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Value of PTK shares
PNP currently has
19,1M shares of PTK currently valued @ ~$53M
10M PTK warrants (avg price well under $1) let say valued @ $20M
just on PTK alone they have $73M in value and the PNP Market cap is $73M
Here are some of their other investments:
AAO 52272112 0.075 $3,920,408.40
AGG 20000000 0.14 $2,800,000.00
ANY 1,076,800 7.29 $7,849,872.00
BWN 14517220 0.045 $653,274.90
CO 18502000 0.03 $555,060.00
COP 15250000 0.085 $1,296,250.00
CSV 9500347 0.03 $285,010.41
GCU 19500000 0.29 $5,655,000.00
KEK 38786027 0.155 $6,011,834.19
LTV 10877500 0.41 $4,459,775.00
MGP 15316464 0.13 $1,991,140.32
MMS 8589000 0.165 $1,417,185.00
MOO 16500500 0.025 $412,512.50
PRK 10250000 0.37 $3,792,500.00
PTK 19,124,685 2.77 $52,975,377.45
SEV 5020000 0.37 $1,857,400.00
UGD 24500000 0.055 $1,347,500.00
UWE 27085028 0.15 $4,062,754.20
YEL 17996633 0.085 $1,529,713.81
NAV will be well over $1 at the end of April.