***NOTE March 26th 2012, Xelleon PLC at its own expense will be investigating the past public trading history from it's beginning on the Frankfurt Exchange to the present. The officers and directors have voted to investigae due to the massive shift in prices throughout the year.
Until we have concluded a full and thorough investigation we have requested a suspention to trading on the open market, to protect the Xelleon Shareholders.
Any finding will be brought to the attention of all shareholders as our investigation insues. We have no expected date or time of completion of this investigation as of yet.
We will not be accepting any new investment into Xelleon PLC at this time.
As of March 30th we expect the request made to our market maker to pause trading to allow Xelleon this opportunity will be granted and that trading will be haulted until further notice.
As of March 26th, 2012, Xelleon PLC has initiated contact with The Frankfurt Stock Exchange, BaFin, The Berlin Police Department and Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer to begin it's investigation.
Thank You For Your Consideration
Xelleon PLC |