schreiben von denen ich nichts verstehe.
MYC ist ein in Australien gelistetes Unternehmen mit einer Tochter (CasinoAustralasia) in Vanuatu. Diese Tochter bewegt sich auf juristisch sicherem Boden in Vanuatu. Sponsort sogar das olympische Komitee von Vanuatu. Die Server stehen im Gebäude der Telekom Vanuatu. Die Australische Regierung überlegt (!!!) ob Online Glücksspiel in Australien verboten werden soll. Was solls. Die Kunden von CasinoAustralasia sind in Asien. Eventuell verstehst Du ja folgendes mit Deinen beschränkten Englisch- Kenntnissen nicht, andere bestimmt. Ich vermute eher daß Du bewußt Fehlinformationen verbreitest, aus welchen Gründen auch immer:
Australian Internet Gaming Legislation/Issue of securities
PART: A § DATE: 2000/6/29 § MY CASINO LIMITED 2000-06-29 ASX-SIGNAL-G
HOMEX - Perth
+++++++++++++++++++++++++ My Casino Limited has received a number of queries regarding the effect on the Company's operations of the Australian Government's proposal, announced this week, to implement retrospective legislation to ban the introduction of new interactive gaming services in Australia. The Company's position is unchanged from that advised to ASX on 20 April 2000 when directors advised "that in their opinion the proposed legislation in no way (!!!) impacts negatively on the Company's operations, in fact the reverse is almost certainly true (!!!) ALLES KLAR?)."
The gaming activities conducted by the My Casino group is carried out by a wholly owned subsidiary incorporated in Vanuatu (which is a stable South Pacific democracy, previously known as the New Hebrides when it was under joint British and French Colonial administration). Being based in Vanuatu, which actively supports regulated online gaming, rather than Australia, confers a number of significant advantages, which are obviously greatly enhanced by the current announcement of the proposed legislation.
My Casino was never reliant on the Australian market and retains its core advantages of:
* Licenses granted for 10 years with 10 year renewal (including Sportsbook) * Highly competitive 4% gaming tax rate. * Secure financial transactions handled by Barclays Bank in the UK. * Fully audited to industry best practice. * Low overheads ensure odds are similar to any Australian land based Casino. * Operates in highly regulated and audited environment.
My Casino has no intention of promoting its gaming activities in Australia. All significant current gaming activity is coming out of Asia and this is not anticipated to change in the near future.
Ich hab ein paar Ausrufezeichen gemacht damit Du es kapierst. Warum Du hier Fehlinformationen verbreitest ist mir unbegreiflich. Ich halte das für ziemlich niveaulos...aber was solls.
Gruß Drogo