Es gibt eine weitere Kapitalerhöhung. Mehr als 3.2 Mrd. weitere Aktien kommen auf den Markt. Wieder eine Verwässerung:
The £3.5 million existing debt facility with Altair announced on 9 December 2022 (the "Altair Facility"), which has an outstanding balance of £900,000, will be redeemed through the issue of EQTEC shares to the value, as calculated below, of £1,125,000, which is 125% of the aforementioned outstanding balance.
Certain aspects of the refinancing are subject to Shareholders passing resolutions to provide the Company with authority to issue new Ordinary Shares and the implementation of a share capital reorganisation. Therefore, the Company proposes to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting (the "EGM") on 18 December 2023 to seek approval from its shareholders to implement a share capital reorganisation, to reduce the nominal value of its Ordinary Shares and to refresh the Company's authority to allot shares. The Company will publish a notice to convene the EGM in due course.
The Company further announces that it is proposing to issue, in aggregate, 209,444,021 new Ordinary Shares (the "Supplier Shares") at 0.05252p to certain strategic service providers providing advisory and financing services to the Group in satisfaction of £110,000 of fees due to them. The issue of the Supplier Shares will further align the interests of strategic advisers and service providers with those of the Company and its shareholders.
Application will be made to the London Stock Exchange for the Implementation Fee Shares, the Facility Fee Shares, the Historic Fee Shares, the Riverfort Conversion Shares, the Altair Settlement Shares, the Pitcole Settlement Shares, the First Tranche Fee Shares and the Supplier Shares, being in aggregate 3,254,950,491 new Ordinary Shares (the "New Shares"), to be admitted to trading on AIM. Dealings in the New Shares, which will all rank pari passu with the Company's existing Ordinary Shares, are expected to commence at 8.00 a.m. on or around 23 November 2023.
Following Admission, there will be 14,783,204,492 Ordinary Shares in issue. The Company holds no Ordinary Shares in Treasury. This number may be used by shareholders as the denominator for the calculation by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the FCA's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.
The New Shares will represent 22% of the Company's enlarged issued share capital following Admission.