EDF verfolge ich jetzt seit einem Monat und durch den Rücksetzer , seit fünf Tagen von etwa 10 % wird sie jetzt wieder interessant . Im CAC 40 ist sie mit 1,35 % drin . Erst seit dreieinhalb Monaten an der Börse und 32,8% ! Der Französiche Staat hält 87,3 % und die Arbeiter 1,9 % der Aktien !! Aktienanzal : 1 822 171 090 Marktkapitalisation : 77 422,27 Millionen € Bid an der Euronext : 80.000 Aktien ( stand freitag nach Börsenschluß ) !!!! Ask an der Euronext : 23.400 Aktien Link Orderbuch : http://www.boursorama.com/cours.phtml?symbole=1rPEDF Electricité de France (EDF) is France's leading electricity producer, marketer, and distributor. Sales break down by activity as follows: - production and sales of electricity and natural gas (85.2%): primarily electricity (610 TWh produced in 2004). The group is also active in related trade (745 TWh of electricity, 116 billion m3 of natural gas, 237 million tons of coal, and 141 million barrels of oil bought and sold); - management of low- and medium-voltage electricity distribution networks (5%): network design, construction, operation, and maintenance. The group operates a 1,240,000-km network in France that includes low-voltage lines (654,000 km) and medium-voltage lines (586,000 km); - management of high-voltage and very high-voltage electricity transportation networks (1.8%): owns a 99,458-km network that includes overhead cables (96,283 km) and underground cables (3,175 km). EDF transports electricity from producers to final distributors and large industrial consumers; - supply of energy-related and environmental services (8%; Dalkia: No. 1 in Europe): engineering, construction, and installation of renewable energy cogeneration and production units, electrical network operation and maintenance, public lighting and urban heating equipment management, waste treatment and valuation, etc. Sales are distributed geographically as follows: France (62.8%), Europe (32.7%), and other (4.5%). EDF Group in Germany |  | The EDF Group's presence |  | Since the 1960’s, EDF has developped industrial co-operation with the electrical utility of Bade-Württemberg, which was called Badenwerk at the time. Both companies developed synergies, particularly in the field of generation through the joint operation of two hydroelectric power plants on the Rhine. Their co-operation gained momentum in 1999: the EDF Group joined forces with EnBW, the group that resulted from the merger of Badenwerk and EVS (Stuttgart). EDF first acquired a 25.01% stake in the capital of EnBW, then in 2001, 34.5%, on an equal share basis with OEW, an association of towns in Bade-Württemberg. At present, the stake of EDF in the capital of EnBW alounts to 45.01%. With 4.6 million of electricity customers and 385 000 gas customers, EnBW is the 3rd leading electrical utility in Germany. EnBW is also active beyond its borders, in Hungary, Poland and Switzerland. In addition to power generation, transmission, distribution and supply, its fields of activity include gas trading and distribution, waste processing and industrial services, through EnBW Contracting. EnBW Group supplies over one million residential customers via Yello, its well-known brand in Germany. |  | EDF Group companies present in Germany: |  | Tausend EUR | 12/02 | 12/03 | 12/04 | Umsatz | 48 359 000 | 44 919 000 | 46 928 000 | | | | | Personalkosten | 9 187 000 | 9 509 000 | 9 596 000 | Résultat d'exploit. | 5 504 000 | 6 833 000 | 5 648 000 | Steuern | 986 000 | 1 567 000 | 1 494 000 | Neto Gewinn | 415 000 | 935 000 | 1 327 000 | | | | |
Link EDF UK Homepage : http://www.edfenergy.com/html/showPage.do?name=welcome.til Link EDF Frankreich ( nur auf französich ) : http://www.edf.fr/20402i/Accueilcom.html Link zu Finanznachrichten : http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nachrichten-aktien/edf.asp