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Results: Ondansetron significantly improved stool consistency (mean difference in stool form between ondansetron and placebo−0.9, 95% CI−1.1 to−0.6,p<0.001). Compared with placebo, patients on ondansetron experienced fewer days with urgency(p<0.001), lower urgency scores (p<0.001), reduced frequency of defaecation (p=0.002) and less bloating(p=0.002), although pain scores did not change significantly. IBS symptom severity score fell more with ondansetron than placebo (83±9.8 vs 37±9.7,p=0.001). 65% reported adequate relief with ondansetron but not placebo compared with 14% reporting relief with placebo but not ondansetron, relative risk 4.7, 95% CI 2.6 to 8.5, p<0.001
Dann wäre nach Absatz Endpoints der primäre Endpunkt voll erfüllt: stool form Und bei den sekundären Endpoints wären alle bis auf pain perception erfüllt
Endpoints The primary endpoint (stool form) and secondary endpoints (pain perception, urgency of defaecation, bloating, frequency of defaecation per day, number of days per week with pain, urgency or bloating, and IBS SS) are averages over the last 2 weeks of each treatment period.
Finde das wären recht gute News. Wobei ich auch immer dachte, dass solche News direkt Adhoc-pflichtig wären... Nur meine Interpretation der Dinge, keine Handels- oder Verkaufsempfehlung |