The value is in their much market ... 3,000 patients in usa .. Rare disease is priced at about $300,000 to $500,000 per year .. You can see several reference for it .. Very easy for small company to build a sales team and penetrate quickly .. USA sales could quickly reach to $300M if approved .. Giving a $1.5B valuation of $7 a share ..
Nash is huge , but you have ICPT CIC is big, but you have ironwood and SgYP .. So Japan market may give them some recurring royalty down the road
My surprise is why not sell all your assets first and the a rev merger .. Unless they valued BIOd at say $60M and private company at $120M for combined $180M
There private company has survived 8 years on $40M plus milestone payments on heir compound to get here .. Their rare disease seems the most lucrative ... They are waiting a phase 2 readout .. I would guess that should be before shareholder vote
I will vote NO if share price is less than 60 cents which assume peanuts for our pipeline and forget about lawsuit |