Prairie West Oil and Gas has begun strategic operational overhaul of Shackleton Project
Prairie West Oil and Gas has begun strategic operational overhaul of Shackleton Project Optimal time
for completion with work to coincide with seasonally low summer natural gas prices. CALGARY, Alberta
Canada/May 28 2012 -- Today Canadian energy producer Prairie West Oil and Gas is pleased to announce
that it has begun its scheduled summer overhaul of the company's Shackleton natural gas asset. The
entire project is being revamped with the goal of producing higher revenues in the fall season through
greater efficiency, lower operating costs and traditionally higher fall natural gas prices. Vice
President Anthony Sarvucci: "With the summer season comes traditionally lower natural gas prices, so as
a company we believe that now is the perfect time to do the work that needs to be done on the Shackleton
asset. For example; wells that are not currently in the system will be tied in, wells with greater
potential will activated and wells that no longer perform to Prairie's standards abandoned. All
indications are that by doing the maintenance and optimization procedures now, Prairie West stands to
increase its top and bottom line growth as it relates to the project as a whole for the fall moving
forward. We firmly believe we have the right people in place to get the job done right the first
time and as a company we look forward to enhanced revenues moving forward into the fall season. " It
is important to note that the company's Shackelton asset consists of 9600 Acres of Oil & Gas Property
within the Western Canadian Sedimentary basin and that during this strategic overhaul the Team at
Prairie West will be further refining geological data with the goal of identifying multiple new drill
locations. As of today the company has already begun the first step in the operational process and
has shut in all natural gas wells for the summer season. About Prairie West Ltd.: Prairie West
Oil & Gas is a producing energy company with both established production and assets within the center of
Canada's highest reserve epicenters; the oil boom provinces of Alberta and now Saskatchewan. Prairie
West operates under the notion that now is the time to take advantage of favorability priced
acquisitions and joint ventures while constantly striving to reduce the cost of doing business. The goal
is to build for the future while remaining focused on the short term profitability that rewards early
shareholders. Latest News The experienced team at Prairie West has the expertise and proven execution
required for success in today's rapidly changing energy sector. This has been clearly demonstrated with
the Maidstone acquisition, the more recent eleven well expansion located in close proximity to current
production and a new 27 well producing gas play in Saskatchewan Canada. Prairie West's primary
long-term development project is strategically placed within the highly productive Twining area which is
surrounded by major multi-national energy giants such as EnCana, Suncor and Devon Energy. This project
is immediately adjacent to the enormous Twining Rundle/Mannville Pool with original oil in place of
1.013 billion barrels equivalent.Übersetzung findet ihr auf der Facebook Seite