Moin, anbei eine vom IHub - Board gelöschte MiItteilung. Wenn das wirklich stimmen sollte, können sich einige Basher in den Staaten verdammt warm anziehen. Der alten Tradition auf IHub folgend wurde diese Mail bereits einige Stunden nach ihrem dortigen Erscheinen vom Moderator gelöscht. Wahnsinn, ich dachte das wären Demokraten, da habe ich mich wohl geirrt, denn das ganze hat dann wohl doch eher kommunistische Tendenzen. Was Tolleranz und Meinungsfreiheit angeht. Also, zieht euch mal folgenden Text rein. Verfasser: Norman Lehrer (trat bereits Ende Juni diesen Jahres erstmals auf dem Board in Erscheinung) Good Mornung, Allow me to introduce myself. I did briefly before but now I think all should know exactly who I am. My name is Norman Lehrer Esq. and I have been retained by a group of 17 large shareholders, for the sole purpose of gathering information for prosecution via the investorshub and yahoo message boards. I am in the process of monitoring & collecting everything that gets posted on this board and the yahoo board. I will be issuing subpoenas after I file the appropiate civil suits so as to obtain certain individuals information. That information includes home addresses, isp addresses, email accounts and much much more. I have already pinpointed the Texas resident and the rest will follow.
While I do realize that some information that gets posted here is just opinions with concerns, certain individuals have gone beyond and have committed several counts of pure slander with definitive publication. Thoses individuals are the target of the investigation. The others, I appologize for the inconvenience that this investigation may cause.
Now, For your education: 1) Defamation—also called calumny, vilification, traducement, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)—is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, or nation a negative image. It is usually a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone other than the person defamed (the claimant).
2)Tortious interference, also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of tort, occurs when a person intentionally damages the plaintiff's contractual or other business relationships. This tort is broadly divided into two categories, one specific to contractual relationships (irrespective of whether they involve business), and the other specific to business relationships or activities (irrespective of whether they involve a contract).
This is just for starters. To certain individuals, I thank you for PUBLISHING your slander with no evidence. My friend from Texas, you know who you are, The state of Kentucky will be receiving a package as to the nature of what I am doing and also as to the potential charges that can be filed and tried in a court of law.
I urge certain individuals who have to much to say with no evidence whatsoever to keep posting. I will find everyone and I will prosecute all involved to the fullest extent of the law.The large & long shareholders of this company are not going to sit by and watch what you are attempting to accomplish.
The group of NSOL shareholders who have retained me have paid me well and expect nothing short of convictions for the potential amage that is being inflicted to their company VIA public message boards.
I urge all to do the proper research [b]to see exactly what sentences can be passed down for the actions being conducted on this board which is in direct opposition of what the majority of the sharehoders want, which is success for this company.
Have a great day. Eine Kopie der Geschichte existiert derzeit noch auf dem Yahoo-Schwachsinns-Board:;mid=8817&tof=1&frt=2 |