Trading Bougainville Copper (ADRs) 867948

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neuester Beitrag: 15.10.24 09:42
eröffnet am: 29.09.07 00:25 von: nekro Anzahl Beiträge: 24480
neuester Beitrag: 15.10.24 09:42 von: logho Leser gesamt: 5794448
davon Heute: 1891
bewertet mit 52 Sternen

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20.11.07 17:23

15 Postings, 6182 Tage Mr.BrightsideHandelsvolumen USA

Denke es will keiner mehr seine Stücke mehr nach amerika verkaufen.Schon seit Tagen kein Handelsvolumen mehr(denke heut auch nicht;hab alles ausprobiert) Das ist gut für unseren ASX Kurs der ohne ABgabedruck unseres Verkäufer schön nach oben laufen wird


20.11.07 17:42

15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekro@Mr Brightside

Du brauchst nur 1K bestens aufzugeben u. schon weisst du wo der Käufer steht ;-))

Alternativ dazu kannst du auch deine Bank anrufen u. so das BID von deren MM in Erfahrung bringen ;-)))


Wie kommst du denn auf die Idee???
Nicht nur dass es für dieses Szenario nicht den geringsten Hinweis gibt,es ginge auch gegen die expliziten Wünsche der Landeigner ;-)))))))))))  

20.11.07 19:22

362 Postings, 6364 Tage kyron@ nekro

Es kann bevorzugte Aktien für Landlords geben.

Wie ich auf diese Idee komme?

Sie fliegen einem zu,müssen aber nicht stimmen.

In die Zukunft kann ich auch nicht schauen.
Jedoch hilft es auf einen erhöhten Aussichtspunkt zu stehen.


20.11.07 19:25

15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroDann kannst du genausogut im Nostradamus

blättern u. nach Antworten suchen. ;-))))))))))))  

20.11.07 20:34

177 Postings, 6289 Tage joebo@ 500 kyron - Wer nicht wünscht hat alles

es könnte also bevorzugte Aktien für Landowner geben,
und die ADR´s würden evtl. heftig über den Tisch gezogen,
ADR´s sind doch bloß Statthalter von Banken, die die ORG´s haben (für Leute, denen verbindliche Umtauschangebote vorliegen),

und die werden dann wie behandelt (mit ihren ORG) ?

nun ja, das scheint mir nicht so ganz plausibel,
dennoch, ich lese auch gerne mal andere Meinungen, regt zum Nachdenken an  

21.11.07 03:01

15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekro# 1 BOC Aktien u ADR Bewertung im Vergleich

BOC Aktien u ADR Bewertung im Vergleich

Ziel der Eröffnung dieses Thread war es nicht nur, auf die Unterbewertung von BOC aufmerksam zu machen,sondern noch dazu auf die extrem eklatante Unterbewertung der ADRs.

In den 2 letzten Tagen war der SKurs in AU  1,32 u. 1,35 AUD

In USA wurden in der gleichen Zeit 1K Aktien a 1.10 USD 0,7506 € 1.23 AUD
u.32K Adrs heute a 1.15 USD 0,7848 € 1.29 AUD gehandelt.

So gab es also die Aktie in USA 10% unter AU u. D Aktienkurs,während der ADR 12% teurer als in D notierte u. nur ganze 4% unter D Aktienkurs.

Der Kursunterschied in D zwischen Aktie u. ADR betrug hingegen heute mit 0,70/0,82€ satte 17,2%

Die Unterschiede zwischen beiden Gattungen sind,wie die Amis ganz richtig erkannt haben,so marginal dass diese Kursdifferenz keineswegs gerechtfertigt ist.;-))))))  

21.11.07 03:09

15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekro@ Mr Brightside # 494

Sehr interessanter Artikel,das Fehlen eines Links erschwert aber unnötig die Analyse des ganzen Textes.So ist  der letzte Absatz,insbesondere der 2 letzte Satz der wichtigste des gesamten Textes.Solltest du das überlesen haben ;-)  

21.11.07 10:38

1158 Postings, 6368 Tage sumoeysehr guter Vergleich zu BOC

China Metallurgical Group has won the right to develop a large copper deposit in Afghanistan, Ibrahim Adel, the Afghan mines minister, announced Tuesday.

The copper mine, with an estimated copper reserve of 13 million tons, is located to the east of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.

The projected investment in this copper deposit totaled US$3 billion. China Metallurgical Group will spend five years in construction, and then pay an annual US$400 million to the Afghan government by operating the mine.

Ibrahim Adel said: "It is the largest foreign investment ever in Afghanistan's history, a total of 100,000 Afghans will find job in this mine."

"We estimated that the copper reserve totals 13 million tons, and it might increase to 20 million tons," he added.

The Chinese State-owned metallurgical group plans to yield 200,000 tons copper annually from the mine.

This copper mine was discovered in 1974 and detected by soviet geologists in 1979. However, it has never been developed due to years of civil wars.

The Chinese offer beat other four bids, from Strikeforce, part of Russia's Basic Element Group, the London-based Kazakhmys Consortium, Hunter Dickinson of Canada and US copper mining firm, Phelps Dodge.

The Chinese group said it has already invested US$1 billion in overseas mining resources.

Auf Bougainville bräuchte man nur 1 Mrd.  

Hier sieht man wieder die krasse Unterbewertung von BOC.

Und das ist Afghanistan.  

21.11.07 11:15

1158 Postings, 6368 Tage sumoeygab wohl ein ganz schönes Gedränge :-))

China Metallurgical Group (MCC) has successfully bid for a large development project in copper-rich Afghanistan and will be investing US$3 billion in the venture.  

The agreement, which costs MCC US$400 million a year, will involve extensive infrastructure development from the Chinese company, as the current site does not have proper transport or power links. In Kabul, where the Aynak copper field is close to, electricity only runs for a few hours everyday.

In order to get to the high-quality copper reserves, which have remained untouched due to the country's history of strife, MCC has to build a power plant to supply power to the mine, as well as source for coal deposits for the plant, where any excess electricity will be directed to Kabul, according to sources.

It was reported that the bidding process, which spanned more than two years, involved four other shortlisted parties, Russia's Strikeforce, London-based Kazakhmys Consortium, Cananda's Hunter Dickinson and US copper mining firm Phelps Dodge. For this bid, MCC collaborated with Jiangxi Copper and Zijin Mining Group, China's biggest copper producer and gold mining company respectively, according to sources.

Afghanistan's mines minister Ibrahim Adel told sources that the country is estimated to have 13m tons of copper, with the number expected to rise to 20m. Adel also said the investment, the biggest in Afghanistan's history, would create jobs for some 10,000 workers.


21.11.07 11:31

15 Postings, 6182 Tage Mr.BrightsideWORLDBANK Firms up ties with PNG

THE World Bank is strengthening its engagement with Papua New Guinea and plans to expand analytical support to the Government, including undertaking a more in-depth review of the country’s economy in the coming months.
Andriy Storozhuk, senior economist with the World Bank’s poverty reduction and economic management department, East Asia and Pacific Region, revealed this in an email interview with The National yesterday.
As part of the stronger engagement, the World Bank was expanding its presence in the country.
Mr Storozhuk moved from Washington to the World Bank PNG Office three weeks ago.
In his early impressions about PNG, he said the Government had done a very good job of macroeconomic management in recent years.
He said that prudent monetary and fiscal policies brought down inflation from over 10% five years ago to low single digits now and led to a dramatic reduction in external debt indicators such as debt to GDP ratio and debt and debt service to exports.
“Favourable world market prices of PNG’s key export commodities helped in this good performance but the Government’s macroeconomic policies deserve a lot of credit,” Mr Storozhuk said.
As the World Bank’s vice-president James Adams, who visited recently stressed, the PNG government now needed to focus on sustaining the good macroeconomic performance achieved and translating it into broader improvement in living standards.
Mr Storozhuk said the PNG Government was well aware of reform agendas and the Government’s medium-term development strategy (MTDS) envisions measures aimed at addressing many of these challenges.
“We hope that the implementation of reforms envisioned in the MTDS will continue apace,” he said  

21.11.07 11:41

15 Postings, 6182 Tage Mr.Brightside@nekro 507

Investing in Bougainville: The ABG is still developing its own economic policy and until the ABG actually draws down the additional powers PNG investment laws and policies still apply to potential investors. Property rights are guaranteed under PNG laws just as they will be under Bougainville laws and policies when introduced. Therefore investors still need to meet PNG investment guidelines if they wish to invest in Bougainville. meinst du den?hab gedacht den hättest du schon


21.11.07 16:26

59 Postings, 6266 Tage diver46pKursverfall

Ist der momentane Kurseinbruch auf die BHP Billiton/Rio Tinto/Shenhua Energy Übernahmespekulation oder auf die allgemeine Lage zurück zu führen?

Wobei ich nicht verstehe, was die allgemeine Lage mit der Aussicht auf Wiedereröffnung der Mine zu tun hat.

Rätsel über Rätsel...


21.11.07 16:55

1528 Postings, 6364 Tage CCLSCRätsel

Mir ist es ein Rätsel, von welchem Kursverfall du sprichst.  

21.11.07 16:56

766 Postings, 6366 Tage Charly77@ diver46p

Welchen momentanen Kurseinbruch meinst Du???

Aktuell in Frankfurt bei den ORGs:

Uhrzeit Datum14:21 21.11.


Dass da einer 796 Stücke unlimitiert angeboten hat und zu 0,75 losgeworden ist, sollte nicht beunruhigen ...


21.11.07 18:00

59 Postings, 6266 Tage diver46p@Charly77, CCLSC

Es ist nicht so sehr eine Beunruhigung - dafür bin ich früh genug eingestiegen, der Polster ist also dick genug - es ist mehr ein nicht-nachvollziehen-können was hier momentan läuft. Das nach kurzfristigem starken Anstieg meist eine Erholungsphase kommt, ist auch bekannt, aber 0,79 nach 1,11 ist schon ganz kräftig, oder?

Das dumme ist, dass man - oder zumindest ich - keine Informationen, weder zu eventuellen Konsequenzen eines Mergers noch zum aktuellen Stand der Verhandlungen bzw. Vorbereitungen dazu findet. Zu Ona's Zeiten wurde über jeden F... berichtet, das war schon wirklich übertrieben, und jetzt ist seit einiger Zeit Sendepause obwohl ja viel interessantere Entscheidungen vor der Türe stehen sollten.

Und meiner Erfahrung nach läuft dann die Börse mit ungefähr einem halben Jahr Vorlauf an. Es tut sich aber nix, oder sehe ich es nur nicht, bin ich schon blind und taub? Zu Ona' Zeiten war es klar, dass da noch lange nichts passiert. Dann kam die Wende, es wurde klar, dass kein Weg an der Mine vorbei führt. Und der Chart: die letzten 3 Jahre mit Müh und Not + 100%, das gab der DAX auch her.

Ich erwarte ja nicht, dass ich morgen oder zu Weihnachten meine Insel in der Südsee kaufen kann, aber eigentlich sollte der SP ganz langsam und stetig gen Norden gehen.

Diese plötzlichen 40% Anstiege mit dem üblichen Kater danach sind kein solides Wachstum, das sind die kurzfrist-Spekulationsgeschäfte.

Wie gesagt, mein Problem ist in erster Linie die Nachrichtenlage und nicht unbedingt der SP. Der ist nur eine Folge daraus und kommt bei entsprechendem füttern mit Informationen von selbst hoch.




21.11.07 19:10

766 Postings, 6366 Tage Charly77@ diver46p

Eine Konsolidierung von knapp 20 % nach diesem starken Hype innerhalb weniger Tage halte ich nicht für "unnormal", insbesondere wenn man die chartbegleitenden Linien einbezieht.

Während der Kurs sich zuvor lange, lange Zeit in einer Range von 0,40 bis 0,60 ec bewegte, erwarte ich nun zunächst (wenn keine Nachrichten kommen), dass die 0,80 + - gehalten werden. Ziemlich verwundern würde es mich, falls der Kurs wieder in die alte Region (unter 0,60) zurückfiele, dann würde auch bei mir eine gewisse Nachdenklichkeit einsetzen.

Zu den von Dir angesprochenen Infos zu Verhandlungen etc. baue ich zunächst weiterhin auf unsere "Mitstreiter" - besonders Nekro und BOCAndorra, denen ich sehr dankbar für die vielen Informationen der Vergangenheit bin, wobei BOCAndorra sich z. Z. etwas "auf Tauchstation" zu befinden scheint - aus welchem Grund auch immer ...




21.11.07 19:23

766 Postings, 6366 Tage Charly77Muss mich in einem Punkt korrigieren, ...

...nämlich was das vermeintliche "Auf-Tauchstation-Befinden" von BOCAndorra angeht:

Die ESBC haben wohl soeben eine neue Mail erhalten , d. h. er ist weiterhin recht aktiv ...





22.11.07 00:11

93 Postings, 6858 Tage Gulliver333Eröffnung Australien am 22.11.2007:

Number      Quantity    Price    
1   5,000           1.360  
1   15,000           1.350  
1   7,000           1.300  
1   5,000           1.210  
3   19,644           1.200  
1   4,000           1.125  
2   20,000           1.005  
1   10,000           0.920  
1   4,600           0.910  
1   10,200           0.810  
2   31,233           0.760

Price    Quantity      Number    
1.400   20,000   2  
1.530   7,000   1  
1.635   7,765   1  
1.650   5,068   2  
1.745   4,327   1  
1.750   41,828   2  
1.850   564   2  
1.900   45,000   2  
1.920   6,503   1  
1.940   1,500   1  
1.950   5,000   1  
2.000   5,000   1  
2.100   10,000   1

1 trade 10k a 140!!!  

22.11.07 10:55

1528 Postings, 6364 Tage CCLSCESBC

Bougainville gets new FM transmitter

The newly independent radio station in the Autonomous region of Bougainville – New Dawn FM – received another boost yesterday when the German ambassador to Australia, Martin Lutz, signed a memorandum of understanding to fund the 300 watt FM transmitter.
The ambassador told a press conference at the Buka airport that Germany was one of the biggest contributors to the European Union projects and in his familiarisation visit, he would try to visit some of these projects
Ambassador Lutz also made a courtesy call on Autonomous Bougainville Government President Joseph Kabui and acting administrator Raymond Masono and also saw a building project at the Hahela Catholic church before signing the MoU with the FM radio station later in the evening.
Mr Lutz said that the project would be funded under the embassy’s micro projects funds.
The FM transmitter and other accessories are expected to cost about K30,000.
Meanwhile, the chairman of the New Dawn FM board, Carolus Ketsimur in thanking the German government said: “The inclusion of our radio station in the airwaves will be a great boost in helping our region move forward.”
The station will be broadcasting from the FM frequency 95.3.

Press Release 2007-11-22

European BCL Shareholders Laud Germany’s Technical Support for New Dawn FM in Bougainville

The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) are very satisfied that the German Government supports the new independent radio station New Dawn FM with technical supply. “The new FM transmitter will help to bring information even to remote places on the island”, said ESBC President Axel G. Sturm on Thursday, “This will it make far easier to bring all Bougainvilleans together and will strengthen their own Bougainville identity. In a country that is hit from time to time by earthquakes or tsunamis a good working radio station may even help to save lives.”

“As most of the ESBC members are Germans”, said Mr Sturm, “we are particularly proud that the German ambassador to PNG, Mr Martin Lutz, came to Bougainville to sign the memorandum of understanding. There has been a special relation between Germany and Bougainville since the island had been a German colony one century ago. We will try to motivate more German institutions to help the Bougainvilleans to build up a modern society und respect of their old tradition. We think that Bougainville is on a good way to become a ‘pole of peace’ in the region. We are sure that New Dawn FM can help to convince the last freedom fighters to destroy their weapons and to be a part of the peace process. Remember: The Germans built up a destroyed country after World War 2. This may be a good example for Bougainville after years of unrest. In Europe the memory of millions who died between 1939 and 1945 went hand in hand with a vision of a better future life in peace and freedom. So we appeal to all Bougainvilleans to stand up and work together!”  

22.11.07 11:09

1528 Postings, 6364 Tage CCLSCSchnäppchenkurse

Wahnsinn, um wieviel tiefer die ADRs gegenüber dem Umrechnungskurs auf Basis SK AU stehen: 25% unter pari!

Wenn das mal keine Schnäppchenkurse sind!


22.11.07 17:50

1528 Postings, 6364 Tage CCLSCTechnical Analysis ;)

Although the severe price correction occurred in the previous sessions, the short term trend is still bullish and a rise to 1.5908 is expected.

Medium term price trend Bougainville Cop is still bullish this week. This market keeps a relative behavior greater 54.2063 than MSCI-AUSTRALIA. Volatility has been increasing during last month.



22.11.07 18:02

1528 Postings, 6364 Tage CCLSCPerformance Summary

Last Price: 1.35
Since Dec. 31st: 92.8571%
Last Month: 28.5714%
Last Week: 12.5%
Reference Index: MSCI-AUSTRALIA
Correlation: 0.1651
Support: 0.91
Resistance: 1.94
Trend: bullish  

23.11.07 00:57

1528 Postings, 6364 Tage CCLSCDa soll noch mal jemand sagen,, ...

... dass sich die Jungs & Mädels da unten nicht vertragen könnten. Geht doch!

THE people of Arawa township in Central Boungainville witnessed a reconciliation ceremony yesterday at the Arawa. It was facilitated through the support grant from the United Nations Development Project (UNPD) under its peace programme.
Under the programme, UNDP is trying to create reconciliation and restore peace amongst the communities and people in the region.

The signing of the Arawa peace programme was witnessed by 16 groups in the township reconciled in public and forgiving one another of their wrong doings.
The group involved in the peace ceremony included clans, churches, women, youths, individuals and families.

The peace ceremony was a success story of the people of Arawa as it restored confidence and trust amongst the people. Arawa town mayor Paul Nakara said that such programmes initiated by UNPD were what most Bougainville communities need in order to strengthen peace in the region. “The people of Arawa are more than satisfied with the programme because through it, it has once again brought peace to the hearts of our communities, churches, youths, women and families,” Mr Nakara said.


23.11.07 12:31

15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroABG strengthens rule of law

The Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ABG) is enjoying a renewed focus to its law and justice activities.
Its staff with assistance from the ABG administration has seen a marked improvement in the sector.
“We are moving steadily and will soon extend our activities to the rest of the island,” says Ephraim Eminoni, the ABG’s head of community development.
“We have a very strong leadership at the helm of the law and justice working group and that has set the benchmark of how we are to address this,” he said.
Mr Eminoni, who is also a member of the ABG law and justice sector working group, is confident, of more success ahead following consultations and visits to many districts.
His optimism is based on a number of key areas, which has strengthened the sector and has been welcomed by the community. These areas, which have taken a long time to achieve, have cemented what the PNG National Law and Justice Sector is advocating, a sectoral approach to addressing law and justice. The region emphasised restorative justice principles as well as increasing its network with the non-government and womens organisations.
A key attribute, according to Mr Eminoni, has been the awareness campaign carried out in the post crisis days, which has prompted community support and their desire for normalcy.
“The sector has been fortunate to have the support of the community especially the Council of Chiefs and the elders. It has been a great support for us, because of their influence which has reflected their commitment to us,” said Mr Eminoni.
His comments have been amplified earlier by the ABG’s chief executive officer for law and justice, Chris Siriosi. He reinforced the strategy which he said was to prevent issues from becoming problems.
“The new strategy is to ensure that we develop avenues to resolve some of the issues we face on the island. That means we have to be vigilant and endeavor not to send these through the court process,” said Mr Siriosi.
This new emphasis has also taken on board a number of key NGOs who have, not only blended with the ABG approach, but have also created stimulating and hearty activities for women and the youth.
A key area noted by Mr Siriosi is the composition of the law and justice sector working group. He said the group had been proactive in its approach.
“This assists us to gain momentum and allows us to take law and justice to another level, but in partnership with the community,” said Mr Siriosi.
Some key achievements have been noticeable, and have triggered more support and enthusiasm.
* The successful community auxiliary policing, which has spread all over the island and is proving to be very successful;
* Increased partnerships with the NGOs, churches and community based groups;
* Increased programs by NGOs;
* Increased interaction with Council of Chiefs and Elders;
* Regular consultation with leaders and community;
* Success with the Boug-ainville Games in 2005;
* Robust awareness on law and justice issues; and
* Increased networking with other sectors on the ABG administration.
One of the key achievements has been the Amnesty International Award by the Peace Foundation Melanesia for their work on achieving peace.
ABG’s police commander Assistant Commissioner Peter Nessat has also praised the achievements by the sector.
Mr Nessat, who has just commenced duties, says the successful awareness raising efforts have come to fruition, and he believes this is an opportune occasion for newer activities.
“The sector has done a lot and awareness alone has been the biggest catalyst to achieving some of these objectives. The next step is to pace to the next level but this time, with tangible achievements. Things people can see the work of the sector manifest,” said Mr Nessat. In anticipation for this, the sector has surged ahead, building Community Justice Centres in three districts, Torokina, Tinputz and Wakunai. The centres are designed to be a one-stop-shop for all community activities, where the women, youth and children can all have a place to participate.
Mr Nessat is keen on ensuring that the rule of law is respected, but at the same time, the cultural values are not eroded.
ABG’s efforts have been applauded by the National Law and Justice Sector Committee. A recent visit to the island by Dominic Tomer and Herman Buago of the working group has labelled it a model province.
The meetings, and improvements have heralded it as a reservoir for information and examples that can be extended to other parts of the country.
As Mr Siriosi sums it up, ABG is keen and is rearing opportunities to prevent issues from escalating, and the avenue has been increasingly positive.And, with a committed ABG administration at the helm with support, its long term objective is slowly on the way toward, a just and safe Autonomous Bougainville Region  

23.11.07 14:02

15640 Postings, 6368 Tage nekroNachdem die reconciliation meetings erfolgreich

abgeschlossen wurden wurde also wieder eine der letzten Hürden auf dem Weg zur Wiedereröffnung aus dem Weg geräumt.

Zu dem "drawing down of the Mining powers" bekam ich heute eine Mail,welche besagt dass es damit überhaupt keine Eile hat.Das ABG hat im Moment noch garnicht die nötigen Kapazitäten um diese power in die entsprechenden Gesetze umzuformulieren.
(The draw down of powers will be determined partly by the capacity of the ABG to absorb the requested powers.)Für den Aufbau einer Mining Resources Authority wurden jetzt u. a. die 16 Mio Entwicklungshilfe der Weltbank zugesagt.(#491)

Das bedeutet lediglich dass die ersten der auf B'ville inzwischen beantragten 24 Abbaulizenzen ganz einfach vom der MRA in POM nach Rücksprache mit dem ABG nach PNG Gesetzen vergeben werden.Bis zum Referendum u. der dann wohl wahrscheinlichen Unabhängigkeit Bougainvilles zwischen 2010 u.15 gelten somit auf jeden Fall noch die PNG Gesetze an die sich das AGB auch zu halten hat wie PNG in einer rezenten Veröffentlichung an potentielle Investoren explizit klargemacht hat (#507)
(Investing in Bougainville: The ABG is still developing its own economic policy and until the ABG actually draws down the additional powers PNG investment laws and policies still apply to potential investors. Property rights are guaranteed under PNG laws just as they will be under Bougainville laws and policies when introduced. Therefore investors still need to meet PNG investment guidelines if they wish to invest in Bougainville.)
Damit ist eine weitere Unklarheit,die einem Invest von + Mia USD im Weg gestanden hätte jetzt auch zur vollsten Zufriedenheit gelöst.

Einer zentralen Forderung der Landeigner um die Pangunamine ein eigenständiges Departement von B'ville zu werden wurde zwischenzeitlich auch vom ABG entsprochen.

Die Bedeutung der Pangunamine für die Wirtschaft lässt sich wohl am besten daran ermessen dass Arawa wieder die Hauptstadt der gesamten Insel(n) werden soll.

An der Börse wird die Zukunft gehandelt u. die wird für BOC immer rosiger ;-))))))))  

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