Traffic Performance February 2019 Sydney Airport CEO Geoff Culbert said, “The number of International passengers moving through Sydney Airport in February was slightly ahead ofthe prior corresponding period (pcp) growing by 0.4%. Domestic passenger numbers were down 2.7% on the pcp.
“International passenger numbersgrew by 0.4%, which is in line with seat growth through the period. As indicated last month,the shift in the Lunar New Year buoyed January while impacting the February comparison. “International passenger growthyear to date is 2.9%, representing close to 83,000 additional travellers through the airport. Last year the Lunar New Year shoulder extended into March,so the shift forward in 2019 will impact the March numbers. “Reduced domestic seat capacity(-1.9%) combined with lower load factors (-0.7%) has impacted the February domestic passenger numbers compared to the pcp. In addition, cancellation rates for the month continue to be higher than usual. “Double digit passenger growth continues from a number of Asian markets with South Korea and India growing 18.7% and 11.9% respectively,in February.”