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12.07.10 16:58

1049 Postings, 5858 Tage buddikatzeMoin Moin Jungs und Mädels

Schnur-Blut Amerika CEO Matthew Schissler: Das Erziehen von Krankenschwestern auf der Wichtigkeit von der Schnur-Blutlagerung

Schnur-Blut Amerika CEO Matthew Schissler im Analytiker-Interview Erklärt Weiterbildungskurs für Krankenschwestern
LAS VEGAS am 12. Juli/PRNewswire-FirstCall/-gab Cord Blood America, Inc (OTC Meldung Board:CBAI.ob - Nachrichten) ( heute bekannt, dass es sein Weiterbildungsprogramm für die 2.9 Millionen eingetragenen Krankenschwestern der Nation auf dem Wert der Schnur-Blutsammlung als eine potenziell lebensrettende Quelle begonnen hat, um ernste Krankheiten zu behandeln. Die ersten zwei Kurse wurden kürzlich in Pennsylvanien und West Virginia mit zusätzlichen Kursen gehalten, die in verschiedenen Staaten in den kommenden Monaten geplant sind. Das genehmigte nationale Programm, und sein enormes Potenzial, um die medizinische Gemeinschaft auf dem Wert der Stammzelle-Lagerung zu erziehen, werden in einem Interview vom Analytiker Francis Gaskins besprochen, als einer der IPO Hauptanalytiker der Nation, mit dem Schnur-Blut Amerika CEO und Mitbegründer Matthew Schissler weithin bekannt.  
Das komplette Interview ist verfügbar an:

"Diese Kurse, die von Shamoon Ahmad, M.D gehalten sind. M.B.A., FACP, Direktor unseres Medizinischen Beirates, und Dr Geoffrey John O'Neill, Schnur-Blut Amerikas Medizinischer Direktor, erziehen Krankenschwestern auf dem Wert von sich versammelnden Stammzellen an der Geburt," sagte Herr Schissler. "Diese Ausbildung ist entscheidend, weil Krankenschwestern die Leute sind, um am wahrscheinlichsten mit schwangeren Patienten zu sprechen, so stellen diese Seminare sowohl wichtigen Bildungsinhalt zur Verfügung als auch helfen, unsere Marke zu stärken."

Schnur-Blutamerika unterstützt das Obligatorische Weiterbildungsgesetz, Gesetz 58, Krankenschwestern helfend, geplante Lerngelegenheiten ausnutzen. Diese Kurse stellen Krankenschwester-Zugang zur Ausbildung zur Verfügung, ihre Kenntnisse und Sachkenntnisse in Rücksichten auf Stammzellen, Schnur-Blutsammlung, und den Strom und die Zukunft treatable Therapien verbessernd.  

12.07.10 22:00

1308 Postings, 6037 Tage totopoffkaufen, wenn die Kanonen donnern...

...musste einfach sein, hätte niemals gedacht,
dass ich hier nochmal (1.000.000 Stück) für 0.0044$ einkaufen kann.  

13.07.10 14:39

1263 Postings, 5907 Tage nebnasui...

nur noch 0,002 Eur im Bid...
Gibts schlechte Neuigkeiten?  

13.07.10 15:59

1308 Postings, 6037 Tage totopoff@nebnas

Es gibt keineswegs schlechte Neuigkeiten
und das vorbörsliche Bid in Deutschland (bevor der US Markt öffnet)
ist irrelevant.  

13.07.10 18:07

669 Postings, 5488 Tage der pate31aaahhh

endlich wird erkannt was cord wırklich wert ıst !

bin ıch froh mıch rechtzeıtıg aus dem staub gemacht zu haben......

also ıch habe kurse von 0,004 erwartet.

aber das cord wırklıch nur müll ıst hatte ıch nıcht gedacht.

geht ja schneller als ıch denke.

frage der zeıt bıs dıe pleıte sınd und ınvestoren an bord holen......

fınger weg.

dıe naechste verwaesserung wırd vorbereıtet.

was für eın blutbad!!!!!!  

13.07.10 19:40

1308 Postings, 6037 Tage totopoffund wieder

eine geniale Analyse von unserem Lieblingsorakel.
Vielen Dank, besonders für die Spezialeffekte (&#305)

P.S. Die Antwort auf alle Fragen ist 42!  

14.07.10 11:27

298 Postings, 5590 Tage Hello123Cord Blood

Cord Blood America Moving to Close Acquisition of BioCells, Inc., One of South America's Largest Stem Cell Companies

LAS VEGAS and BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, July 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cord Blood America, Inc. ( (OTC Bulletin Board: CBAI), the umbilical cord blood stem cell preservation company focused on bringing the life-saving potential of stem cells, a biological insurance policy, to families nationwide and internationally, today announced that all preliminary due diligence is now complete for the acquisition of controlling interest in BioCells, Inc. BioCells is headquartered in Argentina, with affiliates under development in Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Panama and Puerto Rico. The acquisition is expected to be closed no later than August 31, 2010.

BioCells, the second largest stem cell storage company in Argentina, is profitable, with annual revenues in 2009 of $1.2 million (USD), and 12 locations throughout that nation of 40 million people, plus recent expansion into Uruguay and Paraguay. On April 19, 2010, Cord Blood America announced that a letter of intent had been signed by both companies for Cord Blood America to purchase controlling interest in BioCells.

"We are very confident that this acquisition will close by the end of August," said Matthew Schissler, Cord Blood America co-founder and CEO. "Having controlling interest in BioCells will significantly boost our bottom line by one to one and a half million dollars annually. It's a historic day when CBAI can add a profitable entity to its family of companies. It is our goal to build Cord Blood America into the world's premier stem cell storage company, with current transactions being completed in Germany, as a foundation for all of Europe, and in China."

"We also are announcing that we are exploring ways that we can reward our loyal shareholders once this transaction is complete," Mr. Schissler said.

About Cord Blood America

Cord Blood America is the parent company of CorCell, which facilitates umbilical cord blood stem cell preservation for expectant parents and their children. Its mission is to be the most respected stem cell preservation company in the industry. Collected through a safe and non-invasive process, cord blood stem cells offer a powerful and potentially life-saving resource for treating a growing number of ailments, including cancer, leukemia, blood, and immune disorders. To find out more about Cord Blood America, Inc., visit our website at For investor information, visit


 Paul Knopick
 E&E Communications
                    §Cord Blood America, Inc.

CONTACT: Paul Knopick of E&E Communications, +1-949-707-5365,, for Cord Blood America, Inc.

Web Site:

An der Börse ist die halbe Wahrheit meist eine ganze Lüge.

14.07.10 11:30

298 Postings, 5590 Tage Hello123Am Besten ist der Satz..

"We also are announcing that we are exploring ways that we can reward our loyal shareholders once this transaction is complete," Mr. Schissler said.
Naja schaun wa mal...

An der Börse ist die halbe Wahrheit meist eine ganze Lüge.

14.07.10 16:05

1049 Postings, 5858 Tage buddikatzeWir wollen mal sehn

Cord Blood America Moving to Close Acquisition of BioCells, Inc., One of South America's Largest Stem Cell Companies
LAS VEGAS and BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, July 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cord Blood America, Inc. ( (OTC Bulletin Board:CBAI.ob - News), the umbilical cord blood stem cell preservation company focused on bringing the life-saving potential of stem cells, a biological insurance policy, to families nationwide and internationally, today announced that all preliminary due diligence is now complete for the acquisition of controlling interest in BioCells, Inc. BioCells is headquartered in Argentina, with affiliates under development in Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Panama and Puerto Rico. The acquisition is expected to be closed no later than August 31, 2010.
BioCells, the second largest stem cell storage company in Argentina, is profitable, with annual revenues in 2009 of $1.2 million (USD), and 12 locations throughout that nation of 40 million people, plus recent expansion into Uruguay and Paraguay. On April 19, 2010, Cord Blood America announced that a letter of intent had been signed by both companies for Cord Blood America to purchase controlling interest in BioCells.

"We are very confident that this acquisition will close by the end of August," said Matthew Schissler, Cord Blood America co-founder and CEO. "Having controlling interest in BioCells will significantly boost our bottom line by one to one and a half million dollars annually. It's a historic day when CBAI can add a profitable entity to its family of companies.   It is our goal to build Cord Blood America into the world's premier stem cell storage company, with current transactions being completed in Germany, as a foundation for all of Europe, and in China."

"We also are announcing that we are exploring ways that we can reward our loyal shareholders once this transaction is complete," Mr. Schissler said.

About Cord Blood America

Cord Blood America is the parent company of CorCell, which facilitates umbilical cord blood stem cell preservation for expectant parents and their children. Its mission is to be the most respected stem cell preservation company in the industry. Collected through a safe and non-invasive process, cord blood stem cells offer a powerful and potentially life-saving resource for treating a growing number of ailments, including cancer, leukemia, blood, and immune disorders. To find out more about Cord Blood America, Inc., visit our website at For investor information, visit  

14.07.10 17:37

766 Postings, 5645 Tage bee76:-)

14.07.10 17:41

1308 Postings, 6037 Tage totopoffda hat sich der Zukauf...

...doch ein wenig gelohnt!(siehe Post #5207)
Knapp 50% in 2 Tagen ist doch nicht schlecht.  

15.07.10 12:58

298 Postings, 5590 Tage Hello123geht vllt heute weiter nach oben ;)

Bid 0,0050  12:19:37 200.000
Ask 0,0060  12:19:37 150.000

An der Börse ist die halbe Wahrheit meist eine ganze Lüge.

15.07.10 14:16

3777 Postings, 5946 Tage reanimatoredas wäre super

16.07.10 22:02

1308 Postings, 6037 Tage totopoffZum Schlussakord...

19.07.10 12:35

766 Postings, 5645 Tage bee76:-)

hallo leute na schon alle im urlaub??? :-)))

ich setzte mal zwei links ...aus ihub...klingt ganz gut..


20.07.10 19:42

1132 Postings, 5541 Tage DaveLoop:-)

Das klingt sooo gut das es gleich mal 20% runter geht ;)  

21.07.10 21:22

24 Postings, 5675 Tage onkelbraintote Hose hier?

kaufen, wenn keiner sie haben will ;-)  

22.07.10 10:19

2821 Postings, 9229 Tage NoTaxCord Blood ist z.Zt. nicht sooo angesagt

aber hat Potential und wird auf längere Zeit gesehen sicherlich wieder gen Norden gehen.
Es gibt aber auch Meinungen das sie bald nix mehr Wert sind. Ist halt`n Zockerwert.  

27.07.10 09:44

2821 Postings, 9229 Tage NoTaxDas sind Kaufkurse, 0.003 EURO gab`s das letzte

Mal im Dezember 2009.
Wer jetzt nicht kauft kann später nur weniger verlieren  ;-))
oder weniger Gewinne einstreichen.  

29.07.10 12:48

298 Postings, 5590 Tage Hello123Jahresrückblick 2010

Cord Blood America Details Six Months of Success

LAS VEGAS, July 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Cord Blood America, Inc. ( (BULLETIN BOARD: CBAI) , the umbilical cord blood stem cell preservation company focused on bringing the life saving potential of stem cells, a biological insurance policy, to families nationwide and internationally, today announced highlights for the six-month period ended June 30, 2010. The Company believes the period was the most significant and eventful in its history.

"If we can continue this pace of expansion and acquisition, we will fast approach our goal of becoming the most significant stem cell company in the world," Matthew Schissler, co-founder and CEO, said.

The year started with more than 200 investors gathered in Las Vegas, along with a number of local and state dignitaries, for the Grand Opening of the Company's 17,000 square foot stem cell laboratory and headquarters, which is believed to be the largest cryogenic storage facility and stem cell laboratory in the U.S.

Also in January the Company announced it had received commitments for up to $16.8 million to fund its business strategies in 2010, including acquisitions, and that it had signed a letter of intent to process and store cord blood specimens for BioCells, Inc., headquartered in Argentina, one of South America's largest stem cell companies with revenues topping $1.5 million (U.S.) annually. That agreement was finalized in February and in April Cord Blood America announced its intention to purchase a controlling interest in the profitable Buenos Aires firm. Also in February the Company named Shamoon Ahmad, M.D., President of the Nevada Oncology Society with a distinguished record in medical oncology, as Director of its Medical Advisory Board.

March 2010 began with the Company announcing it had acquired controlling interest in stellacure GmbH, one of the largest cord blood banking services in Germany, operating in conjunction with the German Red Cross. "This gives us the foundation needed to expand our services throughout Europe," Mr. Schissler said. Revenues from stellacure are projected to top $1 million in 2010. The month of March ended with Cord Blood America announcing it has signed a License and Cooperation Agreement for the processing and storage of umbilical cord blood in China. "Our plan is to create the world's largest cord blood bank in the world's most populous nation," Mr. Schissler said.

Also in April 2010 Cord Blood America announced it had signed an agreement to provide placenta collection services for therapeutic transplantation for a large, well-respected U.S. tissue bank. "These stem cells are used in treatments against disorders such as sickle cell disease and leukemia and research is ongoing on utilizing these cells in treatments for diabetes, heart disease, stroke and other major medical conditions," Mr. Schissler said.

Finally, to round out the six months of activity, Cord Blood America announced in May 2010 its "Afford-A-Cord" program, which significantly reduces the initial cost of storing umbilical cord blood stem cells, allowing more families to participate in taking advantage of the real and potential medical advances from the use of stem cells. In June 2010, in an analyst interview, Mr. Schissler said the unique new program could significantly increase new account additions.

"CBAI set its top-line focused goals for investors at the beginning of the year: Organic Growth, Acquisition, and Diversification of Revenue Streams. We believe in the first half of 2010 that we have built a strong foundation to support those objectives and we're excited about the second half of 2010. We look forward to continued pursuit of these important goals, as well as announcing additional news that we believe will reward and benefit all of CBAI's loyal shareholders," Mr. Schissler said.

An der Börse ist die halbe Wahrheit meist eine ganze Lüge.

29.07.10 12:51

298 Postings, 5590 Tage Hello123Ich hoffe da ist was dran :)

We look forward to continued pursuit of these important goals, as well as announcing additional news that we believe will reward and benefit all of CBAI's loyal shareholders," Mr. Schissler said.

An der Börse ist die halbe Wahrheit meist eine ganze Lüge.

30.07.10 18:14

669 Postings, 5488 Tage der pate31hi

lange nicht mehr hier gewesen.

was gibts den neues von den zombieunternehmen.....

wie lange dauert es denn noch bis cord auf 0,002 ist!!!  

30.07.10 18:41

1308 Postings, 6037 Tage totopoffwie immer...

ist der werte Herr Pate guter Dinge, was Cbai angeht.
Da freut man sich doch gleich auf ein Wiedersehen.
Gegenfrage: Warum ist es nachts kälter als draußen?  

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