Nachdem ich das gerade gelesen habe, verstehe ich auch die Meldung von heute!! Diese News war ja angekündigt....und besagt ja nur das PIO versucht die Erze die beim Öffnen der Mine anfallen auch zu Geld zu machen. Dann sollte der Profit für das Cäsium also vermutlich noch höher liegen... vis
(17/01/18 The Company will provide more detailed information on the Sinclair Zone Project “during February” as drilling results come to hand and mining studies advance.
Marketability of other ores Pioneer is also continuing its assessment of the marketability of other pegmatite minerals that will be mined while extracting pollucite from the Sinclair Zone Project.
While the mining and sale of the Project’s pollucite is the primary focus of the Project, the Company has identified material volumes of lepidolite and potassium feldspar that may also be economically significant.
Early stage commercial discussions with third parties and expert market assessments continue in respect of these products |