meine Kurzanalyse: Die Devise von Equiti ist die Lösunge des Problems in Zusammenarbeit mit allen Beteiligten.
Jim ist auf der Schiene des Gegeneinander.
Continuous Disclosure Statement Equititrust Income Fund ARSN 089 079 854 (EIF) and Equititrust Priority Class Income Fund ARSN 089 079 729 (EPCIF) Equititrust Limited ACN 061 383 944 AFSL 230471 Issued by Equititrust Limited on 20 October 2011 Since its appointment last week the incoming Board of Directors of Equititrust has conducted a preliminary review of the administration of the Company. The review has revealed that:-  The Statutory Accounts for 2010/11 are currently in arrears;  The compliance audits are currently in arrears; and  There is an absence of a consolidated integrated database across the property assets. As a result, the Board has:- 1. Appointed Adam Purss formerly of KPMG to complete the statutory accounts with immediate effect; 2. Resolved to undertake an immediate full forensic audit and review of the company’s data files to ensure a responsible and efficient management of the wind up of the Fund’s property assets. A suitably qualified forensic investigator will be appointed to that task as a matter of priority; 3. Affirmed its absolute commitment to working with regulators and creditors to ensure fairness and transparency, and to driving an optimal realisation of assets for unit holders as part of the wind up; and 4. Affirmed its commitment to a program of asset realisation to pay out Equititrust’s debts to the banks as a matter of priority. |