SEC Investigation
The SEC's Division of Enforcement is seeking the production of certain financial and operating records dating from January 1, 2018, as well as documents related to certain acquisitions and investments that were identified in a report issued by short-seller firm Wolfpack Research in April 2020 ("Wolfpack Report"). The Company is cooperating with the SEC. We cannot predict the timing, outcome, or consequences of the SEC investigation.
In addition, shortly after the publication of the Wolfpack Report, the Company engaged professional advisers to conduct an internal review into certain of the key allegations in the Wolfpack Report and to report their findings to the Company's Audit Committee ("Internal Review"). These professional advisers have been examining the Company's books and records and undertaking testing procedures that, in their judgment, are necessary and appropriate to evaluating the key allegations in the Wolfpack Report, including accounting policy analysis, data analytics on whether the Company manufactured orders and inflated revenues and/or expenses. The Internal Review is ongoing and we cannot predict the timing for completion, outcome, or consequences of the Internal Review at this time.
Das klingt so ähnlich wie bei Wirecard am Anfang. Ob ich hier schon wieder ins Klo gegriffen habe? |