Bitcoin BTC/USD 72.383,00 $ + 5,89 %
"Ich glaube schon weil New World Solution ebenfalls mit Krypto zutun hat und auf einem ähnlichen Kursniveau wie Blox startet. "Zitat Ende"
New World Solutions Inc. provides shareholders with exposure to various areas of Decentralized Finance (DeFI). Focusing on altcoins through its wholly owned subsidiaries Babbage Mining Corp., a Proof of Stake ("POS") miner, and Beyond the Moon Inc. an IDO focused company, Graph gives investors exposure to the vast emerging market of cryptocurrencies with the significant technological disruption and potential gains altcoins represent. In addition, through its investment in New World Solutions Inc, Graph is providing its shareholders with exposure to rapidly growing and emerging NFT market.
Gemessen auf dem aktuellen Bitcoin Niveau müsste die Aktie längst über 0,10 stehen. |