Sokimo Agreement Secured vom 19.12.17
Amani Gold Limited (ASX: ANL) advises that agreement has been secured with Democratic Republic of Congo (“DRC”) state-owned entity, Société Minière de Kilo Moto sa (“Sokimo”) for an extension to the deadline for completion of a feasibility study at the Giro Gold Project.
The Company’s DRC subsidiary, Amani Consulting sarl and Sokimo have entered into an agreement under the terms of which the deadline for completion of a feasibility study at the Giro Gold Project has now been extended to 31 December 2018 in exchange for payment of a fee to Sokimo of US$750,000. If a feasibility study is still not complete by that date for reasons beyond Amani Consulting’s control and, in general terms, the feasibility study is progressing positively, then Sokimo may grant a further 12 months extension (ie to 31 December 2019). Thereafter, in the absence of a completed study, Sokimo has the right to terminate the shareholders’ agreement with Amani Consulting by issuing a termination notice with a 6 months duration.
“The Amani Group is pleased to announce the agreement with Sokimo. That gives the Company sufficient time to increase mineral resources through ongoing exploration at the Giro Gold Project and complete the necessary feasibility studies.” said the Chairman Mr. Yu Qiumin.