COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH)

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15.02.14 08:44

22261 Postings, 5010 Tage The_Hopenee, nee das ging in die falsche Richtung :-)

alles Quatsch - alles gut


15.02.14 09:23

642 Postings, 5140 Tage sherin_1@The_Hope

Beim Thema "ausfüllen"  muss primär "United" genannt werden!

Genau so war es


15.02.14 09:30

22261 Postings, 5010 Tage The_Hopeja, Moin sherin/ odin

war vielleicht  missverständlich :-)

Ist wohl immer noch ein sensibles Thema, sobald das Stichwort "United" fällt.

Und das ist gut, heißt nämlich:

"Wir sind noch da"

/OT- Thema sollte durch sein


15.02.14 11:28

12744 Postings, 4952 Tage ranger100Kurze Info

Dieses Wochenende gibt es kein neues FAQ. Die Infos der Woche sind:

Am 11.02.2014 bekamen die Direktoren eine weitere Zuteilung von insgesamt 250.000 Stück Stammaktien verteilt auf 4 Personen. Der Kurswert dieser Zuteilung wurde mit 2,53 $ angegeben.
Diese Zuteilung unterliegt einer Handelsbeschränkung und kann zu jeweils einem Drittel in den Jahren 2015-2017 verkauft werden.

Die aktuellen FAQs findet ihr hier:


Escrow FAQ:

und für alle Mitspieler (und die es werden wollen) das

Tippspiel FAQ:

Beste Grüße und schönes Wochenende

Euer ranger100


15.02.14 11:39

2937 Postings, 4147 Tage KirroyalGuten Morgen @all

Aus FB...
Falls schon gepostet...Sorry !

Greywolf owns 14.9 Million shares of WMIH or 7.3% of the company.
WOW!!!!! I love it


15.02.14 11:59

1691 Postings, 5099 Tage zion666Greywolf

14,9 Mio Stück. Hatten die schon vorher welche und haben nur zugekauft oder haben die jetzt in den letzen Tagen/Wochen neu gekauft. Wenn neu, wo kommen den Stücke alle her? Ich meine ja nur, wenn ich jetzt mal eben 7% von JPM kaufen würde, dann würde man das sicher am Kurs merken.

Schönes Wochenende

15.02.14 12:08

1233 Postings, 9095 Tage moneymoagiDer Kurs wird doch eh künstlich...

...unten gehalten.....manipulation pur....guck dir doch mal eine bis zwei stunden lang den level2 an, mit 2 bis 5 stücken immer und immer wieder um 3 bis 5 cent runter und dann zu diesen günstigeren preisen gehen dann plötzlich wieder tausende stücke über den tresen...noch offensichtlicher geht es doch gar nicht mehr...

wer da so blöd ist zu diesen preisen zu verkaufen erschließt sich mir allerdings leider auch nicht...



15.02.14 12:53

91 Postings, 5213 Tage lujo@zion

Greywolf hält die 14,9 Mio. seit April 2012. soweit ich das auf die schnelle recherchieren konnte.  

15.02.14 13:02

6099 Postings, 5610 Tage lander@zion666

mach Dir doch mal die Mühe den von Kirroyal eingestellten Link anzuklicken und Du wirst fündig:



Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!

15.02.14 13:20

6099 Postings, 5610 Tage landerzu Greywolf Capital Management LP

habe mal im Amiforum geschaut,die meinen es handele sich um eine Reduz. um ca.10.000 von 7,5% auf 7,4% wegen Steuern:

ZItat sysintelfin:Reduced roughly by 10,000 shares in Dec. 2013, probably tax selling though quantity is negligible. Percentage holding reduces from 7.5% to 7.4%.



Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!

15.02.14 13:24

91 Postings, 5213 Tage lujo@zion, Nachtrag:

Sind aber schon länger dabei, das war nur die bestandsmeldung nach dem Wandel in die WMI's. Mein Gott, das ist auch schon wieder fast zwei Jahre her...  

15.02.14 14:29

7386 Postings, 5697 Tage faster@greywolf

greywolf - ein hedgefund, der trups besessen hat (die trust preferred der wamu, die am 26.8.2008 in vorzüge der wmi umgewandelt wurde, und die einen NCL von etwa 3.900 (unbeschränkt) für wmih darstellen sollten.

quelle: klage der trups im konkursgerich, siehe kccllc

greywolf - einhedgefund, der das kapital, das er verwaltet, zumindest in 2010 teilweise von goldman sachs bekommen hat


greywolf - war an der goldman sachs gaunerei timberwolf beteiligt


greeywolf - ist von einer gruppe von exgoldman sachs angestellten gegründet worden


greywolf - mit ihrem sehr späten settlement für die trups haben sie den angeblichen ownershipchange herbeigeführt, und einen platz der aktionäre im verhandlungskomittee für goldman sachs "reserviert", grins. ob sie da als handlanger für goldman sachs agiert haben, kann wohl nur der staatsanwalt klären, wenn es denn einen staatsanwalt gibt, der nicht von goldman sachs "gepflegt wird.

oh ja, greywolf sollte hier im forum bekannt sein, grins.
"ein silber panda oder ein silber kookaburra kann die welt verbessern, grins" crasht jpm

15.02.14 14:41

7386 Postings, 5697 Tage faster@ecki

weisst du, wass ich an euch (pfandbrief,. vandelft, staylongstay., pinot, waldgeist, herrscher und dir unter anderem) am meisten verachte?

das ist die wehleidige art, wie ihr reagiert, wenn ihr mal mit euren eigenen unfähigkeiten, euren halbwahrheiten und euren lügen konfrontiert werdet, grins.

für alle anderen, eckis meldung meines beitrags @jpm sympathisanten , grins:

"Melder: Ecki07
Zeitpunkt: 14.02.14 13:40
Grund: Wo ist der Unterschied zu meinem gelöschten Posting und der Art und Weise dieses faster, der in Postings in wiederholter anmaßender und beleidigender Art und Weise pöbelt und Gegenreaktionen von Menschen hervorruft, welche sich in beleidigender Form angesprochen fühlen sollen.
Wenn moderieren, dann doch bitte in gleichem Maß für alle. ..."

da lese ich: "gegenreaktionen von menschen  hervorruft, welche sich in beleidigender form angesprochen fühlen sollen"

"SOLLEN", ecki?

entweder war das eine grossartige freudsche fehlleistung im sinne von "verdammt warum fühlen die sich nicht beleidigt", oder aber sauschlecht formuliert.

versuchs nochmal, breites grins.

falls du da gemeinsam mit jd und den anderen bestimmte ariva moderatoren beeinflussen wolltest, ich hoffe, der moderator hat deinen fehltritt ebenso bemerkt, und sich darüber genauso krummgelacht hat wie ich.
"ein silber panda oder ein silber kookaburra kann die welt verbessern, grins" crasht jpm

15.02.14 14:51

7386 Postings, 5697 Tage faster@nachtrag zu greywolf

da findet man doch immer wieder was neues, grins:

aus dem reuters artikel von 2010:

" ... A year ago, Greywolf Capital Partners II reported taking in $525 million from investors mainly in California, Connecticut, Illinois and New York. ...."

illinois? chicago? in 2009? zum kauf der wamu trups vielleicht?

da sitze ich nun kopfschüttelnd, und frage mich, ob das wieder nur zufall ist?
"ein silber panda oder ein silber kookaburra kann die welt verbessern, grins" crasht jpm

15.02.14 15:57

6099 Postings, 5610 Tage landerUnderstanding the true value of the NOL's to KKR,

Understanding the true value of the NOL's to KKR, et al.

Zitat bgriffinokc:

The following Post by T's is very revealing and explains the significance of the NOL's to KKR, et al.

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Re: Bank of America to pay $2.43B in settlement
« Reply #51 on: October 01, 2012, 06:49:46 AM »


Since where on the NOs , A POST of mine did awhile back

Letter to SEC Chair and IRS Commissioner – Tax Deduction Pyramid Scheme

The following letter was sent to SEC Chair Mary Schapiro and IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman on “tax day” with the hope they will jointly work at restoring the integrity of cash flow statements, without question the most important analytical tool for investment advisors like myself. It is simply astonishing, given their material nature, that listed companies are not fully disclosing purchased and accumulated net operating losses nor the impact of complying with the “fractions rule” in the case of private equity partnerships.

Parish & Company
10260 S.W. Greenburg Rd., Suite 400
Portland, OR 97223
Tel:(503)643-6999 Fax:(503)293-3507

April 15, 2011

Mary Schapiro
Office of the Chairman
Securities and Exchange Commission
Mail Stop 1070
100 F Street NE
Washington, D.C. 20549

cc: Elise B. Walter – SEC Commissioner
Troy A. Parades – SEC Commissioner
Robert Khuzami – SEC Director
Doug Shulman – IRS Commissioner
Heather Maloy – IRS Commissioner Large Business Division
Walter Harris – IRS Director Financial Services
Elise Bean – Congressional Oversight Committee

Dear Chair Schapiro,

In 15 years as an investment advisor I have always done my best to support the SEC’s work, having led many key corporate governance related initiatives. Past Chairs Levitt, Pitt and Donaldson are all familiar with my work, which has also been reported in front page stories in leading publications including Bloomberg, the New York Times, Barrons and USA Today.

The purpose of this letter today is to alert you directly to an alarming trend with respect to the rapidly eroding integrity of cash flow statements filed with the commission. The culprit is non-disclosure of important tax related transactions involving material net operating losses, in addition to compensation and related expense allocations subject to the “fractions rule”and NOL loss limitation rules that are material to past, present and future cash flows involving publicly traded partnerships, such as Blackstone, in which tax exempt investors participate. The NOL related limitation issues are also a significant issue in mergers and buyouts of public companies.

Back in late 1999 when I provided original research to Gretchen Morgenson, David Cay Johnston and Floyd Norris of the NY Times regarding how Microsoft paid no federal income tax I was told that this was ridiculous. You discredit your excellent work by saying such a thing, Morgenson added. Six months later she did a front page story outlining the scheme involving the issuance of NQ stock options. Similarly Bob Herdman, Chief Operating Officer at the Commission, thought the idea ridiculous at first.

While everyone was focused on the future dilution of options, my focus was instead on the historic tax based cash flow impact of options. What made this original research possible was a cash flow statement that analyzed cash flow and, in conjunction with footnotes, provided a good general idea of tax related impacts.

More recently, since last summer, I have tried to get the NY Times to do a story on how major private equity and hedge funds may indeed be escaping taxation completely via gaming carried interest deductions in violation of two key IRS reforms established by former President Reagan, the “fractions rule”and limitations on purchased NOLs.

The Times chose to focus on publicly traded GE and in their story never fully highlighted how GE is using NOLs. How could the Times put their reputation on the line based upon my work without adequate SEC disclosure? Also interesting to note is that at one time over the last two years, one private equity firm, Harbinger, owned more than 10 percent of the NY Times. Similarly, per Yahoo finance, JP Morgan owns almost 10 percent of Gannett, parent to USA today.

Media consolidation and outright ownership of media by major financial institutions, including private equity and hedge funds that have bitterly fought to undermine both the SEC’s and IRS efforts, has complicated this task. Perhaps now is a good time for the SEC and IRS to be more vigilant and oriented at making news aimed at solving fundamental problems before they accumulate and lead to major market problems. While leading attorneys at major law firms representing the private equity crowd enjoy great access with top officials via conferences and other venues, independent advisors like myself with a distinguished record can barely get a phone call returned.

GE was low hanging “media fruit” so to speak. Clearly the much bigger issue is that involving the takeover of public companies by private equity and hedge funds, effectively converting these formerly tax paying entities to the equivalent of tax exempts using NQ option and carried interest schemes resulting in an NOL pyramid scheme. Again, the bulk of these NOLs were never cash expenses but simply NQ options and carried interest.

If these private equity and hedge funds were indeed catering only to affluent investors that would be fine yet today many of these organizations receive most of their funding from public pensions. I have written about this extensively over the last 5-7 years and pushed hard to get the concept behind carry fees fully understood and disclosed. Again, numerous examples of this work appear in major publications.

One of the big lessons of the era was the need for the SEC to collaborate more with the Federal Reserve and see the economic impact of accounting irregularities. Most notable of course back then were merger and stock option accounting related issues. Former San Francisco Fed President Robert Parry told me, look Bill, “accounting issues were not in the fed’s purview” in late 1999. This was when the market was more focused upon whether Alan Greenspan took a bath before a meeting of the Federal Reserve.

The key lesson in the recent crisis involving mortgage financing and related derivatives was of course that conflicts of interest with key regulators and rating agencies can lead to similarly disastrous results. If Moody’s had done their job, we would have had no crisis. Also germane was the impact of top government officials such as Robert Rubin moving to industry and aggressively attacking important safeguards, Glass-Steagall in his case.

The reason I have copied your former colleague at FINRA, current IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman, is that to date there has been almost no discussion regarding how tax policy played a major role in both crises and in my opinion, with the proposed repeal of the fractions rule, could ignite the next. My work in this area goes back to 1999.

My hope is that you will work together to restore integrity in what is clearly the most important disclosure of all for any public company, the cash flow statement and related footnotes. Doing so will also greatly enhance overall tax equity, in my judgement. The notion that major tax related impacts not be disclosed is a significant fraud upon all statement users and puts the whole system at risk.

More specifically, someone at the Treasury has proposed repealing the fractions rule in the 2012 revenue guidelines. To that, I only have the following thoughts: Robert Rubin/Glass-Steagall; Wendy Graham/Derivatives Deregulation. It is absolutely ridiculous when it was such an important reform and there has been almost no enforcement of it for years, perhaps not unlike mortgage underwriting standards. The industry failed in Congress and failed to get an American Bar Association sponsored revenue ruling ,yet now it the Treasury itself advocating the repeal of the fractions rule.

While some companies will argue rightfully that tax returns are private and not required to be disclosed, such material NOL and “fractions rule” related information must be disclosed when public firms are taken private or in the event of significant sales or mergers. This is fundamental accounting 101. Some would add that failure to do so is the very essence of fraud because it fuels the notion that investing is an insider’s game. What it also does is allow problems to accumulate and ultimately exacerbate major problems in the market.

These cash flow based disclosures are vital information to an SEC Registered advisor like myself, and other investors. And for the last couple of years I have found increasing frustration in dealing with leading journalists because they are simply not getting the mandatory public disclosure required to corroborate my research findings and forward key corporate governance initiatives.

A good recent example is the General Electric sale of NBC to Comcast. So why do these two completely independent firms get to “game the system” with respect to the allocation of net operating losses belonging to GE via a special allocation partnership, subsequent to a sale of the business? One might ask, is this a fraud upon taxpayers, investors, both or simply much ado about nothing? When I make such an observation to a leading journalist, they need to be able to see a footnote that confirms or refutes my claim. This is as basic as corroborating total revenues per the income statement.

It is understandable that many journalists have expressed no interest in covering the proposed repeal of the “fractions rule,”simply because they don’t understand it. The reason of course is that these public partnership firms are not providing adequate disclosure to the SEC. In addition, something appears very amiss at the Treasury department. Who is behind this repeal, really? If you do a search of Blackstone’s 10K you will find no references to the fractions rule, nor related financial adjustments made to confirm to it. Similarly, no one at the Internal Revenue Service is willing to discuss this. (See attached letter to Curt Wilson, Associate General Counsel Passthroughs at the IRS).

At  you can also see a blogpost that features a brief audio, taken from an American Bar Association Conference in which one of the nations leading attorneys, Sanford Presant, explains how investors received $7 in tax deductions for each $1 invested prior to the fractions rule. Also included is a brief audio clip from a top IRS official, Curt Wilson, who volunteered to sit on a panel, noting he sees no enforcement issues with the “fractions rule.”

“How can we transfer our angst over the fractions rule to you,”a King and Spaulding attorney asked the IRS’s Wilson? Wilson later told me that the fractions rule was not being considered for repeal yet it is now in the 2012 Revenue Guidelines for repeal. Wilson will not confirm who is involved in the repeal nor its specifics. Again, in my mind this will be the genesis of a crisis if not prevented, similar to the repeal of Glass-Steagall or the rules regarding derivatives trading.

Per my analysis, firms with inadequate cash flow disclosure to the commission with respect to NOL and fractions rule related considerations include, but are not limited to Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, General Electric, Comcast, Blackstone, KKR, TPG (via acquisitions including J Crew since TPG is not publicly traded), Apollo and Fortress.
For example, if Blackstone is going to purchase a publicly traded company and thereby assumes significant accumulated NOLs, those valuable NOLs must be disclosed fully to existing shareholders prior to a sale. In addition, the same partnership must disclose the impact of the fractions rule, specifically, how much of the deductions cannot be taken due to having tax exempt investors in the purchasing partnership. Such investors often represent more than 80 percent of all funds in major private equity partnerships.

Also relevant are the limitations on the deductibility of purchased NOLs, and whether they are being fully deducted using a reverse scheme, in which an entity with significant NOLs purchases a firm paying significant taxes, thereby escaping the required amortization reform put forth by Reagen. My original research identified this scheme in 2001 subsequent to the takeover of Time Warner by AOL.

It is not enough to say, we need not disclose such information since it is an item on our tax return. Full disclosure and materiality mandate such disclosure of material tax driven cash flow items directly on the cash flow statement or in the footnotes.

In another example, if TPG purchases J Crew and by doing so receives $1
 billion in net operating losses, a large part of which are tax deductions created from stock options, how are these valuable net operating losses treated. These expenses never resulted in a cash outlay, and if the partnership at TPG buying J Crew has 80 percent tax exempt investors, are these NOLs being stripped away in violation of the fractions rule prior to being put in the partnership? And, if so, is this not a violation of the fractions rule resulting in a LILO like leasing doubling up of tax deductions for taxable general partners, etc?
One could argue such non-disclosure to the SEC is manufacturing a tax deduction pyramid or flipping scheme in which private equity firms take companies private, public, private again and then public. Each time creating staggering NOLs in the form of stock option or carried interest deductions, not resulting from an outlay of cash for equipment or wages, but rather a paper tax deduction pyramid scheme.

Regarding Blackstone, another potential issue includes the valuation of partnership interests that create valuable tax deductions? Are these straight up or are they the equivalent of a stock option back dating scheme being used that is aimed to increase tax deductions by awarding such units at artificially low strike prices, achieving the same impact as backdating? Of course tax exempt partners may not care, yet what of the future cash flow impact for public unit holders? In reviewing the history and Blackstone’s limited public disclosure, something just does not look right, in my opinion.

Furthermore, if Blackstone executives exchange unvested NQ options with Blackstone partnership units based upon carried interest, the strike price value difference between each should be fully disclosed to shareholders, not simply in aggregate.

In my original research on stock options back in 1999 I often noted this backdating impact and was simply amazed that at the time there was no concern. It was sad to see how this developed into a legal feed bucket for law firms that never acknowledged the most damaging part of the scheme, that being the creation of a tax deduction pyramid scheme.

In 2000, I arranged a related story on this for Gretchen Morgenson of the NY Times involving two employees at Microsoft who expressed an interest in becoming clients. I tentatively agreed to accept them as clients only if they were willing to discuss their situation with Morgenson given the important tax governance related involving their situation. Similarly, Morgenson agreed that, if she did the story, she would mention my simple idea regarding a pivotal tax reform.

The couple had exercised options but failed to sell shares to pay the tax until they filed their return several months later. The subsequent drop in Microsoft’s stock price left them with a large tax bill and insufficient assets to pay the tax. I had expected that the story, which appeared on the front page, would include my comment that the IRS provide a one-time adjustment in such situations, provided the total options were less than x in value. Unfortunately the comment did not appear yet it was however recognized as a key story with Morgenson being awarded the Pulitzer Prize.

My guess is that the Times advertisers, including Microsoft and Cisco Systems, did not want the story done because if employees were allowed to “look back” on a one time basis, this would clearly eliminate the tax deduction the companies were taking. More centrally, it would challenge the stability of this innovative tax deduction pyramid scheme that began with NQ options and has now morphed into carried interest.

Of course this is particularly germane if a CEO orchestrates the sale of a public company and stays on with the private equity firm as a shareholder. Perhaps Tony James, Blackstone’s president, put it best by saying,“Now we can just exchange the unvested portion of an executive’s NQ options with our partnerships units and not expend valuable cash in order to bring them on board and get the deal done.” You can see this summarized at in two blog posts. One is dated August 2010 and the second March 31, 2011. Both provide important background for this letter.

I spoke with Mark Zehner in your office about this issue last fall, specific to the fractions rule, and frankly must reflect significant disappointment at the lack of follow up, especially given the stellar work he did in the municipal finance area. This is not a UBTI driven issue unique to tax exempt investors in public partnerships but rather an assault on the basic integrity of“the key financial statement” used by advisors like myself to analyze the merits of a particular investment opportunity, the cash flow statement.

We all want the economy to turn around, yet in my opinion, that will only happen when integrity and confidence are restored to the cash flow statement. Doing so will allow numerous peripheral areas to self correct ranging from capital flows to overall tax equity.

Thank you for considering these thoughts and of course I will make myself available for follow up commentary. The opportunity to develop some level of dialogue with the commission would be much appreciated. This could include someone at the commission suggesting I be invited to speak at a major conference, etc.


Bill Parish

« Last Edit: October 01, 2012, 06:55:40 AM by T1215s »


(A little long but ! worth a read IMHO.)
Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!

15.02.14 17:22

10608 Postings, 4522 Tage rübiStay mit deinem

letztem Beitrag weiß ich genau wessen Kind du bist.  

15.02.14 17:24

30793 Postings, 6653 Tage AnanasUnterirdisch und überflüssi faster # 37464

Langsam solltest du mal über dein Verhalten hier nachdenken. Es steht dir nicht zu, ständig User zu diskreditieren, nur weil sie nicht auf deiner Linie schreiben.
Schon lange machst du diesen Thread zu deiner ganz privaten Bühne, wer nicht spurt, wird zusammengefaltet. Ich halte dein Verhalten für eine sehr primitive Art der Unterdrückung zur Meinungsvielfalt.
Somit wird jede kontroverse Diskussion im Keim erstickt, wer schlau ist, zieht seinen Schwanz ein und lässt dich somit ins Leere laufen. Mir ist es schleierhaft wie du dich in dem  noch verbleibenden Umfeld wohlfühlen kannst, ohne Reibung wird auch keine Wärme entstehen. Aber gut, wenn  du schwammige Aussagen und das ständige Zuprosten als Erfüllung deiner Ariva-Zeit ansiehst, dann muss man das auch akzeptieren.
Du solltest dir zu schade sein, ein gemeldetes Posting hier reinzustellen, jeder kann sich die Meldeliste anschauen, und seine Schlüsse ziehen.
Ich  lese deine Posting stets kopfschüttelnd und denke mir, welches Talent wird hier vergeudet.
Bewerten kann ich nur wenige deiner Schreibereien, das liegt daran, mitunter sind sämtliche Bewertungskriterien in einem Schreiben enthalten. Andere User finden dagegen alles interessant, informativ usw.
Ich bin deine Provokationen leid, dein ständiges Sticheln und deine Boshaftigkeit. Anfangs war es ja noch ganz lustig zu lesen, wie du dich aufplusterst. Inzwischen geht es mir nur noch auf die Nerven.

Wo Angst herrscht verkriecht sich die Vernunft.

15.02.14 17:38

15454 Postings, 4925 Tage SchwarzwälderNicht nur Hans-Peter Friedrich ...

ist wegen "gefühltem", zu stark gewordenen "Druck", zurück getreten. Und das vollzog
sich wie immer, nach dem die Kanzlerin diesen / ihren Vertrauten ihr "Vertrauen" ausgesprochen hatte ! Auch Jung, zu Guttenberg, Wulff, Schavan etc. sprach Merkel
zuerst ihr "Vertrauen" aus und unmittelbar danach waren diese Leute  "weg" !

Also wenn ich den inhaltsmäßigen Verlauf bestimmter Beiträge so verfolge, denke ich,
auch wir müssen uns vielleicht über kurz od. lang auch auf die eine oder andere,
w e i t e r e , "unmerkliche", sukzessive "Verdünnisierung" (vielleicht auch um sich wie gewisse Vorgänger "Wichtigerem" zuzuwenden) ebenso wg. zunehmendem "Druck" einstellen bzw. damit "abzufinden" ... Ich glaube so was nennt man Parallelen ...

Schönes Wochenende at all,

15.02.14 18:18

3547 Postings, 4934 Tage Memory193In Ungarn machen se es richtig......

...und schmeissen die europäischen Flaggen aus dem Regierungsgebäude.......aus dem Fenster.....


15.02.14 18:49

6099 Postings, 5610 Tage landerweiter zu #37466

Re: Understanding the true value of the NOL's to KKR, et al.

Zitat  investorwad:
Bob, this appears to have to do with another issue and not NOLs as we know them. If the author was pointing out blatant abuses of corporate NOL use, he would have easily been able to cite the IRC (382) to show how these "schemes" are circumventing exiting tax law by tax avoidance. This author seems to be concerned about abuse or scheduled repeal of the Fractions Rule.

"The purpose of the Fractions Rule is to prevent tax avoidance by limiting the transfer of tax attributes from tax-exempt participants to taxable participants and vice versa."
ZItat bgriffinokc:
"Per my analysis, firms with inadequate cash flow disclosure to the commission with respect to NOL and fractions rule related considerations include, but are not limited to Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, General Electric, Comcast, Blackstone, KKR, TPG (via acquisitions including J Crew since TPG is not publicly traded), Apollo and Fortress.
For example, if Blackstone is going to purchase a publicly traded company and thereby assumes significant accumulated NOLs, those valuable NOLs must be disclosed fully to existing shareholders prior to a sale."

The bottom line is retail will not know what the total of the NOL's and other tax benefits are until after Sept. 2014. You can bet your sweet bippy that Blackstone, TPG, and KKR know exactly what the future holds.

Unless you are an insider you don't know any more than any one else, do you?



Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!

15.02.14 20:24

7386 Postings, 5697 Tage faster@zu den tasten, grins

lander, der beitrag, den du da gefunden hast, ist für mich einer der wichtigsten, den ich in diesem jahr gelesen habe.

die auswirkung von optionen auf die nols der wmih ist mir nicht so wichtig (obwohl sie auch auf uns auswirkungen haben könnten), aber die randbemerkungen sind es um so mehr.

" ....For example, if Blackstone is going to purchase a publicly traded company and thereby assumes significant accumulated NOLs, those valuable NOLs must be disclosed fully to existing shareholders prior to a sale. ....."

müssen sie dass momentan nicht?

das ist genau das, warum ich mit einem unguten gefühl über die nols und ncls geschrieben habe, so wie ich diesen artikel verstehe, müssen die vorhandenen steuervorteile nicht vollständig in der bilanz angegeben werden.

und die fraction rule sollten wir uns mal genauer ansehen, welche auswirkungen die bzw der wegfall dieser auf uns haben könnte.
"ein silber panda oder ein silber kookaburra kann die welt verbessern, grins" crasht jpm

15.02.14 20:28

7386 Postings, 5697 Tage faster@zu den tasten 2

" ...The bottom line is retail will not know what the total of the NOL's and other tax benefits are until after Sept. 2014. You can bet your sweet bippy that Blackstone, TPG, and KKR know exactly what the future holds. ...."

" grundsätzlich kann man sagen, die kleinstaktionäre werden bis zum september 2014 nichts wissen, wie hoch die tatsächlichen nols und andere steuervorteile sind. du kanns aber einen darauf wetten, dass blackstone, tpg und kkr genau über diese zahlen bescheid wissen ..."

wieso september 2014?
"ein silber panda oder ein silber kookaburra kann die welt verbessern, grins" crasht jpm

15.02.14 20:32

7386 Postings, 5697 Tage faster@ananas

hat dir eigentlich noch niemand erklärt, wie man jemanden, den man nicht lesen will, auf ignorieren setzt?

ich habe den verdacht, dass du nur deine meinung propagieren willst, und das so oft als möglich, damit auch der dümmste mitkriegt, was hier im forum meinung sein sollte.

setz doch einfach meine beiträge auf ignorieren, wenn du sie nicht lesen magst, grins.

"ein silber panda oder ein silber kookaburra kann die welt verbessern, grins" crasht jpm

15.02.14 21:01

7386 Postings, 5697 Tage faster@die üblichen verdächtigen

" ...Per my analysis, firms with inadequate cash flow disclosure to the commission with respect to NOL and ..... include, but are not limited to ..., JP Morgan Chase, ...., Blackstone, KKR, ....."

jpm wäre mal interessant, da könnte man sehen, ob sie die wmb nols in ihren büchern verstecken, 12.500 mo die bei der wmih fehlen, blackstone zeigt uns, dass sie als experten für wmih mit äusserster vrosicht zu geniessen sind, als notorische nol verschweiger, grins, und kkr, naja, warum die bei wmih dabei sind, wissen wir, die werden die nols und ncls bis zum letzten cent auspressen, dass sie gerne mal die werte ihrer firmen verschweigen, sollte uns daran erinnern, in unserer aufmerksamkeit nicht nachzulassen.
"ein silber panda oder ein silber kookaburra kann die welt verbessern, grins" crasht jpm

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