Hanergy Solar WKN: A0RDSG Der Gewinner

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29.01.15 20:03

21 Postings, 3595 Tage Hasdrubal_38Artikel im Forbes zu Hanergy und Interview mit CEO

Folgend ein Artikel welches heute im Forbes erschienen ist. Dieser Artikel nimmt Bezug auf den Artikel in der Financial Times und beinhaltet noch ein Interview mit dem CEO der Hanergy thin-Film.

Hanergy Investors Shrug Off Skeptical Report; CEO Sees More Third-Party Business, Solar Gains

Investors in China’s Hanergy Thin Film Power Group, or HTF,  shrugged off a report in the Financial Times yesterday that questioned “unconventional practices” by parent Hanergy Group, particularly sales ties between the parent and Hong Kong-listed subsidiary HTF.  HTF’s shares rose by 1.1% today, and gained after China solar industry suppliers Trina and Yingli fell in U.S. stock trading overnight on a day of concern about falling oil prices.  HTF’s stock price has more than doubled in Hong Kong since November.

I exchanged by email today with HTF’s CEO Frank Dai about the big rise in the company’s shares, the outlook for non-group – or ‘third party’ – business, and the prospects for more overseas acquisitions by the company.  Excerpts follow.  Hanergy’s billionaire chairman Li Hejun ranked No. 5 on the Forbes China Rich List published last October.

Q. Your stock has more than doubled since November, stirring a lot of speculation about why. What do you think is behind it?

A. The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect on Nov. 17 opened up the HTF stock to a deep pool of interested mainland investors. Of course, we (do) not know the reason of our stock price (has) doubled since Nov. 2014, but we estimate the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect may probably be one of the reasons.

In addition, the policy environment in China is increasingly supportive of renewable energy, including ambitious targets for solar power. According to the National Energy Administration, China will aim to install 15 GW of photovoltaic (PV) capacity this year, which seven GW will be allocated to distributed generation (DG) solar arrays, at least 3.15 GW of which will be installed on building rooftops. We believe a lot of investors will consider the news (to be) very positive (for) HTF, as this 7GW DG market is exactly the key segment of our company. Hanergy is in a favorable position to help lead this energy transition in China and abroad, and investors have responded accordingly.

Finally, Hanergy’s roots in clean energy run back to 1994. Its expertise and track record in hydro, wind, and now thin-film solar as well as its extensive capital resources and possession of the world’s best thin-film solar technology (have) helped to strengthen investor confidence.

Q.  What is the outlook for third-party business at Hanergy this year? About what percentage of total sales do you expect it to reach?

A. According to the “Disclosable Transaction” announcement which we published on 24 December 2014,  HTF had entered into the Disposal Agreement with a third-party fund pursuant to which HTF will sell the equity interest of five grid-connected photovoltaic power station projects with a total of 180WMp. The company will record a net profit gain of approximately RMB777,600,000, which was a significant contribution to the profit of company in year 2014.

We believe the outlook for third-party business is very positive for HTF this year. HTF will (continue) to step up our efforts to expand the global downstream thin-firm power market, and explore the new income source opportunities from third-party customers in the downstream business.

Q.   How much progress are you making with the businesses in the U.S. and Europe that you acquired in the past few years?  How has the integration proceeded?

A. The progress of integration on Solibro, MiaSolé, Global Solar and Alta Devices is satisfactory. HTF has already consolidated the operations to four regional offices, and is committed to promoting the unique core strengths, human and technological capital of each of the acquired companies to maintain our position as the global leader in thin-film solar.

Q. Do you plan any further overseas M&A?

A. ‘High technology + Energy” are the basic characteristics of the flexible thin-film industry; and we always believe the future of the thin-film industry is determined by technology. Therefore, HTF is always committed to positioning ourselves at the forefront of technology. We have acquired cutting-edge firms in the CIGS and GaAs thin-film sectors, and will continue focusing our efforts on improving these technologies, optimizing applications, and bringing them to mass production. Our commitment to breakthrough technologies means that we remain open to M&A possibilities, if we believe a technology or firm is especially promising and it aligns with our goals.

Quelle: http://www.forbes.com/sites/russellflannery/2015/...ness-solar-gains/  

29.01.15 21:29

332 Postings, 3674 Tage AliasGabrielDANKE

ich danke euch allen für eure immer sehr guten Beiträge und die interessanten Berichte. So macht es Spass, denn schliesslich sitzen wir alle im gleichen Boot und haben die selben Erwartungen. Also bleiben wir positiv.  

30.01.15 16:26

332 Postings, 3674 Tage AliasGabrielSUPER

Herzlichen Dank carlos1212. Ich bin gespannt auf nächste Woche, und kann dieses Wochenende etwas ruhiger schlafen!  

31.01.15 11:37

79 Postings, 3966 Tage Daisler27News..30-01-2015

Guangzhou Honda's factory at Zengcheng will be partly powered by solar energy following the official establishment of the 17 megawatts distributed photovoltaic project jointly launched with Hanergy on Thursday, Jan. 29.

The 17MW distributed building-integrated PV project, which has already linked to China's national power grid, is the biggest of its type in the country's auto industry. It covers a total floor space of around 230,000 square meters and is capable of generating 19 million kilowatt hours of electricity each year, or 50,000 to 60,000 kWh per day.

The electricity generated by the project will fulfill at least 20 percent of the power demands of the factory, according to Yu Jun, deputy general manager of Guangzhou Honda. He added that the "extra green power" generated on non-production days will be sold to the city's local power grid.

"The 17MW distributed PV project we launched with Hanergy is Guangzhou Honda's response to the country's call for emissions reduction, which we regard as our responsibility to the environment as well as to society," Yu said at the project's launch on Thursday.

The project’s implementation will mean the factory will burn 890 tons less of standard coal for power generation each year, which is equivalent to planting 950,000 trees. Moreover, the rooftop panels have other, hidden benefits that include extending the life of the factory's PVC-covered roofs and lowering the factory's interior temperature by three degrees Celsius, according to Hanergy, which will be responsible for the operation of the PV project.

The joint project with Guangzhou Honda is another milestone in Hanergy's efforts to seek alliances with major companies, following its partnership with IKEA, Tesla and Aston Martin Racing.

Wang Junjuan, vice president of Hanergy Holding Group who actually oversees the project, said that Hanergy's persistence in developing clean energy has matched Guangzhou Honda's pursuit of value in a green economy. She affirmed that the shared rights and responsibilities of running the PV project will be a model for other clean energy makers seeking diversified profit modes.

Wang declined to elaborate on the joint project's profitability, insisting that the bank, not her, will have the final word on the matter.

"Although the central government has provided a subsidy of 0.42 yuan (6.86 U.S. cents) on each kilowatt hour of PV electricity generated, the banks have been excessively cautious in issuing loans. However, this project managed to secure a loan from ICBC, which is well known for its prudence," said Wang, implying that the bank's confidence predicts a profitable future for the PV project.

Many insiders continue to hold on to the stereotype that northwest China is better suited for PV development since its dry climate and low population density is more appropriate for PV projects’ massive installments. But Dr. Shen Hui, professor of solar energy systems at Sun Yat-sen University, said that south China is equally suitable for PV development because the frequent rain in the region increases the air's transparency and cleans panels more frequently, both key factors in ensuring PV panels’ efficiency.

Quelle: http://www.china.org.cn/business/2015-01/30/content_34694093.htm  

02.02.15 10:14

93 Postings, 3661 Tage carlos1212Für mich

hört sich das gut an !!!  

02.02.15 11:03

332 Postings, 3674 Tage AliasGabrielfür mich auch

der Kurs in Hong Kong am Ende des Tages hat es auch gezeigt!  

02.02.15 20:48

79 Postings, 3966 Tage Daisler27Ja aber ......

Da kommt für mich keine Stellungnahme durch Hanergy .
Alle Vorwürfe nur wischi waschi Antworten ......
Zahlen Daten Fakten sind auch nirgends zu finden.......aber vielleicht bin ich einfach zu pesimistisch ....
Wenn das Ding noch weiter gen Süden geht hab ich mein Stop Loss erreicht ....hab,s bei 0,35 gesetzt.
Was meint Ihr dazu ? ....

03.02.15 10:07

21 Postings, 3595 Tage Hasdrubal_38Hanergy Thin Film entwickelt Solarfahrzeuge!

(Bloomberg) -- Hanergy Thin Film Power Group, a Chinese maker of solar equipment, will partner with five vehicle designers to develop cars to be powered entirely by the sun.

The Hong Kong-listed unit of Beijing-based Hanergy Holding Group will roll out three to five models in October, according to an e-mailed statement. Designers include three foreign companies and two domestic.

The aim is to produce cars capable of traveling as much as 100 kilometers (62 miles) on four hours of charge time in the sun, the company said. Power will come from six square meters (64 square feet) of thin-film solar cells affixed to the bodies of the cars, the statement said.

Hanergy Holding in August bought Alta Devices of the U.S. for technology that works for emergency charging of mobile phones and cars. A thin-film solar cell is made by placing layers of photovoltaic material on a semiconductor wafer.

Hanergy expects the market for thin-film cells designed for electric vehicles to total 46 gigawatts by 2020 and another 37 gigawatts for electronic products such as smartphones.

Quelle: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-02-03/...lar-powered-cars  

03.02.15 14:02

749 Postings, 5214 Tage MITTENHOFMarktkapitalisierung 17,86 Mrd.

Hanergy Thin Film Power Gr.Ltd ist mehr Wert als RWE, Deutsche Börse, Adidas, ThyssenKrupp, Heidelberger Cement oder Commerzbank woher kommt das??  

03.02.15 14:43

633 Postings, 3643 Tage BasysaPerfect.Sahne $$$

03.02.15 15:15

93 Postings, 3661 Tage carlos1212Wohl

einen kleinen Winterschlaf gehalten und man dachte schon du bist vom fahrenden Zug gesprungen  

03.02.15 15:17

633 Postings, 3643 Tage BasysaNa.Hanergy TFP ist mein Lieblings-Long-Invest$

03.02.15 16:06

93 Postings, 3661 Tage carlos1212Spitze der Super-Reichen Hanergy Holding

Unternehmer Li Hejun

Alibaba-Gründer Jack Ma als reichster Chinese abgelöst
heute, 15:46 Reuters

Peking (Reuters) - Trotz des Rekordbörsengangs des Online-Händlers Alibaba ist Konzerngründer Jack Ma einem Medienbericht zufolge nicht mehr reichster Mann Chinas.
Alibaba-Gründer Jack Ma als reichster Chinese abgelöst

An der Spitze der Super-Reichen in der Volksrepublik steht nun der Solarenergie-Unternehmer Li Hejun, dessen Privatvermögen dank seiner Hanergy Holding Group auf 26 Milliarden Dollar geschätzt wird, wie aus dem am Dienstag vorgelegten "Hurun-Report" - einer chinesischen Version der "Forbes-Listen" - hervorgeht. Ma rutschte hinter den Immobilien-Unternehmer Wang Jianlin auf Platz drei ab, weltweit liegt er mit 24,5 Milliarden Dollar auf Platz 34.

Nach einem zuletzt schwächeren Umsatzwachstum war der Aktienkurs des Amazon-Rivalen vergangene Woche um mehr als 13 Prozent eingebrochen. Mit Erlösen von 25 Milliarden Dollar hatte Alibaba 2014 den weltgrößten Börsengang hingelegt.

Mit 537 kommen die meisten Dollar-Milliardäre immer noch aus den USA, angeführt von Microsoftt-Gründer Bill Gates, der mit 85 Milliarden Dollar auch weltweit an der Spitze steht vor dem mexikanischen Telekom-Tycoon Carlos Slim. An zweiter Stelle liegt China, wo die Zahl der Milliardäre vergangenes Jahr auf 430 angewachsen ist. Dahinter folgt Indien mit 97 Milliardären.

03.02.15 17:42

79 Postings, 3966 Tage Daisler27Kohle satt ....

Jetzt Glaube ich auch das er ne Vision hat die er mit allen Mitteln erreichen will .
Die Kohle ist ja da .........bin mal gespannt was mit unserer Hanergy noch abgeht ......  

03.02.15 21:19

633 Postings, 3643 Tage BasysaDas ist erst der Anfang.Jetzts gehts los$$$ http:/

04.02.15 14:41

1202 Postings, 8873 Tage rabeKann mir das alles nicht vorstellen

Wie sollen 6m2 Solarfläche ein Auto 100km/h fahren lassen ?
Vermutlich kommt da rund 1 kW bei raus. Ich glaube nicht das die Chinesen einen Technologievorsprung haben. Einen Preisvorteil bei der Herstellung von Modulen ist selbstredend. Falls es jemals zu einem Durchbruch in diesem Bereich kommt, dann vermutlich aus irgendeiner Uni, oder sowas wie Max Planck Institut und dann sind das Grundlagen die allen zur Verfügung steht.

Dann die Bewertung mit einem KGV von 62. Seit ihr Wahnsinnig.
Buchwert ist das 6.2 fache der Marktkapitalisierung von 20 Milliarden US$.
Goodwill von 8 Milliarden. Ganz schön happig.
Der CEO kann den Preisanstieg nicht erklären.
Hier ein Link der vielleicht nützlich sein kann. Google Chrome und automatisch übersetzen von chinesisch einstellen.
Viel Glück


04.02.15 15:09

633 Postings, 3643 Tage BasysaMega Umatz in Hongkong; Code 0566 - 116.449.000 St

04.02.15 15:22

93 Postings, 3661 Tage carlos1212schau dir mal

diesen Chart an auf Maximum, da hat sich sicherlich auch jeder gefragt wie das sein kann , konnte. Hier wird die Zukunft gehandelt , denke da ist sehr viel Möglich. Da gibt es keine Grenzen !!!!


04.02.15 19:54

55 Postings, 3550 Tage jameDas gilt wohl für alle Solaraktien

Das gilt wohl für alle Solaraktien. Irgendwie sind die Aktionäre zu euphorisch. Kaufen denn die Insider ?  

05.02.15 06:19

633 Postings, 3643 Tage BasysaHanergy TFP News$Hanergy Li Hejun Ushers in Mobile

Hanergy Li Hejun Ushers in Mobile Energy Era and Launches Thin-film Innovation Competition


BEIJING, Feb. 5, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd. held a mobile energy strategy presentation and the launch ceremony of its global thin-film solar product innovation competition. Mobile energy, as envisioned by Hanergy, is a novel concept and strategic judgment based on the global energy development trend.

Through its world-leading thin-film solar technology, Hanergy will help mankind enter the mobile energy era and lead a revolution in the way energy is generated and used.

In his keynote speech Hanergy Chairman Li Hejun pointed out that with mankind's continuous progress and the accelerated development of science and technology, traditional energy structures and energy utilization patterns are undergoing disruptive change. Mobile energy has the potential to revolutionize our energy systems, and Hanergy will take the lead in creating a global mobile energy era through thin-film solar power.

Li Hejun's vision of mobile energy aligns with the idea of humans being able to directly harness the sun's energy in much the same way green plants use chlorophyll. With cutting-edge features such as flexibility, light weight, superior low light performance, and diversified colors and shapes, thin-film solar technology is widely applicable to a variety of fields such as distributed power generation, mobile 3C products, wearable devices, fully solar-powered automobiles, solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicles and satellites.

Mobile energy is based on distributed power generation technology and integrated with technologies including energy storage, mobile Internet, and controlled data tracking to make highly-efficient and consistent mobile energy supply a reality for everyone.

Growing environmental pressure and depletion of fossil fuels will help drive the demand for electric vehicles and the mobile energy systems that power these vehicles. Highly mobile and adaptable thin-film solar technology is the best solution for these demands and will form a new pillar of growth in the "new normal" phase of China's economy.

The current market penetration of electric cars worldwide is more than 400,000, a number expected to reach 5-10 million by 2020. Leveraging thin-film technology, Hanergy is cooperating with three foreign and two domestic car design institutions to develop fully solar-powered cars. Three to five new models will be released in October this year. According to calculations, when a one-ton car is integrated with six square meters of Hanergy's highly-efficient gallium arsenide flexible thin-film module, it can travel 80 to 100 kilometers on an average of four hours of sunlight per day. The solar car market has huge potential as it is expected to reach 46 GW by 2020.

The electronic devices market, another important mobile energy application field, is expected to include over 6 billion smartphones globally by 2020. The power consumption of a smartphone is about 4 kWh each year; so the overall power consumption of 6 billion smart phones will surpass 24 billion kWh. If tablet computers are taken into account, the total power consumed will be approximately equivalent to a half-year's energy output of the Three Gorges Dam Hydroelectric Power Plant.

During the unveiling of Hanergy's mobile energy strategy, its global thin-film solar product innovation competition was also officially launched. With "Leading Thin-Film Solar & Creating a Mobile Energy Era" as its theme, the competition aims to stimulate scientific innovation in the mobile energy era, and promote diversified applications of thin-film technology through cross-field cooperation.

The competition is open to product developers, R&D institutions, designers, engineers, teachers and students from design colleges and anyone else who is interested and passionate about design and creativity. The topics cover six industries including architecture, transportation, electronics, home use, fully solar-powered automobiles and others. Applicants can choose from any topic and submit as many entry works as they want.

To encourage global design experts' participation in the competition, Hanergy has prepared generous awards. The winner of the highest honor of the competition - Hanergy Dream Award - will be awarded 1 million RMB. In addition, the competition sets up a variety of awards such as the Gold Award, Silver Award, Best Creativity Award and Best Charity Award under each theme.

For more information, participants can visit the competition's official website http://tfaward.hanergythinfilmpower.com.

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