19th November, 2010 The Frankfurt Stock Exchange Dear Sir/Madam, SHAREHOLDERS APPROVE ACQUISITION OF PALMIETFONTEIN PROJECT At Central Kimberley Diamond’s (“CKD”) Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) today, shareholders approved the resolutions necessary to move forward to acquire the Palmietfontein project. Gemstar Diamonds Limited (“GDL”) has scheduled a General Meeting on 25 November to allow their shareholders to approve the transaction. Details of this transaction have been announced, however once GDL advise of approval, the option shares and shares relating from the placement to fund the initial program will be issued. The Board of CKD believe that the completion of the initial due diligence and today’s approval are the first steps towards an exciting future. Kind regards, Peter Rosenthal – Non Executive Director & Chairman The information in this announcement that relates to exploration results and/or comments pertaining to resource assessment is the opinion of and compiled and presented by Mr. Ross Brown, Director of Central Kimberley Diamonds Ltd. Ross Brown is a Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. He has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and types of deposits under consideration, and to the activity which has been undertaken, to qualify as a Competent Person as defined by the 2004 edition of the “Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr. Brown consents to the report being issued in the form and context in which it appears. For further and questions information please contact: Central Kimberley Diamonds Ltd. Peter Rosenthal Level 3, 105 St Georges Terrace Perth 6000, Australia Tel.: +61 8 9227 5455 info@centralkimberleydiamonds.com |