Zu deiner Frage: Siehe #369 den link unten (sehr interessant)! Das steht im Interview mit Quinton Hennigh:
The next results, this will be data that comes in out of the field, is going to be from the Egina Project. Those results will start coming back in July, in just a few weeks. We're going to see bulk sample results. These are 100-ton samples dug from almost like a grid pattern. Samples are roughly 100 meters nominal spacing across this test area that I mentioned, roughly 0.8 to 1 square kilometer in size. We'll have a steady stream of news. What we plan to do is something like what we did back in December, actually show photographs of the gold that we're seeing out of the samples, that we've produced, and give people a sense of what kind of gold contents we're seeing per cubic meter, per ton out of the bulk samples. Give everybody a good flavor for the grade, continuity, and so forth.
Das könnte wie eine Bombe einschlagen oder auch nicht! vis |