IBIO may be used in ZMapps production

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28.03.20 14:17

3963 Postings, 2348 Tage AhorncanZurück auf 0,25

Die Sau ist so schnell durchs Dorf gerannt.... viele haben den Absprung verpasst.

..... in Zeiten der Corona Krise gilt .... kaufe nie in steil steigende Kurse....

Entweder man hatte die Aktie im Vorfeld und hat Glück, wenn nicht bleibt man halt hängen.  

28.03.20 15:58

2309 Postings, 2044 Tage BananiDie Sau fängt erst noch an zu laufen,

siehe aktuelle Situation in den USA, imo.  

30.03.20 06:54

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08IBIO

Combat Corona Virus COVID19 with FastPharming

IBIO-200 is a virus-like particle (VLP) based vaccine for the COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 strain of coronavirus. VLP based vaccines are known to interact with immune cells differently than soluble antigens and can trigger both humoral and cellular responses.
IBIO-200 has been designed to maximize uptake by antigen presenting cells in order to increase the overall immune response. A SARS-CoV-2 derived antigen is fused to a self-assembling protein partner to generate the VLP. The antigen is displayed in a repetitive structure and geometry, and the particle is decorated with oligomannose molecules so as to resemble the structure of a naturally occurring virus.
VLP based vaccines are known to interact with immune cells differently than soluble antigens and can trigger both humoral and cellular responses. IBIO-200 has been designed to display enhanced vaccine uptake by antigen presenting cells to increase the overall immune response. As evidenced in the electron micrographs shown here, the FastPharming Manufacturing System delivers a tightly controlled particle size. This offers many quality and scale-up advantages given that the uniform antigen display enables better dose definition and higher product yields. Overall, IBIO-200 is a promising vaccine candidate for the COVID-19 disease, given its designed immunostimulatory properties, quality, and fast scalability to tens of millions of doses.
Source: https://www.ibioinc.com/pipeline

#COVID19 #coronavirus #vaccine #IBIO $IBIO IBIO

About iBio
iBio, Inc., is a global leader in plant-based biologics manufacturing. Its FastPharming System™ combines vertical farming, automated hydroponics, and glycan engineering technologies to rapidly deliver gram quantities of high-quality monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, bioinks and other proteins. The Company’s subsidiary, iBio CDMO LLC, provides FastPharming Contract Development and Manufacturing Services via its 130,000 square foot facility in Bryan, Texas. Originally built in 2010 with funding from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), iBio’s FastPharming Facility was part of the “Blue Angel” initiative to establish facilities capable of rapid delivery of medical countermeasures in response to a disease pandemic. iBio CDMO enables innovators to use the FastPharming System for insourced manufacturing with Factory Solutions “design-and-build” services. iBio’s FastGlycaneering Development Service™ includes an array of new glycosylation technologies for engineering high-performance recombinant proteins. Additionally, iBio is developing proprietary products which include IBIO-100 for the treatment of fibrotic diseases. For more information, visit www.ibioinc.com.

Stephen Kilmer
Investor Relations
(646) 274-3580

30.03.20 08:59

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08grosser chart

31.03.20 07:37

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08IBio

The suitability of plants against new human virus diseases, also against coronaviruses


31.03.20 12:51

4131 Postings, 3044 Tage Kap Hoorn@ up08:

THX for your INFO's !
Nützt aber NIX bzgl. des Kurses, so what ............  

31.03.20 12:53

4131 Postings, 3044 Tage Kap HoornÜbrigens :

"Performance seit Mitte Oktober 2014 (Threadbeginn) :
MINUS  94% !!!

31.03.20 15:54

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08vllt. hier

// Amidst a global pandemic, two biotech companies offer innovative solutions. In this exclusive interview with BioTuesdays, Tom Isett, co-chairman and CEO of iBio (NYSE AMERICAN:IBIO) and Dr. Robert Foster, CEO of Hepion Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:HEPA) discuss how their companies are contributing to the global effort. They are joined by infectious disease expert, Dr. Gerald Parker, and liver disease expert, Dr. Stephen Harrison.

$IBIO - to have it ready !


04.04.20 09:04

2309 Postings, 2044 Tage BananiRapid Delivery of Medical Countermeasures Amid...

Rapid Delivery of Medical Countermeasures Amid Pandemic

CP: What development progress have you seen thus far and do you anticipate any specific challenges going forward?

RE: iBio’s FastPharming Technology has been previously deployed for development, manufacture, and evaluation of vaccine candidates for viral and bacterial pathogens in clinical trials. That experience was rapidly put to use in January to design, express, and produce COVID-19 vaccine candidates. These candidates are undergoing additional development to select a lead candidate and formulation for extensive animal testing and initial human clinical evaluation. Based on existing data and experience, we do not anticipate manufacturing challenges, and we believe most safety questions can be addressed within a matter of weeks.



06.04.20 17:38

4131 Postings, 3044 Tage Kap HoornMuss ja ein ganz großer ...

SCHROTT sein, diese IBIO, die angeblich (!!!) an einer Impfstoffentwicklung gg. Corona mitwirkt !!!
::: LAUGH ::::

DOW heute über 5% PLUS, ibio hingegen mehr als 20% im MINUS in Übersee !!!

Wenn man SCHROTT (!)  dazu sagt, ist dies noch sehr wohlwollend (!!!) ausgedrückt !!!

06.04.20 17:42

4131 Postings, 3044 Tage Kap Hoorn@ Banker :

Du hattest absolut recht schon vor ca. 3 Wochen im Nachbarthread, DANKE für deine damalige Einschätzung  (SCHROTT) !
Hat mir dadurch recht viel Geld gespart,  DANKE dir !  

06.04.20 17:43

4131 Postings, 3044 Tage Kap HoornMal schauen, was die ...

... bisherigen Dumm-Pusher (bei w:o) heute dazu sagen  ?

GRINS ::::::::::::::

06.04.20 20:36

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08dreht

06.04.20 20:46

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08kommt wahnsinne grüne Kurse zurück. ? Wow

07.04.20 08:33

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08sehr guter IBIO Link


IBIO Stock Is a Unique and Worthy Biotech Bet
This vaccine developer's aggressiveness makes IBIO stock a potential winner
By Louis Navellier and the InvestorPlace Research Staff, Editor, Growth Investor Apr 6, 2020, 2:17 pm EDT
A number of biotechnology firms are currently working to develop a vaccine for the novel coronavirus. Traders have been buzzing about iBio (NYSEAMERICAN:IBIO) stock because picking the right company could lead to quick profits.

IBIO Stock Is a Unique and Worthy Biotech Bet
Source: Shutterstock
But don’t view this as a horse race to find a vaccine, or as a lottery ticket to pick the right company randomly. Both the economy and the health of the community are at stake here.

Thankfully, iBio is on the right track and deserves investors’ attention during this challenging time.

What’s Different About iBio?
With multiple biotechs working furiously to get a vaccine to market, it’s important to know how each company differentiates itself from the others. Not all biotechnology companies are standouts. However, iBio has a proprietary technology that’s quite unique.

It’s called FastPharming and it’s based on plant-based protein production. It’s a transformative technology that iBio specializes in. Kathleen L. Hefferon and Henry I. Miller explain why it’s advantageous to focus on the power of proteins: “Compared with proteins derived from mammalian cells or chemical systems, proteins from genetically engineered plants are also easy to scale up and synthesize with other proteins, and they remain stable at room temperature for longer periods.”

Scalability and stability are important, but those aren’t the only advantages of FastPharming. It’s also fast, which is of vital importance as the coronavirus is spreading every day. FastPharming’s expedited process “shortens timelines to the clinic and can move a program from gene sequence to protein production in as little as three weeks,” according to iBio.

Also important is iBio’s uncompromising quality in using plant-based science. Through FastPharming, the company is able to produce “consistent therapeutics that are well-accepted by global regulatory bodies.” That’s crucial as the world is seeking a high-quality coronavirus vaccine that could potentially be fast-tracked through the regulatory system.

Fast Profits with FastPharming?
IBIO stock has dropped from more than $2.50 to under $1. That’s not due to any particularly bad news about the company. The decline in iBio shares isn’t very different from the overall decline in vaccine-development companies since early-to-mid March.

If FastPharming turns out to be the technology that leads to an approved, marketable coronavirus vaccine, iBio stock could quickly surpass $2.50. In fact, iBio’s proprietary methods are ideally suited for preparing vaccines and treatments for clinical trials and, eventually, for commercial use.

Fast profits require fast action, and iBio is a quick mover. Consider that the company has already filed four provisional coronavirus-related patent applications with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Using the company’s FastPharming system, iBio developed SARS-CoV-2 Virus-Like Particle (VLP)-based constructs in a matter of weeks. The four aforementioned provisional patent applications would, if approved, support this VLP platform.

IBIO Co-chairman and Chief Executive Officer Tom Isett described the exciting progress that VLP science has already shown, along with what the future may hold: “We are pleased with both the speed of our development activities and the quality of the VLPs our technology is yielding in practice … The tightly controlled particle size allows for uniform antigen display, which should translate to a consistent dose response and a highly efficient production process, facilitating a ramp-up to tens of millions of doses if we are successful in the clinic.”

The Final Word on IBIO Stock
Will FastPharming and VLP technology prove to be the foundation of a successful coronavirus vaccine? Only time will tell. Given the ambitiousness of the company, though, so far IBIO stock looks like a worthy wager on exciting plant-based solutions.


07.04.20 08:35

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08Link übersetzt

IBIO Stock ist eine einzigartige und würdige Biotech-Wette
Die Aggressivität dieses Impfstoffentwicklers macht die IBIO-Aktie zu einem potenziellen Gewinner
Von Louis Navellier und dem InvestorPlace Research Staff, Herausgeber, Growth Investor 6. April 2020, 14:17 Uhr EDT
Eine Reihe von Biotechnologieunternehmen arbeitet derzeit an der Entwicklung eines Impfstoffs gegen das neuartige Coronavirus.  Händler schwärmen von iBio-Aktien (NYSEAMERICAN: IBIO), weil die Auswahl des richtigen Unternehmens zu schnellen Gewinnen führen könnte.

IBIO Stock ist eine einzigartige und würdige Biotech-Wette
Quelle: Shutterstock
Betrachten Sie dies jedoch nicht als Pferderennen, um einen Impfstoff zu finden, oder als Lottoschein, um zufällig die richtige Firma auszuwählen.  Hier geht es sowohl um die Wirtschaft als auch um die Gesundheit der Gemeinschaft.

Zum Glück ist iBio auf dem richtigen Weg und verdient die Aufmerksamkeit der Anleger in dieser herausfordernden Zeit.

Was ist anders an iBio?
Da mehrere Biotech-Unternehmen intensiv daran arbeiten, einen Impfstoff auf den Markt zu bringen, ist es wichtig zu wissen, wie sich jedes Unternehmen von den anderen unterscheidet.  Nicht alle Biotechnologieunternehmen sind herausragend.  IBio verfügt jedoch über eine proprietäre Technologie, die einzigartig ist.

Es heißt FastPharming und basiert auf pflanzlicher Proteinproduktion.  Es ist eine transformative Technologie, auf die sich iBio spezialisiert hat. Kathleen L. Hefferon und Henry I. Miller erklären, warum es vorteilhaft ist, sich auf die Kraft von Proteinen zu konzentrieren: „Im Vergleich zu Proteinen, die aus Säugetierzellen oder chemischen Systemen stammen, sind Proteine ​​aus gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen ebenfalls einfach  um mit anderen Proteinen zu skalieren und zu synthetisieren, und sie bleiben bei Raumtemperatur über längere Zeiträume stabil. “

Skalierbarkeit und Stabilität sind wichtig, aber dies sind nicht die einzigen Vorteile von FastPharming.  Es ist auch schnell, was von entscheidender Bedeutung ist, da sich das Coronavirus jeden Tag verbreitet.  Der beschleunigte Prozess von FastPharming "verkürzt die Zeitspanne in die Klinik und kann ein Programm in nur drei Wochen von der Gensequenz zur Proteinproduktion verschieben", so iBio.

Wichtig ist auch die kompromisslose Qualität von iBio bei der Nutzung pflanzlicher Wissenschaft.  Durch FastPharming ist das Unternehmen in der Lage, „konsistente Therapeutika herzustellen, die von globalen Regulierungsbehörden gut angenommen werden“.  Dies ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, da die Welt nach einem hochwertigen Coronavirus-Impfstoff sucht, der möglicherweise über das Regulierungssystem beschleunigt werden kann.

Schnelle Gewinne mit FastPharming?
Die IBIO-Aktie ist von mehr als 2,50 USD auf unter 1 USD gefallen.  Das liegt nicht an besonders schlechten Nachrichten über das Unternehmen.  Der Rückgang der iBio-Aktien unterscheidet sich nicht wesentlich vom allgemeinen Rückgang der Impfstoffentwicklungsunternehmen seit Anfang bis Mitte März.

Wenn sich herausstellt, dass FastPharming die Technologie ist, die zu einem zugelassenen, marktfähigen Coronavirus-Impfstoff führt, könnte die iBio-Aktie schnell 2,50 USD übersteigen.  Tatsächlich eignen sich die firmeneigenen Methoden von iBio ideal zur Herstellung von Impfstoffen und Behandlungen für klinische Studien und schließlich zur kommerziellen Verwendung.

Schnelle Gewinne erfordern schnelles Handeln, und iBio ist ein schneller Motor.  Bedenken Sie, dass das Unternehmen bereits vier vorläufige Patentanmeldungen im Zusammenhang mit Coronaviren beim US-Patent- und Markenamt eingereicht hat.

Mit dem FastPharming-System des Unternehmens entwickelte iBio innerhalb weniger Wochen auf SARS-CoV-2-Viren basierende Partikel (VLP).  Die vier oben genannten vorläufigen Patentanmeldungen würden, falls genehmigt, diese VLP-Plattform unterstützen.

Tom Isett, Co-Vorsitzender und Chief Executive Officer von IBIO, beschrieb die aufregenden Fortschritte, die die VLP-Wissenschaft bereits gezeigt hat, sowie die Zukunft: „Wir sind sowohl mit der Geschwindigkeit unserer Entwicklungsaktivitäten als auch mit der Qualität der VLPs unserer Technologie zufrieden  In der Praxis nachgeben… Die streng kontrollierte Partikelgröße ermöglicht eine gleichmäßige Antigenanzeige, die sich in einer konsistenten Dosisreaktion und einem hocheffizienten Produktionsprozess niederschlagen sollte und einen Anstieg auf mehrere zehn Millionen Dosen ermöglicht, wenn wir in der Klinik erfolgreich sind. “

Das letzte Wort zu IBIO Stock
Wird sich die FastPharming- und VLP-Technologie als Grundlage für einen erfolgreichen Coronavirus-Impfstoff erweisen?  Nur die Zeit kann es verraten.  Angesichts der Ehrgeiz des Unternehmens scheint die IBIO-Aktie bisher eine würdige Wette auf aufregende pflanzliche Lösungen zu sein  

07.04.20 12:51

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08WOW IBIO


Molecular Farming Manufacturing Possibilities in South Africa

Our group in the BRU, our recent spinout partners* Cape Bio Pharms, and a group at the SA Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) are the three premier molecular farming research and development teams in South Africa. We have jointly made a host of candidate vaccines, virus-derived reagents for use in molecular biology labs and in diagnostics, and mAbs for use as reagents and potentially as therapeutics. Presently, Cape Bio Pharms and possibly the CSIR represent the only pilot-scale manufacturing facilities in South Africa for plant-made biologics, despite initiatives over years involving us and the CSIR and various government departments. A symposium in Franschhoek in the Western Cape Province in November 2017, hosted by the BRU and by iBio Inc of Bryan Texas, pitched a plan to assembled invited delegates for public/private partnership to construct a facility in this country to make pharmaceutical products using molecular farming technology. In announcing it, we said the following
“The conference brings together leaders from public agencies, academic institutions, parastatals, private companies, regulators and private capital to map out concrete steps to establish the plant-based manufacturing platform in South Africa. The Department of Science and Technology (DST) leads a broad science and technology innovation effort including of advanced health care products to create socio-economic opportunities. The Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) is an active funder of human and animal health care initiatives in South Africa. The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) is a primary developer of manufacturing capacity and has important initiatives in biotechnology. Other participating agencies include the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), with its own molecular farming pipeline, and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

AzarGen Biotechnologies is a private South African biotechnology company will be part of the private sector representation. AzarGen, primarily funded by the IDC, has worked with iBio for the last three years to develop biotherapeutics that include surfactin for infant respiratory distress syndrome and a biobetter rituximab monoclonal antibody for the treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and certain autoimmune diseases. The BioVac Institute and Onderstepoort Biologicals, manufacturers of human and animal vaccine products respectively, will also present. ENSafrica will speak to Intellectual Asset Management and Cape Venture Partners will overview the private capital opportunities in South Africa. Technology Innovation Group, a US based consulting group, will talk about the structure of successful public/private partnerships.”
While the idea of a full-scale facility similar to iBio’s – costed at around USD30 million/R450 million – did not appeal to funders present, the idea of a cGMP-certified pilot manufacturing facility costing USD10 million – R150 million at the time – constructed using iBio’s expertise and assistance, found more favour. In fact, various entities promised to survey interested parties to establish the need and feasibility of internally funding it.

To the best of my knowledge, nothing along the lines of a survey has happened to date. Since then, and in the absence of any apparent interest from what were DST, DTI, IDC, TIA and others, iBio has gone on in 2019 to announce a partnership with Azargen in the area of rituximab biosimilar production, and as of a few days ago, as a contract manufacturing organisation, is offering their services in making COVID/SARS2 reagents at industrial scale in plants. Cape Bio Pharms has also established itself as a reagent manufacturer independently of any outside associations, with only local investment and a THRIP grant from Dept of Trade and Industry (DTI). I note that a previous proposal from some years ago involving the CSIR and Kentucky BioProcessing for establishment of an even cheaper pilot facility, also fell flat. For comparison, I will point out that the cost of just the revamping of Onderstepoort Biological Products’ (OBP, SA’s premier veterinary vaccine manufacturer) facility to be able to achieve cGMP certification is estimated to be ~R500 million.

About iBio Inc
iBio is a global leader in plant-based biologics manufacturing. Its FastPharming System™ https://www.ibioinc.com/technology/fastpharming combines vertical farming, automated hydroponics, and glycan engineering technologies to rapidly deliver gram quantities of high-quality monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, bioinks and other proteins. The Company’s subsidiary, iBio CDMO LLC, provides FastPharming Contract Development and Manufacturing Services via its 130,000 square foot facility in Bryan, Texas.

Originally built in 2010 with funding from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), iBio’s FastPharming Facility was part of the “Blue Angel” initiative to establish factories capable of rapid delivery of medical countermeasures in response to a disease pandemic. iBio’s FastGlycaneering Development Service™ https://www.ibioinc.com/technology/glycan-engineering includes an array of new glycosylation technologies for engineering high-performance recombinant proteins. Additionally, iBio is developing proprietary products which include IBIO-100 for the treatment of fibrotic diseases and IBIO-200, a COVID-19 vaccine. For more information, visit https://www.ibioinc.com/.

iBio Inc COVID-19 Vaccine Program
Immunization studies for its SARS-CoV-2 Virus-Like Particle (“VLP”) program (“IBIO-200”) are proceeding at Texas A&M University System (“TAMUS”) laboratories. The work is being performed as part of the Master Joint Development Agreement established between iBio and TAMUS in 2016. Tom Isett, Co-Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of iBio, said:
“This next stage of work on IBIO-200 is critically important as we seek to quickly enter the clinic with one of our VLP candidates. As we optimize our choice of adjuvants with both VLP types we have developed, we are fortunate to have a strong relationship with TAMUS that allows us to rapidly bring their deep insight into the pathogenesis of coronaviruses and experience with vaccine development to the task.”

iBio created its proprietary VLP candidates in just a few weeks using its FastPharming System™. iBio’s researchers then deployed this plant-based expression platform’s rapid production capabilities to deliver VLPs suitable for further development just weeks after the biologics were designed. Dr. James Samuel, Head of the Department of Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology at Texas A&M University, said:
“We see strong potential for the IBIO-200 program given that we have both the glycosylated and non-glycosylated iBio VLPs as options for development. We look forward to completing the preclinical immunization studies for iBio to determine the optimal combination of VLP and adjuvant to advance to human clinical trials.”

Cash Rich
iBio Inc has a deal with Lincoln Park Capital Fund, LLC, for the purchase of up to $50M of its common stock over a three-year period subject to conditions. This will give the company plenty of cash to fund operations over the next three years. Cash is the biggest concern for small biotechs and that’s no longer a concern for iBio Inc.

Bottom Line
Coronavirus is here to stay until a vaccine is commercialized. iBio Inc is at the forefront of a vaccine and one of the best plays for investors on a pandemic the modern world has never seen before. If iBio Inc succeeds, it will solve a major humanitarian crisis and shareholders will have banked big profits. Good luck to all! - Source - https://insiderfinancial.com/...-nysemktibio-new-highs-coming/179771/

#COVID19 #coronavirus #vaccine #IBIO $IBIO IBIO

Stephen Kilmer
Investor Relations
(646) 274-3580

07.04.20 14:10

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08vorbörslich. UP und green

07.04.20 16:18

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08gedreht in den GRÜNEN BEREICH

07.04.20 16:18

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08sieht jetzt richtig gut aus

07.04.20 16:27

2293 Postings, 2223 Tage up08startet

09.04.20 13:12

1000 Postings, 2043 Tage KüstennebelMoin up08

Will dich ja nicht entmutigen, aber INO Inovio Pharmaceuticals testet bereits ihren Impfstoff an Menschen. Soll wohl auch ganz gut aussehen. Darum ist es fraglich, ob IBIO da noch mithalten kann.
Ist aber nur meine persönliche Meinung.  

09.04.20 14:49

6935 Postings, 2656 Tage Bullish_HopeUP08

Danke für deine eingestellten Infos-bin nach wie vor hier investiert.

Küstennebel; mag sein das INO schneller am Markt ist; mMn werden auch der 2te und 3te Entwickler am Markt mitmischen.
Dann der Markt/ der Bedarf für den Impfstoff ist riesig mit Milliarden potentiellen Patienten die geimpft werden (müssen).  

09.04.20 14:54

6935 Postings, 2656 Tage Bullish_HopeKüstenebel

In deiner erwähnten INO bin ich übrigens auch drin; mal schau wer das Rennen macht.
INO ist mit 1,1 MRD MK schon relativ gut bewertet....  

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