VW, das fünftgrößte Unternehmen der Welt Einfach Genial was Porsche da abzieht. Wer da noch shorten will...?! Gestern morgen zur Eröffnung waren sehr gut die Sprünge (von-2 % auf +3%) zu verfolgen, und das mehrfach. Wie Steffens gestern schrieb rätselt man was da los ist. Aber nicht alle, wie Steffens meinte, einige wissen dann doch Bescheid We’re not sure who to call - regulators, lawyers, police? We’re not sure who to call - regulators, lawyers, police? The phrase is Bernstein’s, not ours, and comes from the title of a breathtaking one-page piece of research distributed to Bernstein research clients this week. Neither Porsche nor Bernstein immediately returned calls on Thursday. But here’s the research, in any case:  Alongside this flow chart, Bernstein’s Max Warburton simply states: Porsche is making billions from this game –lending stock, buying then selling back, plus puts. This represents a breakdown in disclosure/regulatory function (BaFin) in our view. Accompanying random fact not cited by the research firm: After the latest up-tick in Volkswagen’s share price, the German carmaker is now the fifth largest company in the world, capitalised at $164bn - bigger than JPMorgan, BP, Nestle, AT&T, and HSBC. And the price has doubled in less than three months…
http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2008/10/16/17144/the-vw-fruit-machine/ den Link hat Kicky im Bärenthread eingestellt THX ----------- You only learn who has been swimming naked when the tide goes out - W.Buffett |