NMEN - very hot !

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06.07.04 15:00

3186 Postings, 7519 Tage lancerevo7NMEN - very hot !

New Medium Enterprises Inc. (OTCBB: NMEN) brings to the world a truly evolutionary technology that will enable consumers in the near term, to view High Definition quality entertainment at a price equivalent to today's DVD. NME developed a new optical storage disc known as -RMD- which has the capability of storing 100 GB of data and more, as compared to the maximum capacity allowed by the current highest capacity disc -a DVD 9- which bears only 8.5 GB of data, stored on two information layers.  RMD is the acronym for "Reflective Multi-layer Disc". It is a next generation optical disc designed for High Definition content: motion pictures, video on demand, sports entertainment, and all video content and data.

The need to increase the disc storage capacity fivefold and, in fact, tenfold is well established. Consumers are ready to move into a new TV era-the era of HDTV movies and broadcasts. Beginning Jan.1, 2007, the FCC in USA will allow only HDTV screens to be manufactured.

A DVD can only record data on a maximum of two layers since an increase in the number of layers in the disc increases the interlayer crosstalks and the data cannot be read properly. Today a standard 120 mm single layer disc is limited to its current capacity of 4.7GB single layer or 8.5 GB dual layer.

Currently there are no cost effective High Definition DVD players on the market. NMEN  possess the technology to manufacture & mass produce low cost RED LASER HDTV playback discs capable of being industrially implemented in the near term to supply the market with cost effective RMD HDTV Discs (20GB first generation, & over 100GB, thereafter;) & Drives. These drives will be DVD backward compatible, i.e. they will fit all previous disc formats, and there will be no need to keep 2 drives at home. The players will cost approximately $200 - $250 which is affordable for the masses.

RMD is precisely the same size and thickness as DVD, however, while DVD technology is limited to a maximum of two data layers on a disc. RMD provides the ability to place up to 20 layers on a single disc with no quality loss in the content stored. Through multi layering, NMEN is  able to (dramatically!) increase the disc storage capacity. Each layer adds approximately 5GB's of memory over a standard DVD disc. While storing 100GB on an RMD disc is certainly feasible, the initial RMD products will be more modest; in the range of 20 GB and 30 GB discs & players. NMEN believes that such disc capacities will more than satisfy the HD market for the next several years.

RMD technology is not only a high quality solution with unparalleled copyright protection for next generation HD-DVD, but unlike the rival blue-laser format it is also the most cost effective solution in the market place for the reasons described below:

RMD player is based on conventional red lasers and almost in all respects similar to DVD players. In particular RMD player will be naturally backward compatible with DVD, which will enable viewing of HD discs as well as current DVD's.;

The existing CD-DVD infrastructure is based on RED LASER, which is highly cost effective, since it is easily produced by hundreds of firms all over the world. The entire disc infrastructure involving manufacturing equipment including mastering and replicating processes have been created to accommodate Red Laser, with billions of investments by the industry and consumers to date.

To substantially increase the storage capacity in this paradigm, new formats are trying to change to a new technology based on BLUE LASER, which has a shorter wavelength of 405 nanometers as compared to 650 nanometers of the red laser. This makes it possible to focus the laser beam with more precision, thus making information pits smaller and in consequence enabling to hold more data on the disc. However, on the downside, BLUE LASER, by itself is far more expensive and can be produced for the time being, only by one or few firms in the globe. Besides all associated disc and players manufacturing industry-one of the largest consumer goods branches of the Global economy- would be required to refurbish their entire infrastructure to accommodate BLUE LASER.

RMD manufacturing will be processed at existing DVD facilities with existing DVD equipment. Notwithstanding that the scientific & technological concepts behind RMD are different from DVD, the huge manufacturing infrastructure that was built for DVD will be used for RMD production with only very minor additional accommodations, at an inconsequential cost.

It is thus understandable why the production cost of RMD & player will be comparable with DVD. Low production cost, and in consequence, low prices for consumers will be instrumental in easing the market penetration of RMD as a natural extension of DVD for HD content.

Inherently low prices and utilization of existing DVD manufacturing infrastructure sharply distinguishes RMD from the optical disc technologies based on blue lasers. The blue laser based proposals for high capacity optical discs for the HD market promise similar capacities of discs varying from 15 GB, 25, GB, 30 GB and up to 50 GB on one side. As a result of all this hype, it is becoming difficult to understand what the  reality of blue laser technologies is and what in practicality is the actual time span for their delivery at commercially feasible prices. However, no one doubts that mass production by technology based on blue laser will positively require a new production infrastructure worldwide in place of DVD production infrastructure. Unfortunately NMEN predicts the resulting disc capacities will be about the same as can be achieved with the existing DVD production facilities.

RMD based on Red Laser technology assures a long and vibrant life ahead for the Red Laser infrastructure as RMD enables an increase in the current standard disc from 8,5GB to a capacity of 100GB and higher. Fortified with RMD technology, Red Laser has many years of prime time remaining for providing high capacity discs with sufficient capacity to rival any Blue Laser based format. While the battle currently being waged is simply a well planned exercise to establish turf in the royalty game for economic gain, there simply does not exist a technological need that would validate refurbishing the entire DVD infrastructure to change to the costly Blue Laser, at least not for the foreseeable future.

Looking ahead to 2007, if and when the blue laser becomes more reliable, for greater capacities such as VIDEO ON DEMAND (100-200Gbyte), Blue laser Multi layer Discs using RMD technology can be developed along traditional lines. The objective is not to over burden the process for higher and higher density of pits on a disc that impose unfeasible stringent tolerances on disc flatness, numerical apertures, tilt margins etc., but achieving the capacity levels through multi layering. This will enable maintaining the density on each level in reasonable limits, thus providing "soft" tolerances for all the parameters and keeping cheap and simple manufacturing technology. RMD has the capability to enhance Blue Laser through its Multi Layering technology, increasing capacity of its currently proposed 50GB maximal possible capacity to 100GB and higher.

High Definition (HD) content is best viewed on modern high resolution displays: plasma TV's and big size liquid crystal computer displays. The ultimate HD quality is achieved with high resolution projectors, such as is used in Digital Cinema theaters, and more and more frequently at home with a big white screen hanging on a wall, or a white wall itself serving as a screen. RMD is very similar to familiar DVD. But the maximal DVD capacity is limited to 8.5 GB. It only contains sufficient storage capacity to store a movie in Standard Definition format, but not High Definition format.

In order to comprehend the difference between Standard Definition and High Definition Video formats one must consider the following: By Standard Definition format one usually refers to a video quality which is equivalent to standard TV screens. This is about the quality of digital DVD signal, plus or minus. The HD content provides at least several times higher information bit rate arriving at TV displays, and accordingly much higher quality. One must really view the HD images on the screen to understand that HDTV is a new universe in home entertainment.

All optical discs in the market, such CD's and DVD's are reflective. In a certain sense so is RMD. There is nothing extraordinary about being reflective. However, achieving multi layering capabilities is quite substantial in both depth and scope. There is general awareness by the giant players in the market place that the future of optical storage is ultimately in multi layer carriers. Indeed, how much can be placed on one layer? Even now it is a marvel of human creation to have as much capacity as blue laser discs are promising. But it is of prime importance to understand that those levels are achieved through tremendous complexities that impose unfeasible stringent tolerances on disc flatness, numerical apertures, tilt margins etc., which will ultimately lead to high consumer prices.

Is it not wiser to achieve the capacity levels through multi layering and gain substantial capacity per disc while keeping the production technology simple? And looking ahead in the future when blue laser technologies become available and transparent, likewise to apply the same principles to build giant capacity blue laser discs?

Multi Layering is the core technology of NME, it is a technology in which NMEN is in  the forefront of the optical media sector  and will aim to be a market leader in this exciting industry.


New Medium Enterprises, Inc. was founded in August 1999 and has been trading on the OTC Bulletin Board under the symbol NMEN. On January 13, 2004, the company acquired all of the Reflective Multi-Layer Disc (RMD) intellectual property assets from MultiDisc in London and TriGm in Belgium and entered into a long term Scientific Development Agreement for the development of the prototypes and products of RMD. The team consists of a unique and highly qualified scientists & professors from several European countries, with extensive experience with a multitude of past and present formats of optical storage and in particular with multi-layer optical structures. The scientific team is currently developing the prototypes for the anticipated three stages of development. The overall management is carried out from the Company’s headquarters in New York.

NMEN is  planning to demonstrate the first generation prototype RMD by the end of the summer of 2004 with capacity of up to 20GB storage on a single-side disc - with expected TWO HOUR PLAYBACK OF HD VIDEO.


The ability to make a MULTILAYER DISC and fully decode it through originally designed drive and thus to increase multifold the potential storage capacity while maintaining almost intact the current DVD infrastructure. Unlike solutions chosen by competing formats which are restrictive in their capacity beyond its current target, RMD has chosen a path that is endless and unrestrictive by allowing the addition of multiple layers.

- Proprietary optical and electronic design of MULTILAYER DISC players with standard components of DVD players;

- Absolute content protection that is inherently provided by the fact that the DISC IS MULTILAYER, thus impractical and uneconomical to copy.

- Backward compatibility with all the existing Disc formats.

- The Multi-layer Revolution in optical storage does not require the peripheral revolution in manufacturing, it will require only marginal modifications of the manufacturing equipment but practically keeps untouched all basic components that are used today;

- Thus: RMD is both TIME and COST Saving Technology that can bring HDTV to every home in the near future.

- RMD provides immediate and cheap RED LASER solution for consumer HDTV playback as well as the solution to carrier and distribution problems for DIGITAL CINEMA.


The company plans to pursue discussions and seek partnership with the major players in the Global entertainment arena. NMEN will offer their patented knowledge and know how for manufacturing hi-capacity RMD to major manufacturers of optical storage. NMEN believes that production of RMD's holding 20-50GBGB and players will generate royalty and license fees on a per-unit basis
Since RMD technology is applicable to both red- and blue-laser solutions, New Medium is not limited to dealing with a single consortium or company in the current standards war. When having the first prototype ready, the company believes it will rapidly transform itself from a pure R&D company into a licensing operation with the sole objective of signing the most effective suite of top-level agreements for NMEN shareholders. NMEN's  objective is  to make sure that all players and discs in the future are capable of using RMD  technology.


Ethel Schwartz has been Chairman, and CEO of New Medium Enterprises, Inc. since its inception in August 1999. Ethel was responsible for orchestrating and overseeing the acquisitions of the RMD intellectual property business and assets and assisting with the implementation of the specialized scientific team that is developing the RMD portfolio. Ethel has an extensive Wall Street background in broker/dealer regulatory compliance and has been officer and director of Hyett Capital Ltd., a company engaged in mergers & acquisitions. Ethel is a dynamic leader of vision and conviction who brings strong business analytical and strategic skills, a wealth of knowledge & experience in finance, public company operations, as well as diversified business experience. Ethel is a member of the Board of Arbitrations of the NASD.

Dr. Alexander Libin has been employed by New Medium since January 13, 2004, as the Chief Operations Officer. Dr. Libin has been the Co-Director for Sciences, at the Israel Interuniversity Center for Academic Cooperation with CIS, Hebrew University, Jerusalem , Israel since 2002. From 1998-2002, he has been a Senior Vice-President for International Management and System Integration, Memory Devices 1966 Ltd., Rehovot , Israel. From 1995-1998 he was Senior Advisor for Russian Affaires, at The Prime Minister's Office, Tel-Aviv Israel. From 1991-1995 he served as a Secretary, in the Israeli Embassy in Moscow. Dr. Libin brings substantial experience in operations, science and technology, with demonstrated ability to pick major technological issues as prime target and to pursue the transformation of innovative technological ideas into a working final product.


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