steht ? Ist doch nur optisch schön !! Bei dem Handelsvolumen bekommst du keine 5.000 Stck. verkauft ohne das der Kurs gen Süden rauscht. Die aktuelle Kursfeststellung ist viel realistischer....kein Mensch will derzeit bei DIA groß rein. Bei < 4 steht das Teil relativ stabil und gibt den derzeitigen Wert besser wieder als ein einzelner Kauf bei 4, 5 oder mehr.
Hier eine Mail von Mr. Lehmann an Freddy (aus dem WO-Board)
Hi Freddy,
Thank you for your email. The best way to answer is to say we closed down after the Global financial crisis. The directors worked for the next 2 years until now for no pay to say our resources until the market came back. You will see from the web page the first area at Plooysburg proved to be uneconomical. The value of the diamonds recovered did not cover the cost. We moved onto a smaller area on the Vail River and began making a profit when the GFC hit. We have been putting together a project that has recently been announced. This is in the early stages of exploration. It will take most of this year to test the resource before we will know whether we have a viable mine. This is a very risky business. This new project has a great potential to be the biggest new mine in many years or it could prove to be low grade or have poor quality diamonds. We as a board have invested our own money in a new placement to begin exploration of the Palmietfontein area because we feel it has a great potential; however we know it is a gamble. I hope you stay with us for this new project.
Der Mann tirfft es...nix von wg. "die unglaublichste Mine seit 4 Mio. Jahren" wie es in den Artikeln reißerisch aufgepumpt wurde....sondern sachlich und ehrlich. |