Uranium Energy Corp

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06.05.06 20:00

8451 Postings, 7464 Tage KnappschaftskassenUranium Energy Corp

Uranium Energy Corp
Die strahlende 300%-Chance

Uran im Blickfeld

Zunehmend rückt ein Rohstoff in das Blickfeld der Investoren, der noch für 200 Jahre reichen wird. Die Rede ist von Uran - dem Brennstoff der Zukunft! Im Vergleich dazu wird "klassischen" Brennstoffen wie Öl und Gas nur noch eine verhältnismässig kurze Zeit zugebilligt. Anleger haben auf dem Uranmarkt jedoch nicht die Möglichkeit, in Form von Derivaten o. ä. zu investieren! Der Grund hierfür ist der Markt an sich, der aus politischen Gründen sehr eingeschränkt und bedeutend enger als andere Rohstoffmärkte ist. Bei Uranproduzenten sieht es für Anleger allerdings anders aus. Einige börsennotierte Unternehmen auf dem internationalen Markt bieten auch dem Privatanleger Investitionsmöglichkeiten.
Eine solche Gesellschaft möchten wir Ihnen heute in unserem Pennystock-Alert empfehlen!

Uranium Energy Corp. - die strahlende 300%-Chance

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Mit der explosiven Entwicklung des Uranpreises in den letzten Jahren haben sich auch die Aktien der Uranproduzenten entsprechend entwickelt! Mit der Uranium Energy Corp. (WKN: A0JDRR / ISIN: US9168961038) stellen wir Ihnen heute ein Unternehmen vor, das vom Markt noch nicht entdeckt wurde und heute noch moderat bewertet wird. Selbst in den USA ist es noch ein Geheimtipp und nur Branchenkennern ein Begriff. Seit Februar 2006 wird sie in den USA, aber auch in Frankfurt, gelistet. Seitdem hat sich der Kurs bereits um mehr als 60% erhöht! Aber auch dies ist noch lange nicht das Ende! Wir sehen immer noch eine extreme Unterbewertung und damit verbunden ein enormes Kurspotential der Aktie von Uranium Energy Corp.! Bei einem aktuellen Kurs von 3,49 EUR sehen wir unser Kursziel bei 11,60 EUR, was einer Kursverdreifachung entspricht! Für den Anleger besteht hier die einmalige Chance, durch einen frühen Einstieg am extremen Kurssteigerungspotenzial teilzuhaben! Einen kompletten Company Report von Midas Research finden sie mit dem Link am Ende des Textes!


WKN:           A0JDRR
ISIN:          US9168961038
Symbol:        U6Z
Kurs:          3,38 EUR
Kursziel:      12,00 USD
Börsenplatz:   Frankfurt


Uranium Energy Corp. besitzt bereits jetzt elf Projekte in den USA mit über 10,
7 Mio pounds bereits nachgewiesener Ressourcen. Das Hauptprojekt stellt dabei das Projekt Goliad U308 in Südtexas dar. Man ist sich einig, dass es sich hierbei um ein Schlüsselprojekt in den USA handelt. Sensationelle 5,2 Mio.
pounds sind hier bereits nachgewiesen, die im kostengünstigen ISL-Verfahren abgebaut werden können. In den kommenden Wochen soll mit ersten Bohrungen begonnen sowie weitere Quellen erschlossen werden. Im Juli werden erste Auswertungen erwartet.

Der Erwerb mehrerer Datenbanken vergangener Explorationen soll Uranium Energy Corp. helfen, strategische Neuakquisitionen zu ermitteln! Teure und unsichere Explorationsmaßnahmen sind bereits vollzogen worden. Jetzt wird die Hauptaufgabe von UEC in der Förderung des Urans liegen. Hierfür steht modernste Technologie und ein extrem erfahrenes Team zur Verfügung! Solche Experten sind in diesem Markt Mangelware! UEC ist es jedoch gelungen, die Crème de la Crème in das Unternehmen zu integrieren!


Uranium Energy Corp. (WKN: A0JDRR / ISIN: US9168961038) beschäftigt die Experten die an jedem produzierenden Uran-Bergbaubetrieb in den USA beteiligt waren. Das wichtigste Projekt ist Goliad in Texas. Innerhalb eines Jahres ist hier die Errichtung eines Abbaubetriebes möglich, der dann pro Jahr Gewinn von
34 Mio. USD pro Jahr generieren könnte.

Auf der Grundlage der Ressourcen des Unternehmens mit einem derzeitigen Marktwert von rund 1,2 Mrd. EUR haben wir einen fundamentalen Wert 11,60 EUR pro Aktie ermittelt. Ein Vergleich von Uranium Energy mit dem Börsenwert pro Ressourceneinheit von anderen Unternehmen aus der Branche zeigte, dass Uranium Energie erst mit 18,06 EUR pro Aktie fair bewertet wäre. Beide Bewertungsmethoden zeigen eine deutliche Unterbewertung der Aktien von Uranium Energy auf. Deshalb empfehlen wir die Aktie zu kaufen. Wir legen das Kursziel entsprechend dem fundamentalen Wert mit 11,60 EUR fest. Aufgrund der Unsicherheit über die exakte Größe der Ressourcen stufen wir die Aktie als spekulativ ein.

Zeitpunkt: 08.05.06 16:28
Aktion: Forumswechsel
Kommentar: Regelverstoß



06.05.06 20:09

8451 Postings, 7464 Tage KnappschaftskassenExploding the Myth of Uranium

Exploding the Myth of Uranium
“Pounds in the Ground”

How Many Pounds Can a Company
Really Recover from ISL Uranium Mining?

The In Situ Leach (ISL) Series
Part Two of a Three-Part Series

Total system is very large. Width is 100 to 1000 meters and can be greater. Strike length is typically
many 10’s of kilometers, often exceeding 100 km in length. Average grade over all is .20 to 1.0%.

The key to ISL Uranium Mining is not necessarily pounds-in-the-ground. Key factors include: (a) permeability of the uranium ore body, (b) the size of the area those “pounds in the ground” cover and (c) average grade of the ore body. We talked with leading geological and hydrologic experts to help you better understand ISL mining to avoid getting misled.

Over the past two years, the common myth circulated among investors has been “pounds in the ground.” How many pounds of U3O8 does a company have in the ground? The more pounds a company claims, and more importantly gets institutions and investors to believe, the higher its market capitalization has run. Bigger is always better in most cases, but recovering uranium through an ISL operation, like any other mining operation, has its quirks.
During the early stage of this uranium bull market, pounds-in-the-ground was an important yardstick. But just as one can have a million-ounce gold deposit, with a complexity of metallurgical problems that prohibit a robust economic recovery or offer a paltry grade of gold in the ore, investors may discover the same problems in properly evaluating a company’s uranium claims. Instead of asking a company’s investor relations department how many pounds of uranium they have in the ground, find out how much uranium pounds they can actually recover and produce, and how much it will cost them to mine their property. Ask instead these questions:
• How permeable are the ore bodies you plan to mine?
• What is your average grade?
• Over what area does your rollfront extend?
• What is the depth of your ore body?
By the time you have finished reading this feature, you should have a better grasp on the economics of ISL mining. You should be better equipped to make a more intelligent decision about your favorite company. First, let’s examine the nature of a uranium mineralized rollfront. Understanding the rollfront will give you the key tools required to accurately evaluate the prospects of any ISL uranium development company.

The “ROLL FRONT” is Your Friend
Early photograph of "front" in Pit 4A Lucky Mc Mine.
Taken by P. A. Riddell, June, 1958.
Geologic cross-section of "front" in Pit 4A.
Geology by P. A. Riddell, June, 1958.

In the first article, we interviewed Charles Don Show, who helped pioneer ISL uranium mining as an economic means to extract lower grade ore from underground mining operations. In Snow’s 1978 article entitled, “Gas Hills Uranium District, Wyoming – A Review of History and Production,” published in the Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook, he wrote about the development of the “roll front” theory. He wrote about discussions the project geologists were having in the summer of 1955 about Utah Construction Company’s recently acquired option on the Lucky Mc uranium properties in Wyoming’s Gas Hill District:
“Offset drilling Project 4 intersected one major mineralized zone with a grade thickness product over 10 percent U3O8. An offset of this and one other mineralized hole about 2500 feet away were barren. Many discussions of why the ore was in these ‘isolated’ pods were carried on late into the night. On one discussion in December 1955, ten more drill holes were allocated for the Project 4 area to prove or disprove its value. As remembered, it was late one night when pondering over the maps that Don C. Anderson said there had to be a connection between these two mineralized areas; and in so saying, sketched a sweeping arc between the existing wide spaced drill holes stating, ‘It has to be here!’ The orebody was indeed there and drilling following that line led to the development of sufficient reserves to justify the mill. It was during the period of development of the reserves that members of the staff started referring to different layers and separated pods as areas of mineralization where chemical changes had caused deposition and soon the word ‘chemical front’ was in common usage.”

Three years later, Paul A. Riddell prepared a report to document the ore occurrences at the Lucky Mc mine. He was among the first to use terminology that has since become an integral part of the “Roll Front” concept. In his project report, Riddell wrote:
“In conclusion, the uranium appears to be restricted to more porous beds, but is not evenly distributed within these beds. The boundaries between ore and lean material are erratic – sometimes sharp and sometimes gradational. They do not appear to be related to changes in sedimentation within the beds. Others have suggested that the boundaries represent ‘chemical fronts,’ and this theory appears reasonable in light of present information.”

Indeed, this was the foundation for later research into uranium roll fronts. In 1966, these same geologists encouraged the Atomic Energy Commission to prepare a paper on the subject, entitled “Roll Fronts in the Gas Hills.” Another was published immediately thereafter, by J.W. King and S. Ralph Austin, entitled Some Characteristics of Roll-Type Deposits at Gas Hills Wyoming.”

The mineralization within a uranium-mineralized roll front.

Originally called chemical fronts, these “pods” contained various grades of uranium. Each pod or roll front is comprised of different mineralization. Understanding that mineralization and how to extract the uranium alone determines how viable a deposit might be.
A much younger David Miller, center, then a uranium geologist for Pathfinder Mines, and now 24 years later, President of Strathmore Minerals
If you imagine roll fronts in a uranium area as if they were lily pods in a pond, you are off to a good start. When a company announces it has uranium mineralization on its property, this could mean it has many pods, or fronts. Ideally, you hope to have multiple “fronts” available on your ground. “Typically, the meat of the front (multiple percent of uranium) is only a few feet to ten feet wide at the most,” Strathmore Minerals president David Miller explained. “This is the part that your ISL wells have to address correctly. If you look at all the mineralization in a single front system, above 0.03 percent, then from the tails to the front could be 100 feet or more. If you look at the multiple fronts in stacked sands, and you look at one end of the system to the other, the width can be several miles. The length of any of these can be tens of miles, but the good stuff comes and goes.”
Miller compared these multiple fronts to “pearls on a string.” There may be one, two or three roll fronts in one well field. “There may be more than three roll fronts,” Miller added. “There may be that many or more even in one pattern.” Again, they are pods and they may be stacked in layers, like lasagna.  “The number of roll fronts in a pattern does not really matter, except for operational reasons,” Miller explained. “It is more complex to properly address multiple roll fronts than a single roll front, and you may not be able to optimize recovery of all of them.”

Permeability is the Key

Glenn Catchpole, CEO, Uranerz Energy
Getting down to the business of ISL mining a roll front requires that we understand the role permeability plays in this mining method. Permeability is the flow rate of the liquids through the porous sandstone. Knowing what the permeability of the orebody will let you know how much water you can get through the sandstone formation. According to Uranerz Energy Chief Executive Glenn Catchpole, who is also a hydrologist, the typical porosity of sandstone is 10 to 20 percent. Porosity is the void space between the sandstone grains. By comparison, clay has a porosity of between 45 and 55 percent. Catchpole said, “A property’s formation has to have sufficient permeability to make the project economic.”
In order to dissolve the uranium into solution, you have to know the “pore volumes.” That’s the measure of the pore space in the rock. “You’re passing fluid through the formation about 30 times to dissolve the uranium,” explained UR-Energy Chief Executive William Boberg. “Part of a successful operation is knowing how many pore volumes we feel it’s going to take to make it all work.” Uranium Energy Corporation Chief Operating Officer Harry Anthony, an internationally recognized ISL expert, noted, “You need higher grade ore for tight formations. With high permeability, you can space your wells further apart.”
As with any industry, it boils down to economics. How much to operate the plant? Anthony gave an example of an ISL plant operating at 5000 gallons per minute. Running 24 hours daily, the plant would process 7.2 million gallons of water. That’s more than 2.6 billion gallons of water processed every year. Operating costs are based upon cost per thousand gallons of water. “This includes electricity, reagents and labor,” said Anthony. On a daily basis, it would cost more than $21,000 to run an ISL plant, based upon Anthony’s calculations of $3.03 per thousand gallons of water. Using a 5,000 gallon per minute scenario, a plant might produce 2360 pounds of U3O8 every day or 80,000 pounds monthly. The cost to produce each pound would be $8.18. Using that math, the uranium grades would be about 44 parts per million (ppm) or 0.08. Anthony said, “I like to see 70ppm or higher.” A grade of 0.13 is 75ppm.
With low permeability in a tight formation, you may need to space more wells in a typical well field pattern. How much does each well cost? That depends upon the depth of the roll front deposit. While explaining that costs are fixed and variable, Anthony computed the cost of a production well for a 500 foot deposit at $15,000. An injection well could cost $11,000 to install. By comparison, in New Mexico, where the deposits are wider and of higher grade, a 2000-foot production well might cost $27,000 and the injection well could cost $18,000, and it would still be economic.
Why are we talking about well installation costs? Again, it comes back to permeability. If the flow rate is lower, bringing an ISL well field into production costs more. Glenn Catchpole explained, “If your plant is running at 3000 gallons per minute (gpm), and the formation is tight, each production well might only have 10gpm flowing. A more permeable formation might have 20gpm flowing.” That means twice as many production wells are required to satisfy the ISL plant’s 3000gpm flow level. Installation costs have doubled, and that would also impact operating costs. And a company which once might have looked like it had an economic orebody could now smell like week old fish.

Pump Testing for Permeability

William Boberg, CEO, UR-Energy Corporation
“The pump tests are extremely valuable,” explained Boberg. “The pump tests are one of the go/no-go considerations for what we’re doing.” Boberg told us UR-Energy expected to start drilling by the end of April or May on their Lost Soldier property in Wyoming. “We’ll be putting in the initial drill holes for the tests, and we’ll be doing the pump tests following that.” In one of series of tests, Boberg explained, “We take a core out of the hole (3 inches diameter and 6 inches tall) and test it vertically by forcing fluid through it.” Because the movement of the fluids in the substrata, from one well to another, is horizontal, the only way to really find out the permeability and porosity is by drilling a hole and putting a pump in it.
Catchpole explained the procedure, “You put the equipment down your monitor wells to measure drawdown.” Quite simply, you measure how far the water goes down. “The pump test will tell you permeability.” A good pump test takes between 24 and 72 hours to complete. Catchpole’s Uranerz Energy plans to run their pump tests this summer on their Excalibur property in the northeastern Wyoming’s Powder River Basin.
The make-break point for a formation’s permeability is its Darcy rating. How high is the Darcy? A typical Darcy can range from minus 1000 to plus 3. The higher the Darcy, the more permeable the formation and that would help determine how economic the orebody is. An acceptable range would be one-half to one Darcy. What is a Darcy? Catchpole said, “It is gallons per day over feet squared.” He added a pure hydrologist would calculate the feet per day or centimeters per second to get a more accurate permeability assessment. However, the Darcy is a widely accepted measuring unit in the industry.
Until a company gets its Darcy rating on its property, one can’t be completely certain the property can be mined by ISL. What guidelines does one depend upon? Catchpole said, “Historical research can give you permeability levels for a formation.” So we asked Catchpole how he felt about his Excalibur properties. He answered, “We know our properties are permeable enough.” How permeable will be answered with the pump tests.

Other Factors

Uranium grades can be a contentious point, so we asked our ad hoc panel of experts. “Grade is the driving force,” Harry Anthony shot back. We asked him about companies which said they could run an economic ISL operation with grades as low, or lower than 0.02. Anthony laughed, “They are crazy. They’d be out of business before they started.” Catchpole was more reserved in responding, “It probably wouldn’t have an economic recovery.” Strathmore’s David Miller offered a more technical analysis, “Frankly, that will not likely have enough recoverable pounds. The operating grade feeding the plant will be too low. What is the best grade? 0.5, 0.10, or 0.15. It depends upon the deposit.”

How much can you actually recover? Boberg explained the problems of pounds-in-the-ground. “Let’s say we’ve got 100 million pounds of uranium now. How much of that can we actually mine? There may be 10 million in a particular orebody that looks like we can mine it. If we build an operation around that, we might be able to develop an access to maybe 7 million pounds of that. And in a recovery process, we might only be able to recover 70 percent of that.” Every company has to also be very careful in studying their orebodies before building their plant. “We’ve got to make sure that the plant we’re building isn’t built over a potential resource,” Boberg emphasized. “We’ve got to drill under that to make sure we’re not accidentally putting the plant over another part of the deposit.”
Another worry with an orebody is channeling. “You don’t want channeling,” Catchpole insisted.” Channeling suggests the water is going through a very narrow path. “If your orebody has a thickness of ten feet and your channel of flow is one foot, you are missing most of the uranium formation,” said Catchpole. “You may have good flow rates, but not much U3O8 recovery.” Sometimes, a channel can be a natural occurrence, where the flow is along a fault. The channel creates a smaller, but preferred path for the fluids to flow through. Unlike fracturing a formation to release natural, or coalbed methane, gas, a fractured channel has the opposite effect on ISL uranium mining.
How much does it cost to install a well field pattern, and is it economic to do so? “The art part of an ISL operation is interpreting the ore body and the hydrology,” Catchpole explained. “Your hydrologic test results determine where you think the solutions are going to flow best. In other words, which direction has the best or least permeability. This has to get factored into how you lay out those patterns, the width of your orebody, and how far out to the edge of the orebody you go.”
Harry Anthony, COO and Director,
Uranium Energy Corp

In a well field pattern, Strathmore’s David Miller can determine the economic viability of the ground. “The keys to what is recoverable are: (a) How many pounds are recoverable per pattern? And (b) what does it cost to install a pattern?” Miller explained. “If you have 10,000 pounds in place and can recover 8000 pounds, your well field development cost can be $8/pound, if it costs you $80,000 to install that pattern. Add your operating cost, capital amortization and restoration cost, and you would have a total cost.”
Finally, the cost to install a pattern also depends over how much territory your roll front deposits run. “Ten million pounds over an area of one-half mile will cost less than those same pounds over an area of two to four miles,” remarked Terrence Osier, senior geologist for Strathmore Minerals. “That means more injection wells and more production wells.” Depth of the wells influences its installation cost, as mentioned previously, and impacts its daily operating cost. "A few years ago, when uranium costs were $7/pound, a company needed 70,000 pounds per pattern," Harry Anthony commented. "Now a company might only need 4,000 pounds per pattern to make it economic."
There are many variables within the above advices provided by these experts. However, the important point to realize is the time of hyperbole and hoopla over “pounds in the ground” has passed. As more uranium development companies move closer to establishing an ISL operation, the go/no-go consideration, as William Boberg aptly described it, will come down to permeability. After that, the economics of a project will either make it viable or not.


David Miller, P. Geol.
President & COO, Strathmore Minerals Corp.

Mr. Miller, is a minerals industry expert in exploration, acquisition and operations. His primary focus has been on uranium, coal bed methane and gold. David worked with Cogema, the second largest producer of uranium in the world, the last 4 years with them as their chief geologist for in-situ operations in the US. Mr. Miller has over 25 years of experience in exploration and acquisition of uranium properties. Mr. Miller has consulted in uranium exploration, deposits, mining, and "in-situ" recovery for the IAEA. Mr. Miller is also an elected member of the Wyoming Legislature, committee assignments include Minerals and the Energy Council.

W. William Boberg, M.Sc.
President, acting CEO and Director, UR-Energy Inc.

Mr. Boberg is UR-Energy's senior geologist of US Projects which are currently focused on uranium in Wyoming. He has over 35 years experience investigating, assessing and developing a wide variety of mineral resources in a broad variety of geologic environments in Western North America, South America and Africa.  Mr. Boberg has over eighteen years experience exploring for uranium in the continental US.  He discovered Moore Ranch uranium deposit as well as several smaller deposits in Wyoming's Powder River Basin. He is registered as a Professional Geologist in Wyoming and a Certified Professional Geologist through the American Institute of Professional Geologists.

Glenn Catchpole, M.S., P.Eng.
President and Chief Executive Officer, Uranerz Energy Corporation

In 1988 Mr. Catchpole joined Uranerz U.S.A., Inc. and became Director of Regulatory Affairs, Environmental Engineering and Solution Mining. In 1996 Mr. Catchpole was appointed General Manager and Managing Director of the Inkai uranium solution mining project located in the Republic of Kazakhstan (Central Asia). In 1998 Cameco Corporation acquired Uranerz U.S.A. Inc., and Mr. Catchpole continued his post with the Inkai project. Mr. Catchpole spent six years taking the Inkai project from acquisition through feasibility study, joint venture formulation, government licensing, environmental permitting, design, construction and the first phase start-up.

Harry Anthony, M.Sc.
Chief Operating Officer and Director, Uranium Energy Corp

Mr. Anthony has been a professional engineer for 36 years, and is particularly noted as being a pioneer of the emerging extraction technology for uranium mining sector known as In-Situ-Leaching, or ISL.  He has been involved with every notable ISL uranium mine in the US and abroad, at all levels of development, including feasibility, design, operations, and management. Mr. Anthony was a senior officer and director of Uranium Resources Inc, a public company, and a significant uranium producer in the US.  During his 20-year tenure at URI, he was responsible for all technical aspects of mine development.  He has also provided technical services and mine plans for companies such as Union Carbide, Urangesellschaft, Kennecott, Rio Algom, Heathgate Resources, and others. 
WEBSITES and Trading Symbols of companies
featured in this Special Report:
Strathmore Minerals Corporation www.strathmoreminerals.comTSX:STM
Uranerz Energy Corporation www.uranerz.comOTC BB: URNZ
UR-Energy Inc. www.ur-energy.comTSX:URE
Uranium Energy Corporationwww.uraniumenergy.com/OTC BB: URME

06.05.06 20:25

79561 Postings, 9124 Tage Kickygeheime kasachische Uranrakete ?

http://www.ariva.de/board/245072  noch einer von Waldy zu dem Thema,aber Du siehst das erst,wenn hotstock investor oder emerging market empfiehlt oder war es diesmal Frick?? ich habe die schon monatelang auf der Watchlist und sie dümpeln nur langweilig vor sich hin  

06.05.06 20:42

79561 Postings, 9124 Tage KickyUUU und URME

Uranium Energy URME OTCBB aus USA und Urasia Energy UUU (in Kanada notiert) aus Kasachstan  

06.05.06 20:46

8451 Postings, 7464 Tage KnappschaftskassenDanke für den Informationaustausch! o. T.

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