Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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05.11.07 17:36

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroOK,OK,kein Rentner mehr ;-))))))))))))))))))))))))

Schliesslich hat er den anderen BOC Thread ja ganz für sich allein.Das müsste eigentlich reichen.Wer ihn vermisst:  

05.11.07 17:49

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroWas man mit 16 Mio USD so alles machen kann ;-))))


Thursday, November 01, 2007; Posted: 01:37 AM PORT MORESBY, Nov 01, 2007 (AsiaPulse via COMTEX) -- MRLS | charts | news | PowerRating -- The World Bank has committed $US16 million to build the capacity of Papua New Guineans (PNG) to fully benefit from the commodities boom being experienced globally, the Post Courier reports.

The funding allocated under second phase of the PNG mining Sector Support Programme would be used to build capacity in the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA), Department of Mineral Policy and Geo-hazard Management, the Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) and the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG).

Dr Graham Hancock from the World Bank's oil, gas and mining policy division told participants at the 2007 PNG Mining seminar in Port Moresby yesterday that the bank's support would mainly concentrate on capacity building of these state institutions and the ABG.

For the MRA, the mining sector support programme would include governance and institutional systems development, sustainable development for among others improving effectiveness of community development actions and programmes including capacity development for youth and womens associations, tenements administration which would include the establishment of user friendly on-line application systems licence application and processing including on line web access to existing licence information, small scale mining, geological survey and data digitisation.

For the Department of Mineral Policy and Geo-hazard Management, the World Bank support would include policy development forum and procedures, policy and regulatory framework which would include preparation of a sea-bed mining policy and preparation of an offshore mining Act and technical assistance for infrastructure and housing arrangement.

The IRC support would include audit and assessment capacity assistance to resource monitoring division.

For the ABG, Dr Hancock said the support would include developing transitional arrangements including the development of transitional arrangements to allow for lifting the exploration moratorium and granting of exploration licences before transfer of (mining) powers from the National Government.

The other two areas would be the development of the mining regulatory environment, which would include the preparation of a Bougainville Sustainable Mining Policy (including community consent and benefit sharing), preparation and enactment of a Bougainville Mining Act, Mining Safety Act and enabling regulations and institution developments.

These would include institutional analysis and design for the ABG Department of Mining, on-the-job training of ABG mining staff and twinning of the ABG Mining Department into MRA and the Department of Mineral Policy and Geo-hazard Management, vehicles and office equipment for an ABG Mining Department and technical assistance for an office building for ABG Mining Department.



05.11.07 20:05

1528 Postings, 6350 Tage CCLSCStreik der Minenarbeiter ...

.. in Peru. ;))

Minenarbeiterstreik in Peru könnte Kupfer- und Goldpreise treiben
Heute starten die Minenarbeiter in Peru einen landesweiten Streik in allen großen Minen da Entlassungen befürchtet werden. Ein ähnlicher Streik hatte im Frühjahr an den weltweiten Rohstoffmärkten für Preissteigerungen gesorgt.

Kompletter Beitrag:

Dies nur so am Rande, da Vieles im Moment wichtiger ist für die unmittelbare Zukunft von BOC als der aktuelle Kupferpreis. Aber schaden kann es auch nicht. :D


05.11.07 22:00

703 Postings, 6179 Tage Tom0001USA Intraday Kurse der ADRs

Hat jemand einen Tip für mich, wo im Netz ich Intradaykurse oder Chart zu den ADRs finden kann?

Vielen Dank schon im Voraus!  

05.11.07 22:42

153 Postings, 6350 Tage SmodTschart

Also im Thread 1133585 bei WO gibts schöne stets aktuelle Charts der Orgs..

Diese Woche beginnt ruhig.
Wie geht es weiter?!?

Wenn positive Nachrichten kommen ist die Richtung vorgegeben...

ich denke ansonsten wird etwas verschnauft, was gut ist.
Steigung, festigen, Steigung.... usw.
bis 3€ in den nächsten 2 Jahren???
Wenn es politisch weiter in die eingeschlagene Richtung läuft gut möglich.
Das Risiko ist kalkulierbar

Ich denke:
kaufen, weglegen,
alle paar Monate schauen,
auch wenns schwer ist nicht täglich 5 mal auf aktualisieren zu drücken


06.11.07 00:09

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro@ Tom

Hat jemand einen Tip für mich, wo im Netz ich Intradaykurse oder Chart zu den ADRs finden kann?

Gute Frage,nur leider gibt es überhaupt keine.Nach Börsenschluss wird hier upgedated,allerdings kein Intradaychart u. keine T/S

Die Monatsdaten incl. den jeweiligen Maklernamen u.vol. gibt es hier

In USA übrigens ein Trade von 7K a 1.41 USD 0,9732 €

AU Eröffnung 1.635 AUD 1,0371 €  

06.11.07 06:23

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroBOUGAINVILLE COPPER Price 26.5% above volume

BOUGAINVILLE COPPER PRICE 26.5% ABOVE VOLUME WEIGHTED PRICE November 06, 2007 10:40:00 AEST  Australian Company News Bites - Trading Floor, 6 novembre 2007, 987 mots, (Anglais)

06.11.07 07:21

15 Postings, 6350 Tage hajottbe3 % minus in AU

bei nur 8T volumen.........schade die anschlusskäufe fehlen..;-(  

06.11.07 09:00

13 Postings, 6290 Tage dewinsee@hajottbe

das kann man aber auch so interpretieren, daß zu diesem Gebot niemand mehr hergibt.Die letzte Handelsmanipulation für 157.5 war vom Buyer gemacht, brachte aber kein Echo. Zu diesem Preis mochte er nicht mehr als 200 Stücke riskieren.  

06.11.07 10:28

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 06.11.07 14:25
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für 1 Stunde
Kommentar: Regelverstoß: Off-Topic



06.11.07 12:14

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroNo plans for Buka women, WB told

Das ist wohl der wahre Grund weshalb immer noch einige gegen Mining sind:
Anita Salas, who represented the women from Central Bougainville and Panguna area, said that the women and children of landowners never received any benefits from the mine.
In weiser Voraussicht will L.Daveona im neuen BCA verankert wissen dass die zukünftigen Royalties direkt von BOC an die Landeigner ausbezahlt werden sollen.

No plans for Buka women, WB told
By ANTHONY KAYBING DWU Journalism student
REPRESENTATIVES from the World Bank visited the Autonomous Region of Bougainville last week to hold discussions with the Bougainville people and their leaders regarding problems associated with mining in the region.
Social Development Specialist with the World Bank Gillian Brown had a session with the women of Bougainville at Buka General Hospital conference room.
Ms Brown asked the women their views on the mining sector and the problems associated with it as well as ways of making their voice more audible in decision-making regarding the mining sector.
Josephine Harepa, who is attached to the United Nations office in Arawa, said that there were no plans for the women of Bougainville.
“There needs to be a plan for women in Bougainville regarding decision-making in the mining sector and decisions for the welfare of the Bougainville people,” Mrs Harepa said.
Deputy speaker of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Francesca Semoso supported Mrs Harepa stating that the women of Bougainville were left out of conferences in addressing the problems associated with the mining sector.
“Women must always be included in the decision-making in Bougainville,” Ms Semoso said.
Anita Salas, who represented the women from Central Bougainville and Panguna area, said that the women and children of landowners never received any benefits from the mine.
Mrs Salas added that most women in the region bore the brunt of the crisis for which its root causes being the mine.
She also said that Bougainville women were enterprising and appealed to Ms Brown for help through the World Bank to source funding in assisting them to kick start projects.
Minister for Women’s Affairs Magdalene Toroansi said they had problems with transportation, telecommunications, health and education and guns which was still a very big issue.
Ms Toroansi made a proposal to Ms Brown if funds could be made available so they could be used to buy guns from the locals and destroy them.
“These guns can then be destroyed since the arms disposal has not proved reliable,” Ms Toroansi said.
Ms Brown said the World Bank is owned by every country in the world and that Bougainville was eligible for funding.

06.11.07 15:42

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekro#410 Löschung???????????

Da frag ich mich echt 1) Warum wurde dieses Posting gelöscht???

und 2) Warum gibt es dafür eine Sperre von 1 Stunde?????????????????

Da muss ich mich wohl so langsam auf die Suche nach einem neuen Forum machen ;-))))  

06.11.07 17:16

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroDer 1 Trade in USA übertrifft heute das gesamte

VOL von Aktien und ADRs zusammen in D ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))  

06.11.07 20:32

703 Postings, 6179 Tage Tom0001@ Nekro #413 + #406

Wie können Sie das wissen, wenn es keine Intradaydaten im Netz gibt?
Bitte um Erklärung.


06.11.07 21:04

836 Postings, 6344 Tage loghoganz einfach....

in dem dein kauf oder verkauf ausgeführt wird.....
und der umsatz höher ist als der gesamtumsatz in deutschland....


06.11.07 21:05

1528 Postings, 6350 Tage CCLSCtom0001

Ist eine gute Frage und auf die Antwort bin auch ich gespannt. :-)

Aber z.B. könnte man das grds. immer dann wissen, wenn man in USA einen Kauf/VK getätigt hat und dann von seiner Bank die Abrechnung bzw. die Bestätigung über die Orderausführung bekommt. Nur so als Beispiel halt.


06.11.07 22:17

15 Postings, 6350 Tage hajottbeoder du hast bloomberg....;-))

07.11.07 05:59

16 Postings, 8934 Tage juthoINTERVIEW:Bougainville Copper Mine Long Way Off Fr

Coleman traut sich noch nicht :-( positive News zu verkünden

  By Elisabeth Behrmann

SYDNEY (Dow Jones)--Discussions to restart mining at Bougainville Copper Ltd.'s (BOC.AU) Panguna mine in Papua New Guinea are ongoing, but a resumption of mining activity on the autonomous island is still a long way off, the company secretary said this week.

"Discussions have been going on for a long time, but the mine is still a no-go zone," Paul Coleman told Dow Jones Newswires in a telephone interview, responding to press reports that the ongoing dialogue with the Papua New Guinea and autonomous Bougainville governments could soon lead to a formal renegotiation of the Bougainville Copper Agreement, which covered royalties and land access.

Anglo-Australian miner Rio Tinto Ltd. (RIO.AU) shut the Panguna operation in 1989 following attacks on infrastructure and after dissatisfaction among workers from the local population over royalty payments spiraled into open warfare on Bougainville Island, which resulted in the area becoming an autonomous zone.

Since talk of progress for Bougainville Copper hit the market, its share price has doubled to A$1.80, adding over 30% in the space of three trading days from late October to Nov. 1.

"Our discussions are focusing on general mining concepts, and while there is continual dialogue, it's difficult to talk about a restart of the mine. It's still a long way before any restart to mining activity," said Coleman.

Panguna produced about 180,000 metric tons of copper annually and at the time ranked as the world's third largest copper mine, but there has been no resumption of exploration or mining as site access is still off-limits despite the formation of an autonomous island government.

Rio Tinto owns 53.85% of the company, valued at A$603 million, and the Papua New Guinea government another 19.9%. The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper, a group of individual private investors, is also pushing for a restart of the mine.

The capital cost to restart the mine is pegged around US$1.2 billion.

Mining contributes around 50% to Papua New Guinea's exports, with petroleum and gas adding another 25%. Other companies active in the country include Lihir Gold Ltd. (LGG.T) and Barrick Gold Corp. (ABX).

-By Elisabeth Behrmann, Dow Jones Newswires; 61-2-8235-2965;

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
November 06, 2007 01:39 ET (06:39 GMT)
Copyright (c) 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

07.11.07 06:06

16 Postings, 8934 Tage juthoOrderbuch

Spekulanten stossen nach Interview ab?

Buyers Volume Price
1 1,400 $1.510
2 9,708 $1.500
1 3,000 $1.490
1 10,000 $1.470
2 11,000 $1.410
1 20,000 $1.400
1 3,500 $1.360
1 20,000 $1.250
1 5,063 $1.110
1 5,000 $1.060
1 5,000 $1.050
1 500 $1.000
1 20,000 $0.980
1 5,000 $0.960
2 14,600 $0.910
1 10,200 $0.810
1 26,933 $0.760
Market Total 20 170,904
Price Volume Sellers
$1.565 7,714 1
$1.570 2,000 1
$1.580 1,740 1
$1.600 199,300 2
$1.635 7,765 1
$1.700 39,567 2
$1.735 15,000 1
$1.750 40,028 1
$1.850 564 2
$1.870 8,407 1
$1.885 5,000 1
$1.895 25,460 1
$1.900 46,000 3
$1.920 6,503 1
$1.940 1,500 1
$1.950 5,000 1
$1.995 4,327 1
$2.000 115,593 3
$2.100 10,000 1
          §541,468 26 Market Total  

07.11.07 15:22

10 Postings, 6207 Tage mannimdunkelnRundbrief von Axel

ich darf zitieren:

"...Vorläufig sollten wir uns damit trösten, dass wenn erst einmal positive offizielle Verlautbarungen kommen (das wird nach unseren derzeitigen Erkenntnissen innerhalb der nächsten sechs Monate sein) der Run auf unsere Aktie alles bisher da gewesene in den Schatten stellen wird...."

ersteinmal wie immer danke für die Infos - aber woher diese Zuversicht, bzw. dieses Zeitfenster.
Fragt voller Wissensdurst


07.11.07 17:53

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroSemoso: Get the job done

Semoso: Get the job done

Fidelis Semoso wartet mit einer Landeignerdelegation auf freie Plätze auf einem Flug Buka-Pom zu einem meeting mit BOC.Dass unser guter Paul Coleman sich bei seinem Statement nicht zu weit aus dem Fenster lehnen kann ist wohl normal.Da muss man schon ein wenig zwischen den Zeilen lesen.So hängt die schon längst zugesagte Aufhebung der No-Go-Zone noch lediglich von der Auszahlung der Royalties ab.Der "scrap-metal" Vertrag bei dem die Landeigner mit 10% der Erlöse entlohnt werden sollen ist bis auf einen strittigen Punkt unterschriftsreif.So verlangt BOC dass die Landeigner aus ihren Erlösen ihre Reconciliation-Meetings finanzieren während die Landeigner der Meinung sind dass BOC die Kosten dafür tragen müsste.Alles in allem also belangloses Geplänkel an dem die Wiedereröffnung der 3 grössten Kupfermine der Welt garantiert nicht scheitern wird ;-))))))))))))))  

BOUGAINVILLE regional MP Fidelis Semoso wants the ABG politicians to stop talking, buying cars and making overseas trips and start implementing projects and bring services to the rural areas of Bougainville.
He also challenged the leaders and the people of the region to work in partnership with the National Government in readiness for the referendum on autonomy.
“There is no time to talk, we have limited time before we arrive at the referendum and independence,” he said.
Mr Semoso, who is also the Vice Minister for Autonomy, told Bougainville leaders in the House of Representatives to work in partnership with the National Government and not to work in isolation.
“The National Government has given us a big slice of money in its 2007 Budget and also assisted the Carterets islanders’ relocation in its Supplementary Budget,” Mr Semoso said, adding the money must be put to good use and not to be wasted by unnecessary spending.
He called for the guns issue to be vigorously addressed as it was posing a threat to the peace process in some parts of the island.
“Roadblocks are a hindrance to the service delivery and as such the Panguna Morgan junction checkpoint should be removed immediately. As long as such blockades are in place, ordinary Bougainvilleans will still suffer due to lack of service delivery into their areas,’’ he said.
Mr Semoso also called on the people of Bougainville to take ownership of the development in the region instead of becoming fence sitters, waiting for things to happen in their communities.


08.11.07 02:09

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroBougainville's dormant bonanza,00.html

CAN anyone explain how a small, father-and-son mining float called Ord River Resources found itself in the middle of negotiations over the future of Bougainville's dormant bonanza, the Panguna copper mine?

Because Ord River can't really help me.

The company says it was invited to the debate about Panguna's future by the President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Joseph Kabui. And one senses that they are very much the meat in what is a very complex sandwich.

Because Kabui, while he has an interest, does not have the legal capacity to speak for the mine's future. And neither does Ord River's chairman, John Towner. Nonetheless, Towner has been sucked into talks on the mine's future as a way of securing leverage over other opportunities in PNG.

Strangely though, about two weeks ago, Kabui's Government announced it had terminated discussions with Ord over ill-fated, blood-stained Panguna. But two weeks is a long time in Bougainville. On Tuesday, Ord, through the Australian Stock Exchange, released a statement from the Bougainville Government. It re-asserted Ord's place in the quest to re-open the mine.

Within hours, though, President Kabui's people sent a dispatch to PNG's Post-Courier and our AAP telling them not to print anything from that first release. "We will not take responsibility for its contents," the President's first secretary, Anthony Luwong, wrote.

That second statement, which unlike the first was on the President's letterhead, was released to the ASX yesterday morning.

Just what bits of Tuesday's release the President has repudiated remains unclear. As does, still, Ord's status in whatever negotiations are under way about Panguna's future. By stumps yesterday Ord was still unable to explain.

Which all leaves both the exchange and me a little confused.

As does an article in yesterday's Post-Courier which reports President Kabui as saying Ord River is "trying to push us". "They are cunning and desperate," Kabui is reported as saying. "I don't want people who think they will make millions out of Bougainville's misery. This is not on."

What has to be remembered here is that Panguna is a billion-dollar question. It is a serious copper deposit which, when it was closed in 1988, was producing at grades of 0.6 per cent. Which represents serious money at any time, let alone with copper prices at historic highs.

But the really weird thing here is exactly why Ord feels it can say anything sensible at all about Panguna. After all, as it fails to make clear in any of its public statements, it doesn't actually own the thing. The mine is owned by Bougainville Copper Company which is, in turn, controlled by Rio Tinto. The Panguna leases and permits are secured by PNG legislation and, while the Autonomous Bougainville Government may have requested control of mining rights on its island, they current still rest with the PNG Government.

08.11.07 08:23

1158 Postings, 6354 Tage sumoeydas ist doch schon verjährt ;-))

March 22, 2007  

08.11.07 09:59

15 Postings, 6350 Tage hajottbe-14% bei adrs.....-11% bei Aktie......

08.11.07 10:14

15640 Postings, 6354 Tage nekroDa sind einige mit 0,80 SL zu 0,70

rausgekegelt worden ;-(

Ask schon wieder auf 0,769

Aktien 90K  

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