Homepage: http://www.northernperu.com/s/Home.asp
Börsen: TSX: NOC Berlin, Frankfurt: ISIN: CA6656041044 WKN: A0ET7H Kurs 6.6.06: 2,60 EUR
Empfehlung: Der Wert wurde von Doug Casey (International Speculator) am 30.09.05 empfohlen. Aktuelle Einstufung in der Ausgabe vom 1.6.06: BUY ON SPEC
Risiken: - politische Situation in Peru (hat sich mit dem Wahlsieg von Garcia deutlich zum positiven entwickelt) - Entwicklung des Kupferpreises
2 Ausagen aus dem Artikel vom 1.6.:
- if NOC were getting full value for its 6 billion lbs of copper and 2 million ounces of gold, it would be trading for multiples of ist current price. - if the political storm turns out to be much ado about nothing, NOC will become one of the most undervalued companies on our current radar screen—but not for long.
Weitere Research-Berichte (u.a. auch 2 Casey investment alerts) sind auf der Homepage zu finden.
Resourcen-Übersicht März 2006:
Zusammenfassung: Northern Peru Copper Corp is focused on advancing and developing the Galeno copper/gold and Pashpap copper/molybdenum properties located in northern Peru.
The Galeno property is located adjacent to the Yanacocha gold mine, the largest gold mine in South America near the city of Cajamarca. The property comprises a large "Andean style" copper/gold porphyry deposit. Both Newmont Mining and North Limited previously explored the property and delineated a large mineral resource. In 2005 the Company initiated an exploration drill program to better define the high grade core, and in March 06 released a new mineral resource estimate for Galeno that significantly increases the size of the copper-gold-moly deposit. The drill program is ongoing and focussed on infill drilling. In addition, the Company continues to evaluate and drill the adjacent Hilorico gold zone.
The Pashpap property is located in the Ancash department of northern Peru. The property comprises five known "Andean style" porphyry centres of which only one has seen extensive exploration. Newmont, AMAX, Homestake, Buenaventura and Noranda previously explored the property. A 2006 drill program of 4800m will be undertaken by Japan Oil, Gas & Metals National Corporation.
PS: Bitte NICHT verwechseln mit Peru Copper !
Resourcen-Übersicht März 2006: