Habe das heute im Wallstreetforum gelesen und rüberkopiert. Stammt von Ltdream
Hi Leute!
News sind zwar nicht mehr ganz so aktuell, aber sehr ausführlich.
Ist von einer zuverlässigen Minensite im Netz.
Sehr interessant ist der Punkt wo es um die Fördermenge, bzw. Kosten geht.
900 t am Tag bei 14 USD/Pfund. Das sind bei 0,15 % Uran ca. Will heißen:
900t am Tag sind 900000kg / Tag. Davon sind ca. 0,15% Uranerz.
Das wären also 1350kg oder ca. 2700 Pfund Uran. UPC kalkuliert mit einem Cutoff von 15 %, andere Explorer nur mit 10 % will heißen die Gewinne werden eher steigen als nach unten revidiert werden müssen.
2700 Pfund Uran mit einem Gewinn vor Steuern von derzeit USD 25,00 pro Pfund macht 67.500 AM TAG. Das auf 360 Arbeitstage hochgerechnet ergibt:
Unglaubliche 24.300.000 USD im Jahr.
Und das bei einer MK von 20 Mio. KGV < 1
Natürlich müssen die Gewinne noch halbiert werden, da ja nur 50% von Sheep Mountain zu UPC gehören, aber trotzdem.
Über 12.000.000 Cash im Jahr ist nicht ohne.
Der Kurs wird durch die Decke gehn, wenn die ersten verbindlichen Prognsen rauskommen.
Aber lest selbst.:
Minews Story Date: February 03, 2006
Uranium Power Pays Now And Banks On Production Later.
By our Canadian Correspondent. Nearly a year after making the move into the uranium sector, Canadian-listed Uranium Power is positioning itself to be transformed from a pure exploration company into a U.S. producer.
Driving the change to potential producer status is its option to earn 50 per cent of the Sheep Mountain mine in the Crooks Gap Mining District in Wyoming. The junior, formerly known as Bell Coast Capital, originally inked the deal with NASDAQ-listed US Energy Corp. back in early 2005 when the price of uranium was fetching around US$21.75 per pound. Today, uranium is going for US$37.50/lb and as a result, Uranium Power has elected to accelerate the payments due under the deal. The company has now paid C$1.6 million and will issue 1.5 million shares upon regulatory approval.
These payments were to be paid on June 29 and December 29, respectively. In exchange for the early payment, US Energy has extended the due date for two balloon payments of US$1.5 million each by one year to April 29, 2007 and October 29, 2007. These are the dates that two additional payments of US$800,000 cash and 750,000 shares each are also due. In other words, US Energy now has immediate cash to move Sheep Mountain forward and Uranium Power now has a little more time to pay for its remaining obligations to earn a 50 per cent interest in the project. A win-win for both parties but in the end the key to completing the transaction will depend on how fast the partners can get Sheep Mountain back into production.
Originally developed in the 1970’s, mining operations at Sheep Mountain were suspended in 1981 due to low uranium prices and it has been on a standby maintenance basis since that time except for a short period of production in 1988 by US Energy. From pre-1969 to 1980, detailed historic records show that 5.06 million tons of ore were mined and milled at an average grade of 0.17% U308, yielding 17.4 million lbs of uranium. A Watts, Griffis and McQuat report from 1999 indicates an inferred resource of 1.66 million tons grading 0.258% U3O8 containing 8.6 million pounds of U3O8 using a 0.15% cutoff. New drilling in 2005 appears to have extended the mineralization, as well as confirming the open pit potential of the north end of the property. Overall, drilling to date should add to the historic uranium resources. Uranium Power and US Energy are working towards a feasibility study to achieve a NI 43-101 reserve status and the drilling program for the first half of 2006 is already fully funded.
The mine will need just three months to dewater and six to construct twin decline access ramps. Target production is 900 tonnes a day at a cost of some US$14 per pound. A major advantage of the project is that it is bonded for US$1.4million and currently permitted for further development, giving it a five-year lead over an otherwise equivalent new discovery. Plus Kennecott Energy owns a mothballed mill at Sweetwater only 20 miles from the deposit which can be refurbished to full working condition; US Energy owns another mill 200 kms away as a back-up.
On the exploration front, the partners are targeting breccia pipes in Arizona’s Mohave county where a drill program will be completed early in 2006. Another drill program is expected to begin in February on the Burro Canyon project in southwestern Colorado. A 20-hole, 20,000 feet program is scheduled to begin in February, targeting uranium-vanadium mineralization.
Clearly, Sheep Mountain will be the focus for investors over the short term and while the price tag for Uranium Power is not cheap, the race in the burgeoning junior uranium sector going forward will be won or lost on which companies can get into production first. In this regard, both US Energy and Uranium Power are well positioned to be on the winning side of the equation. But only time will tell and we will be watching.