VG Gold Corp Faktenübersicht 12/05/2008

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02.03.10 19:44

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrwFAZbericht 26/02 auf der dt. Webseite verlinkt
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08.03.10 17:39

2565 Postings, 6388 Tage PaiMeiUbika Research Report 08.03.2010

VG Gold wird als einer der nächsten aussichtsreichen Explorer eingestuft. Kursziel 12-Monate: 0.82 CAD
Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht alle den gleichen Horizont.

30.03.10 18:54

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrw30/03/2010

VG Gold Corp.: Bohrergebnisse aus dem Paymaster Projekt in Timmins, Ontario, Kanada
14:19 30.03.10


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Bohrergebnisse aus dem Paymaster Projekt in Timmins, Ontario, Kanada

8,7 Meter mit 4,58 g/t Gold
einschließlich 6,22 g/t Gold auf einer Weite von 4,3m

30. März 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Kanada. VG Gold Corp., (TSX: VG; FWB: VN3;
OTC: VGGCF) gibt hiermit bekannt, dass die Bohrungen im Paymaster West
Projekt in Timmins, Ontario, Kanada weiterhin erfreuliche Ergebnisse
liefern. Die ersten Resultate aus der sogn. Phase 3, welche Anfang des
Jahres begann, werden unten erläutert.

Die Ergebnisse der ersten fünf Bohrlöcher aus der Phase 3 bestätigen für VG
Gold weiterhin, dass bei der Paymaster-Liegenschaft die Chance für eine
Gold-Großlagerstätte besteht, und zwar aufgrund eines Bohrungsabschnitts
von 26,0 m Weite mit einem Goldgehalt von 2,26 g/t; außerdem zeigt sich
ebenso die Möglichkeit eines Untertagebergbau-Szenarios mit einer höheren
Goldkonzentration im Erz, anhand eines Abschnitts mit 4,58 g/t Gold auf
einer Weite von 8,7m einschließlich 6,22 g/t Gold auf 4,3 m. Die 3. Phase
der Bohrungen wird fortgesetzt, um einen Überblick über die
Goldmineralisierung zu erhalten, welche möglicherweise direkt von der
Oberfläche abgebaut werden könnte. Darüber hinaus wird die Qualität der
Mineralisierung in tieferen Schichten, unterhalb der Bohrungen aus der
Phase 2 (abgeschlossen im Dezember 2009), untersucht.

Bohrergebnisse - Highlights

(alle Ergebnisse finden Sie in der Tabelle 1)

Bohrloch-Nr.          von         bis         Weite       Goldgehalt
                     (m)         (m)         (m)         (g/t)
VGP-10-63             152,1       160,8       8,7         4,58
einschl.                                      4,3         6,22
VGP-10-64             133,2       149,7       16,5        1,97
VGP-10-65             131,0       157,0       26,0        2,26

Anm.: Die o.g. Intervalle sind Kern-Abschnittslängen.
Die tatsächlichen Weiten sind derzeit nicht bekannt.

Fünf Bohrlöcher wurden auf einer Länge von 1081m gebohrt. Das Ziel war die
Erweiterung der Goldmineralisierung, welche im Jahr 2009 in der sogn.
West-Prophyr-Zone im Paymaster Gebiet festgestellt wurde. Alle Bohrlöcher
durchschnitten mehrere Zonen mit hydrothermal modifiziertem
Quartz/Feldspat-Prophyrgestein, welches weite Abschnitte mit einer
Goldmineralisierung enthält, darunter insbesondere 16,5m mit 1,97 g/t Gold
(Bohrloch VGP-10-64), 26,0m mit 2,26 g/t Gold (Bohrloch VGP-10-65), 7,5m
mit 1,04 g/t Gold (Bohrloch VGP-10-66); sowie 25,5m mit 1,15 g/t Gold und
8,7m mit 4,58 g/t Gold.

Die Bohrungen werden fortgesetzt, um die Zonen mit einer
Goldmineralisierung im Verlauf des Quartz/Feldspat-Prophyrgesteins, sowohl
in der Tiefe, als auch entlang der Streichrichtung in ost- und westlicher
Richtung, weiter auszudehnen.

Derzeit werden geologische Modelle sowie Modelle zur Bewertung der
Mineralisierung erstellt, um weiteres Explorationspotential in dem Gebiet
zu erschließen, und um das Projekt mit einer ersten Ressourceneinschätzung
weiterzuentwickeln, welche für das dritte Quartal 2010 geplant ist.

Die Goldmineralisierung im Paymaster West Gebiet wird an der Außenfläche
und im Innern von Abschnitten mit stark modifizierten, gut mineralisierten
Gesteinsschichten aus Quartz-/Feldspat-/Prophyrgestein eingeschlossen. Der
Wechsel der Gesteinsschichten basiert auf weit verbreitetes Ankerit- sowie
Serizit-Mineral mit lokalem Turmalin; beide Gesteinsschichten verlaufen
verstreut und in Adern. Ferner findet sich durchgehend eine
Pyrit-Mineralisierung im Gestein, mit einer örtlichen Konzentration von bis
zu 20%. Die Bohrungen bis zum heutigen Tag haben in jedem Bohrloch mehrere
Intervalle aus einem modifizierten, mineralisierten
Quartz/Feldspat-Prophyrgestein durchschnitten.

Das Paymaster West Projekt befindet sich direkt neben dem bekannten
Dome-Bergwerk von Goldcorp, aus dem bis heute mehr als 17 Mio. Unzen Gold
im Rahmen von sowohl Untertagebergbau als auch Tagebergbau gefördert wurde.

VG Gold Corp. hat die Option 60% der Paymaster West Liegenschaft im Rahmen
eines Joint Ventures mit Goldcorp zu erwerben, falls VG Gold 6 Mio. CAD an
Explorationsausgaben bis Juni 2012 in die Liegenschaft investiert. Sobald
VG Gold den Erwerb von 60% des Gebietes bekannt gibt, hat Goldcorp 6 Monate
Zeit, um zu entscheiden, ob das Unternehmen seinen Besitz von 40% auf 70%
erhöhen möchte, durch Zahlung von 710.000 CAD an VG Gold sowie die
Übernahme von Explorationskosten für das Gebiet im Umfang von 8,25 Mio. CAD
innerhalb von zwei Jahren und die Durchführung einer
Projekt-Realisierbarkeitsstudie bis zum Ende des 3. Jahres.
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22.04.10 20:56

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrw22/04 wide potential 27.7 metres of 1.56 g

Shares: 178,897,112
27.7 metres of 1.56 gpt gold (91.0 feet of 0.05 opt)
April 22, 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada VG Gold Corp.,(TSX: VG), (FRANKFURT: VN3),
(OTC: VGGCF) is pleased to announce that drilling designed to outline a bulk tonnage
open pit resource at the Paymaster West Project in Timmins, Ontario continues to deliver
wide intersections of good grade. The best result since our last release returned 27.7
metres of 1.56 grams gold per tonne (91.0 feet of 0.05 ounces gold per ton).
“These results continue to illustrate that Paymaster has a lot of room to grow. In addition,
the project could not be better situated, located 750 m (2500 ft) to the edge of Goldcorp’s
Dome Mine and Mill which has been in operation since 1910 and has produced 17.1
million ounces of gold from both a large open pit and currently operating underground
mine. Our objective is to announce an initial resource estimate by year-end and continue
to advance the project through aggressive exploration,” stated Tom Meredith CEO and
1) Open Pit Potential: Wide Intersections Continue
The Paymaster project is situated next to Goldcorp’s Super Pit, one of Canada’s largest
open pit gold mines. To date, VG Gold’s drill results indicate similar open pit potential
could exist at Paymaster. The most recent results successfully expanded the gold
mineralization 91 metres (300 feet) to the west. Near surface mineralization has now been
discovered over an area 513.6 metres (1685 feet) long by 152.4 metres (500 feet) wide
and remains open to the east, west and at depth. The predominance of the mineralization
trends both west towards VG Gold's 100 percent owned Buffalo Ankerite Property and
east toward Goldcorp’s Dome Mine. Highlights from the recent drilling are shown below:
Hole # From To Width Gold Grade
(m) (m) (m) (gpt)
VGP-10-20ext 230.4 237.8 7.3 3.7
VGP-10-48 203.3 231.0 27.7 1.56
including 3.0 3.65
VGP-10-60 134.4 142.0 7.6 2.91
Intervals reported here are core lengths. True widths are not
known at this time. See more results in Table 1 below.
Some of the previously released near surface results that help illustrate the bulk
tonnage potential include:
Hole # From To Width Gold Grade
(m) (m) (m) (gpt)
VGP-09-16 259.9 282.9 23.0 1.40
VGP-09-31 166.1 210.3 44.2 1.00
VGP-09-33 204.2 228.6 28.5 1.03
VGP-09-34 437.0 468.0 31.0 1.61
VGP-09-45 397.8 435.1 37.3 2.29
VGP-09-51 89.3 106.3 17.0 1.36
VGP-09-53 70.3 100.5 30.2 1.28
VGP-10-64 133.2 149.7 16.5 1.97
VGP-10-65 131.0 157.0 26.0 2.26
VGP-10-67 133.8 159.3 25.5 1.15
2) Deep Drilling: Looking for High-Grade At Depth
VG Gold has recently mobilized a deep drill rig to Paymaster in order to target highgrade
gold mineralization at depth. Historical zones of good grade are known to occur
approximately 750 m (2,500 ft) below surface. Initial drilling will look to confirm these
results and then expand this upon this mineralization. The deep drill will also be used at
Buffalo Ankerite in order to follow
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26.04.10 18:33

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrwEncouraging drill results at the Paymaster

Several exploration catalysts during 2010: Ubika Research believes that the
company is pursuing a judicious strategy to explore at its two key properties and
there is significant potential to further expand the mineralization. The following are
the key highlights for the company’s drilling plan at the West Paymaster Property:
o Explore deeper targets at the traditional porphyry zone to obtain higher
grades and establish higher grade underground mining scenario
o Start additional drilling at targets to the north of the traditional porphyry
zone to potentially obtain higher grades
o Establish a significantly larger gold mineralization at the property
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05.05.10 18:30

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrwMessebesuch auf youtube
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05.05.10 19:17

2021 Postings, 5550 Tage fernseherDer Sprecher von VG auf der Messe

ist ein Sextaner, dessen Windeln noch nicht trocken sind. Das Jüngelchen sollte erst einmal die Hauptschule besuchen, bevor grosse Reden hält.

Wenn VG Gonld ein ähnlich "glückliches" Händchen bei der Exploration wie der Auswahl des Sprechers hat, dann gute Nacht.

Das Video der Präsentation ermuntert zum Verkaufen der Aktien. Vielleicht ist dieses sogar gewollt.  

05.05.10 19:48

1346 Postings, 6546 Tage uli68entzückend!

schön das wir die genehmigungen für eine produktion haben, hoffentlich staubt sie nicht ein.....

ich leg`mich wieder hin.  

04.06.10 18:22

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrwSedar Wahlvordruck\SEDAR\filing\vggoldPROXYjun3MD.pdf

The undersigned Shareholder of VG GOLD CORP. (the "Corporation") hereby nominates, constitutes and appoints THOMAS W.
MEREDITH or, failing him, NADIM WAKEAM, or, instead of any of the foregoing, as nominee of the undersigned,
with full power of substitution, to attend, vote and otherwise act for and on behalf of the undersigned at the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders of the Corporation to be held on Thursday, June 17th, 2010 at the Sheraton Toronto, Conference Room G, 123 Queen Street West,
Toronto, Ontario, at the hour of 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon (Toronto time) and at any adjournment thereof, to the same extent with the same
power as if the undersigned was personally present at the said Meeting or such adjournment or adjournments thereof and, without limiting the
generality of the power hereby conferred, the nominees are specifically directed to vote the shares represented by this Proxy as follows:
1. VOTE FOR or WITHHOLD FROM VOTING ON the re-appointment of Segal LLP., Chartered Accountants, Toronto, Ontario,
as auditors of the Corporation and the authorization of the Directors to fix the remuneration of the auditors;
2. VOTE FOR or WITHHOLD FROM VOTING ON the election of Directors identified in the Management Information Circular;
3. VOTE at the discretion of the nominee on any amendments to the foregoing and on such other matters as may properly come before the
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.
Where no choice is specified above, this Proxy is to be voted for each of the matters enumerated above.
This Proxy confers discretionary authority as to any amendments proposed at the Meeting in respect of matters identified in the Notice of
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders dated the 18th of May 2010 and as to any other matters that may properly come before the
Meeting or any adjournment thereof. As of the date hereof, the management of the Corporation knows of no such amendment or other
matters. The common shares represented by this Proxy will be voted or withheld from voting in accordance with the specification, if any,
of the undersigned in respect of any ballot that may be called for at the Meeting or any adjournment thereof. The undersigned hereby
revokes all prior proxies given with respect to the common shares of the undersigned and authorizes the person voting this
Proxy to inform holders of any prior proxy of such revocation.
DATED the ____ day of __________, 2010.
Signature of Shareholder
Proxies to be used at the Meeting must be deposited by mail or personal delivery at the Corporation's registrar and transfer
agent, Trans Canada Transfer Inc., 25 Adelaide St East, Suite 1301, Toronto, Ontario M5C 3A1 or at the registered office of
the Corporation, Suite 520, 65 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2M5, not later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
June 16th, 2010, or, if the Meeting is adjourned, not later than the close of business on the business day immediately
preceding the day fixed for any adjournment thereof. Please sign your name exactly as it appears on your share certificate in
respect of shares of the corporation. Unless this proxy is dated in the space above provided for that purpose, it shall be deemed to
bear the date on which it was mailed by management of the Corporation. A shareholder may appoint a proxyholder (who need
not be a shareholder) other than the persons designated in this form of proxy to attend and act on his or her behalf at the
Meeting. To exercise this right, the shareholder should either (i) insert such person's name in the space provided; or (ii)
submit another appropriate proxy. This form of proxy must be signed by the shareholder or his or her attorney authorized in
writing or, if the shareholder is a corporation, under its corporate seal or by an officer or attorney thereof duly authorized. Reference
is made to the accompanying Management Information
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09.06.10 15:48

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrwupdate
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12.07.10 14:18

559 Postings, 6166 Tage HectorPascalBohrergebnisse

VG Gold drills 24.7 m of 30.99 g/t Au at Paymaster West

2010-07-12 08:10 ET - News Release

Mr. Tom Meredith reports


VG Gold Corp. has released additional results, including a significant new hole from the Paymaster West property, located in Timmins. This intersection returned 30.99 grams per tonne (gpt) gold over 24.7 meters (m), including 366.0 gpt gold over 2.0 m. The Paymaster West Project is situated next to Goldcorp's Dome Mine, which has produced 17 million ounces of gold.


30.99 gpt gold over 24.7 meters

Drilling to define an open pit resource has encountered the most significant result to date from the Paymaster West Project. As drilling progresses to the east and closer to Goldcorp's Dome Mine, VG Gold's exploration has been encountering wide intervals of significant mineralization. This most recent result is significant because it starts at a vertical depth of only 50 ft (15 m) and the zone remains open to the east. The hole successfully extended the mineralization up-dip by approximately 30 m (Fig 1). The intercept occurs within the main porphyry zone, which is the primary target of VG Gold's drilling.  

04.09.10 12:17

683 Postings, 6395 Tage BargteNI 44-101 Notice of intent to qualify

(“NI 44-101”)

2 September 2010
TO: Ontario Securities Commission
AND TO: Alberta Securities Commission
British Columbia Securities Commission

VG Gold Corp. (the “Issuer”) intends to be qualified to file a short form prospectus under
NI 44-101. The Issuer acknowledges that it must satisfy all applicable qualification
criteria prior to filing a preliminary short form prospectus. This notice does not evidence
the Issuer’s intent to file a short form prospectus, to enter into any particular financing
or transaction or to become a reporting issuer in any jurisdiction. This notice will remain
in effect until withdrawn by the Issuer.

/Thomas W Meredith/

Per: Thomas W Meredith
President and Director  

29.09.10 18:32

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrwFusion 29/09
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, der darf diese gerne behalten

05.10.10 18:22

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrwbitte nicht verpassen ! 12:30

10.10.10 17:10

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrwUpdate Oktober in deutsch
- BE aus BA 2010 fehlen noch
- mit 17 Mio C$ könnten die 3 Hauptgebieten in den Produktion versetzt werden
- Bewertung pro Unze bei 1,2 mio OZ biete noch Spielraum nach oben

16.10.10 09:40

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrwMeeting Information-Special Shareholder Meeting

VG Gold Shareholder Meeting Information-Special Shareholder Meeting Date for Approval of Merger
10/15/2010 6:28:30 PM - Market Wire

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Oct 15, 2010 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

VG Gold Corp. (the "Company") (TSX:VG)(FRANKFURT:VN3)(OTCQX:VGGCF) wishes to provide its shareholders with information with respect to its recent regular annual shareholder meeting and with respect to the calling of a special meeting of shareholders to consider the proposed merger with Lexam Explorations Inc. by Plan of Arrangement.

The annual and general meeting held on June 17, 2010 shareholders approved the re-appointment of Seagal LLP as the auditors of the Company and authorized the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration. The following individuals were also re-elected to the Board of Directors: Thomas W. Meredith, John Drake, John Tait, Declan Costelloe and Robin Dunbar.

The Company will be holding a Special Meeting of shareholders on or about December 13, 2010 to consider, and if deemed advisable, to approve the proposed merger by Plan of Arrangement with Lexam Explorations Inc. which was announced in a previous press release dated September 29, 2010. In connection with the Plan of Arrangement shareholders will also be asked to approve the private placement by Rob McEwen for units in the Company for gross proceeds of $5 million. The Plan of Arrangement and the private placement by Rob McEwen is subject to court, shareholder and regulatory approvals.

The Company also announces that on October 15, 2010, the Company filed a voting results report from its annual meeting of shareholders held on June 17, 2010. This remedied the requirement to file the voting report in the time required by National Instrument 51-102 - Continuous Disclosure Obligations.

To learn more about VG Gold (TSX:VG)(FRANKFURT:VN3)(OTCQX:VGGCF), visit our website:

Shares: 180,918,727

SOURCE: VG Gold Corp.

VG Gold Corp. Tom Meredith President 416-368-0099 416-368-1539(FAX)
Copyright (C) 2010 Marketwire. All rights reserved.

16.10.10 12:21

28 Postings, 6601 Tage SonNegreLexam

Danke Euch für Eure immer int. Beiträge.
Meine Frage ist: das Umtauschverhältnis ist wie, wieviele Lexam bekomme ich für
meine 50ts. VG?
Danke im voraus
und grüsse Euch von der Sonneninsel Mallorca

Son Negre  

04.11.10 15:37

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrwNeues Interview

Ubika Research CEO Video Interview with VG Gold Corp (TSX: VG), a Timmins gold camp play
VG Gold Corp VG
11/4/2010 9:45:33 AMNov 04, 2010 (ACCESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
Toronto, Canada: Ubika Research has released a new CEO video interview with Mr. Tom Meredith, President and CEO of VG Gold Corp (TSE: VG)(FRANKFURT: VN3)(OTCQX: VGGCF). In this wide ranging interview, Mr. Meredith discusses the future plans of VG Gold Corp and the implication of its proposed merger with Lexam Explorations Inc (TSX VENTURE: LEX) (CVE: LEX). To view the VG Gold Corp CEO video interview please visit:

Ubika Research reports on VG Gold Corp is available at:

05.11.10 08:27

9311 Postings, 6859 Tage 2teSpitzeWie kann man denn

so vor eine FS-Kamera treten? War der gerade erst aufgestanden und hat sein Hemd unterwegs im Auto angezogen?
"An der Börse verdient man nur Schmerzensgeld. Erst kommen die Schmerzen, dann das Geld." (A. Kostolany)

05.11.10 09:09

1346 Postings, 6546 Tage uli68o.m.g.

die mimik hat er vor muttis spiegel lange geübt....  

05.11.10 13:04

51 Postings, 5131 Tage KPOBich kann und ...

... will mir nicht vorstelle, dass ein mcewen so etwas (höweler) akzeptiert!


05.11.10 17:23

559 Postings, 6166 Tage HectorPascalAufgepasst

Bitte nicht den Faktenthread mit Meinungen zumüllen!  

08.11.10 16:03

24176 Postings, 7734 Tage harry74nrwMERGER Update

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - 11/08/10) - (All amounts are in Canadian dollars)

LEXAM EXPLORATIONS INC. (TSX-V:LEX - News) ("Lexam") and VG GOLD CORP. (TSX:VG - News)(Frankfurt:VN3 - News)(Pinksheets:VGGCF - News) ("VG Gold") are pleased to announce they have entered into a definitive Arrangement Agreement pursuant to which Lexam and VG Gold will amalgamate to form a new company - Lexam VG Gold Inc. ("Lexam VG"). The transaction remains subject to court approval and approval by shareholders of Lexam and VG Gold. Under the transaction, Lexam shareholders will receive 2.1 common shares of Lexam VG for each Lexam common share currently held. This represents a premium to Lexam shareholders of approximately 10% over Lexam's current Net Asset Value. VG shareholders will receive 1 common share of Lexam VG for each VG Gold common share currently held.

The Board of Directors of Lexam and VG Gold have unanimously approved the transaction and the independent financial advisors of both Lexam and VG Gold have provided an opinion that the business combination is considered fair, from a financial point of view, to the shareholders of Lexam and VG Gold, respectively.

It is expected that the proxy circular for the meetings of the shareholders of Lexam and VG Gold to be held to approve the acquisition will be mailed to Lexam and VG Gold shareholders later this month, with the shareholders meetings to be held on December 13th, 2010.

Reasons for the Transaction

VG Gold's projects are located in the centre of the Timmins gold camp, which has produced in excess of 70 million ounces of gold. The new Lexam VG will be well positioned to take advantage of rising gold prices:

--  Good land position that holds four gold deposits which have attractive    exploration potential situated next to large gold mines in Timmins.--  Strong treasury with $15 million and no debt.--  Growing resource base.--  Attractive valuation versus Timmins peers.
It was previously announced that Rob McEwen, current Chairman and CEO of Lexam, would invest $5 million in VG Gold immediately prior to the completion of the business combination. This will significantly strengthen the treasury of Lexam VG. For tax reasons, Lexam's advisors have proposed that the private placement by Mr. McEwen be made in Lexam (rather than VG Gold). The amount invested by Mr. McEwen and his percentage ownership of the new Lexam VG remains the same as previously announced. As such, Mr. McEwen will invest $5 million in Lexam at a price of $1.008 per unit, with each unit comprised of one common share of Lexam and one-half Lexam purchase warrant, with each full warrant exercisable at an exercise price of $2.10 for a period of two years. The foregoing remains subject to TSX-V and shareholder approval.


Some of the statements contained in this release are "forward-looking statements". Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results include risks and uncertainties such as: ability to raise financing for further exploration and development activities; risks as to business integration; risks relating to estimates of reserves, deposits and production costs; extraction and development risks; the risk of commodity price fluctuations; political, regulatory and environmental risks; and other risks and uncertainties in the reports and disclosure documents filed by VG Gold and Lexam from time-to-time with Canadian securities regulatory authorities. The companies disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

Neither the TSX nor the TSX-Venture has reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the contents of this news release, which has been prepared by managemen

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