Kann das sein?
Umsatz drittes Quartal: $ 6,437,620 Umsatz letzte drei Monate: $ 14,956,077 Ausgaben drittes Quartal: $ 4,698,724 Ausgaben letzte drei Monate: $ 10,909,254 - Gewinn drittes Quartal: $ 1,738,896 Gewinn letzte drei Monate: $ 4,046,823
Net loss increased by $15,369,436 to $17,578,017 for the nine months ended September 30, 2014, compared to $2,208,581 for the prior nine months ended September 30, 2013. The increase in net loss was the result of a net increase of other income and (expenses) of $(16,109,229), and an increase of operating expenses of $3,307,030, with an increase in gross profit of $4,046,823. For the nine months ended, revenues exceed operating costs. We cannot assure this will continue in the future. |