Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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31.07.08 11:58

1401 Postings, 7408 Tage Cuba Maß@nekro #1474

meinst du wirklich, dass viele Australier die Studie lesen? In Australien wird Swen ziemlich unbekannt sein, oder?

Ich setze noch drauf, dass einige Deutsche heute abend, oder morgen früh die Aktien kaufen! (Viele werden erst heute nach der Arbeit die Studie lesen)
Bei PGI war das letzte Woche auch so. Da kam am 22. im laufe des Tages auch ein Kurssprung, obwohl das Update schon einen Tag alt war.  

31.07.08 14:29

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekro@ cuba

Dass Swen,bzw. seine BCL Studie in Au u. USA etwas bekannter wird können wir doch etwas nachhelfen,oder ;-))))))

Hier eine RT gehörende u. mit BCL durchaus vergleichbare Mine

TopStory Rohstoffe: Rio Tinto weist höhere Kupferressourcen aus TopStory: Rio Tinto Ltd hat ihre weltweiten Kupferressourcen vergrößert, nachdem die Vorkommen in ihrer Kennecott Bingham Canyon Mine auf 637 Mio t mit einem Kupfergehalt von 0,48% hochgestuft werden konnten. Das Vorkommen befindet sich unterhalb des Schachts BinghamCanyon und wird nach Angaben des Unternehmens gegenwärtig darauf untersucht, ob es sich für Methoden des offenen Tagebaus eignet. Kennecott Utah Copper ist der zweitgrößte Kupferproduzent der USA und deckt etwa 13% des US-amerikanischen Bedarfs an dem Metall. Die Kennecott Bingham Canyon Mine befindet sich in der Nähe von Salt Lake City und stellt den größten Tagebau der Welt dar. Während ihrer seit mehr als 100 Jahren dauernden Betriebszeit wurde dort mit 16,4 Mio t mehr Kupfer als in jeder anderen Mine gefördert. Kennecott produziert jährlich 272.000 t Kupfer, 500.000 Unzen Gold, 4 Mio Unzen Silber, 30 Mio lbs Molybdän und 0,9 Mio t Schwefelsäure als Nebenprodukt des Schmelzprozesses.


31.07.08 14:51

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroDem Invincible Deal gehts an den Kragen ;-))))))))

PNG PM questions Bougainville investments

By PNG Correspondent Steve Marshall

Posted Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:00pm AEST

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare is demanding
answers from the autonomous Bougainville Government over a
controversial deal that opens up the islands' resources to foreign

The Bougainville parliament recently voted in favour of a deal that
effectively gave the Invincible Resources Corporation exclusive access
to the islands mineral wealth.

In a statement, Prime Minister Somare is demanding a full and frank
briefing from Bougainville ministers, who enjoyed an all-expenses-paid
trip to Europe and the US to meet the Invincible money men.

The trip was organised by Australian businessman Lindsay Semple, who
calls himself a financial facilitator, based in Canada.

The Invincible deal excludes the Rio Tinto-owned Panguna Copper mine  

01.08.08 07:43

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroPanguna study done:BCL

Panguna study done:BCL


THE study to evaluate the technical and financial requirements to re-develop the Panguna copper mine on Bougainville has largely been completed, Bougainville Copper Ltd said this week.
The copper mine has remained closed since 1989 at the height of the secessionist crisis on Bougainville Island.
Although peace has now returned to Bougainville, the mine still remains closed, but BCL has plans to re-open the mine, once ranked as the fourth largest copper mine in the world and accounted for 44% of Papua New Guinea’s exports up until its closure.
It is estimated that the mine has the potential to produce between 80,000-200,000 tonnes annually if it re-opens.
BCL, at its annual general meeting in Port Moresby in May this year, announced it has would undertake an order of magnitude (OoM) study to evaluate the requirements to have the mine re-opened and bring it to production.
Panguna study done, says BCL

01.08.08 08:41

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroBougainville Copper Gains 4.4%,

01 August, 2008 (14:00:00 AEST)


Bougainville Copper (BOC), Australia's 3rd largest Copper company by market capitalisation, gained 5.0c (or 4.4%) to $1.20. In the Australian market of 2,113 stocks, the stock has a 6-month relative strength of 93 which means it is beating 93% of the market. A price rise combined with a high relative strength is a bullish signal. The stock rose for a second day on Friday. Compared with the All Ordinaries Index which fell 92.3 points (or 1.8%) on the day, this represented a relative price change of 6.2%.  

03.08.08 10:23

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroBei aktuell weit über 100000 gelisteten Explorern

gleicht das Aufspüren eines tenbaggers der Suche nach der Stecknadel in einem Heuhaufen.Im Durchschnitt gehen von allen Explorern unter 5% später auch in Produktion.(von denen ein Grossteil überhaupt nur zwecks Anlegerabzocke  gelistet wird)Bevor es jedoch dazu kommt,wird der Anteil der Aktionäre durch Ausgabe weiterer Aktien und Optionen immer weiter verwässert.

Bevor man investiert sollte man also alle verfügbaren Infos kennen.Das Problem beginnt jedoch damit dass bei den allermeisten Juniors lediglich (geschönte) Infos der Company PR Abteilung und reisserische BB News zur Verfügung stehen.

B' ville Copper hat unzweifelhaft festgestellte Reserven von 80 Mia USD (+7 weitere Lizenzen) sowie 17 Jahre profitables Mining in der 4 grössten Kupfermine weltweit vorzuweisen, 80 Mio AUD Cash,keine ausgegebenen Optionen und das Management wird immer weiter durch hochkarätige Mitarbeiter ergänzt, wie zuletzt durch Ian J Williams.

BCL betreibt 0 PR, trotzdem ist die Panguna wohl die am besten dokumentierteste Mine weltweit.Nachdem die zur HV im Mai für August angekündigte Order of Magnitude Study (OoM) laut Bericht an die ASX vom 29 Juni "largely complete" ist,hat Rio jetzt an die Firma Hatch folgenden weiterführenden Auftrag vergeben

"A contract for the ore processing and infrastructure components has been awarded to

Hatch Brisbane. Hatch was selected for this work on the basis of its experience in PNG

and its expertise in the design and installation of large concentrators."

Bei Hatch handelt es sich um eine der TOP Companys weltweit wenn es um Mining & Mineral Processing geht.Hatch wird wohl die gesamte für Panguan benötigte Anlage von A bis Z konzipieren.Jeder in BOC investierte (u. solche die es werden wollen) sollte mal einen Blick auf deren "Project Experience" werfen.;-))  

04.08.08 06:52

286 Postings, 7203 Tage bergfex58großer Umtausch

Heute tauschen fast alle Mekamui-Jünger ihre U-Vistract-Anlagen in BOCs.  

04.08.08 17:39

178 Postings, 6437 Tage joebodie verbalen Attacken der ESBC gegen Peter Taylor

finden wohl auch in Bougainville nicht nur Zustimmung

Former Clerk of Parliament and Ombudsman, Bougainvillean SIMON PENTANU analyses the current situation following
demands by BCL shareholders in Europe on what should be happening at Panguna.

Mine sensitivities are crucial

These missives being passed as press statements by ESBC are totally uncalled for. This is not the first time Mr Sturm and ESBC (European Shareholders in Bougainville Copper) have come out firing, or misfiring to be more to the point, like this all the way from Europe, almost demanding what should happen with BCL and Panguna.
Mining in PNG is by no means an easy industry or sector to be involved in.
In Bougainville many lives have been lost over perceptions of what the industry meant or brought or did — or did not do or bring — to the local landowners.
The resulting conflict cost non Bougainvillean lives as well. No one group or faction should be blamed for what happened; and neither should BCL cop all the blame.
It is very easy for a group of shareholders to mark time in the lavish and opulent surroundings continents away in Europe and make scathing criticisms when a company they hold shares in does not do what they would like it to do in Bougainville.
The latest criticism against BCL and its management is uncalled for given the situation on the ground in Bougainville. All it achieves is create more confusion, a position that is symptomatic of the level of understanding ESBC has on the situation in Bougainville. These kinds of self-seeking missives or statements do not help the perception and views of many Bougainvilleans, including many landowners who will not accept any return to mining until many other outstanding and unresolved issues are brought to proper closure.
The ESBC is either not aware of or conveniently ignores that before any return to mining can happen there are very important and critical aspects of the peace process such as outstanding reconciliations between landowner groups and individuals that must take place.
WHAT is the real purpose of ESBC in seeking Peter Taylor’s resignation? Has ESBC considered the possibility that any resignation (or talk of resignation) at this time may in fact be a retrogressive step for BCL considering the gains made in terms of a growing acceptability and preparedness in the last three to four years by a wide cross section of the Bougainvillean population to engage in discussions on mining.
Is ESBC aware or given any thought to the fact that BCL has to consult with or canvass the views of all landowners (not just one group), the ABG and other Bougainvilleans at large before any serious thought is given to resumption or reversion to mining in Panguna.
And the thing is, some of this is happening and the proof of this is people are more prepared to come out expressing their views on mining than they would have been not so long ago. This may not be exponential progress but in the continuum of events since the crisis, there is no denying by anyone there have been movements. It is quite naive on the part of Mr Sturm and ESBC to even think that Taylor and BCL should start going back to Panguna on the basis of Panguna Landowners Association statements coming out of the last BCL AGM. This just cannot simply happen.
May be this is too much for ESBC to understand from where they are in Europe. Sturm’s criticism of Taylor is misplaced and misconstrued in every sense when considered in light of the current situation with regard to mining in Bougainville.
The most Taylor or anyone in his position can do in the current situation is exercise due care and responsibility to ensure that there is proper understanding with all stakeholders and that the climate is secure before he can commit the company and shareholders to Bougainville. So out of touch is the statement that it can only come from the heads and mouths of those that do not understand the situation on the Island. No mining company or management would contemplate a return to full scale mining in Bougainville today, even if this were at the invitation or behest of Panguna landowners “to officially return to Bougainville and resume mining”.
It’s almost like saying the Emperor is naked! This is why some of the statements attributed to Sturm are a total miscue.
I think ESBC means well and their support and sympathy for landowners and Bougainville is appreciated. However, their understanding and position delivered through very deliberate statements of their views and intentions is not always carefully thought out. This is unhelpful, if not an insult to BCL as well as to Bougainvilleans that have been seeking ways and options to address this issue in the most open and amicable fashion among and with each other involving landowners, ABG leadership and other Bougainvilleans who also matter very much in this.
ESBC is ostensibly concerned about the value of their shares! So are many other shareholders. But other shareholders are cautious and exercise better sense and judgment when it comes to understanding and commenting on the issues at large in Bougainville, knowing full well that the people and the Island have been through a terrible human turmoil.
Such turmoil and conflicts take a long time to heal. The best way to sum up ESBC’s approach is they are trying very hard to be helpful but in doing so they are marginalising themselves and it is not easy to win any supporters and sympathizers by this seeming “go for broke” mentality. On the other hand it is quite understandable and normal that a group of European shareholders who are not familiar with the local situation but whom quite rightly keep an eye on the stock market aren’t going to be too concerned about local cultural sensitivities.  

04.08.08 23:17

51 Postings, 6125 Tage VirtualNoirmannIst jemand von euch

...bei registriert? Mich wüde mal der ganze Artikel interessieren:

"Bougainville mining is years away: BCL
(Thursday, 31 July 2008)

THE LONG-awaited return of mining to Bougainville Island in PNG, which once hosted the world’s fourth-largest copper mine, could be several years away, says Bougainville Copper (BCL) chairman Peter Taylor."  

05.08.08 07:28

178 Postings, 6437 Tage joebo@1484

bin da zwar nicht registriert,

aber den ganzen Artikel kannst Du auch hier finden  

05.08.08 09:56

41 Postings, 6334 Tage peer1Eröffnung

Letztes Jahr wurde von einem 3 Jahresplan gesprochen und jetzt von several years, soll das den Kurs untenhalten oder gibts da Realisierungsprobleme?  

05.08.08 11:37

51 Postings, 6125 Tage VirtualNoirmannIrgendwie...

...bin ich da jetzt ein bisschen verwirrt. Erst eine Studie in Auftrag geben, dann Hatch mit in's Boot holen und nun solche Äußerungen. Ob PT überhaupt Lust hat ?! ;-(

@joebo Danke für den Alternativlink :-)  

05.08.08 11:59

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroDie RT Planung kommt schon hin.........

Dass bis zur Wiedereröffnung noch etwas Zeit vergehen wird dürfte jedem Investierten klar sein.Eine solche Installation lässt sich unmöglich in ein paar Monaten errichten.


im Detail ansieht kann ermessen wieviel Planung und Arbeit dahintersteckt.Der von Peter Taylor vorgegebene Zeitrahmen von 3 Jahren (2010) bezieht sich auf die BCL Rückkehr nach Bougainville.

Viel wichtiger sind die Fortschritte die sich jetzt "on the ground" abzeichnen.Nach dem Märztreffen der verschiedenen Landeignerclans in POM , bei denen die Modalitäten der verschiedenen Versöhnungsfeiern festgelegt wurden,findet ende dieser Woche ein weiteres Treffen in Arawa statt.(unter finanzieller BCL Beteiligung).Vielleicht rührt daher das gesteigerte Interesse an BCL Shares heute in AU (161K)

A MAJOR reconciliation planned for the landowners of the Panguna area, where the giant Bougainville copper mine is now lying dormant, may soon come to reality.
This planned family reconciliation for the Panguna Landowners Association (PLOA) will be in three phases and could pave the way for a lot of positive things to happen.
Leaders of the Panguna landowners, who had not seen eye to eye for the past two decades, are negotiating a possible reconciliation that would see mothers, fathers, aunties, children and the three clans – Kurabang, Bakoringku and Basikang – live normal lives again like they used to be before the Bougainville crisis broke out.
Autonomous Bougainville President Joseph Kabui comes from the Basikang clan, including the Tapakau, Imako and Miriori, Francis Ona and his two sisters Cecilia Gemel and Perpetua Sirero (three of them now dead) and the Kove family who come from the Kurabang group while Ampa’ois make up the Bakoringku clan.
Late on Thursday, leaders of these clans met at the St Joseph’s International School playground to discuss the status of the planned reconciliation.
Peter Kove travelled all the way from Panguna to meet with the Ampa’ois and other leaders in Port Moresby.

This meeting was also attended by former mining minister Sam Akoitai, Nautilus boss and elite Bougainvillean Mel Togolo, former Bougainville administrator Simon Pentanu and many other Bougainvilleans.
The groups alleged to have been part of the shutdown of the giant mine now plan a big family reconciliation ceremony this year so that normal life can prevail among them.
Other reasons for family reconciliation include the killing of Mathew Kove in early 1989, the instigating of false allegations against Ampa’oi and family in regards to the Road Mining Tailings Trustees Limited (RMTL), of which Lawrence Daveona was then director and company secretary. This dispute led to the attempted ambush and shooting of Mr Ampa’oi at his village, Piwa in 1989.
Also, a scholar who had been overseas was allegedly involved in locking the board members of RMTL in a boardroom while they were having an official meeting, and the role of former Bougainville Governor John Momis, regarded as a key player in the crisis with his Bougainville Initiative and the use of women from Guava village to demonstrate against BCL during his campaign. Mr Momis is PNG’s Ambassador to China.
The reconciliation will include Guava, Pakia and other villages around the mine namely Moroni, Dapera, Mosinau, Kokore, Poaru and Kongara 1 and 2.
In a briefing paper distributed, the family reconciliation will be the initial phase and the next phase will be to reconcile with surrounding Nasioi communities whose families got caught up in the conflict as a result of the presence of the security forces.
Phase three is Bougainville-wide reconciliations.
Although the PLOA said: “We find it hard to envisage Panguna landowners engaging in a Bougainville-wide reconciliation, as we do not know what legitimate reason or reasons for the landowners to be part of this exercise.
“There are lot of questions as to why people of the other regions of Bougainville took part to be part of the problem in the later years as to our understanding the peace ceremony in Arawa.”  

05.08.08 13:33

1158 Postings, 6516 Tage sumoeywie man sieht,alles Kleingeld

Rio Tinto und BHP Billiton: 652 Millionen Dollar für Kupfermine
04.08 17:55
Der britisch-australische Bergbaukonzern Rio Tinto will 652 Millionen US-Dollar in Machbarkeitsstudien im US-Bundesstaat Arizona investieren. Die Untersuchung von Kupfervorkommen der Mine Resolution Copper Mining solle 2012 abgeschlossen werden, kündigte das Unternehmen am Montag an. Rio Tinto betreibt das Projekt gemeinsam mit dem Konkurrenten BHP Billiton.
Von den Gesamtkosten für die Studien will Rio Tinto 341 Millionen US-Dollar übernehmen. Die neue Mine soll voraussichtlich 2020 die Produktion mit einem jährlichen Kupferausstoss von 500.000 Tonnen aufnehmen. An Resolution Copper Mining hält Rio Tinto 55 Prozent der Anteile, BHP Billiton 45 Prozent. Rio Tinto ist derzeit Ziel eines feindlichen Übernahmeversuchs durch BHP Billiton.


(Quelle: AWP)


05.08.08 17:44

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroUeber 330K in D umgesetzt

ADR Kurs 1 ct höher als die Aktie

Das sieht nach US Nachfrage aus ;-))))))))  

05.08.08 22:43

18 Postings, 6513 Tage dg6ndsRE


Erklärt aber noch nicht warum die Amis heute so zupacken. Da gingen heute einige schöne Pakete um. Nachrichten habe ich weiter keine neuen gefunden. Bin mal gespannt was dann heute Nacht in AU passiert. Die ADRs haben heute einen Turnaround von gut 20% hingelegt!!


06.08.08 08:42

286 Postings, 7203 Tage bergfex58Nichts Neues

aber das Thema warmgehalten :

Busyness---BCL cautious of......  

06.08.08 09:53

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroAU Trades

Seltsam dass die ASX den Schlusskurs a 1.15 angibt,war doch der letzte Trade a 1,19 AUD??  

06.08.08 10:33

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroGet In On This Share Now For The Profit .....

Opportunity Of A Lifetime!

Profit Hunter, by Manraaj Singh

Get in on this share now for the profit opportunity of a lifetime!

The news on this investment just keeps on getting better. Right now, we are looking at a potential 2586%* gain on this share. Because all the signs point to the company reopening its giant Panguna copper mine. And if that happens this share is going to take-off like a rocket.  We have been keeping Profit Hunter readers updated on this story as it develops...

Bougainville island was torn apart by civil war. And the Panguna mine was forced to shut down. But peace has retuned to Bougainville. And the government is desperate to kick-start development….

And that’s going to mean restarting mining operations on the island. The profit potential here is huge. And the time to get in on this investment is now. I’ve never been more excited by an investment…

I’ve never been more excited about the outlook for this company than I am right now.  
This is the oldest investment recommendation in our portfolio. And it is also shaping-up to be the biggest profit opportunity that we have ever seen on the Profit Hunter service. Let me just explain why this is such a brilliant opportunity. You see, for two decades, this company ran one of the biggest copper and gold mines on earth. That mine is located on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean. But in 1989 the mine was forced to shut down after an armed uprising by local landowners. They were upset over the lousy deal they were getting from the mining company. And the pollution that it caused. The uprising quickly degenerated into a civil war. But that was twenty years ago. The war is over now. And the government of the island is keen to restart mining to generate jobs and revenue.  And this company has now won the support of a large section of the local landowners. This is crucial. Because it was the landowners uprising which forced the mine to close two decades ago.  When we first recommended buying into this company in 2005, it was about as far under the radar as an investment could get. Hardly anyone had heard of it. And even if they had, the chances of the mine reopening seemed too remote We recommended buying into this company at just 55 cents a share. We’re already up by 109%** on it.

Why you should get in now

Now the international media has picked-up on the story. Financial analysts are offering their opinion on it…

The cat is slipping out of the bag. And this may be one of the last chances to get into this share on the cheap.  I’m now putting together an updated report on this company. And I’ll be sending it to my readers shortly. Why now? Because after years of little activity, there has been huge progress towards reopening the abandoned mine in recent months.  The company has already commissioned a feasibility study on reopening the mine. That should be ready by November.  And developments on the ground and surging metal prices mean that the possibility of reopening the mine has never looked stronger to us. Given the potential profit on this investment you ought to be positioned to take advantage of it.

We could be looking at a 2,586%* gain

You see, I have seen a document written by long-time adviser to the island’s landowners. It is meant to provide the basis for an update of the Agreement between the company and local landowners.  It aims for a fairer division of mine’s future earnings than the old agreement - especially for local landowners.  To do that, it makes estimates about this company’s future earnings. I will go into that in greater detail in my updated report. But let me just quickly go over the key figures. The report uses a copper price of $3.88/lb and gold at $878 per ounce. Assuming that the mine produces the same amount of copper and gold it did in 1987, total sales per annum would amount to US$1,948m. Even after operating costs, loan repayments royalties and taxes have been taken out, the company would be left with a total profit after tax of US$1,157m, or US$2.49 per share.  On a conservative price earnings ratio of 12, that would value the shares at US$29.88 or A$30.89. That translates into a potential gain of 2,586% on the current price of A$1.15.

This isn’t going to happen over night though.

Of course this still isn’t a done deal. And that’s something you need keep in mind with this share. Because we are either going to make a mint on it, or be left holding worthless paper. But I believe that all the evidence points to the reopening of the mine. This could be the profit opportunity of a lifetime.  


06.08.08 12:33

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroIndependance

B'ville struggle still on: Kauona


THE struggle for Bougainville's freedom and independence is still on
and for Bougainville to achieve this objective, it has to improve its
economy, former Bougainville Revolutionary Army commander Sam Kauona

He said the military war was now history and Bougainville was now
fighting an economic war.

"The economy for the region is very important and if we are
politically independent, then we must also be economically
independent," Mr Kauona said.
He said the objective of the ABG was to see that all Bougainville
families in the region had money in their pockets.

Mr Kauona said there were many obstacles blocking the way but these
were challenges that gave strength to leaders to move on.

"We have come this far in our fight for freedom and now there is no
time for turning back. It is our responsibility for Bougainville to be
economically fit to win the race," he said.

Mr Kauona said Bougainville was running out of time and something had
to be done to improve the region's economy.

He said the National Government, Australia and other donor agencies
would not be there forever to provide a "golden plate" for

He said it was now up to the Bougainvilleans to think seriously on how
they could create strategies to achieve economic independence.

"This is the challenge for us as leaders and for the people of
Bougainville. We have to question ourselves if we want independence or
not," Mr Kauona said.
He said the main concern now was to boost the region's economy in
order for Bougainville to be self-reliant and economically

07.08.08 11:30

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroInvincible "best ever"

Invincible ‘best ever’

THE K20 million deal between Canadian Invincible Resources and the Autonomous Bougainville Government was the “best ever” option available for Bougainville when it desperately needed money.
Former Bougainville Revolutionary Army Commander Sam Kauona said this while on the awareness “trail” in the Haku Constituency of North Bougainville on Tuesday.
He said just after the formation of the ABG, the new Government desperately needed money to kick start its new autonomy and the National Government grants were not forthcoming as soon as expected Invincible Resources assisted the ABG with K20 million.
He said the ABG would only repay K40 million and not exorbitant amounts that had been calculated by critics of ABG and Invincible. Mr Kauona said Invincible Resources was created out of discussions held in Arawa and the company was registered in Canada. He was in Haku doing awareness on the establishment of Bogenvile Resources Development Corporation (BRDC), a company approved by the Bougainville House of Representatives to spearhead resources development on Bougainville Island.
With him were ABG Fisheries Minister Taehu Pais and North Bougainville Ex-Combatants representative Marceline Getsi.
Mr Kauona told chiefs from Haku that BRDC was not a mining company but would act as a buffer against investors who wanted to invest on Bougainville. BRDC would co-ordinate any investment on Bougainville and assist landowners to go into joint venture arrangements with any potential investors. Mr Kauona said during the recently held roadshow to the US and UK, the delegation met with 45 fund managers who manage funds amounting to billions of dollars. He said the response from these fund managers was positive and the delegation was also surprised that fund managers knew of what was happening on Bougainville. Mr Kauona also said BRDC would be a “cash cow” for Bougainville and while access to so much funds could lead to misuse and abuse of public funds, plans were already underway to establish guidelines that would be used by all directors of BRDC and severe penalties would apply to anyone that misused public funds.


07.08.08 11:48

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekro BEATING 94% OF STOCKS August 07

07 August, 2008 (16:00:00 AEST)


Bougainville Copper (BOC), Australia's 3rd largest Copper company by market capitalisation, gained 5.0c (or 4.4%) to $1.20. In the Australian market of 2,115 stocks, the stock has a 6-month relative strength of 94 which means it is beating 94% of the market. A price rise combined with a high relative strength is a bullish signal. Compared with the All Ordinaries Index which rose 11.9 points (or 0.2%) on the day, this represented a relative price change of 4.1%.

Moving Average Price (MAP): The price to 200-day MAP ratio is 1.04, a bullish indicator. In the past 200 days this ratio has exceeded 1.04 101 times suggesting further upside. The 50-day MAP of $1.24 is higher than the 200-day MAP of $1.15, a bullish indicator. The 200-day MAP has increased to $1.15. An increase is another bullish indicator.
Relativities: Since open its percentile rank in the Australian market was 85.
Volume and Turnover Period: There were 79,131 shares worth $94,957 traded. The volume was 1.7 times average trading of 46,100 shares.
% Discount to High: The last price is at a discount of 38.1% to the 12-month high of $1.94.
Volume Weighted Price (VWP): The price is at a premium of 7.7% to the 1-month volume weighted average price of $1.11. Given that this premium has been under 7.7% sixty-seven times and over 7.7% fifty-five times in the last year, the downside:upside probability is estimated at 67:55 or 1.2:1.
Beta is 1.3.  

08.08.08 12:13

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroIt"s time for economic development in B"ville

It’s time for economic development in B’ville

FORMER Trade and Industry Secretary and Ambassador Peter Peipul says time for politics and mining in Bougainville is over and people should now be fully involved with economic development.
And it is an envy coming from Southern Highlands, a place that cannot match the very rich natural resources that Bougainville enjoys and have. The leader who says he has a very soft spot for Bougainville says it is now time for full speed economic development in that region and stressed that time for politics and mining should be set aside.
“This is my advice to Bougianvilleans. You have the largest plantations in the Southern Hemisphere, very rich natural resources, cocoa and copra and many more,” Ambassador Peipul said. Ambassador Peipul said that he was very proud to see at Boroko in Port Moresby, people selling Buka soap and Buka oil that is produced in that region and said that these are the sort of things that Bougainvilleans should be more involved in.
“It’s time for Bougainville to take off into economic development. You have a very rich country, mining and politics should be stopped first. You should look at downstream processing, making chocolate in the region, you have the potential. The rice mill in Bougainville is very good in South Bougainville. Economic development should be more than anything else. This copper and gold – it’s a troublemaker product. We have to move our beautiful province there. “I used to run trade and industry in 1987 to 1990 and wanted to initiate this industrialisation process and downstream processing. I say this because I have a soft spot for Bougainville.”  

08.08.08 13:14

15 Postings, 6330 Tage Mr.Brightside mining in Bougainville is over

Dann kommt es wohl doch nicht zur Panguna Eröffnung-wenn Mr.peter Peipul das sagt. Schade eigentlich


11.08.08 10:25

15645 Postings, 6516 Tage nekroMeeting

The meeting in Panguna went well with full support for the Panguna Landowner's reconciliations from the following factions,

1. Mekamuui Defense Force Commander

2. Mekamuui Government of Unity members

3. Council of Chiefs Chairmen

4. Women groups

5. Village chiefs

6. The general public

The resolutions of the meeting are still with the Panguna District Administrations who have taken it on as their responsibility and I have endorsed. After it has been signed by the leaders of the factions it will be given to Hon Jimmy Mirintoro to take it up with ABG, the National Government and BCL.

I will be sending you the full report of the meeting as soon as I have completed it.

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