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16.07.14 15:57

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickySuzlon Energy Chief beim BRICS-Treffen

in Brasilien   New Delhi: BRICS nations need to encourage technological collaborations that would help provide cost effective solutions to address the group's social and economic challenges, Suzlon Energy chief Tulsi Tanti has said. He also said that BRICS region needs to re-establish its prominence as a primary driver of the global economy......

na der hat bestimmt auch Kontakte geknüpft wie Putin  

16.07.14 15:58

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickySuzlon Energy issues new FCCBs Restructured Bonds

18.07.14 13:30

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickySuzlon baut neue Fabrik in Brasilien

The plant, expected to be open in about 18 months, will have initial capacity of 400 megawatts a year, Chairman Tulsi Tanti said in an interview Wednesday. Brazilian banks will finance 75 percent of the project with the rest funded by equity.

“Now we have the new generation turbines and the Brazilian market has increased,” Tanti said. “The other Latin American countries are developing their renewable energy markets too, so it is a good moment to have the facility in Brazil.”

With the investment, Pune, Indian-based Suzlon may receive state-backed debt from Brazil’s development bank BNDES. To be eligible, the turbine maker must get a significant portion of its components from local suppliers, or make them domestically.  

21.07.14 09:23

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickySuzlon rallies on restoration of depreciation Rule

(steuerliche Abwertung von Investitionen in Windenergie über kürzeren Zeitraum)
MUMBAI: Shares in wind turbine maker Suzlon Energy LtdBSE 4.87 % surged nearly 5 per cent, its daily limit, on Monday following the government's move to re-introduce the accelerated depreciation scheme for the wind energy sector.

The gains add to Suzlon's 3.6 per cent gain in the previous session. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on late Friday that the government would amend the Finance Bill in this regard.

Accelerated depreciation allows companies to claim a a bigger deduction during the initial years after the purchase of an asset compared with other depreciation accounting methods, under which the cost is spread evenly over the lifespan of an asset.....

Read more at:

22.07.14 19:26

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickySteuerliche Absetzung wird Auftragslage nicht bess

bessern meint die Zeitung

..........The company has always maintained that it has enough orders, both in India and abroad. At the end of 2013-14, Suzlon had global orders for 5,300 MW. In the last two months, it won orders for 200 MW from Indian companies.

Its problems are mainly financial-debt. The “AD market,” which Suzlon will have to share with other wind turbine biggies such as Gamesa, Enercon, Regen Powertech, GE and Inox, will not be a very significant addition to its order book, note analysts.  

22.07.14 19:27

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickyClarification from Suzlon Energy about Brasilia

The Exchange had sought clarification from Suzlon Energy Ltd with respect to the news article in the Media (DNA India - July 21, 2014) that "Suzlon to set up manufacturing plant in Brazil".

Suzlon Energy Ltd has replied as under:

"1. Suzlon has supplied wind turbine generators to customers in Brazil, which presently have been supplied from India.

2. Mr. Tulsi R. Tanti, Chairman & Managing Director of the Company was visiting Brazil as one of the delegates as part of the conference of the BRICS summit along with Prime Minister of India and the statement made by him regarding setting-up of a manufacturing facility was merely an intent considering the logistic issues in exporting wind turbine generator from India, localisation requirements and the business potential in Brazil.

3. As stated above, statement of Mr. Tanti is merely an expression of intent and any concrete plan would be subject to necessary regulatory and other approvals in India and Brazil and as and when the formal plans are crystallised, the same would be formally announced."  

22.07.14 21:31

4713 Postings, 4523 Tage Held-der-Arbeitdiesmal werde ich bei

1 € nachlegen ... wird vielleicht noch tiefer fallen aber sich auch wieder erholen - denke so bis knapp unter die 1,5 bis Jahresende  

23.07.14 11:51

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage Kickyhatte auch ein niedriges Limit

reingelegt und nachgekauft gestern
hoffe mal die bringen bald Senvion an die Börse  

23.07.14 12:03

10342 Postings, 6023 Tage kalleariNachlegen

Ich warte noch ab. Wollte auch nachlegen. Lage ist aber charttechnisch noch ungeklärt. Hoffen wir mal, dass unsere Gesamt-Planung für die nächsten Jahre aufgeht !  

23.07.14 12:05

10342 Postings, 6023 Tage kalleariDer MACD

mahnt noch zur Vorsicht !  

23.07.14 12:07

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickyAllotment of 7,16,32,902 Shares

Equity Shares of Rs. 2/- (Rupees Two Only) each at an issue price of Rs. 18.5 approved per share to the CDR Lenders as per CDR Package on preferential basis under Chapter VII - "Preferential Issue" of Securities and Exchange Board of India Regulations, 2009 ("ICDR Regulations") in terms of the approval granted by the shareholders
Mitteilung an BSE


24.07.14 15:16

10342 Postings, 6023 Tage kalleariBörsenradio zu Indien

24.07.14 23:31

17012 Postings, 6015 Tage ulm000171 MW-Auftrag für Senvion in Q4 ?

So wie es aussieht wird Senvion in Q4 einen 171 MW-Auftrag aus Portugal von dem Konsortium Ventinveste erhalten.

Hier der Link dazu:

Ist dann schon ein wenig zäh, aber für eine Turn Around-Wette nicht ungewöhnlich.  

28.07.14 13:28

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickySuzlon Verlust verringert ,4,9 GW Auftragslage

Leading wind turbine maker Suzlon Energy Ltd reported a reduced consolidated net loss of Rs 750.74 crore for the first quarter ended June 30 2014 on the back of sharp rise in revenue from operations.
“The consolidated net loss of the company stood at Rs 1058.90 crore during the same period a year ago” said Suzlon Energy Ltd in a filing to the Bombay Stock Exchange.

However the consolidated total income of the company increased by 19.9 per cent to Rs 4671.99 crore during Q1 2014-15 as compared to Rs 3896.71 crore during the same period a year ago.

Commenting on the results Suzlon Energy Ltd Group Head of Finance Kirti Vagadia said “We continue to maintain a strong order book at 4.9 GW valued at USD 7 billion. On the liability management front we have successfully completed last leg with the restructuring of FCCBs.”

Meanwhile shares of the company closed on Friday at Rs 23.55 a piece down 2.28 per cent from previous close on BSE  

28.07.14 13:32

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickySuzlon cuts Q1 FY 2014/15 net loss

Jul 28, 2014 - Indian wind turbine maker Suzlon Energy (BOM:532667) said Friday its net loss had narrowed to INR 7.56 billion (USD 126m/EUR 94m) in its first fiscal quarter through June from INR 10.61 billion a year back thanks to favourable policy changes at home.

Among the factors that helped Suzlon improve its performance are the re-introduction of the Generation-Based Incentive (GBI) for wind farms in August 2013 and the provision of access to low-cost funding. The planned revival by end-July of the accelerated depreciation (AD) scheme for wind farms is also seen as a growth factor in the sector.

Chairman Tulsi Tanti noted that these policy steps are expected to have an overall positive effect on the wind segment in India and added that Suzlon is “well positioned to tap these opportunities by leveraging on its strengths.” In the current fiscal year, the group will seek to boost domestic production, enhance its business efficiency and capital structure.

Suzlon reported a profit before depreciation, other income, finance costs, exceptional items and tax of INR 730.9 billion in April-June, versus a negative result of INR 3.01 billion a year earlier. Gross margin rose to 33.5% from 29.1%.

First-quarter revenue experienced a 21% year-on-year increase to INR 46.43 billion. The wind turbine maker’s order book at the end of June stood at 4.9 GW, which translates into a value of USD 7 billion (EUR 5.2bn)  

28.07.14 13:33

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickyKapitalerhöhung Rs 5,000 crore.genehmigt

28.07.14 15:23

85 Postings, 4311 Tage Behu2000wird wohl

weiter gen Süden gehen.
Liege arg in den Miesen.
Durchhalten ist angesagt.  

28.07.14 15:49

4713 Postings, 4523 Tage Held-der-ArbeitIch denke, es wird nochmals unter

1 € gehen - dann warten ... abe es wird was, wenn man vielleicht in drei Jahren mal wieder drüber redet.

Ich warte bereits drei bis vier und bin auch noch in den Miesen; man hätte doch erstmal bei 2,20 - 2,30 rausgehen sollen. War schliesslich vorherzusehen, dass es wiedr gen Süden geht.

Aber hinterher ist man immer schlauer :)

28.07.14 15:58

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickyDie gehen auch wieder hoch so schnell wie runter

irgendwann geht Senvion demnächst an die Börse,dann ziehen sie die genehmigte Kapitalerhöhung durch und werden deutlich besser dastehen.da habe ich keine Sorge,zumal ich bei  1,15 rein bin

Erstnotiz ist noch offen
Repower vor Re-IPO  Börsen-Zeitung, 5.4.2014  

29.07.14 18:41

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickySuzlon will Senvion im März an die Börse bringen

und seine Installationen in Indien verdoppeln schreibt Bloomberg
....Chairman Tulsi Tanti said his top priority was to see the Suzlon group emerge more competitive from debt restructuring as it seeks by March to re-list its offshore turbine unit, Senvion SE, on the London Stock Exchange. Restoring Suzlon’s dominance in India, consolidating group businesses and replacing high-cost rupee debt with lower-cost overseas debt were part of this year’s plan, Tanti said in a phone interview.

“The group will become extremely competitive in the market place through consolidation of group businesses,” Tanti said. “It’s not the current Senvion honestly that we’ll take to the capital markets.” ....  

30.07.14 11:35

79561 Postings, 9267 Tage KickySenvion Aussage schon am 2.Juni bekannt

also ist die Börsenreaktion darauf wirklich unbegründet  

31.07.14 17:22

10342 Postings, 6023 Tage kalleariEnergiewende oder wie man den Michel verarscht !

31.07.14 18:12

85 Postings, 4311 Tage Behu2000Energiewende

Der Michel will verarscht werden !!  

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