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neuester Beitrag: 22.12.11 18:30
eröffnet am: 27.07.05 10:02 von: Biotest Anzahl Beiträge: 8841
neuester Beitrag: 22.12.11 18:30 von: Dahinterscha. Leser gesamt: 1121838
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12.07.11 21:26

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage Gaertnerinpolitischer Wille zum x...

CSP hat ein überdurchschnittlich starkes Kostensenkungspotenzial.
CSP ist grundlastfähig.
CSP ist kombinierbar mit Hybrid und Salzspeichern.
CSP bringt die dringend benötigten Arbeitsplätze für viele, viele Monate - oft Jahre in die Regionen
CSP hilft Deutschland, der EU & unserer Menschheit, Auswege zu finden.

Ist CSP politisch gewollt??

Wieso bin ich nur so zuversichtlich, dass die Genehmigung vielleicht bereits (wie mit angekündigter Finanzierung) im Sommer / Spätsommer (GJ 2010/11) erfolgen könnte...

Nach all den schlechten Nachrichten der letzten 18 Monate ...
(und EU-Kommissar Ottinger & Dr. Wolff gemeinsam in Marokko und vielleicht 'nem steifen Hals von Dr. Gladen  ;-)  

12.07.11 21:45

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage GaertnerinLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 13.07.11 10:35
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - 2 Jahre veraltete Nachricht - bitte das Einstellen diesbzgl. Beiträge unterlassen



13.07.11 00:26

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage GaertnerinFreitag, 8. Juli 2011 - Desertec geht los...

Freitag, 8. Juli 2011
Desertec: Masen (Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy) and the industrial consortium Dii agree on a co-operation project
The Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (Masen) and the industrial consortium Dii last week signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Morocco regarding a cooperation project. The aim of this cooperation project is the development of a large solar project in Morocco which, among others, will demonstrate the feasibility of the export of solar generated electricity to Europe.

Masen will act as project developer and manage the overall process in Morocco, especially the specification of the project and the identification of locations.

Dii will act as an enabler, providing its expertise in developing a feasible business case for the planned solar project.

This will include the preparation of economic and regulatory conditions for the export of electricity from the deserts to Europe.
Dii will promote the planned solar project in the European Union (EU) and beyond among governments and institutions which have a long-term interest in desert power and the associated socio-economic benefits.
As enabler, Dii will itself not invest in the project, nor will it be an operator of related assets and infrastructure.

Masen and Dii will begin their work immediately.

Jetzt wird es spannend  :-)))  

13.07.11 22:14

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage GaertnerinIn Nevada gibt es ...

nicht nur Wüste - sondern auch viele (Stolper-) Steine...

spannender als jeder Krimi!!

momentan höhere Kosten für CSP (in den USA) bedeutet aber auch:

-deutlich längere Montagezeit d.h. deutlich mehr und länger Beschäftigte...
-deutlich höheres Flächengewicht d.h. deutlich mehr Wertschöpfung in Bezug auf die Anlage zum Nutzen der gesamten Region & Landes

-übertriebener Schutz für die tortoises verkehrt sich spätestens dann ins genaue Gegenteil, wenn dann das Klima gekippt ist...

-neu bereitzustellende Zuschüsse / Fördermöglichkeiten z.B. aus einer neu zu erhebenden unpopulären 'Reichensteuer' gg. die reinen Kräfte des Marktes - soll heißen das kurzfristige Ausnutzen von Chancen z.B. die momentan  (noch) günstigere PV...
...spiegeln auch den Patt - Zustand zw. Reps und Demokraten...

es bleibt spannend...
viel Glück allen Beteiligten...  

13.07.11 22:37

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage Gaertnerinach ja...

im persönlichen Gespräch auf der HV mit mehreren Aktionären stellte Dr. Henning Gladen klar, das der derzeitige Kostenvorteil der PV in den USA den mittel- und langfristigen 'Siegeszug' der CSP nicht aufhalten könne. ...
(mit meinen Worten aus der Erinnerung sinngemäß wiedergegeben)

Könnte mir vorstellen, dass z.B. ein Jerry Brown -Ca.- das genauso sieht  :-)
und wann braucht eigentlich las Vegas -NV- seinen Strom...  ;-)

Ich freue mich, diese wichtige und aufregende Geburtstunde einer neuen, globalen Klimapolitik bereits jetzt und hier am PC live und mit allen ihren Wehen (Auf & Ab's) miterleben zu können.

Die zumeist von mir in den letzten Tagen hier eingestellten Posts zeigen, dass gerade weltweit der Bär tanzt (und viele meiner zumindest für mich hoch interessanten Fundstücke aus dem Netz habe ich gar nicht eingestellt).

Trotz aller (teils berechtigter-) pessimistischen Stimmen in den Quellen und auf Ariva bin ich weiterhin sehr optimistisch :-))  

17.07.11 23:49

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage GaertnerinAdvanced high-temperature trough collector develop


The project aims to develop an advanced geometry parabolic trough collector, the HelioTrough. The HelioTroughhas three primary goals: higher performance, lower cost, and the potential to operate with a molten salt heat transfer fluid.Innovative features

Heliotroughparabolic trough development

Torque tube design

Counterweights (making the torque tube the center of gravity)

Larger aperture, receiver diameter, SCE length

Fewer drives, foundations, wiring, etc.Progress

A HelioTroughDemonstration Loop has been built at SEGS V (Kramer Junction, CA)

Four collectors, each 190 meters long

Included alignment jigs

Commissioned in December 2009

Will incorporate molten salt into test loop

The HelioTroughwill be used in Solar Millennium’s upcoming US projects

Amargosa1 & 2: combined 484MW; Nye County, NV; 2011  

17.07.11 23:53

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage GaertnerinFinancial Opportunities...


DOE intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to facilitate the demonstration of utility-scale, concentrating solar technologies, which include Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) and Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV), within the next 30 to 60 days. The objective of the FOA is to enable advanced technologies to bridge the gap between system development and commercial deployment. This FOA would support the demonstration of CSP and CPV technology at a sufficient scale to prove their readiness for utility-scale power production. Technologies and systems that successfully complete demonstrations under this program may be better positioned to secure financing from private sources for utility scale projects.

Solar Millennium LLC, Advanced High-Temperature Trough Collector Development

Designing and manufacturing a higher-performance, lower-cost trough collector system with the potential to operate with molten-salt heat-transfer fluid and storage.  

18.07.11 00:16

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage GaertnerinAdvanced High Temperature Trough Collector Develop

U.S. Department of Energy CSP Program Review

Speaker: Amanda Steindorf
Flagsol LLC
May 17 –19, 2011  

18.07.11 00:38

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage GaertnerinEgypt has approved a plan that aims to reach 20...

Funds secured from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) of the World Bank, the Japanese International Co-Operation Agency (JICA), and pledges from the NREA have allowed for the realization of this operation.

"The fruitful international co-operation played an important role in moving from the phase of experimental projects with limited capacities to large scale renewable energy grid-connected projects,” said Hassan Ahmed Younes, Egyptian Minister of Electricity & Energy at this year’s annual NREA meeting.

The NREA has collaborated with the German firm Solar Millennium Group, in particular its technology subsidiary Flagsol GmbH. Flagsol has designed the majority of instruments used in the solar field and was the primary supplier of the parabolic mirrors and the absorber pipes. After bringing the plant into service, Flagsol and Orascom Construction Industries (responsible for the plant’s construction) will be tasked with overseeing the operations the power plant for two years, before the administrative duties are transferred to the NREA.  

18.07.11 02:51

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage GaertnerinLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 18.07.11 19:31
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - veraltete Beiträge (2010)



18.07.11 03:11

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage Gaertnerinzufall... ???

12-13 April 2011, New Delhi

Teilnehmer u.a.:

Helfer & Beauftragte(??):
Managing Director Deutsche Bank

Head - Project Finance Sunborne
General Manager Sunborne
Senior Vice President Sunborne
Assistant Manager Sunborne
Vice President - Business Development Sunborne

sowie ein Familientreffen (??)

Head of Project Development Solar Millenium

Bid Manager Sales MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
Business Unit Head (New Machine Sales) MAN Turbo India Private Limited, Baroda (Gujarat) India.

Senior Vice President Ferrostaal
Head of Project Management Flagsol
Head of Engineering   Flagsol

wilde Spekulation oder mehr ... ??
auch das werden wir irgendwann erfahren, wenn es denn so wäre... ;-))  

18.07.11 03:41

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage Gaertnerin2.Runde: ...will soon issue ....

...will soon issue guidelines for the next batch of grid connected solar power projects, totaling 300 MW, under the nation's Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM).

250 participants attended a consultation on the guidelines on July 8th, 2011, including project developers, engineering, procurement and construction companies, solar manufacturers, financial institutions and state government officials.

Stakeholders request larger capacity solar plants

The MNRE reports that participants at the consultation requested allowing higher capacity solar power plants, and that developers requested support for the construction of transmission lines. The agency states that it will take these and other suggestions into consideration while drafting the new guidelines.  

20.07.11 22:21

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage Gaertnerin12-15 global players...

... nach wie vor denke ich, dass nicht die Finanzierung das Problem ist.
Es sind die vielen Auflagen, wo fristgerecht Lösungen / Kompromisse vorliegen müssen um endgültig loslegen zu können - z.B.:

In light of the recent findings of significantly higher numbers of desert tortoises than initially surveyed at the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System site, as well as the recent release of draft Eagle Conservation Plan Guidelines1, BLM should ensure that current and consistent surveying, monitoring, and reporting protocols are applied to all translocation and protection efforts.


General Comments
We suggest that BLM consider protecting non-developed portions of the Right-of-Way after final project approval. Some or all of the remaining acres within the Right-of-Way that the applicant has carefully chosen to avoid may now warrant protection from future development, particularly valuable sand dune habitat. We encourage BLM to consider such a land use policy modification through the development of the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP).  

20.07.11 22:26

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage Gaertnerin...Update on the Ridgecrest Solar Power Plant

von der anderen Seite betrachtet:

Hurray for the Little Guys!
Update on the Ridgecrest Solar Power Plant Project

I could also have titled this report “Creeping but Not Yet Dead” as the approval process for this ill-conceived project has slowed considerably since last spring. At that time, we thought recommendations would be made by both the BLM and the California Energy Commission (CEC) in time for final rulings by the end of this calendar year with construction to begin in 2011, if the project was approved.

However, once the CEC Staff Assessment/Draft Environmental Impact Report (SA/DEIR) was released in late March it became apparent that the CEC approval schedule would likely change (the BLM timetable was & remains different). This was due to the CEC staff’s findings that the biological resources of the proposed site could not be mitigated, nor could the visual impacts. This is the first time that CEC staff has made such an unequivocal finding for preserving a site and its intact, fully functioning ecosystem.

Their decision was based on the high number of Desert Tortoises of all ages and the functioning genetic corridor for Mojave Ground Squirrels. Of course neither of these species would thrive without high quality habitat. The Creosote Ring’s plant survey on April 17 showed just that. 23 participants helped to document the annual and perennial plant species found on the proposed RSPP site. 72 species from 25 plant families were observed, indicating a complex well-functioning ecosystem. Especially note-worthy were the existence of Winter Fat (Krascheninnikovia lanata) and Spiny Hop-Sage (Grayia spinosa), indicators of Mojave Ground Squirrel habitat and, perhaps more importantly, the occurrence of many preferred food plants for both juvenile and adult Desert Tortoises.

At the opening of the May 3-4 public workshops we were most pleased to hear Dick Anderson, CEC biologist, reference our plant list. Jane McEwen's terrific research documenting the preferred Desert Tortoise food plant observed bolstered CEC's position that this is a unique site. During the workshops Dave Hacker (CA Dept. Fish and Game) very strongly supported the need to preserve biological connectivity for the Mojave Ground Squirrel and Desert Tortoise as well. It was clear that the mitigation measures proposed by Solar Millennium do not meet the requirements of DFG & USFWS.

There are some other major issues with RSPP besides the biological and visual ones. The plan is to use trucked-in propane to keep the transfer fluid thin enough to work. We think that they have greatly underestimated how much propane they will need, as our fall-winter-spring air temps are lower than they have allowed for. This will increase the cost of generation, the carbon foot-print and traffic. Ridgecrest sits downwind of the site giving concerns about Valley Fever with the grading of such a large area (over 2000 acres). They claim mitigation will control 75% of the dust but that leaves 25% than can infect people. Valley Fever is not a fun disease.

Over the next weeks and months many excellent comment letters from both environmental organizations and private citizens were submitted to both the CEC & BLM ( Most have supported the position that this project would irreparably alter a biological treasure and should not be built. I wrote a detailed letter for CNPS. The Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake also wrote two letters expressing their considerable concerns.

Then on June 30, Solar Millennium requested a suspension of their application. They proposed conducting a 2-year survey to study connectivity issues for local populations of Mojave Ground Squirrels. This was approved by the CEC but the BLM approval process continues to move forward on its own timetable. After the July 8 mandatory status conference Solar Millennium realized that this request needed to be modified as it was perceived as “a complete halt to all activities.” Therefore on Aug. 8 Solar Millennium asked for the suspension to be changed to “a modification of … milestones.” We will have to wait to see what this really means.

However, since Solar Millennium has two other California sites (Blythe and Palen) moving through the approval process, they may be hoping that approval of one or both of them will give them additional monetary resources to put into Ridgecrest down the road. In the meantime, we should not be complacent, thinking that the little guys (Mojave Ground Squirrels) will do the heavy lifting for us. We must continue to monitor the CEC website for developments and maintain contacts with the excellent interveners. I am particularly grateful to two of them: Dan Burnett (Creosote Ring member and Kerncrest Audubon intervener) and Ileene Anderson (personal friend, Center for Biological Diversity biologist/intervener, and desert expert extraordinaire). My personal crash course in conservation work would have been far less successful without their generosity and dedication.

— Kathy LaShure

Return to Top  

20.07.11 22:56

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage GaertnerinCEC//Crossing the Finish Line...

wer bekommt was unter welchen Bedingungen -

California Energy Commission
American Reinvestment & Recovery Act
(ARRA) Solar Projects
Progress at the Energy Commission
Unplugged: The Renewable Energy Panel Speaker Series
September 29, 2010
Roger Johnson
California Energy Commission

Page 15
Crossing the Finish Line
• BLM issues Records of Decisions in a timely fashion that are
consistent with CEC Proposed Decisions
• CEC and BLM post-decision phase: For approved projects,
compliance with Conditions of Certification (CEC) and Right of
Way Grant Conditions (BLM)
• CPUC approval of Final Power Purchase Agreements
• CPUC and SCE have a credible transmission arrangement
• SCE and CAISO achieve all the necessary FERC approvals
• DOE loan guarantees secured
• Project Financing Closed
• Project owners meet substantial construction requirements
• ARRA cash grants are paid  

20.07.11 22:58

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage Gaertnerinalles gar nicht so einfach...


Non-conforming Pro Forma Large Generation Interconnection Agreements
Since the last regulatory report, FERC has issued orders conditionally accepting the remaining non-conforming pro forma large generation interconnection agreements that the ISO filed in December 2010 and January 2011 for projects seeking American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding. These include the PaloVerde II/Blythe Solar Power Project (ER11-2318), approved February 4, 2011; the Palen Solar Power project (ER11-2451), order issued on February 17, 2011; Mojave Solar 1 (ER11-2368), order issued on January 28, 2011; AV Solar Ranch (ER11-2572), order issued on
GC/S. Davies Page 10 of 21
February 17, 2011. FERC conditioned its orders on the outcome of a separate petition by Southern California Edison for abandoned plant approval and other incentives. FERC issued separator orders granting Edison’s petition on March 11, 2011, discussed below, and thereby addressing the condition.


20.07.11 23:39

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage GaertnerinDevers-Palo Verde No.2 Transmission Project

trotz allem geht es auch weiter weiter voran...    

Das neu aufzubauende Netz nimmt stückweise Form an.
Womöglich können erst jetzt neue Verträger geschlossen werden?!        
July 14, 2011 // BLM

Toward a safe, clean energy future:
The Devers-Palo Verde No. 2 Transmission Line Project will provide interconnection and electrical transmission for numerous solar energy facilities proposed for construction near Blythe, Calif.



The Devers-Palo Verde No.2 Transmission Project is one of the projects that will
help achieve the Administration and Interior initiative to make a rapid and responsible move to largescale production of renewable energy on public lands.

The State of California is working to achieve a 33% Renewable Portfolio Standard, which will require 15,000 – 20,000 MW of renewable energy by 2020.
The project provides significant upgrades (in the form of redundancy and new capacity) to the existing transmission infrastructure. In addition, it allows delivery of a reliable electricity supply – including the transmission of renewable energy – to meet these renewable energy goals.  

20.07.11 23:50

2110 Postings, 5938 Tage allegro7e chi ci capisce niente....rein in google und

drei übersätzen hin und er, nach der dritte mal aus 1 wird 3, aus zwei wird 1 und aus 3 wird zwei somit alles durcheinander....
Mein Deutsch so gelernt wie Man spricht, Schul und Sprachausbildung habe ich nur im Italienische sprache erhalten, daher wer mein Deutsch nicht gefällt hat Pech gehabt.

21.07.11 00:34

9237 Postings, 4973 Tage Gaertnerin@allegro7

auch ich verstehe wenig - das was ich aber verstehe, zeigt, so scheint mir, das wir unsere Projekte nicht isoliert und losgelöst vom restlichen Geschehen in Californien / USA sehen d 71 pdf Seiten von STA ans BLM von 2008, aber immer noch höchst aktuell!!  

22.07.11 11:56

101 Postings, 5641 Tage leo1dumm gelaufen?

Der Kursverlauf seit gestern Nachmittag läßt vermuten, dass die Analystenkonferenz nicht so gut (für S2M) war. Hat Jemand etwas darüber gehört?


22.07.11 12:10

954 Postings, 5052 Tage jochen-nbgleo

Ergebnisse würden mich auch mal interessieren.
Deine Einschätzung hinsichtlich des Kursverlaufs ist nicht korrekt; es hat sich nämlich an diesem nichts verändert.  

22.07.11 12:25

101 Postings, 5641 Tage leo1jochen-nbg

ist traurig genug


22.07.11 14:40

6951 Postings, 5326 Tage Neuer1Analystenkonferenz

ich nehme an, da gab es ein wohlwollendes blahblah mit schönen Bildern von den laufenden Objekten, etwas über Andasol3, etwas über Blythe und etwas über kurz vor dem Abschluss stehenden Verhandlungen mit Investoren.
Ich war lange genug im Vertrieb und habe ähnliche Veranstaltungen selbst erlebt und habe somit nicht viel erwartet.  Und Meldungen in denen steht, dass man mit div. Unternehmen
verhandelt und kurz vor dem Abschluss steht, die kann sich S2M doch ersparen.
Davon gehen die meisten doch aus. Oder?  

22.07.11 19:12

674 Postings, 5632 Tage RamsibauerLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 24.07.11 12:33
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Off-Topic - Pöbelei



22.07.11 19:43

954 Postings, 5052 Tage jochen-nbgRamsi

Wie kannst du nur so deine Zeit verschwenden ;-)  

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