sehen wir jetzt in die andere richtung laufen
die mm´s haben verkauft um den kurs zu drücken - jetzt müssen die natürlich schnell wieder rein bevor der zug weg ist
mein tip: wir schliessen im grünen bereich
toi toi toi
By: soilerx 15 Sep 2003, 12:02 PM EDT Msg. 10472 of 10474 Jump to msg. # Once this hits 1.60 this afternoon, panic buying will kick in again and investors will see that this is not a pump and dump setup. Maybe soon they'll wise up to what these MMs are planning and executing to perfection each week. ITS OPERATION SHARE RETRIEVAL FOR THEM. And they've doing it so very well before each major runup. Imagine how hard this would have run without any selling today...and there wasn't as much selling as it would seem. MMs made it look that way. They picked up their usual 3 to 4 million shares for the big clients and now we move up again...what a game |