sieht auch ziemlich günstig aus. Da gabs die Tage den Ausbruch nach oben.
June 28, 2013 Shale Oil: It’s Not Quite The Boom That The Press Seems To Think It Is "I think the reserves may not be what we thought. And some of the gas companies have reported decreases in their estimated reserves because the wells dry up pretty quickly.
The same is happening with oil. The oil boom started later than the boom in shale gas. And we’re finding that those wells decline at the rate of, depending on who you believe, 38 to 69 percent in the first year. I don’t have a clue, because I've never drilled a shale oil well. But we do know that those are fairly short-lived, too. So this has been great fun, and it may last a while. But I would suspect it’s not quite the boom that the press seems to think it is. We’ll find out." - in Index Universe
Annahme Geldmenge verdoppelt die nächsten 5 Jahre und es kommt zur Ölknappheit ala 2008 dann steigt Öl gemütlich auf unschöne 1000$/Barrel. |
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