Triton distribution systems - die neue Kursrakete

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15.01.11 18:17

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichTriton distribution systems - die neue Kursrakete

Triton distibution systems: Neuerdings schuldenfrei - Steht der weg nach oben nun frei? Momentan tut sich viel um die Aktie- EURE Meinung ist gefragt!


17.01.11 17:11

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichUnd es wird noch besser

TRITON ist in Kürze auch im GOLDMINENGESCHAEFT dabei! (Da sie AGT übernimmt)

Artikelausschnitt hierzu:

Triton Distribution has also announced that it has received a Technical Study report on Mineral Resources and reserves of gold deposits. The deposits are in the three mines owned by Berezovskoye in Russia, which is a sister company of Advanced Gold Technology. The report indicates that the mines have heavy reserves and are likely to remain productive for a long time. Triton Distribution said that its relationship with AGT is likely to be very fruitful. The “Pine” mine is likely to produce 50,144 ounces in gold, whereas Talaiz mine is expected to produce 85,808 ounces of gold.

Read more:

Merke: Die Firma ist nun gänzlich Schuldenfrei!!!

Angeblich sollen im letzten Jahr massive Shortings im 3-stelligen Millionenbereich die Aktie enorm gedrückt haben. Das Shorten könnte jedoch bald zu einem covern führen, da bereits morgen neue Daten anstehen.



21.01.11 16:04

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichTriton kauft nun Aktien zurück

Der Preis dürfte nun solid ansteigen. Die News sind noch ofen-warm!

SOURCE: Triton Distribution Systems, Inc.

Jan 21, 2011 08:00 ETTriton Distribution Systems, Inc. Announces Stock Repurchase Program
TIBURON, CA--(Marketwire - January 21, 2011) - Triton (PINKSHEETS: TTDZ) today announced that its board of directors, after consultation with Universal Holdings, has authorized a stock repurchase program of up to $3 million of its outstanding common stock to be accomplished and stretched out for the next six months and will take place in the open market.

"We believe that the recent speculation surrounding the company is without merit and fails to reflect our fundamental operational planning that has been very positive and reassuring for the company and the shareholders. This stock repurchase program demonstrates the board of directors' and our partner's confidence in the company's ability to execute its growth strategy. We continue to execute well in this fast growing market and are making the strategic decisions we believe will allow us to solidify our position as a well run company in this sector," said Gregory E. Lykiardopoulos, Triton's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

As of January 15, 2011 the company has secured a respectable capital investment through a convertible debenture that will allow the company to act on the repurchase program. The share repurchase program authorizes Triton to repurchase shares from time to time through the open market, or privately negotiated transactions. The company may adopt a Rule 10b5-1 repurchase plan which would allow the company to purchase its shares at times when it ordinarily would not be in the market because of self-imposed trading blackout periods. The number of shares to be purchased and the timing of the purchases will be based on market conditions, share price and other factors. The stock repurchase program does not require the company to repurchase any specific dollar value or number of shares and may be modified, extended or terminated by the board of directors at any time.

The company will announce next week the production of the editorial interactive audio interview that will provide all shareholders additional information about the company and its activities. The company will announce the interview in a forthcoming press release.

FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This news release includes forward-looking statements. While these statements are made to convey to the public the company's progress, business opportunities and growth prospects, readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements represent management's opinion. The company's operations and business prospects are always subject to risk and uncertainties.

Triton Distribution Systems, Inc.
Gregory Lykiardopoulos
Click here to see all recent news from this company


21.01.11 16:13

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichNun schon knapp 100% Gewinn

Die Shorter werden wohl auf dem falschen Fuss erwischt worden sein.


26.01.11 12:24

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichAktualisierung

Allg. Meinung: (investorshub)

- In 2 Wochen kommt der 2010 Bericht raus (Sehr positiv)

- Diese Woche kommt das Audio-Interview für die Investoren raus (positiv)

Der Verkaufsdruck hat stark nachgelassen. Wir haben konsolidiert.

Noch was: Dies ist kein Pushing: Gemäss Tages-Trading Volumen könnt ihr ja gerne mal nachschauen, wieviel Geld es denn bräuchte, um den Kurs nur einige Wenige Prozente zu bewegen!!!


26.01.11 15:43

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichBaldiger Short-Squeeze!

BUYINS.NET Issues Triton Distribution Systems SqueezeTrigger Report

* Approximately 207 Million Shares Shorted Since November 2009
* First Short Squeeze Expected To Begin Above $.03

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., Jan. 26, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BUYINS.NET,, a leading provider of Regulation SHO compliance monitoring, short sale trading statistics and market integrity surveillance, has initiated coverage on Triton Distribution Systems (Pink Sheets:TTDZ) after releasing the latest short sale data through January 25, 2011. The total aggregate number of shares shorted since November 2009 is approximately 207 million shares (split adjusted). Approximately 31.86% of daily trading volume is short selling. The SqueezeTrigger price for all (Pink Sheets:TTDZ) shares shorted is $0.32. The first short squeeze is expected to begin above $0.03, where approximately 188 million shares have previously been shorted between $0.0011 and $0.0299.

Click here to view Report:

Click here for SqueezeTrigger:

Click here for Friction Factor:

Friction Factor calculates if a fair market is being made in the shares of TTDZ. 41% of the previous 29 trading days have been positive or bullish-biased and 59% have been negative or bearish-biased.

Regulation SHO requires bona-fide market-making activities to include making purchases and sales in roughly comparable amounts. The Commission has stated that bona-fide market-making DOES NOT include activity that is related to speculative selling strategies or investment purposes of the broker-dealer and is disproportionate to the usual market making patterns or practices of the broker-dealer in that security. Likewise, where a market-maker posts continually at or near the best offer, but does not also post at or near the best bid, the market-maker's activities would not generally qualify as bona-fide market-making. Moreover, a market-maker that continually executes short sales away from its posted quotes would generally not be considered to be engaging in bona-fide market-making.

BUYINS.NET monitors TTDZ market-makers daily for compliance with Fair Market-Making Requirements.


31.01.11 18:21

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichDiese Woche wurden 3 News angekündigt

1 erfüllte sich bereits. (Audio Interview, heute)


2 Weitere warten noch:

1. Monday January 31, 2011 the Company will release information regarding the prerecorded audio interview with the CEO Mr. Gregory E. Lykiardopoulos.

2. Tuesday February 01, 2011 the Company will release and file the Year End 2010 Financial Reports.

3. Wednesday February 02, 2011 the Company will release and file the post merger with AGT, January, 2011 Financial Reports.

Heute bereits schlappe 31% Plus (zur Zeit)

Ich denke, dass diese Woche noch was geht. Die 5cent liegen bis Freitag drin, da bei 3Cent der Shortsqueeze beginnt (Siehe oben)

(Dies ist kein Pushing)



01.02.11 22:07

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichHeute kam der Report raus


Und es  wurde massiv geshortet. Wieso ich das weiss? More buyingss than sales gemäss IHUB! --- > Shorter!


Morgen (News) erwarte ich mind. eine Kursverdoppelung!


02.02.11 10:05

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichKleines Charting-Video zu TTDZ

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="<param">"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>


04.02.11 16:28

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichGute Nachrichten

 Triton wurde heute auf die nächste OTC-Stufe angehoben. Ein weiterer Schritt in Richtung NASDAQ!

Die letzen Tage bekam Triton auf der Website der von ihnen aufgekauften Firma AGT Anschuldigungen, dass der Deal (Aufkauf) geplatzt sei. Triton bestätigt dies jedoch als Falsch. Vermutlich hatten Hacker zugriff zu der Website erlangt.

Der Aktienkurs von Triton geriet daher gestern stark unter Druck, wodurch die Aufwärtstrendlinie in Gefahr kam. Viele schwachen Hände verkauften, da die Hacker und Basher (Shoter) Falschnachrichten verbreitet hatten. Zur Zeit sieht aber alles wieder gut aus. Heute könnte daher ein grossartiger und schöner Tag für die Triton-Aktionäre werden.


07.02.11 14:16

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichNeue News von Triton

Hoffentlich reicht das, um die Gerüchte gegen Triton ein für alle Mal zu begraben!

Der Kurs hatte letzte Woche auf Grund von Panikmachen u.ä. stark Federn gelassen. Ich erwarte daher diese Woche einen guten Rebound, und sogar neue Zwischenhochs sollten auf dem Programm stehen.

Ich bin hier langfristig investiert, und habe daher wie gesagt kein Bedürfnis, zu pushen oder ähnlich. DYODD


17.02.11 15:39

21 Postings, 4991 Tage Good luckTop News

Tiburon, CA, 17. Februar 2011 (Marketwire / PRNewswire) -

Triton (PINKSHEETS: TTDZ | PowerRating ) Management stolz verkündet heute die Unterzeichnung einer endgültigen und verbindlichen Joint Venture und Strategische Allianz Vereinbarung mit GEO, Inc. aus Nevada.

Es gibt eine Vielzahl von zusätzlichen Vereinbarungen, werde nach dieser Bekanntmachung und der Bildung der Gründung des Joint Venture unterzeichnet werden sollen. Zusätzlich wird es eine Notwendigkeit, die erforderlichen Teams zu etablieren, um Operationen auf dem erworbenen Mine zu beginnen.

Triton wird ihre 50% Eigenkapital des Joint Ventures und das Recht, Personal ernennen Mehrheit Management anfänglichen verwalten das Joint Venture für eine Investition von US $ 2,7 Millionen. Diese Investition ist vereinbart und angenommen Universal Holdings von Beijing, China, und es wird erwartet, sofort Gemeinsame übertragen werden, die Venture.

Diese Vereinbarung enthält mehrere Anhänge, die nicht öffentlich verfügbar sind aufgrund der Vertraulichkeit und Sicherheit Gründe. Es ist absolut erforderlich, dass sensible Informationen vertraulich für die Sicherheit und das Wohlergehen der Operating Officers der einzelnen Unternehmen bleibt.

"Wir freuen uns und begeisterte als beteiligen Investoren in diesem Joint Venture Projekt mit Triton und GEO und wir sind bereit, schnell zu handeln schnell und erfolgreich zu erfüllen alle notwendigen Finanzierung notwendig sind, um diesen Vorgang sehr. Wir vertrauen und wissen, Herr Lykiardopoulos sehr auch seit vielen Jahren und wir haben erfolgreich war zuvor mehrere Unternehmen mit ihm zu tun ", sagte William Chan, Vice President of Business Development für Universal Holdings.

Es wird geschätzt, dass dieses Projekt generieren aufwärts von 800 Mio. US $ für alle beteiligten Unternehmen, für mehrere Jahre zu kommen.

Management Wünsche an alle Aktionäre, die das Unternehmen kontaktiert haben und beschwerte sich über die negativen Botschaften zirkulieren in den Foren zu danken. Wir beraten sie respektvoll, keine Aufmerksamkeit auf diese negativen Botschaften und diejenigen, die sie verbreitet, sind zu bezahlen. Triton Management ist sehr stark auf das Projekt an die Hand konzentriert und das Gedeihen der Firma.

Aufgrund der Empfindlichkeit der vertraulichen Informationen, die in der Vereinbarung, dass die Zustimmung von allen Parteien braucht, ist Triton nicht zu veröffentlichen, die Vereinbarung vor von der Zustimmung aller Beteiligten.


17.02.11 16:27

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichNeue News

Die Aktie kommt langsam aus dem Loch!

Press Release Source: Triton Distribution Systems, Inc. On Thursday February 17, 2011, 8:00 am
TIBURON, CA--(Marketwire - 02/17/11) - Triton's (Pinksheets:TTDZ - News) Management proudly announces today the signing of a definitive and binding Joint Venture and Strategic Alliance agreement with GEO, Inc. of Nevada.

There are a multitude of additional agreements that are going to be signed following this announcement and the formation of the Incorporation of the Joint Venture. Additionally there will be a need to establish the necessary teams to start operations on the acquired mine.

Triton will own 50% equity of the Joint Venture and the right to appoint majority management personnel to manage the Joint Venture for an initial investment of US $2.7 Million. This investment is agreed and accepted by Universal Holdings of Beijing, China, and it is expected to be transferred to the Joint Venture immediately.

This agreement contains several addendums that are not available publicly due to confidentiality and security reasons. It is absolutely imperative that sensitive information remains confidential for the safety and well being of the operating officers of each company.

"We are delighted and enthusiastic to participate as investors in this Joint Venture project with Triton and GEO and we are ready to act swiftly and rapidly to meet all the necessary financing needed to make this operation very successful. We trust and know Mr. Lykiardopoulos very well for many years and we have had previously several successful business dealings with him," said William Chan, Vice President of Business Development for Universal Holdings.

It is estimated that this project will generate upwards of US $800 Million to all companies involved, for several years to come.

Management wishes to thank all the shareholders that have contacted the company and complained about the negative messages circulating on the message boards. We respectfully advise them to pay no attention to these negative messages and those that are spreading them. Triton's management is very much focused on the project at hand and making the company successful.

Due to the sensitivity of the confidential information included in the agreement that needs approval by all parties, Triton is unable to release publicly the agreement prior to obtaining consent from all parties involved.

This news release includes forward-looking statements. While these statements are made to convey to the public the company's progress, business opportunities and growth prospects, readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements represent management's opinion. The company's operations and business prospects are always subject to risk and uncertainties.



18.02.11 00:44

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichChart

19.02.11 02:46

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichNews

Triton Distribution Systems to form joint venture with GEOPosted on: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 13:43:37 EST

Symbols: TTDZ Feb 18, 2011 (Datamonitor Financial Deals Tracker via COMTEX) --
Triton Distribution Systems, Inc., a US-based provider of Web-based travel services distribution business, has signed a definitive and binding joint venture (JV) and strategic alliance agreement with US-based GEO, Inc.
Triton will own 50% equity of the JV and the right to appoint majority management personnel to manage the JV for an initial investment of $2.7 million. This investment is agreed and accepted by Universal Holdings of China, and it is expected to be transferred to the JV immediately.
Deal Type Partnership

Sub-Category Joint Venture

Deal Status Announced: 2011-02-17

Deal Participants
Partner 1 (Company) Triton Distribution Systems, Inc.

Partner 2 (Company) GEO, Inc.


22.02.11 15:40

21 Postings, 4991 Tage Good luckNews

Ergänzende Informationen zu den Triton Joint Venture Bergbau in Nevada

Verfasst am: Di, 22 Februar 2011 08.03.33 EST

Symbole: TTDZ
Tiburon, CA, 22. Februar 2011 (Marketwire / PRNewswire) -

Triton (PINKSHEETS: TTDZ | PowerRating ) Management möchte, dass alle Aktionäre zu informieren und hofft, dass jeder wird verstehen, dass bis alle vertraulichen Informationen sicher geschützt wurde, um es sehr schwer zu entlarven wollen alle Einzelheiten Aktionäre. Diese Information ist sehr empfindlich und sehr wertvoll für andere Wettbewerber des Unternehmens, das in der Nähe nutzen kann und schaffen Operationen oder es ihnen ermöglichen, die Sicherheit gefährden und das Wohlbefinden des Betriebssystems Offiziere des Joint Venture. Daher Informationen über geografische Standorte der Bergwerke, der Mineralien, Namen und teilnehmenden Unternehmen in den Betrieb werden Mengen privat bleiben, bis es sicher ist, sie zu enthüllen.

Es genügt zu berichten, dass die Minen Hektar einnehmen 280. Es gibt 14 behauptet, dass eingetragene werden. Das Joint Venture Gesellschaft wird derzeit gebildet und es werden zusätzliche eigene 5-Jahres-Leasing exklusive der Minen mit einer Option von weiteren 5 Jahren und einer zusätzlichen Option eine eigene Minen geradezu in 12 Monaten für Investitionen . Sobald das Gemeinschaftsunternehmen gegründet, das Wagnis vereinbarten Investitionen aus China Joint wird sofort übertragen, und alle Miet-und Betriebskosten Vereinbarungen wird im genommen werden zu beginnen Bergbau .

Es ist wichtig, an die Aktionäre Bericht an den das Unternehmen erwartet wird, zu schaffen ein Security-Unternehmen Mitarbeiter, die alle schützt Manager , Führungskräfte und Direktoren des Joint Ventures.

Die Gesellschaft wird immer zum Schutz aller Mitarbeiter und stellen Sie sicher, um sie sicher von Harm's Way. Folglich Aufmerksamkeit auf Störenfriede und Menschen, egal, was passiert mit ihren Mitmenschen sind nicht hörenswert.

Wie bereits angedeutet, wird das Management des Unternehmens zusätzliche Informationen weiter in dieser Woche Freisetzung über die Fortschritte und die Ergebnisse, die erzielt werden. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass das Projekt in Nevada erwogen sehr groß und sehr reich ist. Die Aktionäre werden nicht enttäuscht sein. Das Management des Unternehmens Wünsche zum Ausdruck bringen, dass alle sie sehen wollen das Unternehmen erfolgreich in ihren Bemühungen und die Gelegenheit, um es auf eine höhere Gegenleistung für die zugunsten der Aktionäre erheben haben. Menschen, die stark kritisieren und schlecht mouthing das Unternehmen kein Interesse daran haben zu sehen, das Unternehmen erfolgreich und haben keine Verpflichtung oder Investitionen zu schützen, noch haben sie keine Ahnung, was hinter den Kulissen erreicht wird. Alles, was sie tun, ist falsch interpretiert jeder Pressemitteilung.

Das Unternehmen setzt alle seine Energien zu viele Richtungen, um alle Ziele, sie habe zu bewerkstelligen erreichen - wie die Arbeit mit den Anwälten und den Abschlussprüfer der Gesellschaft für die Berichterstattung an die Securities and Exchange Commission zunächst als OTC-Unternehmen vorzubereiten, dann, um es auf eine höhere Austausch zu bewegen. All dies kostet Zeit, Geld und viel Mühe, um diese Ziele zu erreichen. Management möchte sich bei allen, dass sie konzentriert und entschlossen ist, voranzukommen mit ihren Partnern beraten



22.02.11 22:12

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichUpdate TTDZ

News JOINT VENTURE ~ Supplementary Information Regarding the Triton Joint Venture Mining in Nevada

Triton Distribution (USOTC:TTDZ)
Intraday Stock Chart
Today : Tuesday 22 February 2011

Triton's (PINKSHEETS: TTDZ) Management wishes to inform all shareholders and trusts that everyone will understand that until all the confidential information has been securely protected, it is very difficult to expose all the particulars shareholders wish to have. This information is very sensitive and very valuable to other competitors of the company that can take advantage and establish operations nearby or allow them to compromise the safety and well being of the operating officers of the joint venture. Therefore, information about geographical locations of the mines, quantities of the minerals, names and participating companies in the operation will remain private until it is safe to reveal them.

Suffice to report that the mines occupy 280 acres. There are 14 claims that are being registered. The joint venture corporation is being presently formed and it will own a 5-year exclusive lease of the mines with an option of an additional 5 years and an additional option to own the mines outright in 12 months for an additional investment. Once the joint venture is established, the agreed upon investment from China will be immediately transferred to the joint venture, and all leases and operating agreements will be put in place to start mining.

It is important to report to the shareholders that the company is expected to establish a security company that will protect all employees, managers, officers and directors of the joint venture.

The company will always protect all employees and make sure to keep them safe from harm's way. Consequently, paying attention to trouble makers and people that don't care what happens to their fellow men are not worth listening to.

As previously indicated, the company's management will release additional information further this week on the progress and the results that are being achieved. It is important to note that the project contemplated in Nevada is very big and very rich. Shareholders will not be disappointed. The Company's Management wishes to express that all they want is to see the company successful in its endeavors and to have the opportunity to elevate it to a higher exchange for the benefit of the shareholders. People that are heavily criticizing and bad mouthing the company have no interest to see the company succeed and have no commitment or investment to protect, nor do they have any idea what is being achieved behind the scenes. All they are doing is misinterpreting every press release.

The company is putting all its energies to many directions to attain all the goals that it set out to accomplish -- such as working with the attorneys and the auditors to prepare the company for reporting to the Securities and Exchange Commission first as an OTC company, then to move it to a higher exchange. All this takes time, money and lots of effort to reach these goals. Management wishes to advise everybody that it is focused and determined to move forward with their partners.


This news release includes forward-looking statements. While these statements are made to convey to the public the company's progress, business opportunities and growth prospects, readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements represent management's opinion. The company's operations and business prospects are always subject to risk and uncertainties.


Triton Distribution Systems, Inc.

Gregory Lykiardopoulos




--Akt. Chart sagt baldigen Ausbruch voraus.--



24.02.11 14:42

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage Schwerreich+NEWS+

Press Release Source: Triton Distribution Systems, Inc. On Thursday February 24, 2011, 8:00 am

TIBURON, CA--(Marketwire - 02/24/11) - As previously promised and in order to keep shareholders informed, Triton's (Pinksheets:TTDZ - News) Management will release tomorrow, Friday 25, 2011 a press release that will announce and cover the progress achieved this week. The press release will cover the following:

1) Formation of the Nevada Corporation for the Joint Venture.
2) Registration of 12 additional claims.
3) Opening Bank Account for the Joint Venture.
4) Wire transfer of funds into the Joint Venture Bank Account.
5) Execution of the mines 5-year lease, for all 14 claims.
6) Confirmation of arrangements for Triton's CEO to meet with the Executives of Universal Holdings in Beijing, China on March 9, 2011.

The Company wishes to advise all shareholders that if possible and safe, management will release details of other additional information regarding the operation of the mines in Nevada.


This news release includes forward-looking statements. While these statements are made to convey to the public the company's progress, business opportunities and growth prospects, readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements represent management's opinion. The company's operations and business prospects are always subject to risk and uncertainties.


02.03.11 22:25

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichTriton schloss nie unter 1 cent!

Solider Support bei 0.9cents


07.04.11 14:42

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichNEWS!! (frisch von Marketwire)


Press Release Source: Triton Distribution Systems, Inc. On Thursday April 7, 2011, 8:00 am

TIBURON, CA--(Marketwire - 04/07/11) - Triton's (Pinksheets:TTDZNews) Management wishes to inform all shareholders that it has commissioned a new technical report on its Nevada properties. With the recent acquisitions, Green Earth Partners has now over 320 acres in the State of Nevada. This report that is being developed by a licensed third party engineer is expected to be completed by the end of next week and will encompass the entire land package and the results of the recent geophysical and assay programs.

The progress that we have made thus far is much slower than we had initially anticipated but this delay in no way has impaired or effected our relationship with our Chinese partners. The initial indications of the testing are very worthwhile and the results will be very rewarding for all participating companies. When the report is complete the Company will make available to all shareholders details of the results in a press release to be released next week.

Concurrently, Management desires to inform shareholders that they will release an update of the progress of all the planning and business activities that were performed and executed by the Company the last 3 months.

This news release includes forward-looking statements. While these statements are made to convey to the public the company's progress, business opportunities and growth prospects, readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements represent management's opinion. The company's operations and business prospects are always subject to risk and uncertainties.

Ich hoffe wir gehen nun aufwärts!



14.04.11 17:00

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichPR kommt morgen

 Gemäss der letzten PR sollte Morgen nun die lang ersehnte Info rauskommen. Daher erwarte ich grosse Kurszuwachse. Das letzte Mal brachte das Rebound uns um 1000% gen Norden. Schauen wir mal.. Meiner Meinung nach haben wir schon genug gelitten.


14.04.11 17:04

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichStrong buy

 SRR(Schwerreich)'s Empfehlung: Strong buy


14.04.11 18:53

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichDer Kurs steigt langsam an...

 Kluge Investoren steigen wohl schon vor der Morgigen PR ein...


15.04.11 14:11

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichNEWS!! (frisch von Marketwire)

 TIBURON, CA--(Marketwire - 04/15/11) - Triton's (Pinksheets:TTDZNews) Management wishes to update all shareholders of the Company progress for its plans and business activities to date as well as highlight the significant progress we have made over the past eight months. While Triton has received several calls regarding validation or clarification of its previous announcements, the company's management will not deviate from the information provided and will stay within company's guidelines in providing accurate and truthful public news to its shareholders.

Management efforts and energy is 100% directed towards making the company successful and profitable. While it is the management's policy not to comment on the company share fluctuation or price, we at Triton feel confident that the fundamentals will take hold and effectively increase in due course.

Shareholders should always do their own due diligence and Triton is committed to providing accurate and detailed information for shareholder perusal.

We are extremely happy to provide below a list of the progress we have made:

List of Company Progress to date:

1. Triton reduced its debt by US $ 8.3 Million Dollars.

2. Triton Restructured its capitalization from 44,007,866,636 shares to 220,010,817 shares including the Retirement of 34,892,672,451 shares belonging to the Company's CEO at no cost to the Company.

3. The share price increased from $ 0.0001 to $ 0.0045.

4. Triton Reduced its authorized shares from 50,018,000,100 shares to 1,000,000,000 shares.

5. Due to the legal ramifications involved in the AGT deal, Triton cannot comment any further on the AGT deal.

6. Triton files Year-end Financial Reports and announces that the Company is now current.

7. Triton announced a stock repurchase program and purchased an undisclosed amount of shares on the open market at market prices.

8. Triton CEO does Live Interview on

9. Triton secured the takeover of gold mine assets operation in Nevada, USA.

10. Triton announces the signing of a definitive and binding Joint Venture and Strategic. Alliance agreement with GEO, Inc. of Nevada.

11. Triton established a relationship with an accounting firm to audit the Company's financials from 2008 to date. Auditing is in progress.

12. Triton is working closely with the securities attorneys to complete the upgrade of the Company on the OTC Bulletin Board. When the financials are ready the filing will be submitted to the responsible Authorities.

13. The new identity and branding is ready. Once the Company is approved for the upgrade on the OTC Bulletin Board it will be introduced accordingly.

14. All documents concerning the Joint Venture and the establishing of Green Earth Partners, LLC have been signed and all claims have been registered.

15. Triton acquires an additional mine in Nevada, USA.

16. Universal Holdings agrees to invest US $ 3 Million in the Joint Venture in return for equity.

17. Triton and Green Earth Partners commissioned a new Technical Report on their Nevada properties.

18. Triton is still on the lookout for an Investor Relations and Public Relations company.

19. Triton is preparing Green Earth Partners to go public.

20. Triton will release the latest testing, geophysical and assay results for all the Nevada properties together with the engineering report next week. The initial indications of the testing are excellent.

21. Triton and Green Earth Partners are working on a detailed Business and Operational plan to start the mining operations very soon.

It is expected that simultaneously when the test results and the engineering report are released Triton will receive from Universal Holdings their investment funds of US $ 3 Million. The Company will announce the deposit of the funds immediately upon receiving them and this funding will begin our mining operations.

This news release includes forward-looking statements. While these statements are made to convey to the public the company's progress, business opportunities and growth prospects, readers are cautioned that such forward-looking statements represent management's opinion. The company's operations and business prospects are always subject to risk and uncertainties.


Fazit: Gute News, diese Aktie wird explodieren. (Meine Meinung)



15.04.11 16:30

5409 Postings, 5244 Tage SchwerreichNach dieser guten PR

 müsste der Preis eigentlich steigen. Das Buy-back-program ist angeblich bereits gestartet...


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