dabei sollte man Marathon Gold nicht außer acht lassen! Immer wieder starke Bohrgebnisse und gute Cut offs
Large and Growing Gold ResourceMore than 275,000 meters drilled to date and ongoing2,69 Moz. M&I (45.1 Mtonnes at 1.85 g/t),1.53 Moz. Inferred (26.9 Mtonnes at 1.77g/t)Updated Mineral Resource Expected Q4 2019Robust PEA225,000 oz/year production profileUS$355M Capex, US$666/oz AISCUS$493M NPV (5%), 30% IRR (post Tax)Under DevelopmentPreliminary Feasibility underway and due early
https://www.marathon-gold.com/site/assets/files/...09-06-fact-moz.pdf |