Vedron ist nicht das, was viele von ihr halten! Vedron ist VIEL MEHR!!! Vedron wird ab 2007 mit der Gold-Produktion beginnen! Was aber noch viel interessanter ist, ist die Tatsache, dass Vedron in riesigen Goldgebieten aktiv ist, inmitten von Giganten wie Barrick Gold und Placer Dome! Da wird Vedron in Zukunft mächtig glänzen! Eine Übernahme könnte och dieses Jahr stattfinden!
Jetzt möchte ich aber nochmal mit dem Gerücht aufräumen, dass dieses Jahr bereits eine Million Unzen Gold gefördert werden sollen! DAS STIMMT DEFINITV NICHT!!!
"Vedron is preparing for production during 2006, but is not planning to commence until 2007. The best way in 2006 for Vedron to increase share value is to explore the Buffalo Ankerite property which is much better than previously thought. Vedron is trading at half the value of its peers, and exploration will help increase the share price to peer value plus the new gold found will add more value. As a second step to further improve share value Vedron then plans production, with the expectation that the gold price is then higher and more profitable. This is the best course for the company and its shareholders." ______________
"We decided to move production back one year so as to optimize our plans. We have 3 that could go into production now, Fuller, Davidson Tisdale and Buffalo Ankerite. But we have not decided which will go first. Combined production from all three would be 100,000 onces It would take 2 years to get all three operating. We will issue 800,000 new shares from the treasury, therefore increasing the number outstanding. We do not have plans to raise capital at the moment. It is hard to say how it will occur in the future at this time." |
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