Yandex - wo geht die Reise hin?

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neuester Beitrag: 19.10.24 07:58
eröffnet am: 12.12.12 12:41 von: bodohans123 Anzahl Beiträge: 391
neuester Beitrag: 19.10.24 07:58 von: Bernd_Ö Leser gesamt: 147011
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12.12.12 12:41

501 Postings, 6455 Tage bodohans123Yandex - wo geht die Reise hin?

Yandex, die kleine russische Google! Möchte mal eine Disskussion anregen, die letzten 3 Tage ging es mit diesem Wert steil nach oben, nur um gestern wieder fast alles gewonnene
abzugeben. Beobachte diesen Wert schon eine Weile, suche und warte noch auf den richtigen Einstiegsmoment. Google hat auch mal klein angefangen.  

04.01.13 08:59

25951 Postings, 8513 Tage Pichelüber 23,55$ gehts in Richtung 28$

Sl dann 21,8
Das Marionettentheater ist heutzutage durch die Parlamente
ersetzt worden. (W. Rathenau)

05.01.13 14:03

501 Postings, 6455 Tage bodohans123Müssen wohl neu anlaufen, 28$ wär schon toll!

17.01.13 10:11

25951 Postings, 8513 Tage Pichelbin gestern mit nachgez. Stopp

bei 22,9$ raus
Das Marionettentheater ist heutzutage durch die Parlamente
ersetzt worden. (W. Rathenau)

19.02.13 17:49

501 Postings, 6455 Tage bodohans123was ist denn heut schon wieder los,

ein dickes Minus von über 12%? Spinnen die Amis?  

19.02.13 18:41

501 Postings, 6455 Tage bodohans123Also, die Umsatzzahlen sind wohl nicht so

wie die hohen Erwartungen unserer heiß gliebten Analysten ausgefallen. Schon eine
Steigerung, jedoch hatte man mehr erwartet! Wie immer.
Quelle DB  

17.05.13 18:12

501 Postings, 6455 Tage bodohans123Ja was passiert denn hier seit ein paar Tagen?

Kaum haben die "Alten" ihre Aktien abgestoßen, läuft der Kurs wie geschmiert!
Die Aktie kennt nur eine Richtung, hat einer von Euch, verehrten Mitstreitern, eine plausible

10.11.13 16:56

1 Posting, 4009 Tage jungmascbis 36$ in einem Jahr gelaufen. Das macht doch MUT

03.02.14 15:46

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage KickyYandex mit report am 20.2. fürs volle Jahr

03.02.14 15:51

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage KickyYandex (YNDX) Is Today's Dead Cat Bounce

Yandex N.V. operates an Internet search engine in Russia and internationally. YNDX has a PE ratio of 46.0. Currently there are 8 analysts that rate Yandex a buy, no analysts rate it a sell, and none rate it a hold.

The average volume for Yandex has been 2.5 million shares per day over the past 30 days. .....TheStreet Quant Ratings rates Yandex as a buy. The company's strengths can be seen in multiple areas, such as its robust revenue growth, largely solid financial position with reasonable debt levels by most measures, notable return on equity, solid stock price performance and impressive record of earnings per share growth. We feel these strengths outweigh the fact that the company shows weak operating cash flow.

In a report published Thursday, Morgan Stanley analyst Edward Hill-Wood raised the price target on Yandex N.V. (NASDAQ: YNDX [FREE Stock Trend Analysis]) from $42.00 to $50.00 and named the stock as the top media pick for 2014. Yandex emerged as a "must own" global emerging market stock. Morgan Stanley noted that new analysis implies that revenue will accelerate in the fourth quarter and grow 33% in 2014 versus consensus of 28%. Free cash flow is forecasted to double to $520 million by 2013-2015 based on the acceleration of high margin core O&O platforms which makes up 75% of revenues.

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22.02.14 10:16

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage KickyYandex Niederlassung in Berlin

Der russische Online-Riese eröffnet eine Niederlassung in Berlin, die für den Ausbau des Kartendienstes zuständig sein soll.Die Büroräume, repräsentativ in der Nähe des Berliner Doms gelegen, sollen ab Ende dieses Jahres bis zu 130 Mitarbeitern Platz bieten. Diese sollen vorrangig mit der Weiterentwicklung der internationalen Version des Kartendienstes Yandex Maps beschäftigt sein.
Bekannt ist Yandex vor allem für seine Suchmaschine; diese ist im heimischen Russland Marktführer und gilt weltweit als Nummer vier hinter Google, Baidu und Yahoo, aber noch vor Bing. ....Börsenwert von etwa 12,5 Milliarden US-Dollar.  

22.02.14 10:17

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage KickyNettoergebnis plus 64% in 2013

MOSKAU (IT-Times) - Yandex hat den Gewinn im Geschäftsjahr 2013 deutlich steigern können. Auch der Umsatz von Russlands führender Suchmaschine kannte nur den Weg nach oben.

So lagen die Umsatzerlöse von Yandex N.V. (WKN: A1JGSL) im Geschäftsjahr 2013 mit 39,5 Mrd. Rubel (rund 1,2 Mrd. US-Dollar) um 37 Prozent über dem Vorjahresniveau. Dabei schnellte das operative Ergebnis um 36 Prozent nach oben und erreichte einen Wert von 12,8 Mrd. Rubel. Ungleich dynamischer entwickelte sich das Nettoergebnis mit einem Wert von 13,47 Mrd. Rubel (411,7 Mio. Dollar), was einem Anstieg um satte 64 Prozent entspricht.Mit Blick auf das vierte Quartal stiegen die Umsatzerlöse um 37 Prozent auf 10,09 Mrd. Rubel. Am Ende des Weihnachtsquartals 2013 stand ein Nettoüberschuss in Höhe von 3,35 Mrd. Rubel (plus 24 Prozent).  

24.02.14 18:59

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage KickyReport enttäuscht KZ v.48 auf 41

Russia‘s largest search engine Yandex (YNDX) slumped 6.4% in one day after its fourth-quarter profit fell short. Shares of Yandex continues to fall, losing another 1.7% on Friday and 1.2% today.

Pacific Crest analysts Evan Wilson and Bryan Liang lowered their target price from $48 to $41 today, saying:

   We are lowering our price target to $41 based on a negative revision of our EBITDA and EPS estimates, while keeping a 26x 2015 P/E multiple. The negative revision of our EPS estimate is roughly three-quarters due to currency.

The ruble has fallen over 7% against the dollar this year. Yandex generates revenue in ruble and is traded in dollars in New York....Deutsche Bank retains a Buy on Yandex, though acknowledging “limited near-term catalysts for shares.”

In addition, even though Yandex more than doubles Google‘s (GOOG) market share for Internet search in Russia, the country, in a long-term slump, presents macroeconomic risks. Russia’s GDP grew just 1.5% last year after growing 3.4% in 2012, and analysts expect Russia to grow at only 2.5% this year.  

26.02.14 19:12

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage KickyKooperation zwischen Google und Yandex

MOSKAU (IT-Times) - Die russische Suchmaschine Yandex und die US-amerikanische Suchmaschine Google wollen zukünftig verstärkt zusammenarbeiten. Die Werbekunden von Google und Yandex sollen in Zukunft auch auf das Netzwerk des jeweils anderen Anbieters zugreifen können.

Damit soll Kunden der zur Verfügung stehende Werbe-Bestand (Advertising Inventory) deutlich gesteigert werden. .....  

18.03.14 19:14

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage KickyYandex hat israel.Kitlocate erworben +6,8%

Israeli startup KitLocate, the developer of an energy-efficient geolocation technology for mobile devices. The KitLocate team has now fully joined the staff of Yandex.

KitLocate's technology can be applied in mobile applications for which data on a user's movements are essential, in order to offer services at the right location and at the right time. ....  

26.03.14 11:01

1021 Postings, 5097 Tage captain345Moin Kicky

Du scheinst hier den Alleinunterhalter zu geben. Danke für deine Infos.
Ich hatte Yand schon mal, dann bei 21 verkauft, sie fiel bis ca. 17 und dann aus dem Auge verloren. Die gegenwärtige Situation sollte Yandex stärken. Niemand soll den Patriotismus der Russen unterschätzen.  

26.03.14 15:46

1021 Postings, 5097 Tage captain345Yandex

verdient sein Geld doch hauptsächlich mit Werbeeinnahmen, wenn ich richtig bin oder? Wenn dem so ist, könnte es bei einer Verlangsamung der Wirtschaft in Folge des Politikerwahnsinns der USAEU zu Problemen kommen? Wie groß ist die internationale Ausrichtung?  

10.04.14 17:12

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage KickyRussian SOEs May De-List DRs
das klingt aber gar nicht gut
On Tuesday, Russia‘s First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov told the media that Russian companies listed on foreign stock exchanges should consider de-listing their depositary receipts and re-listing in Moscow. “A matter of economic security for them,” Shuvalov said.

It is a matter of economic security for U.S. investors as well, who will have trouble selling their ADR shares in companies that are added to the U.S. sanctions list. Bloomberg reports:

  The New York-listed equities of any company that the Treasury Department adds to the sanctions list would become off limits to U.S. investors.

   “If a company is designated, then any shares of that company in the control or possession of a U.S. person are blocked,” Lee said by e-mail on April 8. “Those shares could not be sold. That would really put downward pressure on the stock price.”

The ruble lost 8.7% against the dollar. Concerns over sanctions have sent Russian search engine Yandex (YNDX) down 31.5%, even though Yandex has very little business in Ukraine. Mobile telecom VimpelCom (VIP) and Mobile TeleSystems (MBT) lost 34.9% and 22.8% respectively.

Russia’s state-owned companies may well de-list, noted J.P. Morgan analyst Alex Kantarovich:

   We believe that the statecontrolled companies with DRs, including Gazprom (OGZPY), Rosneft (OJSCY), Sberbank (SBRCY), VTB (VTBR-GB) and RusHydro (RSHYY), could potentially delist. In the last 12M, state-controlled companies’ DRs accounted for 26% of total trading volumes with 40% in local volumes......  

11.04.14 16:49

1021 Postings, 5097 Tage captain345Yandex

lebt von Werbeeinnahmen. Wie schätzt du die Entwicklung ein, unabhängig wie schwachsinnig die Westwirtschaftssanktionen sind, so werden sie zumindest eine Wirkung haben. Einerseits wird der US-Einfluss, auch durch Google oder Facebook zurückgedrängt, andererseits braucht Yandex Werbekunden!?  

18.04.14 18:34

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage Kickytough Competition to Google in Russia

The Netherlands-headquartered Yandex is presenting tough competition to Google Inc. (GOOG) in Russia, as search engine is the largest Internet search service provider in Russia, with a 61.9% market share ( Google, which dominates the global Internet search market, has about a 26% market share in Russia. Yandex generated 61.7% of all search traffic in Russia, and its Yandex sites attracted 66 million unique visitors in January 2014. Yandex also operates in Ukraine (30% market share), Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Turkey (4% market share)—regions that use Cyrillic characters.

Similar to Yandex, Baidu (BIDU) is the search engine leader in China. Microsoft (MSFT) and Yahoo (YHOO) too offer search services and generate revenue from search ads.

Yandex believes its mission is to help users solve their everyday problems by building people-centric products and services. The company uses its technical capabilities to develop advanced search technology and information retrieval services. Yandex’s search services and many of its other services are location-­based and available in versions tai­lored for mobile and other digital platforms or devices. The company also offers a wide range of specialized search-based, personal, and location­-based services.

Yandex’s popular mobile apps include Yandex.Maps, a mapping service that provides detailed maps of more than 1,300 cities and towns in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus, together with satellite images and hybrid maps, panoramic street views, and driving directions for desktop and mobile users. Yandex.Market is an online retail comparison shopping service that’s being revamped to benefit from the growth of e-commerce in Russia. Yandex said on its 4Q 2013 earnings call that its revenue growth was primarily driven by Yandex.Taxi, a taxi ordering service with traffic-based routing. Other mobile applications include Yandex.Search for Mobile, Yandex.Mail, and the online payment service Yandex.Money.....  

28.04.14 22:10

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage KickyDeutsche senkt KZ v. 38 auf 32

Shares of Yandex (YNDX) are sinking faster than analysts can lower their price targets. Yandex slumped another 16.9% at 11AM Eastern time, after a 5.6% fall yesterday.

Yandex is still a good company; the first quarter earnings looked good, commented Deutsche Bank. But Yandex has country risk. “We remind investors that the country is represented via a priority share owned by Sberbank, which itself is 51% controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”, noted Deutsche Bank analyst Lloyd Walmsley and team in a research note today.

According to Yandex’s filings with the SEC, through the priority shares, Sberbank, which is controlled by the Russian government (via the central bank stake)as well as the board of directors, would have to grant their approval before a shareholder could accumulate a 25% stake.

Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin showed his intent to censor the Internet and Yandex, saying Russia should protect its information technology in a market dominated by the U.S. The U.S. is expected to deepen its sanctions against Russia.

Deutsche Bank lowered its price target to $32 down from $38. This price target implies 25 times 2014 earnings, down from 30 times before, to reflect “political risk.”...  

03.05.14 14:39

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage KickyYandex Report for the first quarter

Q1 2014 Financial Highlights(1)(2)

   Revenues of RUR 10.9 billion ($305.0 million), up 36% compared with Q1 2013 (and up 39% excluding the impact of Yandex.Money)
   Ex-TAC revenues (excluding traffic acquisition costs) up 24% compared with Q1 2013 (and up 28% excluding the impact of Yandex.Money)
   Income from operations of RUR 2.7 billion ($76.1 million), up 11% compared with Q1 2013
   Adjusted EBITDA of RUR 4.0 billion ($113.3 million), up 15% compared with Q1 2013
   Operating margin of 25.0%
   Adjusted EBITDA margin of 37.1%
   Adjustedex-TAC EBITDA margin of 48.6%
   Net income of RUR 2.7 billion ($75.1 million), up 19% compared with Q1 2013
   Adjusted net income of RUR 2.6 billion ($71.5 million), up 6% compared with Q1 2013
   Net income margin of 24.6%
   Adjusted net income margin of 23.4%
   Adjustedex-TAC net income margin of 30.7%
   Cash, cash equivalents and long-term deposits of RUR 51.0 billion ($1,428.0 million) as of March 31, 2014
"Yandex delivered strong quarterly revenue growth," said Arkady Volozh, Chief Executive Officer

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08.05.14 08:29

240 Postings, 3817 Tage Sui77Immer der falsche Zeitpunkt :/

Tja, ich hatte bei € 25 gekauft....nicht gut  

18.05.14 11:00

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage KickyTraders Buying Up Social Media Stocks

Social media stocks are rallying in a big way,


18.05.14 11:04

79561 Postings, 9123 Tage KickyNo Impact From Ukraine Says Barclay KZ $39,16

auch das neue Internetgesetz in Russland hat keinen Einfluss (MLRYY) and Yandex (YNDX) have not suffered from the Ukraine crisis.

The advertising environment is holding firm. Here is analyst Boris Vilidnitsky:

   Our channel checks, including conversations with advertisers and management, indicate that the slowdown in economic growth has not impacted the internet advertising market to date. Although visibility is now reduced, advertisers are more concerned with political and legal issues than the low GDP growth.

President Vladimir Putin went on a rant about how Russia’s Internet companies were controlled by the U.S. last month, sending both stocks plummeting. Russia has since then tightened Internet regulations, including now requiring bloggers to register with the government. These new restrictive Internet regulations have limited impact on and Yandex, according to Barclays:

   Over the last few weeks the Russian government has proposed several new regulations for the internet. The most significant is to potentially force companies to keep all data on Russian users within Russia. If the regulation is approved, would have to spend $20-30mn while Yandex would need to move its Finnish data center in house. We estimate the costs to Yandex at no more than a $50mn one off charge. Neither is substantial given the companies’ respective >$1bn of net cash on their balance sheet.

In addition, Barclays expects Yandex’s operating margins to improve this year:....

To be sure, Barclays lowered its target price for both companies, but only to reflect the lower exchange rate for ruble. Its local-currency estimates are not changed.

Between and Yandex though, Barclays prefer London-traded, because’s revenue stream is more diversified. Only one-third of’s revenue comes from advertising, whereas Yandex depends entirely on it.

Shares of Yandex have recovered strongly since its late April low of $24, now trading at $29.57. Barclays has $39.16 target price on this stock.  

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