Habe noch einmal Gary Lindsey von Investor relations bei Aurcana angeschrieben und gefragt, wie es mit Aurcana aussieht und ob die Gefahr besteht, daß Aurcana pleite gehen könnte.
Hier die Antwort, dann könnt Ihr entscheiden, wie Ihr das einordnen wollt. Mich stimmt es jedenfalls etwas zuversichtlicher.
"Hi, Thanks for sending me the email. Aurcana will not go bankrupt. The new CEO was VP of Operations at Kinross for many years. He immediately cut costs at Aurcana when he arrived and has so far saved $4 million per year. The break even for Aurcana after all expenses is $15.50. So that is how low the price of silver can go before Aurcana is not making money. However if that happens, the number of ounces produced can be cut and the grade increased to make the profit per ounce even better, if necessary. The company is finally back on the right track. You will see some of it in the next Quarterly update, and will see all the big profit improvements in the 4th Quarterly update. So, the value is very good right now. Remember that Aurcana is producing more silver than SilverCrest, but the valuation of each company is far different. SilverCrest is valued at $229 million, Aurcana is valued at $38 million. Aurcana clearly made some mistakes opening the last mine, which was put on hold, but the stock price has been punished severely. When the profitability is more clear in another quarter, I would expect to see improvements with the stock. I am definitely hanging in there for the expected improvement.
Best Regards, Gary Lindsey Strata-Star"