"Auf der Hompage unter www.chalicegold.com, ist seid heute ein Bericht dargestellt, nichts neues aber für alle die noch investieren möchten eine gute Zusammenfassung. Momentan Einstieg unter Firmenwert möglich."
Hier aus diesem Bericht sehr interessante Aussagen:
"Chalice well positioned to expand exploration activities based on success, with cash and liquid investments of A$ 50 m at Quarter end".
At the East Cadillac Project Gold Project in Quebec, two rigs are now operating as part of an initial 7,700 m drilling program following extensive field and geophys ical program completed over the last few months.
In late September 2017, the Company commenced an initial program of 14 holes for approximately 7,700m of diamond drilling to test four high priority gold targets identified from a review of historical exploration data and initial results from current field surveys. Two drill rigs are currently operating to expedite the dril l program.
In addition, the Company has expanded its tenement holding around the ECG Project with the new tenure increasing the overall project area by 24.9km² to 132km² (Figure 1).
Rock chip sampling has reported a maximum value of 33.6g/t Au from the historical Marilynne showing, situated about 2km south of the Larder Lake - Cadillac fault (Figure 2). High - grade gold mineralisation is associated with a zone of sericite...
Also zum Q 3 Ende allein schon 50 Mio Au$ an cash und liquiden Invests, dazu die Riesengebiete mit den z. T. bereits festgestellten und aktuellen Bohrprgrammen noch festzutellenden erheblichen Goldgehalten. Einstieg unter Firmenwert scheint da ja noch völlig untertrieben.