Esq. Jenkins von Meridian 361 angeschrieben, der scheint die Sache mit F.I.T. TGF in der Hand zu haben. Mal gucken, ob er antwortet. Scheint aber ein ganz respektabler Typ zu sein, der auch ein wenig Erfahrung mit Offshore Investments hat. Bei seinen Referenzen heisst es: "General counsel to St. Vincent and the Grenadines mutual fund with major South American timber investments, including 7,525 hectares of Forest Stewardship Council certified Acacia mangium plantations, and 17,205 hectares of natural forest, and to the Zürich based Swiss-German promoters and managers of the fund, including inter alia handling of the fund formation and licensing process, design of unit trust legal architecture, drafting of trust deed and scheme particulars, negotiation and drafting of fund management and fund administration agreements, management of investor disputes, management of regulator relations, structuring of major external investments."
Mal schauen, ob er was antwortet... |