Forum advfn von supernumerary (29.11.2017; 21:13 Uhr). Es ist eine Übersetzung und Interpretation von einem Professor und Lupus-Experten Frederic Houssiau, Stand Mai 2017:
"carnivale - good work. I think it's worth, for the few who care, showing the last para in full. Judging by earlier comments from Nobby, I think his view accords with that of other experts in the field, although he does seem optimistic that it will help at least some patients. 'But there is an enormous pressure - I say it clearly - from the pharmaceutical company behind this treatment to convince people that it is a panacea. They're saying that it's marvellous - for the first time you're going to have a drug that will cure your lupus without problems. That, I do not believe! Not for everyone. Maybe without side-effects, but certainly not a panacea for everyone. But I do hope that, for a small number of patients, like Benlysta, like ..., it will be another drug amongst those you mentioned (pointing at audience member) and for another case there will be another treatment option.' [I have trouble with the last sentence - it needs a native speaker - but the meaning is clear.]' The conference took place in May 2017, so his view on trial status was accurate. He is a highly reputable doctor and researcher: Google translate: FRÉDÉRIC HOUSSIAU Born in Brussels on December 23, 1958. Elected Correspondent on January 27, 2001. Appointed titular member on April 19, 2014. Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain. Specialties: Rheumatology - Lupus - Polyarthritis. Professor Frédéric Houssiau was born on December 23, 1958 in Brussels. Graduate doctor of medicine in 1983 by the Catholic University of Louvain, he opted for a specialization in internal medicine / rheumatology. During and after this training, he obtained several mandates from the National Fund for Scientific Research which enabled him to work, as a researcher, in the Experimental Medicine Unit of the Institute of Duve, under the direction of Professor Jacques Van Snick. He obtained the diploma of Agrégé of Higher Education in 1993, defending his thesis entitled "The role of interleukin-6 in T-cell activation". After a stay in London in the Lupus Clinic at St. Thomas's Hospital, led by Professor Graham Hughes, he developed a center of clinical expertise in the field of systemic rheumatism, in particular systemic lupus erythematosus. He leads three European controlled academic studies on the treatment of lupus nephropathy. He has (co) -signed more than 130 publications. He is Head of the Rheumatology Department of the Saint-Luc University Clinic since 2004 and has been an ordinary Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain since 2002."
Er glaubt nicht, das Lupus ein Allheilmittel ist, aber ähnlich Benlysta für einige Personen es sein kann in Lupus. Bedeutet dies, das Lupuzor einen ähnlichen Stellenwert haben kann wie Benlysta, genauso gut, genauso viel Marktpotential? Ich denke ja, halt nur kein Allheilmittel. Vielleicht kann die Einschätzung noch ein anderer bestätigen oder widersprechen ...
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Fakt ist für mich, dass egal ob man Mediziner ist oder medizinischer Laie, man sich sehr stark mit Immupharma und Lupuzor auseinandersetzen kann, man trotzdem keinen Wissensvorsprung gegenüber anderen hat. Niemand kann einschätzen, ob Lupuzor Erfolg haben wird. Auch immer wieder diese Aussagen, man kann es ablesen anhand der Abbrecher, des Vergleichs mit PII - es ist und bleibt eine doppelt verblindete Studie. Immupharma ist und bleibt ein Risikozock. Und auf die ganzen Kursphantasien nach einem möglichen Erfolg von Lupuzor kann ich verzichten, ebenso auf Wahrscheinlichkeitsberechnungen zu den Erfolgsaussichten, da die Sicherheit von Lupuzor gegeben ist, aber die Effizienz nicht nachgewiesen ist.