(...) the share capital of the Bank amounts to € 2,580,593,913.48 and is divided into 6,101,979,715 ordinary registered shares, with a nominal value of € 0.30 each and a) 77,568,134 registered non-voting preference shares, with a nominal value of € 4.77 each and b) 1,266,666,666 registered non-voting preference shares with a nominal value of €0.30 each.
INDICATIVE TIMETABLE Indicative timetable of the admission process of the New Shares on the Main Market of Securities Market of the Athens Exchange is provided below:
14.04.2014 ATHEX Approval of the admission to trading of the New Shares*
15.04.2014 Announcement on the ATHEX Daily Official List and ATHEX website: date of commencement of trading of New Shares
16.04.2014 First day of trading of the New Shares --------------