap!

Continue researching WUHN & stay tuned for the very next email in which we break down the companies fundamentals!  

22.01.13 12:14

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherUS Boys

Bin mal gespannt wie US Boys starten werden  

22.01.13 14:00

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherVerstehe irgendwie

nicht den Sinn von dem Planlosen rumgekaufe :-|  

22.01.13 14:02

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherMan sollte

lieber abwarten was die US Boys gleich machen werden ;-)  

22.01.13 14:07

1109 Postings, 4798 Tage celi-michisehr riskant !

Auf jeden Fall US abwarten...  

22.01.13 14:11

658 Postings, 6983 Tage zondassehr riskant ist wohl noch untertrieben !

Aktuell 0,0395 $  = 0,03 €

RT - Berlin € 0,15  !!!!!  

22.01.13 14:16

5335 Postings, 4549 Tage NCC-1701GÄÄÄÄÄHN

mit 15 Euro-Order hochgezogen... Dummenfang??  

22.01.13 14:22

316 Postings, 6625 Tage tatrazondas...

Die Amis hatten gestern zu.
Heute kam die mail.
Die Amis werden also um den Bereich 15-20 cent eröffnen müssen um Parität herzustellen.
Wieso Dummenfang NCC ?
Cash je Aktie ist ein Vielfaches über dem aktuellen Börsenkurs!
LESEN ! Wieweit das Teil hochgezogen werden kann ist doch völlig offen ( wie bei jeder Anlage ) und ob das Unternehmen weiterhin Gewinne macht ( wie bisher ) ist natürlich auch offen. ABER ES SPRICHT MOMENTAN NICHTS GEGEN EINEN EINSTIEG!
Ausnahme: Alles wäre getürkt..
Bei CHSO ging es genauso .. von 0,002 aif 1,-- in der Spitze. Hier war der Cashanteil nicht so hoch...
Muss natürlich jeder selbst wissen.. aber dummenfang und so weiter ist dumm, wenn man keine fakten hinterlegt..  

22.01.13 14:27

5335 Postings, 4549 Tage NCC-1701@tatra

Na, wenn mit 100 Stücken der Kurs hochgezogen wird (Gegenwert 15 Euro) dann sieht das doch wohl schon so aus, als wäre der Kurs mit Absicht hochmanipuliert worden um weitere Käufer anzulocken, die vielleicht übersehen, dass hier nur jemand ein paar Kröten in diesen Wert reingesteckt hat.

PS Die Amis gucken nicht mal eine Sekunde auf den Schrott, der in D passiert. Die stellen keine Parität zu D her, sondern D stellt die Parität zu US her, so ist es.  

22.01.13 14:31

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherAber schön Werbung wird gemacht

Over the weekend Seeking Alpha picked up coverage of WUHN by publishing an article titled:

WUHN Wuhan General Group: A Focused Pure Play Industrial Blowers And Steam And Water Turbines Company With Huge Potential To Grow

Many of you may not know, but Seeking Alpha is followed by one of the largest base of investors from all over the world!

Ever since we issued our alert last night WUHN has gone viral in the investor community as thousands of people on Twitter, Facebook, message boards, & trader chat rooms started talking about just how undervalued WUHN is. Even a popular short selling website mentioned how unbelievable it is to see WUHN trading at such a low current valuation when the companies book value is $3.55!

If you missed our full report on WUHN last night you can review it below.

WUHN - Wuhan General (China) Group Inc.

Last Price: $0.0395

Shares Outstanding: 32,505,000

Market Cap: $1.28 Million

Website: http://www.wuhangeneral.com/

Wuhan General Group (China), Inc. engages in the design, development, manufacture, and sale of industrial blowers for steam-driven electrical power generation plants in the People’s Republic of China.

WUHN also produces steam and water turbines consisting of regular steam turbines and co-generation steam turbines for use in electrical and hydropower plants. In addition, it manufactures blower silencers, connectors, and other general spare parts for blowers and electrical equipment. Wuhan General primarily markets its products to steel companies, power plants, chemical companies, paper mills, and hydroelectric power plants.


WUHN's blowers are widely used in a variety of applications such as electricity generation, air pollution control, ventilation, aeration and sewage treatment.

Axial fans – Axial fan blowers consist of a bladed impeller in an elongated cylindrical casing and are primarily used to provide high-volume, low-pressure air for larger power stations of 200 to 1,000 megawatts.

Centrifugal blowers – Centrifugal blowers consist of a “squirrel cage” type of impeller (or rotor) in a scroll- or spiral-shape casing. This type of blower provides a lower volume of air, but at higher pressures, and is used in medium-sized power stations of 100 to 300 megawatts for blowing coal dust into furnaces. They are also mainly used for aeration in sewage treatment plants.

Exhaust silencers – Produces silencers or “mufflers” fitted to the exhaust side of our centrifugal blowers. These silencers are very similar in form and function to the muffler on an automobile.

R & D Capabilities

Wuhan General has passed comprehensive quality control checks including ISO 9001:2000, ISO14001:1996 and OHSAS18001:1999.

Currently, Wuhan General is one of the blower and turbine manufacturers in China to have an acoustics lab, which it shares with university partners and China Fan Performance Test Centre.

WUHN has extensive and solid relationships with the Science and Technology University of Central China, Jiaotong University and the Acoustic Institute of China Science Academy. This enables the Company to stay abreast of the latest developments in the fields of fluid dynamics, material sciences and acoustics.

3D Printing Development & Design for Manufacturing Technology

The Company makes extensive use of computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided engineering (CAE) in the power generation equipment manufacturing. While CAE enables the Company to do finite element analysis of rotor designs, CDA allows WUHN to do 3-D modelling and design of the inlet and outlet parameters.

WUHN also has a close relationship with Beijing 3-D, a high tech enterprise co-sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the purpose of developing new designs and manufacturing technology for the power generation equipment manufacturing industry in China. Beijing 3-D has developed world-class 3-dimensional CAD tools for use in the design of steam and water turbines.

Computer aided design (CAD) & computer aided engineering (CAE) are more commonly referred to as 3D printing, a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital model. 3D printing is achieved using additive processes, where an object is created by laying down successive layers of material. 3D printing is considered distinct from traditional machining techniques (subtractive processes) which mostly rely on the removal of material by methods such as cutting and drilling. 3D printing is usually performed by a materials printer using digital technology. Since the start of the twenty-first century there has been a large growth in the sales of these machines, and their price has dropped substantially.

WUHN's Mission & Strategy

WUHN aims to be one of the leading players in the production of industrial blowers and turbines in China. With their strong capability in design, R&D and stringent quality control, WUHN feels well positioned to take advantage of China's rapid infrastructure growth. In executing their growth strategy, WUHN intends to focus on the following points:

Continue to grow its market share in existing businesses: Demand for WUHN products is driven by the expansion of three critical and sustainable economic growth areas in the Chinese economy: electricity generation, environmental protection, and infrastructure. For the future, while the Company will identify opportunity to enter new markets, Wuhan General aims to continue to grow its market share in both industrial blowers and turbines businesses.

Focus on fastest growing sectors: In the past years, rapid economic growth has also led to very high levels of air pollution. To tackle this problem, the Chinese government launched regulations to require large power and industrial facilities to install advanced air pollution control systems, providing tremendous opportunities for Wuhan General. In addition, China's small to medium size turbine sector, driven largely by the cogeneration market, is projected to grow at many times the rate of the large turbine sector.

Leverage strong brand equity and precision technology: As a state-owned enterprise founded in 1958, Wuhan General was already a well-known name and leading player in China's industrial blower market prior to privatization. As a private company and now as a publicly listed company, Wuhan General continues to be widely recognized in China for its attention to quality and unique design features. The Company will leverage its brand equity as it continues to grow.

Continue to cooperate with leading academic agencies and institutions in R&D: WUHN believes their R&D facilities are among the most advanced in the industry. As one of their most important growth strategies, their management team will continue to focus on investment in R&D and work closely with various leading academic and universities such as Beijing 3-D.

Unlike most penny stocks WUHN is NOT a start up. WUHN was founded in 1958 as a Chinese State-Owned Enterprise which has since gone public & now employs over 800 people full time. The company has assets worth nearly 300x it's current market cap!

WUHN trading at a price of $0.0395 has a market cap of only $1.28 million.

Remember that number while you review the companies fundamentals as reported on their most recent 10Q filed with the SEC on November 19, 2012.

So Lets Get To These Numbers!

Full Time Employees: Over 800

Revenue Nine Months Ended September 31, 2012: $67.8 Million

Gross Profit Nine Months Ended September 31, 2012: $11.3 Million

Operating Income Nine Months Ended September 31, 2012: $4.1 Million

Total Assets: $311.2 Million

Total Liabilities: $195.8 Million

Total Stock Holders Equity: $115.4 Million

Cash Balance: $40.3 Million

With just over 32.5 million shares outstanding this company currently has nearly $1.24 per share in cash on hand yet trades for just under $0.05!

Do those numbers above sound like fundamentals of a company being valued at only $1.28 million by Wall Street to you!?

Talk about Wall Street getting it all wrong again!

If you missed our last +6,122% winner make sure you put WUHN front & center on your trading monitors immediately because this hot 3D Printing Play with tremendous fundamentals will surely see an explosive move starting at the opening bell!  

22.01.13 14:35

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherSind die US Boys besoffen ?

Real-Time Best Bid & Ask

0.10 / 0.51

Was ist das denn ?  

22.01.13 14:44

1660 Postings, 5520 Tage udo-w.gestern

zum feiertag zu tief ins glas geschaut ?..........ha, ha  

22.01.13 14:46

2113 Postings, 5373 Tage pennystocktraderund ich dachte die webseite von whun

ist diese hier http://www.whblower.com/tyzczc.html

hatte die aktie vor jahren mal auf der watchlist da war die noch im dollar bereich schade was aus ihr geworden ist jetzt zocken nur noch die zocker mit rum und blöde börsenbriefe.
meiner meinung nach. die firma selbst müsste sich aus dem tief bringen aber ich ahne nur ein pump and dump hier.  

22.01.13 14:50

316 Postings, 6625 Tage tatrancc

klar. die Amis kümmern sich nicht um D.
Ich sagte auch nur, d. der Kurs dort drüben den Wert haben müsste um ein Parität herzustellen.
der Hauptumsatz lief bei knapp unter 10 cent. die 0,15 nehme ich auch nicht ernst.

Wie gesagt: wenn die story stimmt ist es wurscht ob 0,1 , 0,15 oder 0,2 der Einstieg erfolgt - das Teil fliegt dann.
Ist halt bei pennies wie immer heisssssss.  

22.01.13 14:54

5335 Postings, 4549 Tage NCC-1701@tatra

Ist schon gut. Will nicht streiten. ;-) Wünsch euch viel Erfolg mit der Aktie. NCC  

22.01.13 14:56

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherDie US Boys sind entsetzt

Das wir hier bei 0,16€ liegen und damit 5 mal höher als der Schlußkurs außerdem glauben die auch das es ein Fake ist :-((

Ich glaub das wird nichts :-| Die wird wohl bei den US Boys böse abschmieren die Streiten auch warum der Kurs so hochgezogen ist !!

Ist ja schöne Sch... Bärenfalle die hier wohl kommt und werben mit über 1 Million Nutzern  

22.01.13 15:01

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherWas machen die denn da

Real-Time Best Bid & Ask

0.12 / 0.30  

22.01.13 15:06

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherWürde sagen wir haben die...

US Boys abgeschreckt das nächste mal besser auf OTC warten !!  

22.01.13 15:12

5696 Postings, 4489 Tage rokrocktHallo @forscher

Nächte APS pick ist doch erst am Mittwoch?? oder habe ich was verpasst?  

22.01.13 15:13

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherNähert sich an !!

Mit großen Schritten !!

Real-Time Best Bid & Ask

0.12 / 0.29

Wenn das so weiter geht haben wir mirgen um diese Zeit einen Spread von 5%  

22.01.13 15:15

3512 Postings, 4820 Tage ForscherJa sicher das ist hier

AWESOME Stocks ich weise nochmals daraufhin !!

APS ist erst Morgen !!  

22.01.13 15:20

831 Postings, 4434 Tage mulsch0rähm dürfte ich eine Frage stellen

Was ist APS?

Danke schon mal im Voraus....!  

22.01.13 15:23

5696 Postings, 4489 Tage rokrocktAPS awesome penny stocks

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