Uran-Aktie mit Chance auf mehrere 100% ?

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12.09.14 16:20

493 Postings, 5058 Tage oli59+32 % in USA. Jetzt gehts ab!

Die genauen Details für den "Deal" mit Macusani Yellowcake wirken anscheinend wie ein Turbo.  

12.09.14 17:37

465 Postings, 3950 Tage bmueslihier könnte aber auch was zu holen sein

Azincourt Uranium Inc.: Kapitalrückzahlung über Verteilung von Wertpapieren

13:20 12.09.14

Azincourt Uranium Inc.: Kapitalrückzahlung über Verteilung von Wertpapieren

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--( 11. September 2014) - Azincourt Uranium Inc. (das Unternehmen) (TSX VENTURE:AAZ) - Im Anschluss an die Pressemeldung des Unternehmens vom 4. September 2014, in der es um den Abschluss des Kaufvertrags zwischen dem Unternehmen und Macusani Yellowcake Inc. (Macusani) (TSX VENTURE:YEL) betreffend die Uranprojekte in Peru ging, gibt das Unternehmen nun den Stichtag und das Verteilungsdatum der vom Unternehmen geplanten Kapitalrückzahlung in Form einer Verteilung der vom Unternehmen gehaltenen 68.350.000 Macusani-Stammaktien (Macusani-Aktien) bekannt.

In Verbindung mit der Transaktion bezahlt das Unternehmen an Haywood Securities Ltd. eine Beratungsgebühr. Haywood hat zugestimmt, dass diese Gebühr in Form von 3.335.000 Macusani-Aktien entrichtet wird. Die restlichen 65.015.000 Macusani-Aktien werden gemäß den einschlägigen Handelsvorschriften der TSX Venture Exchange (Due Bill Trading) an die Aktionäre des Unternehmens verteilt. Gemäß den Bestimmungen gibt das Unternehmen folgende Termine bekannt:

i. Der Stichtag zur Ermittlung der Aktionäre des Unternehmens, die zum Bezug von Macusani-Aktien berechtigt sind, ist der 17. September 2014.
ii. Das Due Bill Trading-Datum ist der 15. September 2014 (zwei Handelstage vor dem Stichtag).
iii. Das Verteilungsdatum (Bezahlung) ist Freitag, 3. Oktober 2014.
iv. Das Ex-Distribution-Datum ist der 6. Oktober 2014 (der nächste Handelstag nach dem Verteilungsdatum).
v. Das Due Bill Redemption-Datum (Tilgung der Due Bills) ist der 8. Oktober 2014 (der zweite Handelstag nach dem Ex-Distribution-Datum).

Zur Klarstellung: Als Due Bills gelten jene Macusani-Aktien, auf deren Erhalt die Aktionäre des Unternehmens ein Anrecht haben. Die Due Bills gelten zwei Handelstage vor dem Stichdatum als mit den Stammaktien des Unternehmens verbunden und bleiben auch nach dem Ende des Verteilungsdatums mit den Aktien des Unternehmens verbunden. Dementsprechend werden die Aktien des Unternehmens ab 15. September 2014 bis zum Handelsschluss am 3. Oktober 2014 (Due Bill-Periode) auf Due Bill-Basis gehandelt. Das bedeutet, dass jene Personen, die während der Due Bill-Periode ihre Aktien veräußern, damit auch die Verteilungsrechte an die Käufer der Aktien verkaufen. Die Aktien des Unternehmens werden ab dem Handelsbeginn am 6. Oktober 2014 (dem nächsten Handelstag nach dem Verteilungsdatum) auf Ex-Distribution-Basis (ohne einen Due Bill-Anspruch auf Verteilung) gehandelt. Die Due Bills werden am 8. Oktober 2014 getilgt, nachdem alle Transaktionen mit anhängigen Due Bills, die während der Due Bill-Periode getätigt wurden, abgeschlossen sind.

Das Unternehmen wird voraussichtlich zum Stichtag 49.473.088 ausstehende Stammaktien besitzen, sodass ein Aktionär für jede gehaltene Stammaktie des Unternehmens mit dem Erhalt von rund 1,31415 Macusani-Aktienanteilen rechnen kann. Da keine gestückelten Macusani-Aktien ausgegeben werden, erfolgt in dem Fall eine Rundung auf die nächste ganze Zahl.

Ungeachtet der Kapitalrückzahlung sind die Macusani-Aktien an eine Haltedauer von vier Monaten gebunden, die am 5. Januar 2015 ausläuft.

Terrence K. O'Connor, CEO

Die TSX Venture Exchange und deren Regulierungsorgane (in den Statuten der TSX Venture Exchange als Regulation Services Provider bezeichnet) übernehmen keinerlei Verantwortung für die Angemessenheit oder Genauigkeit dieser Meldung.

Für die Richtigkeit der Übersetzung wird keine Haftung übernommen! Bitte englische Originalmeldung beachten!

Azincourt Uranium ist ein Uranexplorationsunternehmen, das seine Aktivitäten vor allem auf das kanadische Athabasca-Becken, der Region mit den bedeutendsten hochgradigen Uranvorkommen der Welt, konzentriert.

13.09.14 08:18

25 Postings, 3930 Tage Der Prinzendlich

wird auch Zeit  

16.09.14 10:38

493 Postings, 5058 Tage oli59Jetzt gehts aber wirklich nach oben.

Sehr erfreulich die Entwicklung nach den letzten News. jetzt muss nur noch Macusani (A1CSGH) auch noch ein Bißchen nach oben gehen.  

17.09.14 02:45

10 Postings, 3672 Tage ChartippoLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 17.09.14 08:14
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Spam/Werbe-ID



17.09.14 14:08

355 Postings, 3678 Tage ROBS2000Kapitalrückzahlung über Verteilung von Wertpa

was heisst das im Klartext, bin da ein wenig ins Schleudern geraten.

danke und gruss  

17.09.14 18:10

493 Postings, 5058 Tage oli59Ganz einfach: Du bekommst Macusani Aktien.

Das ganze wird wie ein Spin off behandelt, das heißt du mußt auf die Macusani Aktien Steuern zahlen.  

17.09.14 20:40

465 Postings, 3950 Tage bmuesli@ROBS2000

i. Der Stichtag zur Ermittlung der Aktionäre des Unternehmens, die zum Bezug von Macusani-Aktien berechtigt sind, ist der 17. September 2014

da musst dich aber beeilen um an die Dividende zu kommen.  

17.09.14 21:01

15 Postings, 3888 Tage Blauerbaer87So rein interessehalber,

Was hätte man bis zum 17.09 tun sollen wenn man azincout aktien besitzt?  

18.09.14 11:52

355 Postings, 3678 Tage ROBS2000Aktienverteilung

Also wenn ich das richtig sehe bekommt man wenn man Beispielweise 1000 Azincourt Inc Aktien hat dafür
1314,15 Macusanianteile?

Hört sich nicht schlecht an.  

18.09.14 14:34

355 Postings, 3678 Tage ROBS2000@bmüsli

ich bin schon mit im Boot :-)  

23.09.14 09:32

355 Postings, 3678 Tage ROBS2000Zuteilung

im Moment rührt sich nicht viel, wartet wohl jeder auf die Zuteilung. Oder alle sind in Alibaba investiert.

viel Erfolg mit Azincourt weiterhin  

27.09.14 12:06

1076 Postings, 4283 Tage HypoquanteSo wie es ausschaut

sind beide Aktien zur Zeit nahezu wertlos da bislang keine vernünftigen Ergebnisse bzw. Erfolge nachgewiesen wurden.
Habe auch eine kleine Position bei Azincourt....mein schwächster Wert im Depot sowohl vom Wert wie auch Performance...ist ein reines Glücksspiel.  

08.10.14 10:13

355 Postings, 3678 Tage ROBS2000Ja die Frage ist was die genau machen

ich warte nachwievor auf die Zuteilung, aber was die genau machen ich vermute die Kurse gleichen sich an und man hat beide im Depot?

Wobei die Bohrergebnisse ja nicht schlecht waren.  

09.10.14 08:23

355 Postings, 3678 Tage ROBS2000Rückzahlung.....

ich frage mich schön langsam wenn das betrifft, nachdem der Kurs fast 50% gefallen ist sollen doch die Azincourt Aktien Besitzer wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe Macusani Aktien bekommen.

Da man nirgends wo News findet frag ich mich grad was die machen.

Wer das liest darf gerne antworten.  

21.10.14 18:03

465 Postings, 3950 Tage bmuesliNews


Azincourt Uranium Inc
PLN Winter Program Planning Underway

Nachrichtenquelle: Marketwired
 |  21.10.2014, 15:00  |  15 Aufrufe  |   0   |  druckversion  

SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN--(Marketwired - Oct. 21, 2014) - AZINCOURT URANIUM INC. ("Azincourt" or "the Company") (TSX VENTURE:AAZ), is pleased to provide a corporate update and announce that planning is underway on the PLN project for the winter 2015 follow up drill program. The winter program will focus on the encouraging uranium mineralization encountered during the summer drill program as well as finalizing targets on the untested northern N conductor trend and southern Broach Lake conductor system.




Corporate Update Highlights
◦PLN winter 2015 exploration program planning and targeting underway; approximately 3200 m of diamond drilling is being planned within a budget framework of $1.5 million.
◦The 2014 summer Program was extremely successful with the JV intersecting its first uranium mineralization on the central A1 conductor. The winter 2015 drill program will follow up this mineralization.
◦Winter 2015 drill program to also test targets that have been established on two previously untested areas with multiple conductor systems (N Conductors and Broach Lake Conductors).
◦Peru transaction with Macusani Yellowcake Inc. has been completed - Macusani shares have been distributed to Azincourt shareholders, returning the equivalent of $0.09 per Azincourt share, based on recent Macusani share price.
◦Cost-cutting measures implemented in July have cut overheads almost in half with no on-going costs in Peru.
◦Azincourt continues to review uranium projects, companies and opportunities for sensible growth.

Ted O'Connor, President and CEO of Azincourt, commented:

"Azincourt is committed to completing the Year 2 earn-in at PLN alongside our partner, Fission 3.0. The uranium mineralization and positive features intersected in the summer drilling combined with the two newly developed untested target areas elsewhere on the property highlight PLN is a great project."

"We have successfully distributed proceeds from our Peru projects returning value with future up-side potential to our shareholders through the Macusani consolidation."

"The cost-cutting measures implemented aim to preserve our treasury to better weather the poor, but improving near-term uranium market while meeting our commitments to follow-up the successful and encouraging results at PLN. After building a successful uranium exploration and development company with quality projects and resources in spite of the weak uranium market over the past year, we will continue to focus on exploration, discovery and development to enhance value for our shareholders. Azincourt was very lean to begin with. We have chosen to become even leaner now."

PLN Project Background and Planning

Azincourt completed Year 1 - $1.5 million exploration earn-in funding commitment in June 2014 to earn a 10% interest in PLN from Fission 3.0, the project operator. The Year 1 exploration program enhanced the project prospectivity with encouraging drill results along the central A1 conductor system. Sufficiently encouraged, the Company immediately pushed forward with Year 2 of the option agreement. Azincourt has already funded $1.5 million of the $3 million Year 2 commitment through targeting geophysical surveys and diamond drilling completed during summer 2014.

The summer Program was extremely successful with the JV intersecting its first uranium mineralization on the central A1 conductor in the right rocks with encouraging pathfinder element signatures, alteration and structure indicative of unconformity uranium mineralizing systems. Further follow-up drilling is planned in the central A1-A4 conductor area for winter 2015.

Drill targets have also been established on two previously untested priority target areas with multiple conductor systems. One is located in the northern project area (N Conductor Trend) and the second in the southern project area (Broach Lake Conductor system).

Figure 1 - Patterson Lake North Location of Conductors and Conductive Trends Map: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/patrerson_lake_map.pdf

The N conductor trend is a newly discovered 8.5 km long system comprising 3 separate west-dipping conductors in northeastern PLN. The Broach Lake system represents shallow-depth, north-easterly trending conductive targets with a similar orientation and flexural trend to the PLS discovery trend.

The untested B conductors at Hodge Lake are also planned to be tested if ice conditions cooperate this winter.

The winter program currently being planned anticipates approximately 3200 m of diamond drilling within a $1.5 million budget framework. This work will satisfy Azincourt's Year 2 exploration funding commitment under the earn-in agreement towards earning a total of 20% interest in the PLN project.

Macusani Transaction

Azincourt vended Minergia SAC, the Peruvian company holding uranium projects and resources in Peru to Macusani Yellowcake Inc. (Macusani) in exchange for shares in Macusani (see Azincourt News Release dated September 4, 2014). The Macusani shares Azincourt received have been distributed to our shareholders as a return of capital.

Shareholders holding Azincourt shares received approximately 1.31415 shares in Macusani for each Azincourt share held, or the equivalent of $0.085 per Azincourt share. Azincourt shareholders can now also participate in the anticipated uranium price and market upside through Macusani, which is a uranium explorer-developer stage company focused on Peru.

Cost Cutting Highlights
◦Director, Officer and Management remuneration cut
◦Contract staff reduction and streamlining Investor Relations programs & consultants
◦Results in 48% Monthly G&A reduction from Q1/2014 levels
◦Additional cost reduction through elimination of Peru costs averaging $35K/month

Opportunities for Growth

Azincourt continues to review projects and opportunities to add quality projects to our portfolio. Despite presently depressed valuations, opportunities must still possess technical and prospectivity merits with good explorability and reasonable likelihood that discoveries can be economic. Azincourt continues to seek these opportunities, and with our global uranium expertise, we are confident we can continue to grow strategically and sensibly.

Patterson Lake North Property

The Patterson Lake North property (PLN) lies adjacent to and north of the Patterson Lake South property, owned by Fission Uranium Corp. (TSX VENTURE: FCU) where uranium mineralization has been traced by core drilling at PLS over 2.24km (east-west strike length) in four separate mineralized "zones" (See Fission Uranium news release August 26, 2014)

PLN was acquired by staking in 2004 and became part of the Fission 3.0 portfolio as part of the Fission Uranium/Alpha Minerals agreement in December 2013. It comprises 27,408 Ha, and is located about 30 km immediately south of the UEX/AREVA Anne and Collette uranium deposits at Shea Creek.

Azincourt has a staged, four year option agreement with Fission 3.0 dated April 29, 2013 whereby Azincourt can earn up to a 50% interest in the PLN project through a combination of option payments and exploration work funding. Approximately $4.7 million has been spent on prior exploration of the property by Fission Uranium. Azincourt has completed Year 1 funding of the option and presently holds a 10% interest. Fission 3.0 is the operator and project manager.

Qualified Person

The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 and reviewed on behalf of the company by Ted O'Connor, P.Geo. President and CEO of Azincourt, a qualified person.

About Azincourt Uranium Inc.

Azincourt is a Canadian based resource company specializing in the strategic acquisition, exploration and development of uranium properties and is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia. Azincourt currently holds a 10% interest in the PLN exploration project joint venture with Fission 3.0 in northern Saskatchewan, with an option to earn up to 50% of the project.


Ted O'Connor, CEO and President


This press release includes "forward-looking statements", including forecasts, estimates, expectations and objectives for future operations that are subject to a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of Azincourt. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking information represents management's best judgment based on information currently available. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future results may vary materially.

Azincourt Uranium Inc.
Ted O'Connor
President & CEO

05.11.14 17:12

355 Postings, 3678 Tage ROBS2000Da mich der Kurs etwas wundert in letzter Zeit

hab ich Azincourt angeschrieben und folgende Info von Ted O Connor erhalten:

There has been a huge sell-off in certain junior companies, especially uranium juniors in Canada these past few weeks. This is in spite of the spot Uranium price rebounding from $28.00 up to $36.50 in the past several weeks and continuing positive news about restarting the Sendai reactors in Japan.

Und sie sammlen gerade für ein neues Project ein.  

14.11.14 06:34

25 Postings, 3930 Tage Der PrinzUranpreis

schau mal auf die App. Der Uranpreis ist in den letzten 3 Monate von 28 auf, heute Morgen, 43,25 Dollar gestiegen. ( uxc.com )  

02.12.14 12:22

355 Postings, 3678 Tage ROBS2000nojo

gut Ding hat Weile, hoffe der Turnaround setzt bald ein.  

11.12.14 10:34

355 Postings, 3678 Tage ROBS2000nojo jetzt wäre der ideale

Einstiegspunkt bzw. Nackkaufpunkt erreicht. Da die Winterbohrungen via camceo abgesichert sind kann man nächstes Jahr wenn die Ergebnisse das sind gut verdienen. Da einer der CEO selbst mal bei Camceo war müssten die ja einen guten Draht dazu haben.


16.12.14 09:01

355 Postings, 3678 Tage ROBS2000nachdem alles abgesichert ist

und Azincourt in Vergangenheit viel Bohrerfolg vorzuweisen hat frag ich mich das hier keiner investiert. Sind sehr viel erfahrene Leute im Boot auch jemand der von Camceo kam  

19.01.15 13:04

355 Postings, 3678 Tage ROBS2000die nächsten News

sollen in Kürze kommen zu den Bohrerfolgen  

04.02.15 16:41

355 Postings, 3678 Tage ROBS2000News ausgeschrieben

askatoon, SK, January 20, 2015 – AZINCOURT URANIUM INC. (“Azincourt” or “the Company”; TSXV:AAZ), and its joint venture partner and operator, Fission 3.0 Corp (“Fission 3.0”; TSXV:FUU), are pleased to announce a $1.45M winter 2015 exploration program to comprise a 3,250m 7 hole drill program and 35.2 line-km small loop time domain electromagnetic (SMLTEM) ground geophysics at their PLN project in Canada’s Athabasca Basin. The program follows a successful summer 2014 drill program, which identified and drill tested a mineralized corridor to approximately 700m in length. Of note, the drilling intersected anomalous uranium mineralization on the “A1” EM conductor in hole PLN14-019 and returned highly prospective results in holes PLN14-020 and PLN14-021. The tremendous potential of the area is highlighted by the recently reported results from Fission Uranium Corp’s PLS property located immediately adjacent to the south of PLN with the announcement of the resource estimate of the large, shallow, high-grade Triple R deposit, which included 79.6M lbs of U3O8 indicated and 25.9M lbs U3O8 inferred (See Fission Uranium news release January 9, 2015). Tentative start to the winter program will be early February, pending successful financing.

Ted O’Connor, President and CEO of Azincourt, commented,
“The shallow basement uranium mineralization and positive results from the summer drilling combined with targets generated on the two new untested areas highlight PLN is an exciting project. The success and large resource identified by Fission Uranium at Paterson Lake South solidifies the area as one of the most compelling high-grade uranium regions in the world. Azincourt is committed to completing the Year 2 earn-in at PLN alongside our partner, Fission 3.0 and we are in the midst of financing efforts to fund the remaining $1.45 million required under the JV agreement, to earn 20% project interest in PLN.”

Key Program Details (see Figure 1 – PLN 2015 Winter Work Location Map)

   7 hole/3,250m of drilling
       2 holes on “A1” EM Conductor in the SW area of property. Previous drilling on the A1 conductor returned results indicative of a uranium mineralized system. The two new holes will be located 50m and 150m north of hole PLN14-019 which intersected uranium mineralization of 397 ppm uranium over 0.5m within a broader 6.0m interval, targeting the A1 conductor.
       2 holes will target the “N” EM conductors in previously untested north area of property.  The “N” system consist of 3 parallel northwest – southeast trending basement EM conductors, interpreted to dip steeply to the west. Geophysics surveys have identified a strong resistivity anomaly associated with the conductors, possibly representing an area of alteration in bedrock. Uranium mineralization in the Athabasca Basin is often associated with large scale structural / alteration systems.
       1 hole on the Hodge Lake target – a high priority 2014 winter target untested due to unfavorable weather conditions at time of program.
       2 holes at Broach Lake target in the south-east area of property. EM conductors at Broach Lake trend in an East-North-East orientation, which is a similar trend to the EM conductors of the Patterson Lake Corridor to the south on Fission Uranium Corp’s PLS property including the PL3-B conductor, which hosts the very large high-grade Triple R uranium deposit 9.5 km to the south-east.

   Ground Geophysics
       2 line-km of SMLTEM ground geophysics survey on two prospective EM conductors identified from previously-flown VTEM airborne survey located in the northern region of the property.
           PNV-3A EM Conductor: 26 line-km SMLTEM ground geophysics survey. This EM conductor is located in the central region of the property. It has an arcuate shape to it which might be reflective of focal point of 2 major litho-structural orientations coming together (NW-SE and NE-SW fabric), which is a structural setting favorable for deposit development.
           PNV-4A EM Conductor: 9.2 line-km SMLTEM ground geophysics survey. This EM conductor is located in the NW area of the property and appears to have a NNW orientation similar to the A1 conductor 7km further to the south, which host the alteration and mineralized system.

Patterson Lake North Property

The Patterson Lake North property (PLN) lies adjacent and to the north of the Patterson Lake South property, owned by Fission Uranium Corp. (TSX:FCU) where the largest undeveloped high-grade deposit in the Athabasca Basin Region was recently announced after just two years of drilling. (See Fission Uranium news release January 9, 2015.) PLN comprises approximately 27,408 ha and is located approximately 30 km immediately south of the UEX/AREVA Anne and Collette uranium deposits near Shea Creek.

Azincourt has a staged, four year option agreement with Fission 3.0 dated April 29, 2013 whereby Azincourt can earn up to a 50% interest in the PLN project through a combination of option payments and exploration work funding. Approximately $4.7 million has been spent on prior exploration of the property by Fission Uranium. Azincourt has completed Year 1 funding of the option and presently holds a 10% interest. Fission 3.0 is the operator and project manager.

Qualified Person

The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 and reviewed on behalf of the company by Ted O’Connor, P.Geo. President and CEO of Azincourt, a qualified person.

About Azincourt Uranium Inc.

Azincourt is a Canadian based resource company specializing in the strategic acquisition, exploration and development of uranium properties and is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia. Azincourt currently holds a 10% interest in the PLN exploration project joint venture with Fission 3.0 in northern Saskatchewan, with an option to earn up to 50% of the project.


“Ted O’Connor”

Ted O’Connor, CEO and President


This press release includes “forward-looking statements”, including forecasts, estimates, expectations and objectives for future operations that are subject to a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of Azincourt.  Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.  Such forward-looking information represents management’s best judgment based on information currently available.  No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future results may vary materially.  

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