Ölsand-Projekte, Interessante Anlagemöglichkeit

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eröffnet am: 25.07.05 17:06 von: geldschneide. Anzahl Beiträge: 34
neuester Beitrag: 25.04.21 10:44 von: Jenniferxbxb. Leser gesamt: 41455
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25.07.05 17:06

6685 Postings, 7785 Tage geldschneiderÖlsand-Projekte, Interessante Anlagemöglichkeit

Kanadischer Ölsand: Interessante Anlagemöglichkeit

Kanadische Energiekonzerne werden im kommenden Jahrzehnt ca. 61 Milliarden CA$ für die Entwicklung sog. Ölsand-Projekte bereitstellen. Der erwartete hohe Ölpreis treibt laut einer Branchenumfrage eine Vielzahl von Förderprojekten voran.

Rohölpreise in der Nähe der Rekordhochs lassen immer mehr Projekte wirtschaftlich durchführbar erscheinen, argumentierte PricewaterhouseCoopers in einem aktuellen Bericht.

„Die starre Rohölangebotsstrategie der OPEC, die seit den Sommermonaten 2004 voll ausgelasteten Raffinerien in Nordamerika, sowie das verteuerte Rohöl macht es für die Raffinerien immer teurer Benzin herzustellen,“ sagte Angelo Toselli, der Leiter der kanadischen Energiedivision von PwC.

“Folglich erwartet die Industrie, dass der Preisdruck weiter anhalten wird.” Internationale politische Spannungen und die steigende Öl- und Gasnachfrage aus China und Indien lassen auf absehbare Zeit ein dauerhaftes Preisniveau von rund 50 US$/Barrel erwarten, so der Bericht weiter.

Nachhaltig hohe Ölpreise bedeuten, dass die Energiekonzerne ihre milliardenhohen Gewinne auch für die Finanzierung von Ölsandprojekten verwenden werden.

„Diese Projekte sollten bei einem Ölpreis von ca. 50 US$ in jeden Fall profitabel sein“, so Cal Jacober, ein Partner in der Öl- und Gasdivision von PcW.

Jacober sagte außerdem, dass die Kosten für Entwicklung und Betrieb solcher Projekte nicht in dem Maße in die Höhe schnellen würden wie die Einnahmen, die damit sehr profitabel sein sollten.

Wir erwarten, dass der Ölpreis weiter hoch bleiben wird und dass Ölsandaktien den Markt in den kommenden Jahren, aufgrund der stark bleibenden Rohölnachfrage, outperformen werden.

Die interessantesten Ölsandaktien sind für uns:

- Canadian Oil Sands Trust (TSX:COS.UN)
- Suncor Energy (TSX:SU)
- UTS Energy (TSX: UTS)
- Deer Creek (TSX: DCE)

Investor Alert

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Percent Change:
P/E Ratio:
52 Week Range:
46.10 to 100.44
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25.07.05 17:10

6685 Postings, 7785 Tage geldschneiderCanadian Oil Sands Trust

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25.07.05 17:19

6685 Postings, 7785 Tage geldschneiderSuncor Energy,UTS Energy ,Deer Creek

Suncor Energy, gibt es auch an der Nyse

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UTS Energy

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Deer Creek

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Ein sicher aufwendiges Verfahren nach Öl im Sanz zu suchen, aber Zuckerrüben werden auch in einem aufwenidgem Verfahren hergestellt, warum nicht das wertvolle Öl !


04.11.05 19:06

6685 Postings, 7785 Tage geldschneiderInvestieren in ÖL!

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November 3rd, 2005

"America is facing an energy nightmare of historic proportions: Where is it going to get a steady flow of cheap, safe and abundant oil to sustain its economy for the 21st century?

Everybody thought it would be the Middle East.


Iraq, which holds 112.5 billion barrels and was to be America's oil ace in the hole, has turned into a slaughterhouse. Iran, sitting on 90 billion barrels of oil, just elected a terrorist as its leader.

Or how about Bush's friends in Saudi Arabia, with its 260 billion barrels of reserves? Forget about the House of Saud! It's over. The Saudis cooked their own books and are running out of oil quicker than anybody imagined.

One country, and one country only, has enough oil to keep America running until another cheap energy supply is found. And that's Canada.

The only problem is - China wants Canada's oil too... and just agreed to help build a $2 billion pipeline from Alberta to the western coast of Canada to ship the oil to Shanghai!

This competition between China and America for Canada's oil has created what I'm calling 'the investment event of a lifetime.'

That's why I'm recommending a $4.50 Canadian energy stock that's sitting on an oil property so big, it's worth more than the entire city of San Francisco.

In fact, if this oil property were its own country, it would be worth more than the GDPs of 181 nations.

The oil is proven and ready to be pumped. Once on-line, the property is expected to produce 190,000 barrels of oil every single day for 40 years straight!

No wonder Petroleum News says the company wants 'to become an oil sands Goliath.' And I couldn't agree more.

Two weeks ago, the company finalized a multi-million dollar deal with one of the largest oil and gas companies in Canada to get the oil flowing.

This is a monster deal for a tiny company about to become a household name.

I think the stock is undervalued by 322%... and will go from its current price of $4.50 to over $19 a share!

I'm making it my #1 oil sands stock selection for the rest of the decade."

-Mike Schaefer

Ninety miles north of the legendary Fort McMurray oil sands region in Alberta sits an untapped oil well worth $151 billion.

"Keep up the good work Mike, not ever have I made so much money as since I joined your service. Thanks."

- A Landry
New Brunswick, Canada, July 15th, 2005
The property contains 3 billion barrels of oil.

2.4 billion barrels are proven and ready to be pumped.

The tiny company you'll read about in this report owns 40% of that oil, or 960,000,000 barrels.

At today's spot price of $60 per barrel, the company's oil is worth $60.4 billion.

Here's the opportune moment for you and me to make another fortune in the resource market:

The company's stock trades just shy of $4.50 a share.

But I think the stock is worth a lot more. And I think it'll be trading at a much higher price in the future.

How much more, I'm not sure. But I think it's a sure bet that $19 a share will be reached, easily.

Between May 23 and June 27, the value of this company's oil property increased in value $364.7 million every single day for 34 days straight!

You see, as the price of oil increases, so does that value of the company's property. And when the value of the company's property goes up, so does its stock.

Think about this for a minute, if the company were valued at $60.4 billion (the current asset value of its oil sands property), the company's stock would trade for $162 a share.

Oil Sands Fact #1:

There's so much oil in Canada's Alberta region, it would fill over 9 million Olympic-size swimming pools.
Read that again, my friend: It would trade for $162 a share.

But it won't be valued at $162 because getting the oil out of the ground will cost a lot of money.

That's why I discount my price targets, dramatically.


Well, what if oil falls back to the magical $25 to $30 a barrel mark.

Even though I think oil will go in the opposite direction, I calculated the value of this stock based on oil trading between $25 and $30 a barrel.

And guess what I found out? Another fortune maker!

If oil fell back to $25 - $30 a barrel, the oil this company owns would still be worth about $28 billion. That would translate to a stock price around $19.

Get My New Report
"The New Oil Sands Giant"

That's a gain of 322%, nothing to sneeze at.

But it could be more.

Here's why this stock could gain as much as 1000 to 2000 percent in the next five years.

A Money Machine That Keeps On Churning

When oil increases in price, calculating the value of this stock is like watching the National Debt Clock… where America's debt increases billions of dollars every single day.

Here's what I mean.

On June 1, 2005, oil spiked up $2.67 per barrel. It was one of the largest, single-day price moves in oil ever.

And it did wonders for this company's real estate!

On that day, the value of the company's oil increased by $2.56 billion.

Oil Sands Fact #2:

Spanning an area of nearly 55,000 square miles in the Alberta region, Canada's oil sands have been called the "Eighth wonder of the world"
That's a boost of $2.56 billion in a single day!

Let me take it one step further.

Since May 20, 2005, the price of oil has increased 27.6%.

During this period, the value of this company's oil increased $12.48 billion.

If oil goes to $71 in the short-term (as I've been predicting), the company's oil increases another $10.56 billion.

In fact, every time oil increases 10¢ a barrel, the company's oil valuation increases $96 million. When oil increases 50¢ a barrel, the company's valuation increases $480 million.

Yet even with these numbers staring Wall Street in the face, it still may be the most undervalued oil stock in the entire market.

Check this out:
  • For every $1 you invest in this stock right now, you get more than $80 worth of oil!
  • Every 20¢ invested gets you 5.6 gallons of regular unleaded gasoline!

So you can see why I'm recommending this stock to all of my energy investors.

And I think you should buy it too, especially while it's still trading for just $4.50 a share.

Here are 4 more reasons why you should purchase this stock now, before it takes off:
  • The oil property the company owns is huge... twice the size of Miami, Florida
  • The property sits 90 miles north of the second largest oil reserves known to man
  • There's so much oil here, it's expected to pump 190,000 barrels every single day for 40 years straight!
  • Everybody wants the oil... including the Chinese, which have agreed to dump $2 billion to build a pipeline to transport the oil

Oil Sands Fact #3:

"While production in most other energy-producing areas, including Texas, is declining, Alberta’s production is increasing. And there’s no end in sight.

Production from Alberta’s oilsands has the potential to close the US energy gap. Meaning the US would not in any way have to acquire more offshore oil than it does today."
-Alberta Premier Ralph Klein, March 27, 2005
In a minute, I'll tell you more why I think this stock is headed to $19 a share... and how every $10,000 you invest into it could turn into $63,333.

But first I want to tell you about how the company acquired this "giant maker" for literally pennies on the dollar.

When I first read that this company purchased this oil property back in 2004, my immediate reaction was that it could go down as one of the greatest steals in Canadian oil history.

On July 9, 2004, the company - trading for $0.81 at the time, mind you - acquired the 3-billion-barrel property for just... $125 million.

And this is where the story gets real interesting.

The property is situated in Alberta's Athabasca oil sands region, an hour-and-a-half drive from the legendary Fort McMurray oil sand property.

If you don't already know it, the Fort McMurray region has turned once tiny oil companies into multi-billion dollar behemoths.

I'm talking about companies like Suncor Energy... once worth $0.71 a share in the early 1990s... now up more than 5,714%!

And Imperial Oil, relatively unknown in 1994 at $4.50 a share... now trades for $85 a share.


June 29th, 2005 - "U.S. concern is rising over China muscling in on its traditional spheres of energy influence - such as Canada. Canada's Enbridge Inc. (ENB) and PetroChina International Co., a unit of PetroChina Co. Ltd. (PTR), have signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate on Enbridge's proposed Gateway Pipeline to facilitate the supply of crude to China. In addition, there have been a spate of buy-ins to Canadian oil sands projects by Chinese companies."
Fort McMurray and the surrounding oil sands were "company makers" for these companies. And made fortunes for investors who bought in these early stage stocks.

But the next round of oil sands giants are now entering the race.

You see, just a few years ago - in the late 1990s to be exact - Canada's oil sands were viewed as nothing more than a coversational topic at a cocktail party. Everybody thought there was plenty of oil in the Middle East, Russia, and the Gulf of Mexico.

Since oil sands cost more to produce than conventional oil, a company that ventured into the oil sands region to start development was taking a huge risk.

That was 6 years ago... when oil was trading for $12 a barrel.

Today, however, that's all changed

With oil trading above $60 a barrel... and likely to go much higher, Canada's oil sands are one of the most prized assets in the entire energy market.

And our tiny $4.50 company is sitting on a massive treasure.

At a minimum, 2.4 billion barrels are recoverable from this property.

With oil currently trading for $60 a barrel, the recoverable oil is worth $144 billion. And that's if oil stays at $60 a barrel, something that's highly unlikely. In fact, I think we'll see oil trading between $81 and $105 a barrel within 5 years.

So the potential future value of this property is even bigger, maybe north of $200 billion.

The tiny company I'm recommending should make early investors fortunes.

Readers of my Pure Energy Report have already been in the stock for a few months now. And we're sitting on a 142% gain as of this writing.

But like I said, that's nothing compared to the earnings we'll enjoy in the coming years.

This stock is a giant. Pure and simple.

Here's why.

Forget About Filthy Rich Oil Sheiks... Filthy Rich Oil Canucks Now Control the Oil Market

Let me ask you a question: Where can you find oil reserves so big that...
  • There's already more oil in place than in all of Saudi Arabia...
  • There's more there to tap than in Iraq, Iran, and Libya combined...
  • It even dwarfs the oil in Nigeria, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and China all put together?

In some new oil field in the Middle East or Russia? Wrong!

Get My New Report
"The New Oil Sands Giant"

In Alaska? Nope. How about the Gulf or Caspian Sea? Try again.

This great vast reserve is called the Athabasca oil sands, hidden in the wilderness in the province of Alberta. Now, if you know anything about the oil sands, I know what you're thinking...

That oil is too hard to get out. It's even frozen. So it's going to be too hard and expensive to get the oil, right?

A few years ago, I would have said you're right. But suddenly, that's changed. With oil trading at $60 a barrel, the whole oil sands region is prime for development.

And that's why a handful of investors quick enough to move on this tiny $4.50 stock are going to get very rich.

So, I want you to understand what I'm suggesting here.

You see, the oil revolution in Canada will be so profound in the coming years, that I actually purchased a home this year in British Columbia so I can be here at the heart of the Canadian oil boom.

"Keep up the wonderful work in finding great stocks. You should be nominated for a award for the good work that you are doing."
- A. Ahmed, June 11, 2005
But I'm not the only one here watching the Canadian oil markets.

The Chinese are here too. And they want Canada's oil... and are willing to pay a lot for it.

And the competition between the US and China for Canada's prized oil is setting up the scenario for an absolute profit making frenzy.

Right now the world is witnessing a grand geopolitical chess match between many players, the main ones being US and China. The prize is control of the world economy. The way to achieve it is by controlling the world's oil supply.

The Chinese Century?

"The Chinese are on an aggressive quest to boost their supply of oil all throughout all seven continents; whether Iran, Sudan or Venezuela, you name it, they are after it." -James Lilley, ambassador to China under President George H.W. Bush.

Frightening, but true.

China is the world's second-biggest oil consumer on the planet.

Currently the United States exceeds China's demand. But for how much longer?

China Going After the World’s Oil!

"Russia pledged to augment its total oil deliveries to China by rail to 11 million tons this year, from 6 million tons in 2004. At the summit meeting in Moscow, state oil firm Rosneft signed cooperation deals with the Chinese oil firm Chinese National Petroleum Corporation and Asia's biggest refiner, Sinopec. Rosneft alone plans to boost annual deliveries to China to 9 million tons in 2006, from 4 million tons in 2005."
-Asia Times, July 6, 2005
According to the US Energy Department, America devours 20 million bpd while China consumes a 7 million bpd.

Anne Korin, director of policy and strategic planning for the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security recently said:

The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that China's daily oil demand will boost it to 8 million barrels of oil by the end of 2006.

"China's energy needs are going to be enormous in the future," according to Christopher Hill, the State Department's assistant secretary for East Asia and the Pacific.

China could top America's astounding 20 million bpd in 2030.

The Institute for Analysis of Global Security predicts that in only 20 years China will import as much oil as the US.

But I think it might be sooner than most think.

China's official state policy is the "growth imperative." To grow its economy at all costs, and especially before the 2008 Summer Olympics, which it will host in Beijing.

To do so, China has to guzzle crude oil to nourish its breakneck economy.

China is striking deals with oil exporting nations around the globe to secure its supply that could leave other nations high and dry.

The US would be the most affected.

State-run Chinese companies have spent billions on oil assets overseas to boost supplies for the country. Chinese firms are currently striking long-term deals in Canada to tap North America's biggest oil reserves.
"Demand for oil in China is growing at a blistering rate, about 30% to 40% a year. To meet that demand,there's going to have to be four to five Saudi Arabias out there. If not, there's going to be a huge crunch."

Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, chairperson of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs subcommittee, said the United States faces growing competition from China in Canada. "China has brought the competition for natural resources to our backyard."

Until now, Canada sent almost all its exports to the US.

Canadian and Chinese firms are now cooperating to build a $2 billion pipeline to ship crude oil from Canada's vast oil sands in Alberta to the West Coast to be sent by tanker to China.

Again, this is huge.

See, you have 2 massive economies going after the same resource.

It's the simple law of supply and demand. The price of that resource (oil) is going up!

And that's why there's a current gold rush by dozens of energy companies to get a stake in the region. Because they know for years to come, Canada might be the only profitable oil play of the 21st Century.

And that's why I'm so bullish on my tiny $4.50 oil sands stock.

My tiny oil sands company was able to purchase the entire property for just $125 million. All of it… all 46,000 acres of it… all 3 billion barrels in the ground.

Based on the purchase price of $125 million on 2.4 billion barrels of recoverable oil, the company is getting 19.2 barrels of oil for every dollar spent in the purchase price.

Pretty cheap, eh?

You bet.

But look, there's more to this story. It'll cost the company more than just $125 million to get the oil out of the ground.


PetroChina to import Canadian crude in 2009
"PetroChina executed a memorandum of understanding in Beijing with EnBridge, the 2nd largest pipeline operator in Canada. Both sides will work together on a project of building a new pipeline and transporting crude oil to inland China. Enbridge plans to build Gateway, an oil pipeline with a 30-inch diameter and 1,160 kilometers long. It will transport crude oil produced from Alberta's Calgary Oil Sand to docks on the west coast, and then the crude ill be carried by oil tankers to China…"
Consider $125 million as the cost for "the right" to extract the oil.

Converting bitumen (crude trapped in the sand) into oil is capital intensive. It costs a lot of money.

And that's why the company was able to get the oil sand property so dirt cheap, because it'll cost roughly 10X that just to get the oil flowing into the pipeline.

You see, the property is undeveloped. It'll take between 4 to five years to get the oil pumping. Once it does though, it's expected to produce 190,000 barrels every single day for 40 years straight.

Think about that for a minute.

Every single hour of every single day, $435,416 worth of crude will be pumped out of this property. By the end of the day, $10.4 million worth of crude will be pumped. By the end of the week, $73 million.

Heck, by the end of the month, the pipeline will have carried $292 million worth of oil out of this property.

And that's using a $60 a barrel price!

And this is where the story gets even better, because this isn't an "exploration" play. The asset is in the ground. Proven. Ready to be extracted.

All that is need is capital to build the infrastructure to get the oil out.

The New York Times writes:

"China's thirst for oil has brought it to the doorstep of the United States.

Chinese energy companies are on the verge of striking ambitious deals in Canada in efforts to win access to some of the most prized oil reserves in North America."

And the company has that now too.

On June 27th, 2005, this company finalized a deal with one of the largest oil companies in Canada. A $13-billion Canadian oil giant that produces 451,000 barrels of oil a day. They'll supply $1 billion in cash to get the project started.

In return, they get 60% of the property.

So it's a win-win deal.

But it's an even better deal for early investors, one that could make you quite a bit of money.

That's why I've just finished a new report called The New Oil Sands GIANT that details this tiny $4.50 oil sands stock. And I want you to have it... for NOTHING!



04.11.05 19:15

20752 Postings, 7538 Tage permanentinteressant o. T.

04.11.05 19:30

14308 Postings, 7925 Tage WALDYgeldschneider

Evt. hast Du diesen Thread noch nicht gesehen.


Suncor (SU) und Nexen (NXY)





04.11.05 19:39

6685 Postings, 7785 Tage geldschneiderBaggern statt pumpen!

Satte Gewinne <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Die Aktien der Profiteure

Baggern statt pumpen



So lange der Preis für das 159-Liter-Fass über 50 Dollar bleibt, verdienen Ölsand-Förderer gutes Geld.

 Lange haben sich vorwiegend kleinere Ölsand-Explorateure um die Schätze im Boden gekümmert, mittlerweile sind aber große Ölkonzerne wie Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell und Chevron aufmerksam geworden und kaufen sich in den Ölsand-Gebieten ein. Angesichts des Energiehungers haben diese Unternehmen eine rosige Zukunft. Ein paar Stücke der Ölsand-Förderer sollten daher ein Depot langfristig aufwerten.

Die Geologen rechnen mit rund 300 Milliarden Barrel (je 159 Liter) Erdöl, die, mit Sand gemischt, als zähflüssiger Bitumen in Alberta lagern. Dies sind weltweit die größten bekannten Ölvorkommen. Dabei ist das ganze Potenzial noch gar nicht abzusehen. Optimisten hoffen sogar auf eine doppelt so große Ölmenge.

Lohnend ab 50 Dollar je Fass

Ölkonzerne wie Suncor, die sich frühzeitig Gebiete im Ölsand-Reich sicherten, verdienen nun prächtig – und besitzen eine goldene Zukunft. Zumindest wenn der Ölpreis längerfristig über der 50-Dollar-Marke je Barrel bleibt. Ein paar Stücke der Ölsand-Förderer sollten daher das Depot langfristig aufwerten.



Die Ölreserven Kanadas übersteigen die bekannten Vorkommen in Saudi-Arabien.

Insgesamt werden in kanadischen Alberta rund 300 Milliarden Barrel (je 159 Liter) Erdöl vermutet, die, mit Sand gemischt, als zähflüssiger Bitumen im Boden lagern. Allein Suncor produziert derzeit rund 260 000 Fass Öl pro Tag. Bis 2008 will die kanadische Ölgesellschaft ihre Förderung auf 350 000 Barrel pro Tag ausweiten und ab 2012 rund 550 000 Barrel pro Tag erreichen

Johannes Heinritzi/az






Satte Gewinne




Marktkapitalisierung in Mio. Euro


Suncor Energy


18 846

Der integrierte Energiekonzern besitzt mehr als elf Milliarden Barrel Bitumen.

Canadian Natural Resour.


17 704

Der landesweit aktive Konzern verfügt über bis zu acht Milliarden Barrel Bitumen.




Der Ölkonzern hält Anteile an Syncrude und entwickelt eigene Ölsand-Projekte.




Der zweitgrößte kanadische Pipeline-Betreiber baut eine neue Pipeline in Alberta.

Canadian Oil Sands Trust



Der Konzern kontrolliert 35,49% am Ölsand-Verarbeiter Syncrude, will zukaufen.

Teck Cominco



Bergbaukonzern (Zink, Kupfer), der 15% am Ölsand-Projekt Fort Hills gekauft hat

Western Oil Sands



besitzt 20% am Athabasca-Projekt; Partner Shell C. (60%), Chevron (20%)

OPTI Canada



Entwicklung der Long-Lake-Ölsand-Lagerstätte (mit Partner Nexen)

UTS Energy



Beteiligung am Fort-Hills-Projekt mit 2,8 Milliarden Barrel Bitumen

Titanium Corp.



will die Abfallschlacke von Syncrude aufbereiten, um Titan und Zirkon zu produzieren







05.11.05 07:24

6685 Postings, 7785 Tage geldschneidermorgen, @waldy und @permanent

Habe ich gestern gesehen, ist aber seit Juli nicht mehr aktualisiert worden. von Suncor, Nexen noch nicht.

Bist du drin??

Ulkigerweise habe ich mir gestern gedacht, wo ist denn der interessante Thread bei Ariva, in dem jemand was über Ölsand geschrieben hat. Suchfunktion funktionierte wieder nicht, also goggelte ich und fand dann meinen eigenen Thread.

Na Hauptsache ich habe ihn wieder gefunden.

Leider finden informative Threads wie dieser bei den Bewertern keine Beachtung, mit mehr Sternen würde ich ihn leichter finden.


05.11.05 08:21

80400 Postings, 7373 Tage Anti LemmingAuch interessant: Headwaters

Headwaters (HW - NYSE) arbeitet u. a. in der Kohleverflüssigung (Umwandlung von Kohle in einen Benzin-Ersatzstoff). Demnächst soll eine größere Anlage in China gebaut werden. Der Misch-Konzern forscht auch eifrig im Bereich Nanotechnologie und arbeitet an nanotechnischen Verfahren, das Öl aus den riesigen Ölschiefer-Vorkommen in Alaska kostengünstig zu extrahieren (siehe unten, fett).

HW hat ein KGV von 13 und hat während der letzten 5 Jahre jedes Jahr rund 20 % Gewinnwachstum ausgewiesen.


Da wird also - anders als etwa beim Dauer-Geldverbrenner Ballard Power - buchstäblich Kohle verdient. Die Marktkapitalisierung ist mit 1,3 Mrd. Dollar noch recht klein. Ich hab mir gestern eine kleine Position HW zugelegt (EK: 31,60 USD)

Zur Firma:

Headwaters, Inc.. The Group's principal activities are to develop and commercialize its chemical technologies, which are used to produce alternative fuel from coal derivatives and to develop and deploy alternative energy technologies. Alternative energy segment includes traditional coal-based solid alternative fuel business. It also develops and commercializes catalysts and catalytic processes for producing chemicals and converting low-value fossil fuels into high-value alternative fuels. CCP segment includes supply of post-combustion services and technologies to the coal-fired electric utility industry. The Construction materials segment produces and sells standard masonry, stucco construction materials and supplies packaged products and blocks as well as value added technology products. The Group acquired VFL Technology Corporation on 09-Apr-2004, Eldorado Stone LLC on 02-Jun-2004, and Tapco Holdings Inc on 08-Sep-2004.


Bitte den fett hervorgehobenen Teil lesen.

Motley Fool
Turn Off the TV, Headwaters

By Jack Uldrich
September 28, 2005

My wife and I have two young school-age children, and it is our policy that they are not allowed to watch any television on school nights until their homework is done. In spite of our best intentions, however, they still sometimes sneak into the family room before their work is complete and flick on the old boob tube. Being fairly good kids, though, the potential household crisis is usually averted with a simple admonishment to turn it off.

I was reminded of this maddening TV ritual the other day, when Headwaters (NYSE: HW) announced that it had developed a new chemical process based on nanotechnology that will "enable the production of high-quality, long-life, flat-screen television monitors at a fraction of the cost of today's devices."

I have no reason to doubt the sincerity of the claim -- which came from the company's nanotechnology division, NanoKinetix -- but investors in Headwaters should not be misled into believing that the company, by getting into the flat-panel display business, is either on the verge of embarking on something big or diversifying its business.

Nanotechnology is, in fact, poised to affect the flat-panel display market. In May, Motorola (NYSE: MOT) announced that it had created a new "nano-emissive" flat-panel display. DuPont (NYSE: DD), Dow Chemical (NYSE: DOW), and Samsung are also playing in the same area, and even a few small start-ups such as Nano-Proprietary, which Fools Carl Wherrett and John Yelovich discussed a few months back, have a chance to make some serious inroads in the field.

To be fair, NanoKinetix's technology is based on polymeric crystals and, as such, is different from the approach of all of the aforementioned companies, which all seek to apply carbon nanotubes to flat-panel displays. But I am still not confident that Headwaters can advance much beyond the announcement phase with this new development, given the level of expertise and competition in this field.

That's OK, though, because Headwaters' NanoKinetix division is working on some other nanotechnology-related developments in which it is far better suited to play. I am referring to NanoKinetix's exciting work in applying nanocatalyst applications to coal liquefaction and heavy-oil upgrading.

Coal liquefaction has long been a dream of the coal industry, and it's still likely a way off. But Headwaters, which is working with China's largest coal company, Shenhua Group, to build the world's first commercial plant to transform coal into gasoline and diesel fuel, is also working on the development of a new line of nanocatalysts that might facilitate this process. The development of such a technology could revolutionize the energy industry by creating the equivalent of liquid gold.

But even more exciting to me than this possible development is the more realistic scenario that Headwaters could develop nanocatalysts to aid in the conversion of heavy oils into usable materials. If Headwaters can find a way to efficiently turn the heavy crude materials sitting in Canada's massive tar sand reserves (one of the world's largest known oil reserves) into a diesel or lighter material, company profits could be out of this world. This would be true even if the price of oil were to drop from its current range of beyond $60 back to the $30-$40 range.

So, without meaning to sound too much like a parent, I would kindly advise the management at Headwaters to temporarily set aside its work on flat-panel display TVs until it has successfully completed the more pressing homework assignment of turning the heavy oils of Canada into a viable, profitable, and long-term source of energy.

As I tell my kids, there will be plenty of time for television once you're successful.


auch interessant:

Angehängte Grafik:
hw.gif (verkleinert auf 88%) vergrößern

05.11.05 10:19

80400 Postings, 7373 Tage Anti LemmingDa Ihr Interesse zeigt, noch ein paar Details

Hier einige der letzten News. Titel und Wichtiges sind fett hervorgehoben. Ganz Wichtiges ist zusätzlich unterstrichen.


11:33am 09/16/05
Moody's raises Headwaters speculative grade liquidity rating
By Katherine Hunt

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Moody's Investors Service on Friday upgraded the speculative grade liquidity rating of Headwaters Inc. (HW: news, chart, profile) to SGL-1 from SGL-2. Moody's said an SGL-1 rating indicates "very good" liquidity. The agency said South Jordan, Utah-based Headwaters has shown strong operating results and a commitment to decreasing its debt over the past 12 months. The company is expected to continue generating solid operating and free cash flow over the next 12 months, Moody's said, which will allow it to further reduce the debt taken on in conjunction with its September 2004 acquisition of Tapco. Additionally, Headwaters, which provides products, technology and services to the energy, construction and home improvement industries, is expected to remain in compliance with all of its financial covenants over the next 12 months, the agency said.

1:56pm 08/22/05
Headwaters unit inks coal-to-liquids plant license deals
By Gabriel Madway

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Headwaters Inc. (HW: news, chart, profile) said on Monday that its Headwaters Technology Innovation Group unit has completed license agreements for the construction of two 30,000 ton-per-year coal-to-liquids demonstration plants in China. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. UK Race Investment Ltd. will invest $40 million to design and build the first plant. In addition to the license fees, South Jordan, Utah-based Headwaters will be paid for some process design, mechanical design of the proprietary reactor and separator, and inspection services. The plants will be used to convert coal into transportation fuels.

6:20am 07/27/05
Headwaters 3Q net beats mkt forecasts, raises guidance
By Sarah Turner

LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Headwaters Incorporated (HW: news, chart, profile) said third-quarter net income jumped to $55.3 million, or $1.17 a share, from $16.1 million, or 45 cents a share. The net profit increase follows a strong operating performance and the settlement of a licensing dispute with AJG Financial Services, which amounted to a net gain of $44.2 million in the quarter. Analysts had been expecting the company, which provides products, technology and services to the energy, construction and home improvement industries, to report earnings of 64 cents a share. The company also said it was raising its adjusted full-year EPS forecast to $2.20 to $2.30, from a prior range of $2.10 to $2.20.

6:16am 05/27/05
Headwaters repays $50 million in debt early
By Abby Deveney

LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Headwaters Incorporated (HW: news, chart, profile) said it has repaid $50 million of its senior secured second-lien debt, reducing future interest expense by as much as $4.2 million per year, or about 5 cents per share. The early payment reduces Headwaters' second-lien debt balance to $50 million from the original amount of $150 million. The company paid a 3% premium in connection with the early repayment and will immediately expense about $1.3 million of debt acquisition costs as a result of the repayment. The South Jordan, Utah-based specialist in energy services and construction materials said the repayment was funded by a legal win.

6:20am 04/21/05
Headwaters 2Q net income falls, revenue higher
By Kabir Chibber

LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Energy and construction services firm Headwaters Inc. (HW: news, chart, profile) said net income for the second quarter to March 31 fell to $12 million, or 30 cents a share, from $18.6 million, or 55 cents. Revenue rose to $222.4 million from $119.5 million, boosted by higher sales at the construction materials division. Headwaters also reaffirmed its fiscal 2005 earnings guidance of $2.00 to $2.10 a share.

6:06am 03/21/05
Headwaters to move stock to NYSE
By Mike Maynard

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Headwaters Inc. (HDWR: news, chart, profile) , the Utah-based distributor of natural resources to industrial customers, said it will shift the trading in its shares to the New York Stock Exchange effective April 6. The shares, currently traded on Nasdaq, will be listed under the symbol "HW." Shares of Headwaters ended Friday's trading at $33.07, up 13 cents.

5:21pm 11/10/04
Headwaters Inc. Q4 earns up 74%; ups 2005 earns view
By Carla Mozee

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- Headwaters Inc. (HDWR: news, chart, profile) late Wednesday reported fiscal fourth-quarter increased 73.7 percent to $19.5 million, or 57 cents a share, from $11.2 million, or 40 cents a share, last year. The natural resources services company said revenue was $198.6 million up from $106.5 million a year ago. The company increased its fiscal 2005 earnings forecast to $2.28 to $2.39 a share from its previous view of $2.20 to $2.30 a share.

1:26pm 10/13/04
Headwaters gets India coal study contract
By August Cole

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- Headwaters Inc. (HDWR: news, chart, profile) on Wednesday announced that the company's Hydrocarbon Technologies group has won a contract from Oil India Ltd. to study if the company's coal technology can be used in the country. The company said that if the technology is approved, it will go ahead with a deal to deploy its direct coal liquefaction technology.

12:52pm 09/17/04
Headwaters changes name of 3 operating divisions
By Carla Mozee

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- Headwaters (HDWR: news, chart, profile) said Friday it is changing the names of its three main operating divisions in a move to unify its corporate identity. Headwaters Energy Services is the new name of Covol Fuels; Headwaters Resources is now ISG Resources and Headwaters Construction Materials is the former American Construction Materials. Shares of Headwaters, based in South Jordan, Utah, last traded up 20 cents to $28.45.

6:53am 04/22/04
Headwaters Q1 earns rise above expectations
By Tomi Kilgore

NEW YORK (CBS.MW) - Headwaters (HDWR: news, chart, profile) reported fiscal second-quarter net income of $18.6 million, or 55 cents a share, up from 24 cents a share in the same period a year ago. Excluding non-recurring items, earnings were 30 cents a share, exceeding the average analyst forecast compiled by Thomson First Call of 28 cents a share. Total revenue rose 39 percent to $119.5 million, topping analyst forecasts of $96.95 million. The energy services company said an "exceptional" month of March helped offset weakness in January and February. The company reiterated its fiscal 2004 earnings outlook of $1.70 to $1.85 a share. The stock closed Wednesday down $3.18 at $23.79.  

05.11.05 10:26

14308 Postings, 7925 Tage WALDYGuten Morgen Geldschneider

Ja ich bin drin.
Sogar sehr gut.

Wenn du Lust hast solltest Du Dir etwas Zeit nehmen und Dir
die Infos anschauen.


Vor über ein Jahr war es noch richtig schwer überhaupt was zu finden.
Vor 5 jahren....so gut wie unmöglich.
Den Ölsand habe ich seit ca.10 jahren auf "watch" aber da da öl immer
so billig war lohnte sich der Einstieg nicht.Wer will schon etwas kaufen
was in der Produktion ca.5 -8mal!!! so teuer ist wie der Verkaufserlös?

Trotzdem hatte ich hatte div.Leute damals gefragt:


es gab nur Schulterzucken.

Selbst vor(etwas über) einen Jahr war mein Banker total erstaunt von der ganzen Sache.
Inzwischen ist er auch begeistert und schickt mir sogar Berichte aus
Zeitungen&Börsenfachblättern wenn die was über diese Firmen Schreiben.
Der ober Witz an der ganzen Sache ist , dadurch das ich einmal komplett
ausgestopt wurden bin und ---günstiger--- zurückgekauft habe bin ich besser als der
Chart der Aktien.
Tja....sowas gibts auch.Wenn auch sehr selten.


@Anti Lemming

Schau dir mal das an:

SASOL LTD  WKN: 865164

Anders in Südafrika. Auf Basis des in Deutschland entwickelten Fischer-Tropsch-Verfahrens arbeitet eine industrielle Kohleverflüssigungsanlage der südafrikanischen SASOL. Die zwischen 1955 und 1982 gebaute und modernisierte Anlage im südafrikanischen Secunda produziert in drei Blöcken (SASOL 1, 2 und 3) rund 175000 Barrel pro Tag Ölprodukte (Benzin, Chemikalien) für ungefähr 25 US-$/Barrel. Das Unternehmen arbeitete schon vor dem jüngsten Ölpreisanstieg profitabel. Ein Anstieg des Rohölpreises um 50 % führt bei Sasol zu einem Gewinnanstieg um 65 %. Eine derartige Gewinnmarge sollte Wettbewerber auf den Plan rufen. Entscheidend für den Marktzutritt ist allerdings das erforderliche Know-how.


Sollte in Deutschland die Kohleförderung wieder hochgefahren werden
werd ich SASOL kaufen.


05.11.05 10:57

80400 Postings, 7373 Tage Anti LemmingNano-Katalysatoren

@Waldy: Sasol ist interessant, mit einem KGV von 30 aber nicht mehr ganz billig. Ölschieferabbau scheint mir noch interessanter als Kohleverflüssigung (Headwaters macht beides).


Hier noch Infos zu Headwaters Nano-Katalysatoren:

Original-Dokument: http://www.htigrp.com/data/upfiles/pdf/Nanocatalysts0304.pdf


Catalysts – Tools for Productivity and Environmental Improvement

Catalysts are used in the manufacture of approximately $10 trillion in goods and materials each year, including energy, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and plastics. They are used to improve our environment, finding use in automobiles, industrial exhaust gas cleaning and soil/groundwater remediation. Until recently, catalysts have generally been developed using inefficient trial-and-error methods.

Nanocatalysts – Next Generation Catalysts

Headwaters NanoKinetix, Inc. (HNI) has now introduced NxCat Next Generation Nanocatalyst
Technology™, which has set a new paradigm in catalysis. NxCat™ technology, allows catalysts to be designed and engineered at the atomic scale, creating a new definition of "nanocatalyst". The "nano" in nanocatalysts refers to very small particles. For example, approximately 200 billion nanometer-sized particles (nanoparticles) could fit on the period at the end of this sentence. While others have typically applied the “nano” label to objects of 100 nanometers (nm) or more, NxCat technology truly operates at the nanoscale, controlling the structure and function of catalyst particles less than 10 nm in size.

True Control of Catalyst Structure at the Nanoscale

NxCat technology provides a method to control the structure of catalyst
particles, thereby controlling their catalytic function. NxCat™ catalysts

1. Uniform and controllable particle size at less than 10 nm
2. Uniform and controllable particle composition
3. Uniform and controllable exposed atomic structure
4. Uniform dispersion of nanoparticles
5. Strong anchoring of nanoparticles to solid substrates

NxCat Technology Translates Directly to High Performance

With the current hype over nanotechnology, it can sometimes be unclear how much value actually comes from "nano". But the nanoscale control of catalyst structure developed by Headwaters goes right to the "bottom line", delivering:

1. Higher activity - Less catalyst usage. Greater raw material utilization.
2. Higher selectivity - Little or no byproducts and waste.
3. Longer life - Reduced catalyst cost. Reduced downtime.

Through these improvements, NxCat provides a significant step toward "Green Chemistry", with new processes that produce only useful and desirable products, with little to no byproducts or waste.

For more information, contact:
Headwaters NanoKinetix, Inc.
1501 New York Avenue
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Phone: (609) 394-3102 (Ext. 298 or 250)
Fax: (609) 394-1278
E-mail: info@htinj.com
Web site: www.hdwtrs.com

HNI is a subsidiary of Headwaters Technology Innovation Group (HTIG). "NxCat", "NanoKinetix" and "NxCat Next Generation Nanocatalyst Technology" are trademarks of HTIG.

05.11.05 10:59

79561 Postings, 9025 Tage KickyErst wenn der letzte Baum gerodet, der letzte Fluß

vergiftet, der letzte Fisch gefangen,.....
Die New York Times brachte vor Kurzem in der Beilage der Süddeutschen einen interessanten Artikel zu den Umweltfolgen des Ölsandabbaus in der Provinz Alberta.Nicht nur dass die Landschaft verwüastet wird und riesege boreale Waldflächen abgeholzt werden,auch die Abwasser sind kaum vernünftig in den Griff zu kriegen

das ist so ein See,bei dem durch die Sulphate auch nach 70 Jahren noch eine hochgradige
Verschmutzung besteht
The exposure of sulphide minerals contained in the host rock and mine wastes to oxygen may release acid and Al, As, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn to surrounding waters .Capital costs for water treatment often exceed tens of millions of dollars, with post-closure operating costs in the order of $1 million per year and total costs that may exceed $100 million (Price and Bellefontaine, 2002).
Hier ist der Artikel ,der in der New York Times erschien:
In Fort Murray erhielt jedes Kind einen 500$-Schein und Alberta hat die höchste Einkommensquote in Kanada,aber zu welchen Umweltkosten,die nie vernünftig in die Abwägung eingestellt werden

05.11.05 11:00

14308 Postings, 7925 Tage WALDYPs. geldschneider

".....ist aber seit Juli nicht mehr aktualisiert worden"

Letzter Eintrag:

173. Development of Canadian oil sands   WALDY   07.10.05 09:24  

Liegt es an der Anzahl der Postings das er nicht mehr alle Anzeigt?
Bin aber auch erst wegen deiner Frage drüber gestolpert

So kannst Du auch die letzten Postings sehen:


....hoffe ich.



05.11.05 11:10

79561 Postings, 9025 Tage KickyLinks zum Thema Ölsandabbau

Tageabbau erfolgt im grossen Stil durch die zwei Firmen Suncor Energy  und Syncrude Canada,dabei wird das Bitumen mit heissem Wasser und Dampf aus dem Sand gespült.Tiefer gehender Abbau soll erfolgen mit neuen Methoden wie  Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) and Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD).Hierbei wird übermässig viel Wasser ,aber auch Gas zur Erhitzung benötigt.2800 Quadratkilometer Wald werden geopfert,um 25% der kanadischen Ölbedarfs zu gewinnen.

Warum werden die langfristigen Umweltschäden nicht in die Berechnung miteingestellt?  

05.11.05 11:12

14308 Postings, 7925 Tage WALDYKlar Kicky

vor 70 Jahren war der Umweltschutz für die Goldgräber ja auch
das Thema Nr.:1

Spas bei Seite.

Canada ist heute extrem Streng mit Umweltauflagen.

Ob Holz....Ölsand....Erz ,nix geht mehr ,mal schnell so
ohne der Frage des danach.
Die Auflagen in Canada sind extrem hoch!
Canada ist ja nicht die USA




05.11.05 11:14

80400 Postings, 7373 Tage Anti Lemming@Kicky

Umweltschäden: Wäre es da nicht ein Segen, wenn ein Nano-Katalysator (Postings 9 und 12, unten) ein "grüne Variante" (oder zumindest grünere) des Ölsand-Abbaus ermöglichte?  

05.11.05 11:31

79561 Postings, 9025 Tage Kickywenn du extra ne Sperrschicht auf Seen brauchst

damit die Vögel nicht sterben,dann kannste mich hier mit nix überzeugen
da sist doch wirklich richtig übel,nicht nur dass die gesamte Tierwelt hier ohnehin verschwindet,was neu geschaffen wird und den nächsten Generationen hinterlassen wird,ist immer rudimentär  

05.11.05 12:07

80400 Postings, 7373 Tage Anti LemmingNeue Technologien

Das Problem, das Du ansprichst, lässt sich nicht schönreden. So wie es jetzt läuft, ist das Raubbau an der Natur. Das vergiftete Wasser in den Seen stammt aus dem Abbau per Dampfdruck. Wenn aber eine neuartige Methode entwickelt würde, die Bitumen-Schichten ohne Wasserdampf zu verflüssigen (die Erhitzung des Wassers zu Dampf kostet zudem viel Energie, die in der Gesamtbilanz flöten geht), ließen sich gleich mehrere Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen.

Wenn Headwaters Kohle verflüssigen kann, die ja auch sehr fest ist, wieso sollte das nicht auch - umweltfreundlich - auf chemischen/nanotechnologischem Wege mit Bitumen/Ölsand gelingen? Die Firma erhebt zumindest den Anspruch, relativ "grün" vorzugehen.  

05.11.05 12:45

14308 Postings, 7925 Tage WALDYAnti Lemming

Trennung des Öls vom Sand : 10507 Postings, 1100 Tage WALDY  03.10.04 11:17 zum nächsten Beitrag springenzum vorherigen Beitrag springen

Die Trennung des Öls vom Sand erfolgt in einem besonderen
Prozess. Dieser Prozess bedient sich eines Verfahrens, das seit
über 30 Jahren für die Verarbeitung von Metallen wie Uranium und
Gold angewendet wird, aber einzigartig in der Ölsandverarbeitung
ist. Der Prozess verläuft wie folgt:

Die abbaubaren Ölsande lagern in mächtigen Flözen in einer
Tiefe von 17 bis 50 Metern unter der Oberfläche, so dass
sie im Tagebau gewonnen werden können.

Mit Hilfe von hydraulischen und elektrischen Schaufeln
sowie mit Baggern wird das Bitumengestein auf Lastzüge
Der Fuhrpark der Mine besteht aus Lastwagen und
Schaufelbaggern, die 24 Stunden am Tag, 365 Tage im Jahr
in Betrieb sind.
Das Bitumengestein wird in einer
Gesteinszerkleinerungsanlage auf eine Größe von weniger als
40 cm reduziert und anschließend durch rotierende
Gesteinsbrecher auf weniger als 5 cm zerkleinert.

Das Abfallgestein wird ausgesondert und das Material unter
Zugabe von Wasser (4 C) aufgeschlämmt.

Dieser Schlamm wird durch eine 2 Kilometer lange
Rohrleitung zu der Gewinnungsanlage gepumpt.

Im Gewinnungsprozess wird Bitumen vom größten Teil des Sandes, Lehm und anderen Materialien getrennt.

Dem Schlamm wird Luft zugesetzt und anschließend wird er
in große Behälter gepumpt, in denen das Material mit Hilfe
der Schwerkraft getrennt wird.

Das Bitumen bindet sich an die Luftblasen, steigt an die
Oberfläche auf und bildet einen bitumenreichen Schaum. In
einem weiteren Arbeitsgang werden die Luftblasen aus dem
Material entfernt und der Schaum in zwei große
Vorratstanks geleitet.

Die Sandpartikel setzen sich auf dem Grund ab und werden
zum Aufbereitungssystem gepumpt.

Die mittlere Lage des Behälters in der das Material durch
die Schwerkraft getrennt wird, wird durch ein
Flotationssystem geleitet, um die höchstmögliche Ausbeute
an Bitumen zu gewährleisten.

Der Bitumen Schaum wird in einen Kreislauf eingespeist,
bekannt als Gegenstromverfahren (counter current
decantation), eine neue Technik bei der Ölsandgewinnung,
die seit mehreren Jahre bei der Gewinnung von Uranium,
Gold, Nickel und anderen Mineralien angewandt wird.

Unter Zugabe eines Lösungsmittels werden die
verbleibenden Feststoffe, das Wasser und die Asphaltstoffe
in einem dreiphasigen Zweikreis - Verfahren getrennt.

Durch dieses Verfahren wird sauberes, verdünntes Bitumen
gewonnen, das arm an Verunreinigungen ist und das die
erforderliche Viskosität aufweist, um über Rohrleitungen
transportiert werden zu können.

Das verdünnte Bitumen wird zum einen aus Gründen der
Qualitätssicherung direkt auf dem Gelände in Behältern
gelagert, aber auch, um eine fortlaufende Versorgung zu
gewährleisten. Das gelöste Bitumen wird über eine 435
Kilometer lange Rohrleitung zum "Scotford-Upgrader", einer
Aufarbeitungsanlage, transportiert.

Im "Scotford-Upgrader" wird das Lösungsmittel entfernt und
durch eine zweite Rohrleitung zur Wiederverwendung in die
Gewinnungsanlage zurücktransportiert.

Der "Scotford-Upgrader" verarbeitet das Bitumen zu Gasöl
sowie synthetischem Rohöl. Die vielen verschiedenen
Veredelungstechnologien lassen sich grob in zwei
Kategorien einteilen:

Die Entfernung von Kohlenstoff und die
Umformung von Wasserstoff, wobei in diesem Projekt der
Wasserstoffumwandlung der Vorzug gegeben wird. Es
handelt sich um ein umweltfreundliches Verfahren, bei dem
Koks als Abfallprodukt vermieden werden kann. Zudem
produziert es das hochwertigere Rohöl.

Das Bitumen wird zu einem hochwertigem Öl veredelt,
bekannt als leichtes synthetisches Rohöl.


05.11.05 12:53

6685 Postings, 7785 Tage geldschneiderHi Waldy, da hst du wohl keinen Filter gesetzt,

05.11.05 13:10

14308 Postings, 7925 Tage WALDYNein hab ich nicht da ich gleich mit SU & NXY

in einen Thread gestartet bin.

Und vor einen Jahr war der Umsatzt in Deutschland  fast Null.

Nach einiger Zeit ist dann noch TLM dazugekommen.

Auch Enbridge wurde in diesen Thread  von mir ernsthaft
in betracht gezogen.....aber nach einigen gefundnen
Informationen habe ich ( zum Glück ) abstand vom kauf genommen.
So ist es ein SU,NXY,TLM Thread.


unter  Rohöl

habe ich einen Filter gesetzt.


05.11.05 17:19

79561 Postings, 9025 Tage Kickyso sieht Suncor Energy aus

im Hintergrund aufgeschüttete Sandberge
und dies ist der Athabasca River ,der durch die Unmenge Wasserentnahme gefährdet ist

05.11.05 17:32

14308 Postings, 7925 Tage WALDYJa Kicky

Und für mein gutes Gewissen habe ich Google.
Die machen Geld,Profit,Umsatz,Gewinn,Cash,ect.



Ein Glück das ich keine Aktien von NORTHROP GRUMMAN habe.

; )


05.11.05 22:13

79561 Postings, 9025 Tage Kickyda haste recht

mit Leuten die Waffenaktien kaufen rede ich nicht ggg  

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