NORTHERN STAR kauft Paulsons Gold Mine von

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11.04.18 11:23

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 6,44 A$

Northern Star Res. schliesst Kauf des South Kalgoorlie Assets ab

Das Transaktionsvolumen beträgt 80 Mio. A$, 60 Mio. in NST Aktien und 20 Mio. A$ in Cash.


30.04.18 16:20

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 6,39 A$

Northern Star Res. meldet Produktionszahlen für das März-Quartal 2018

~ 124 koz Gold


30.06.18 14:33

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 7,26 A$ (neues 52 Wochen-Hoch!)

02.08.18 14:56

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 7,21 A$

Northern Star Res. gibt ein Explorationsbudget von 60 Mio. A$ bekannt


30.08.18 09:41

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 6,96 A$

Northern Star Resources kauft Pogo Mine für 260 Mio. $ von Sumitomo

"Pogo produced 271,273 ounces at an all-in sustaining cost (AISC) of $US882 an ounce in calendar 2017, making it the eighth largest  gold mine in the United States."


04.09.18 11:27

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 8,10 A$ (neues 52 Wochen-Hoch!)

stark überzeichnete 175 Mio. A$ Privatplatzierung

Zur Finanzierung der Minenübernahme, der Rest wird aus dem Cash bezahlt.

"The placement of ~26.1 million new shares was completed at A$6.70 per share..."


01.10.18 12:13

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 8,35 A$

Northern Star hat den Kauf der Pogo Mine erfolgreich abgeschlossen


13.11.18 14:30

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 8,39 A$

03.01.19 12:21

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 9,57 A$

East Kundana JV Partner weisen Übernahmeangebot als "zu niedrig" zurück


26.01.19 12:45

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 8,05 A$

Northern Star meldet Produktionszahlen für 2018

  • Dezember-Quartal 2018 ~211 koz Gold / AISC 1365 A$/oz
    • Australien 153 koz Gold / AISC 1246 A$/oz
    • U.S.~58 koz Gold / AISC 1681 A$/oz
  • Prognose von 850-900 koz Gold bestätigt


27.08.19 11:42

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 11,57 A$ (-7%)

30.10.19 17:12

824 Postings, 7802 Tage TothoNoch jemand hier investiert? Wie seht ihr

derzeit die Nachkaufchancen oder sind die Perspektiven nicht so gut, wenn die Edelmetallpreise wieder anziehen?  

16.12.19 10:04

115 Postings, 2175 Tage RintintinNews

Northern Star Resources is poised to acquire US giant Newmont Goldcorp's 50 per cent stake in Western Australia's famous Super Pit mine.

The Super Pit gold mine in Kalgoorlie.  Carla Gottgens

The $6.26 billion gold producer is expected to launch an equity raising to fund the acquisition and brokers Macquarie Capital and Canaccord Genuity have been tapped to oversee the deal, as first reported by this column.

It is understood the brokers were refining details around pricing and structure on Monday. A deal was expected to launch on Tuesday.

The offer size for the capital raising is about $700 million, sources said.

Sources said Northern Star would pay a bit more for its 50 per cent stake than Perth-based Saracen Mineral Holdings did when it bought Canadian rival Barrick Gold's half-share in the Kalgoorlie gold mine for $1.1 billion, given it will inherit Newmont's operator status at the mine.  

16.12.19 15:46

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 9,65 A$

Gerücht: Northern Star an den 50% des Kalgoorlie Super Pit von Newmont interessiert


17.12.19 08:37

115 Postings, 2175 Tage RintintinSo sieht es aus....


▪Northern Star Resources has entered into a binding sale agreement with Newmont Goldcorp Australia, a subsidiary of Newmont Goldcorp Corporation,to acquire all the shares in Kalgoorlie Lake View Pty Ltd (KLV), which holds a 50%interest in KalgoorlieConsolidated Gold Mines Pty Ltd (KCGM)and in the operationsand assetsmanaged by KCGM (KCGM Operations),for US$775 million and associated assetsfor US$25 million,for a total consideration of US$800million

▪The associated assets for US$25 million comprise:a separate parcel of nearby Kalgoorlie tenements 100per cent-owned by Newmont,atransitionalservices arrangementand a US$25 million conditionally refundableoption arrangement to acquire the Newmontpower businesswhichsuppliespower to KCGM

▪KCGM is a 50:50 JV between Newmontand Saracen Mineral Holdings and includes the Super Pit in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, among other deposits

▪The Transaction delivers NorthernStar a half-share of one ofthe most significantgold systems in the worldwith anendowmentof~80Mozand aspectaculargold content of ~45,000to60,000ozper verticalmetre

▪Saracen is an extremely favourable JV partnerfor Northern Star considering itsdemonstrated trackrecord in expeditiouslyunlocking value from assets it has acquired, complementaryskillsetsand theirfamiliaritywith the Western AustralianGoldfields

▪Theacquisitionwill be immediatelyaccretive toNorthern Staron an EV/Reserves, EV/Resource, P/NAVbasis and earnings per share inits first full financial year of ownership (FY2021)

▪KCGMfor the past two calendaryears has producedon average ~590,000oz per annum at an AISC of US$913/oz

▪KCGM has non-JORC Reserves of 7.3Moz and Resources of11.7Moz1(100%basis); Currentmine life is13 years2. The acquisition price equates to less thanUS$140 per Resource ounce


08.07.20 12:03

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 14.84 A$

Zahlen für FY20

  • Produktion 905 koz Gold
    • Jundee 300 koz
    • Pogo 174 koz
    • Kalgoorlie 319 koz
    • KCGM (50%) 112 koz
  • Dividende 7,5 A-Cents
  • Hedge book auf 536 koz zu 2085A$ reduziert
  • 200 Mio. A$ Schulden zurück gezahlt im Juli 2020


23.07.20 11:29

115 Postings, 2175 Tage RintintinNorthern Star....Gute Zahlen

23.07.20 13:16

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 15.90 A$

Produktionszahlen für das Juni-Quartal 2020

  • 267 koz Gold, nach 237 koz im März-Quartal
    • davon Jundee 102 koz
    • Kalgoorlie 83 koz
    • Super Pit 33 koz
    • Pogo 55 koz
  • FY20 Produktion 905 koz Gold


18.08.20 14:42

115 Postings, 2175 Tage RintintinReserves double to 10.8 MOZ

ASX: NST1FY21 production guidanceis 940koz-1,060koz; Production forecast to rise to ~1.15Mozin FY22, ~1.25Moz in FY23and ~1.3Moz by FY27; AISC to fall 10%over next 2to 3 years;Resources increase by 12.7Moz, underwriting longerminelives and increased cashflowHIGHLIGHTSResourcesat June 30, 2020▪Group Resources increased by67%(12.7Moz)to 31.8Moz (after depletion of 912,000oz and acquisitionsofKCGM and the Bronzewing Project);Resources per share have grown by +179% over the past five years▪Importantly, Measured and Indicated Resources increased 94% to 20.8Moz; This underpins continued replacement of Reserves in coming years▪Increased inventory will underpin further organic production growth,longer mine livesand cashflow▪Resources breakdown:KCGMat9.6Moz▪All other assets up 3.2Moz to 22.3MozReserves at June 30, 2020▪Group Reserves increased 102%, or 5.5Moz, to 10.8Moz (after depletion of 912,000oz);Results underpin strong growth in forecast production and long mine life visibility▪Reserves per share have grown by 348% over the past fiveyears (despite production of 3.6Moz) ▪Reserves are calculated conservatively using an assumed gold price of A$1,750/oz and US$1,350/oz compared with the current spot price of ~A$2,700/oz(US$1,940/oz)*▪Reserves breakdown: KCGMat 4.85Moz▪All other assets up 12%, or 600,000oz, to 6Moz▪Considerable opportunityto further grow Reserves with conversion of the 31.8Moz Resource base Guidance▪FY21 production guidance for Australian operations is 760,000-840,000oz at AISC of A$1,440-A$1,540/oz(US$1,035-US$1,107/oz)▪KCGM (50%) 220,000-240,000oz at A$1,470-A$1,570/oz (US$1,057-US$1,129/oz)▪JundeeOperations270,000-300,000oz at A$1,200-A$1,275/oz (US$863-US$917/oz)▪Kalgoorlie Operations270,000-300,000oz at A$1,650-A$1,750/oz (US$1,186-US$1,258/oz)▪FY21 production guidance for Pogo is 180,000-220,000oz at AISC of US$1,200-US$1,400/oz; Guidance takes into account the impact of COVID-19on operational restrictions▪FY21 expansionary capital budget of A$198M, comprising:▪A$99M at KCGM, majorityassociated with pit cutbacks to de-risk operation and provide multiple mining fronts▪A$99M for all other assets (ex-KCGM)Explorationand Production Growth▪A$101M is budgeted for exploration in FY21 as part of thestrategy for ongoing growth in production,mine livesand cashflow; Includes; Pogo A$21M, Jundee A$28M, Kalgoorlie $A35M, Regional A$11M, KCGM (50%)A$6M▪Northern Star’s total production is forecast to rise to ~1.15Mozin FY22, ~1.25Moz in FY23and ~1.3Moz by FY27;AISC forecast to fall by 10% to ~<US$1,000/oz over next two to three years due mainly to the increased  

19.08.20 09:30

12100 Postings, 2827 Tage VassagoNST.AX 14.45 A$

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